Ashes - Ambush In The Ashes Part 34

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"To face a very uncertain future," Ben said. "Her masters might not condone failure."

Lamar sighed. "Her masters. Interesting phrase, Ben. Whatever happened to the old Democratic party that my parents belonged to?"

"It died when the left wing took over."

"I guess it did, Ben," the doctor replied. "h.e.l.l, I know it did. I saw it happening, you saw it happening. Why did so many intelligent people continue to vote them in?"

"Something for nothing, Lamar. No cares, no worries, no woes. Big Brother will take care of any little problem you might have. Hungry? The state will feed you and don't worry about working. Just be sure and vote along party lines. That's all we ask. A subtle form of civilized communism, you might call it. The state is almost everything to everybody all the time. h.e.l.l, n.o.body has to make any choices. The state does it for you. n.o.body controls their own destiny. The state controls it. n.o.body has to think very much. The state does all the thinking for you. You're right, Lamar. Many of us saw it coming, but couldn't do a d.a.m.n thing about it."

"They'll be coming after the SUSA next.""Eventually, yes, I think they will. And they will be able to overrun us by sheer weight of numbers. But when I see the end is near for us, I will give the orders to leave North America a smoldering ash heap. And 294.

out of the ashes the strong will emerge and start all over. The Tri-States philosophy of government will never die, Lamar. Too many of us have seen that it works. Millions now see that a very limited form of government is the best form of government. No, Lamar, the philosophy we started will never die."

Lamar was silent for a moment. He finally sighed and said, "A smoldering ash heap, eh?"

"That's right, Lamar. MAD. Mutually a.s.sured Destruction. The liberals don't think I'll do it." He smiled faintly. "They don't know me very well. Because I will personally press the b.u.t.ton that lets the birds fly. I will never allow our people to be forced to return to that degenerate, immoral, irresponsible, and undisciplined do-your-own-thing-if-it-feels-good form of government. We've proven over the years that millions and millions of good decent hardworking people don't want it, and I'll be d.a.m.ned if they'll have to live under it against their will. Not again. Never again."

"Seems as though I heard a form of this same little speech from you about a decade ago, Raines," Lamar said with a smile.

Ben smiled. "I guess you did, Lamar. I think we were standing outside the ruins of an American city."

"That we were." The doctor cleared his throat. "Well, I've got work to do. I can't spend the rest of the day standing around listening to your speeches. See you later, Raines."

"All right, Lamar. Corrie, double the guards tonight. Tell them to stay heads-up. Tomorrow, we'll get the h.e.l.l gone from this place. Early."

"Right, boss."

Ben walked off a few yards to stand by himself for a moment, as much alone with his thoughts as he was ever allowed to be.


"There's gonna be a civil war back home," Cooper said. "Again."

"I think you're right, Coop," Jersey replied. "I think the folks back home are looking at one. And it's just around the corner."


Ben was alone in his tent, working at his field desk, the gas light bright against the darkness. Jersey and the others were outside, chatting with some Rebels from the 4th Battalion who had walked by. He heard an odd noise and let his right hand close around the b.u.t.t of the 9mm Beretta on the desk. He turned just as Paula Preston was stepping through the slash she had made in the rear of the tent. Her eyes were wild and her left arm was a b.l.o.o.d.y mess."You're pretty good to get past the guards, Paula. Either that or awfully lucky."

She grunted at him and s...o...b..r leaked from her mouth.

"Well," Ben said, "so much for Chase's theory about it not being fatal.

Some of the mob got to you, huh, Paula?"

She shook her head. "No," she managed to speak. "I got caught during . .

." She grunted and for a moment. ". . . No. Can't think clearly. I found a wrecked helicopter outside Jega. A canister. I opened it. Very stupid of me. It was the bug. Spilled on me. I thought for a time ..." She coughed up blood and pus and yellow s...o...b..r and fought for breath. "... I might be immune. About two hours ago I knew I was dying.



But I had . . . one thing to do before I died." She lifted the knife.

"Kill me?" Ben asked with a smile.

She and nodded her head. "That's right."

"You'll never do it, Paula."

"We'll see."

"You hate me that much?"

"The country . . . must be made whole again. Under a central government."

"h.e.l.l, Paula, killing me won't accomplish that. The philosophy is too firmly entrenched now. So why don't you just be a good girl and go on back out into the bush and expire quietly?"

She screamed and jumped. Ben lifted the pistol and put a half a dozen rounds into her chest, throat, and face. Paula fell to the floor, dead a few feet from his boots.

Jersey and the others burst into the tent. "Jesus," Jersey said.

"How the h.e.l.l did she get in here?" Cooper questioned.

"She got lucky," Ben said. "Check outside and see about the guards. She might have killed one."

"What do you want done with the body?" Anna asked, just as Dr. Chase jerked back the flap of the tent and stepped in.

"Dump it in the pit with the others," Ben said. "And get some room deodorizer and spray around, will you? Stinks in here."

The miles-long column headed south, toward Minna, about two hundred miles away. There was an airport of sorts there, and at Minna, Ben would be rid of the reporters. They were grumbling and griping about being sent back, but they were not doing it to Ben's face.

298Ben had told them about Paula, but he doubted that many believed him.

Not that he really gave a d.a.m.n whether they did or not.

Ben had ordered the Scouts not to venture too far, now that those infected were returning in droves to the towns and cities. Too much risk involved for them.

"Why didn't they attack the Scouts when they were ranging out a hundred or so miles from us?" Cooper asked, as they drove along.

"I don't know, Coop. Maybe those infected were still hiding in the bush.

I just don't know."

"Pride of lions crossing the road," the Scout's voice came through the speakers. "Slow it up. They aren't in any hurry to get across. h.e.l.l, one just sat down in the road to scratch himself. Big b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Halt the column."

"It's their country, now," Ben said. "That's about the only good thing to come out of this tragedy."

"Look over there!" Anna said, pointing. "That's an elephant! There's several of them!"

"They're just ambling along," Jersey said. "Without a care in the world."

"Let's just hope we don't run into an irritated rhino," Ben said.

"That'll really make your day."

"Are there any in this area?" Corrie asked.

"There probably are now. Animals can recover quickly if given just half a chance."

"Okay," the Scout's voice came through the speakers. "He scratched himself and wandered on."

Ben lifted his mic. "How close did you get?"

"Not too d.a.m.n close, sir. This was a big pride. We watched them through binoculars."

Laughing, Ben hung the mic just as Cooper moved out.

"There are gorillas in this country, too," Beth told them, reading out of an old tourist pamphlet. "In the southeastern part of the country."


"Oh, boy!" Coop said. "I want to see one of them."

"Odds are you won't, Coop," Ben said. "They're secretive animals, staying mosdy in the thick forests and high country. But on the off chance that you do come face to face with a silverback, don't run. Just stand very still."

"While the pee runs down his leg," Jersey said.

"Probably," Cooper agreed without argument."They'll chase you if you run?" Anna asked.

"So I've always heard. And usually catch you."

"Village just up ahead," the Scouts reported. "And there are more of those d.a.m.n crazy people waiting for us."

Ben lifted die mic. "Everybody b.u.t.ton up tight," he ordered. "We're going to roll right through this village and n.o.body stops for anydiing.

If diey get in your way, run over them." He hooked die mic and said, "s.h.i.+t! It's going to be a long trip down to Bruno's batde lines. Hang on, gang, here we go!"

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Ashes - Ambush In The Ashes Part 34 summary

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