Speciation of the Wandering Shrew Part 4

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_Sorex obscurus permiliensis_ Jackson, Proc. Biol. Soc.

Was.h.i.+ngton, 31:128, November 29, 1918.

_Type._--Adult male, skin and skull; No. 91048, U. S. Biol. Surv.

Coll.; obtained on October 2, 1897, by J. A. Loring from Permilia Lake, W base Mt. Jefferson, Cascade Range, Marion Co., Oregon.

_Range._--The Cascade Mountains of Oregon from Mt. Jefferson north to the Columbia River.

_Diagnosis._--Size medium for the species; average and extreme measurements of 14 specimens from the type locality are: total length, 117.7 (110-124); tail, 51.9 (45-58); hind foot, 14.0 (14-15). Pale reddish in summer, darker and brownish in winter.

_Comparisons._--For comparison with _S. v. bairdi_ see account of that subspecies. Larger than _S. v. setosus_ except tail relatively shorter. More reddish in summer pelage than _setosus_.

_Remarks._--_S. v. bairdi_ is larger in the southern part of its range than elsewhere. Specimens from McKenzie Bridge, herein referred to _yaquinae_, are intermediate in character between _yaquinae_ and _bairdi_ or between _yaquinae_ and _permiliensis_. The transition between _yaquinae_ and _bairdi_ is much more gradual than between _yaquinae_ and _permiliensis_.

_Specimens examined._--Total number, 21. OREGON: _Hood River Co._: Mt.

Hood, 2 BS. _Wasco Co._: Camas Prairie, E base Cascade Mts., SE Mt.

Hood, 1 BS. _Marion Co._: Detroit, 1 BS; type locality, 17 BS.

_Marginal Records._--OREGON: Mt. Hood; type locality; Detroit.

=Sorex vagrans setosus= Elliott

_Sorex setosus_ Elliott, Field Columb. Mus. Publ. 32, zool.

ser. 1:274, May 19, 1899.

_Sorex obscurus setosus_, Jackson, Proc. Biol. Soc.

Was.h.i.+ngton, 31:127, November 29, 1918.

_Type._--Adult male, skin and skull; No. 6213/238, Chicago Nat. Hist.

Mus.; obtained on August 18, 1898, by D. G. Elliott from Happy Lake, Olympic Mts., Clallam Co., Was.h.i.+ngton.

_Range._--Was.h.i.+ngton from the Cascades west; southwestern British Columbia west of 120 W Longitude north to Lund.

_Diagnosis._--Size medium for the species; average and extreme measurements of 20 specimens from the Olympic Mountains, Was.h.i.+ngton, are: total length, 117.3 (107-125); tail, 49.8 (41-54); hind foot, 13.4 (12-14). Color dark in both summer and winter.

_Comparisons._--For comparison with _permiliensis_ see account of that subspecies. Darker, longer-tailed, and somewhat larger cranially than _S. v. obscurus_ with which it intergrades in southwestern British Columbia. Smaller in all dimensions, but much the same color as _S. v.

longicauda_ with which it intergrades along the British Columbian coast north of Lund. Larger, darker, less reddish, and longer-tailed than the sympatric _S. v. vagrans_.

_Remarks._--_S. v. setosus_ lives mostly in forests. According to Dalquest (1948:139) it is commonest at high alt.i.tudes in western Was.h.i.+ngton. In the Hudsonian Life-zone where shrew habitat is more restricted and marginal than it is at lower alt.i.tudes in the humid part of Was.h.i.+ngton, _setosus_ might be expected to compete with _S. v.

vagrans_ and to supplant it. Records of occurrence in the Olympic Mountains suggest a degree of such separation there.

_Specimens examined._--Total number, 135.

BRITISH COLUMBIA: Lund, Malaspina Inlet, 4 BS; Gibson's Landing, 10 BS; Port Moody, 19 BS; Langley, 2 BS; Chilliwack, 1 BS; Manning Park, 2 PMBC.

WAs.h.i.+NGTON: _Whatcom Co._: Mt. Baker, 6 WSC; Barron, 1 BS. _Chelan Co._: Clovay Pa.s.s, 1 WSC; Stehekin, 6 (4 WSC, 2 BS); Cascade Tunnel, 1 WSC. _King Co._: Scenic, 1 WSC. _Kitt.i.tas Co._: Lake Kachess, 1 WSC; Easton, 10 BS. _Clallam Co._: 8 mi. W Sekin River, 1 WSC; mouth of Sekin River, 1 WSC; Clallam Bay, 1 CMNH; 7 mi. W Port Angeles, 1 WSC; Ozette Lake, 1 CMNH; 12 mi. S Port Angeles, 4 WSC; Forks, 1 CMNH; Deer Lake, 7 CMNH; Hoh Lake, 1 CMNH; Bogachiel Peak, 1 CMNH; Sol Duc Hot Springs, 3 CMNH; Sol Duc Park, 1 CMNH; Canyon Creek, 1 WSC; Sol Duc Divide, 2 WSC; Cat Creek, 2 WSC. _Jefferson Co._: Jackson Ranger Station, 1 CMNH; Mt. Kimta, 2 CMNH; Reflection Lake, 6 CMNH; Blue Glacier, 3 CMNH. _Gray's Harbor Co._: Westport, 1 WSC. _Pierce Co._: Fort Lewis, 1 FC; Mt. Rainier, 19 (16 BS, 3 WSC). _Pacific Co._: Tokeland, 2 BS. _Yakima Co._: Gotchen Creek, 3 WSC; Mt. Adams, 1 WSC.

_Skamania Co._: Mt. St. Helens, 1.

OREGON: _Hood River Co._: 2 mi. W Parkdale, 2 BS.

_Marginal Records._--BRITISH COLUMBIA: Rivers Inlet (Anderson, 1947:20); _Aga.s.siz_ (Jackson, 1928:136); Chilliwack Lake. WAs.h.i.+NGTON: Barron; Lyman Lake (Jackson, 1928:137); Mt. Stuart (Dalquest, 1948:141); Mt. Adams. OREGON: _2 mi. W Parkdale_. WAs.h.i.+NGTON: Ilwaco (Jackson, 1928:137); Lund, Malaspina Inlet.

=Sorex vagrans longicauda= Merriam

_Sorex obscurus longicauda_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 10:74, December 31, 1895.

_Type._--Adult male, skin and skull; No. 74711, U. S. Biol. Surv.

Coll.; obtained on September 9, 1895 by C. P. Streator, from Wrangell, Alaska.

_Range._--The British Columbian and Alaskan coasts from Rivers Inlet north to near Juneau and also certain islands including Etolin, Gravina, Revillagigedo, Sergeif, and Wrangell.

_Diagnosis._--Size medium for the species, tail relatively long; average and extreme measurements of 17 specimens from the type locality are: total length, 128.4 (122-138); tail, 57.8 (53-66); hind foot, 15.1 (14-16). Color dark in summer and winter.

_Comparisons._--For comparison with _S. v. setosus_ see account of that subspecies. Larger and darker than _S. v. obscurus_ with which it intergrades east of the humid coastal region; larger and darker than _S. v. alascensis_ with which it intergrades in the Lynn Ca.n.a.l area; larger and darker than _S. v. calvertensis_ which occurs on Calvert Island and Banks Island, British Columbia; differs from _S. v.

insularis_ of Smythe, Townsend, and Reginald islands in larger size and blackish rather than brown winter pelage; larger and relatively longer-tailed than _S. v. ela.s.sodon_ which occurs on most of the islands west of the range of _longicauda_; larger and relatively longer-tailed than _S. v. isolatus_.

_Specimens examined._--Total number, 151.

ALASKA: Wrangell, 54 BS; 8 AMNH; Crittenden Creek, 1 BS; Ketchikan, 2 BS; Loring, 11 BS.

BRITISH COLUMBIA: Port Simpson, 25 BS; Inverness, 15 BS; head of Rivers Inlet, 35 BS.

_Marginal Records._--BRITISH COLUMBIA: Great Glacier, Stikine River (Jackson, 1928:133). ALASKA: Burroughs Bay (_ibid._). BRITISH COLUMBIA: Bella Coola region (Anderson, 1947:19); head of Rivers Inlet; Spider Island (Cowan, 1941:101); Goose Island (Cowan, 1941:99); Princess Royal Island (Cowan, 1941:98); Pitt Island (_ibid._); Metlakatla (Jackson, 1928:133); Port Simpson. ALASKA: Gravina Island (_ibid._); Helm Bay (_ibid._); Etolin Island (_ibid._); Sergeif Island, mouth of Stikine River (_ibid._); Sumdum Village (_ibid._); Port Snettisham (_ibid._).

=Sorex vagrans mixtus= Hall

_Sorex obscurus mixtus_ Hall, American Nat., 72:462, September 10, 1938.

_Type._--Adult male, skin and skull; No. 70376, Mus. Vert. Zool.; obtained on May 4, 1936, by R. A. c.u.mming, from Vanada, Texada Island, Georgia Strait, British Columbia.

_Range._--Known only from the type locality.

_Diagnosis._--Size medium; average and extreme measurements of 5 specimens from the type locality are: total length, 111 (108-117); tail, 48 (44-49); hind foot, 12 (12-13) (Hall, 1938:463).

_Comparisons._--Color much as in _S. v. setosus_ or _S. v. isolatus_; palate longer than that of _isolatus_ or _setosus_; hind foot shorter than either; smaller than _S. v. longicauda_.

=Sorex vagrans isolatus= Jackson

_Sorex obscurus isolatus_ Jackson, Jour. Was.h.i.+ngton Acad.

Sci., 12:263, June 14, 1922.

_Type._--Adult male, skin and skull; No. 177719, U. S. Biol. Surv.

Coll.; obtained on May 21, 1911, by Alexander Wetmore from mouth of Millstone Creek, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

_Range._--Vancouver Island.

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