Chronicles Of The Warlands - Warlord Part 39

Chronicles Of The Warlands - Warlord -

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Then he stilled.

Dazed, I opened my eyes to look down at him. He looked back at me with those glittering blue eyes. My hair fell about us, creating our own private world.

"Claim me again, my Warprize," was all he said.

Challenged, I ground my hips down, and his eyes went wide for the second time that night. "Don't think I won't, my Warlord."

And so I did.

I awoke again, to the sounds of the Heart beating around us.

I was on my back, Keir's head on my chest. His arms were around me, his leg over both of mine. The

covers were warm and I was so very comfortable I didn't want to move. But the tent smelled of breakfast, or the nooning, and I was hungry. If I didn't wake Keir, the noises in my stomach would. I reached out to stroke his hair, thick and black. If I could get him to s.h.i.+ft a bit, I could slide out of the bed without waking him.

Keir lifted his head, and smiled. "I was listening to your heart beat."

I smiled back at him. "Wasn't last night proof enough?"

He s.h.i.+fted then, and kissed me, his mouth firm and gently on mine. I lost myself in him, responding to his

desire as the kiss grew warmer and wetter, making my own demands.

Breathless, we broke it off. Keir chuckled, and leaned back against the pillows, smug. "Never enough, my Warprize."

I arched an eyebrow. "Are you so sure I'll choose you at the ceremony? Other warlords courted me, you


Keir gave a soft snort. "Ultie is a loud-mouth, overbearing-""Arrogant, rude, stupid fool," I said serenely. "But Osa, on the other hand-"Keir growled.I laughed. "Not to mention Liam!""Liam?" Surprised, Keir sat up, letting the covers fall back. The cold air spilled over me. I s.h.i.+vered and grabbed for the blankets. "Liam courted you?"

"Not really," I a.s.sured him, tucking the blankets under my arms. Then I dropped my voice to a whisper.

"He wanted to know about Marcus."

We both looked instinctively at the tent flap, and then at each other. I leaned in closer to Keir. "Why

didn't you tell me about Marcus and Liam?"

Keir put a finger over my mouth and listened intently. Rea.s.sured, he pulled me closer. "What is there to

say, Lara? It is his story, and out of privacy and respect, how could I tell it?" Keir cautioned me, "Say nothing to him, or we'll eat raw meat and weak kavage for months."

"But what happened?"

"I served under Liam as Second," Keir answered. "When we returned to the Heart after Marcus was in


"Warlord," Marcus called.

We both gave a guilty start.

"Marcus?" Keir responded.

"A messenger, for the Warprize." From the sound of his voice, Marcus was at the main entrance to the

tent. Thank the G.o.ddess.

Keir frowned. "From?"

There were sounds then, some talk at a distance. The discussion ended, and I heard Marcus walk across

the main area. The flap opened and he stuck his head in. "From the Eldest Singer Essa." Marcus's voice betrayed his surprise, and he spoke softly. "He asks the Warprize for a healing."

Chapter 19.

The Heart of the Plains was pulsing madly as we walked to Essa's tent. People everywhere were striking tents, and packing loads on horses. I looked around in astonishment at what appeared to be chaos. Prest and Rafe were ahead of us, clearing a path. Ander and Yveni brought up the rear. Keir walked at my side, glaring at any that dared to get close.

"What is going on?' I asked.

"Preparations for the ceremony," Keir explained. "The area around the Council tent must be cleared."

"Who attends the ceremony?" I asked.

"Everyone," Keir answered.


I wanted to know more, but we were at Essa's tent. Rafe and Prest remained outside, and two warriors

opened the flap and welcomed us in.

I stepped in and blinked in surprise. The tent was filled with things, far more items than I'd ever seen in a Firelander tent before. It was a tent as large as Keir's but it was packed to the top. Weapons, armor, s.h.i.+elds, fabrics, pillows, trunks that seemed to contain all kinds of trinkets and bowls. It reminded me of

my Great Aunt Xydella, who could never throw anything away. There was barely room to move about, much less for company.

Essa was reclining on a platform, surrounded by pillows. On a stool close by, sat Wild Winds. They both

stiffened when Keir entered behind me. "I asked for the Warprize," Essa snapped.

"You get both of us," Keir growled. "Or no one."

Wild Winds said nothing. I stepped forward, taking my satchel strap off over my head. "I am here, Eldest

Singer. How can I help you?"

Essa and Wild Winds exchanged quick glances, then Essa licked his lips. "I would ask for a healing, Warprize. The use of your skills on an injury."

I nodded. "Of course. I'm more than willing to help you."

Essa cleared his throat. "I would ask for this healing under the bells."

I raised an eyebrow, and exchanged a glance with Keir. He was frowning, but said nothing, so I nodded.

"That is the Xyian way."

"I would ask that Wild Winds watch your healing," Essa continued.

Before I could answer, Keir chimed in. "You die first."

"Keir," I broke in, trying to ease tensions, but Keir was having none of it.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight or reach." Keir crossed his arms over his chest.

Wild Winds stood, slowly. "I will protect the Warprize with my life." We both looked at him, shocked.

He shook his staff so that the skulls tied there rattled. "I may not accept her ways, but she is a Warprize of the Plains, as confirmed by the Council of Elders." He leaned a bit, using the staff with both hands for support. "I will take the oaths during the ceremony, and I will see that no harm comes to her."

Essa spoke then. "This does not mean he supports you. You understand? But I told him that I intended to ask for aid, and he asked to watch. I agreed." Essa s.h.i.+fted on the pillows. "Will you allow this, Keir of the Cat?"

Keir's face was bland, but I could see the storm in his eyes. After a long moment, he turned to me.


"My oaths require that I treat any that ask it of me," I responded. "You are my Warlord, Keir of the Cat.

I respect that you are concerned for my safety. Please respect my oaths in return. Besides," I smiled at him, "it's a tent. If I so much as breathe hard, you will slash your way to my side."

He gave me a look then, an unhappy look, to be sure. But I raised my eyebrows at him, and the corners

of his eyes crinkled. "Very well. As my Warprize requests."

Essa struggled to his feet. "Please refrain from slas.h.i.+ng your way through my tent, Warlord." He walked toward what must be his sleeping area. "This way, Warprize."

I picked up my satchel, and followed, with Wild Winds bringing up the rear. We went into a sleeping area that was as large as Keir's, if not larger. This area, too, was crammed with more items, odd looking drums, leather hangings, trunks with clothing spilling out. I wondered how he managed to have all these things and still wander the Plains?

Essa sank down on to the bed with a sigh. Wild Winds was tying bells into the flap. Essa looked at me, and gave me a weary smile. "I confess, I thought you would refuse."

"After all this?" I responded gently. "How could I?" I placed my satchel on the floor, almost afraid I'd lose it in the clutter. "Now, where are you hurt?"

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Chronicles Of The Warlands - Warlord Part 39 summary

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