Tricked Part 5

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And, like, gang-tackle me.

I felt a slight spell of vertigo as the enormity of what I'd done hit me. I wept silently behind my hands for Mrs. MacDonagh, for Leif, for Gunnar, for Vainamoinen, for the Norse, and for the untold suffering to come because of my bad decisions. Druids were supposed to be forces of preservation, not destruction, and I could not dance around the fact that my stupid pride had turned me into a misbegotten c.o.c.kwaffle. of my bad decisions. Druids were supposed to be forces of preservation, not destruction, and I could not dance around the fact that my stupid pride had turned me into a misbegotten c.o.c.kwaffle.

Granuaile squatted down next to me and put a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Well, clearly she didn't like what you had to say about that," she said.

"Just checkin' here," Frank said, his voice thick. "Geologists don't normally get invited to help destroy the world, do they?"

Behind my hands, I shook my head. "No," I said. "No, they don't." I pressed my tears away with my palms and then dropped them to my lap. "But don't ask me who or what I really am right now. I'm supposed to be dead."

"Well, it seems to be a day for dead people to be walkin' around," Frank said. "And disintegratin'." He pointed over to the draugr draugr bodies, which were turning into ash and mixing with the dust of the plateau. bodies, which were turning into ash and mixing with the dust of the plateau.

"What was the deal with that freaky knife she had?" Coyote wondered aloud.

"It's called Famine. She said the next thing she cut with it wouldn't rest until it had eaten me."

"Ew," Granuaile said.

Oberon tried to cheer me up. I'm going to give her a point for originality. "Druid: It's what's for dinner!" But then I'm going to take away three million points for how she smelled.

Frank Chischilly narrowed his eyes. "Did she say if it works on only one thing or on as many things as she cuts with it?"

"That's a pretty specific question. Why do you ask?"

"Because there's a couple of skinwalkers livin' north of here. She's headed right for 'em."

What's a skinwalker? Oberon asked.

Granuaile scrunched up her face. "Aren't they shape-s.h.i.+fters of some kind? They use an animal skin?"

Chischilly nodded. "They have to use a different skin for each shape. They keep to themselves mostly, unless you invade their territory."

"You say there's two nearby?" I asked.

"Up past the ranches a few miles thataway." He pointed in the direction Hel had gone.

I s.h.i.+fted my gaze and glared at Coyote. "So I guess I know why you're so anxious to have the mine here," I said. "Its primary qualification isn't the proximity to Kayenta's workforce; it's the proximity to the skinwalkers. You figured I'd take care of them for you once they show up to defend their territory."

Coyote shrugged, not bothering to deny it. "I can't go after 'em myself. If they killed me, then they'd just be that much more powerful."

Frank Chischilly frowned, clearly not understanding how killing a man could make the skinwalkers more powerful. But I understood. Skinwalkers can't use a man's skin-they already have their own. Coyote wasn't a man, though, and that's what Frank hadn't quite figured out yet: Coyote was one of the First People, and whenever he died he always left his remnants behind. If the skinwalkers got hold of a Coyote skin, as opposed to a regular coyote skin, there was no telling what kind of shredding they could do with his power. And the Morrigan, I noted, had been right about thrice-cursed trickster G.o.ds. They were torrential f.u.c.ksluices spraying their happy juices on the innocent and the d.a.m.ned alike.

To distract the hataaii hataaii from asking an uncomfortable question of Coyote, I asked him one instead: "How would you handle a skinwalker, Frank?" from asking an uncomfortable question of Coyote, I asked him one instead: "How would you handle a skinwalker, Frank?"

He was so surprised by the question that he started to chuckle, and that morphed into a hacking cough. When the fit pa.s.sed, he said, "You can't handle 'em. Just protect against 'em and wait for dawn." the fit pa.s.sed, he said, "You can't handle 'em. Just protect against 'em and wait for dawn."

That made them sound like vampires. "They can't be killed?"

Frank hawked up something green and spat on the ground. "Maybe they can, but I never heard of anyone pulling it off. Least not by any normal way you'd kill a man. They're wicked fast."

Granuaile asked, "They only come out at night?"

"Usually. Sunlight won't kill 'em, but they sure don't like it much."

"So you've run into them before. You have personal experience."

Frank nodded. "Long time ago."

"How'd you deal with that one?"

"We reversed a curse on it. We never woulda stood a chance otherwise. But it shot a bone bead into someone and then came back to make sure it was working the next night. We got it then, when it was standing still."

I squinted at him. "Got it how?"

"Shot it with the same bead. The bead was cursed. They're basically witches, and if you know how they worked a spell on someone, you can probably turn it back against them. These two ain't like the ones I've seen in the past, though. They don't use ceremonial magic. They just physically punish people. Can't fight back against 'em that way."

"Well, if they tend to come out at night, we'd better get inside before sundown."

"Yep," the hataaii hataaii agreed, and then he patted his chest as Coyote helped him stand. "d.a.m.n. Where'd my bolo tie go?" he said. agreed, and then he patted his chest as Coyote helped him stand. "d.a.m.n. Where'd my bolo tie go?" he said.

"It kind of popped off and sailed away over there," Coyote said, pointing.

As everyone looked around uncertainly, I shot a quick thought to my hound.

Oberon, think you can find it and bring it to me?

Sure thing! Blue rock. I can do blue. He trotted off in the direction of the turquoise's last known trajectory.

I rose from the ground and retrieved Moralltach, but Frank stopped me before I could take a step back toward the hogan site. "Whatever you are, Mr. Collins-if that's your name-I get the feeling that you were brought here as Plan B." His eyes s.h.i.+fted to indicate Coyote. "Except now you're Plan A."

I favored Coyote with another glare. "Yeah, the plan is sort of revealing itself to me as we go," I said. "How many of the others are in on this plan, Frank?"

"Oh, you mean Darren and Sophie and everybody? They all know about the skinwalkers."

"d.a.m.n it, Frank," Coyote grated softly.

"What? He wasn't supposed to know? Then why's he here?"

"Too late now. Tell me everything," I said.

"Well, Mr. Benally says we're buildin' a mine and stuff, but we're also baiting the skinwalkers with where we're buildin' it. Not everyone believes in them, you know. Lot o' people think they're just myths-I mean a lot o' the Dine who buy into the idea that there ain't nothin' in the world but science. And they also think I'm crazy and oughtta be locked up for sayin' they're real. But Mr. Benally believes me, and so does Sophie and the rest of this crew. What about you, Mr. Collins? Would you be willing to believe in skinwalkers?"

"Yeah, I'd be willing to believe most any monster is real-or was real at some point."

"Yeah, I figured," Frank said. "Guy who talks to Norse G.o.ddesses oughtta believe in a monster or two."

"I'm going to stop at the car for a minute. Meet you up at the site," I told Frank. He waved and started up to the mesa, but I held Coyote behind with my eyes.

"You, sir," I said, "have all the dignity of a badger with the clap. Shark s.h.i.+t has more fiber than you. I'm going to tie you nuts-first to a monkey's cage and make a mix tape of the resulting noise. Then I'm going to take a bag of marshmallows and a pair of granny panties and-" with the clap. Shark s.h.i.+t has more fiber than you. I'm going to tie you nuts-first to a monkey's cage and make a mix tape of the resulting noise. Then I'm going to take a bag of marshmallows and a pair of granny panties and-"

Coyote held up his hands in surrender and spoke in low tones to prevent the departing Frank from overhearing. "I hear ya, Mr. Druid, but, look, it really don't make any differ'nce. You wanted to make a trade and you agreed to the terms."

"I didn't agree to kill any skinwalkers for you."

"And Frank didn't agree to kill those blue-skinned zombie things."

"No, but I didn't lead Frank here to confront them either. Don't expect me to give you any bonus services. The skinwalkers are your problem."

Coyote chuckled. "Well, they might be your problem now too, if that G.o.ddess o' death takes her knife to 'em. Can't blame me for that, Mr. Druid. She didn't show up here at my invitation with her hungry silverware."

Oberon returned with Frank's turquoise in his mouth. One s...o...b..ry stone, he said. Will you be paying Treat on Delivery today?

"Thanks, Oberon," I said, wiping the turquoise off on my jeans. "Let's go see if we can find you one in the car." I turned my back on Coyote without saying another word. He didn't want to know what I was going to do with those granny panties.

Surprisingly, Granuaile did. "Sensei, what were you going to do with those marshmallows and panties?" she whispered as we walked together. "I mean, I'm sure it had to be dire, but it just didn't sound as threatening as the potential havoc a monkey could wreak on his sack."

"There was more to that recipe," I admitted. "He cut me off before I could get to the Icy Hot and the gopher snake."

"Ew. What would you do with that?"

"I will leave it to you as an exercise."

I decided it would be best to keep Moralltach on me from now on. It wouldn't be conducive to maintaining the fiction that I was nothing but a geologist, but that wasn't much of a priority now, if it ever was. Frank and the rest of them could think whatever they liked about me; they'd never guess the truth.

Of more concern to me was who Hel might talk to now that she'd discovered the slayer of the Norns in Arizona a couple of days after said slayer was supposed to have died. My elaborate attempt to disappear through faking my death would all come to naught if Hel spread it around that I was still walking the earth. She needed to be faked out as well-or eliminated. But trying to invade Niflheim to take on Hel in her home territory didn't sound like a win to me. She'd have a nearly infinite supply of draugar draugar at her command, a moon-devouring wolf hiding in her bas.e.m.e.nt and itching for action, and the original Helhound, Garm, would probably consider me to be a light snack. at her command, a moon-devouring wolf hiding in her bas.e.m.e.nt and itching for action, and the original Helhound, Garm, would probably consider me to be a light snack.

Retrieving the scabbard from Granuaile's trunk, I sheathed Moralltach and slung it over my back, fastening the leather strap across my chest. I fished out a treat for Oberon before I closed the trunk and tossed it into his mouth.

Hey, Atticus. Do you automatically feel more like a bada.s.s with a sword strapped across your back? Oberon asked. Using the new road, the three of us began to walk up to the proposed mine site.

I paused to think about it. Well, I suppose I do Well, I suppose I do, I replied.

A sword wouldn't do me much good, Oberon reflected sadly. But if I had one of those shoulder-mounted rocket launchers that Predators have, I'd feel much better. Can you get me one of those?

Your shoulders aren't wide enough, I explained.

Mount it on my back. When I want to fire, I'll lower my head.

Hmm. That sounds plausible. It would require a rather elaborate harness, though. Would the discomfort be worth it?

Of course it would! There is always a price to pay for bada.s.sery. Neo was a bada.s.s in The Matrix The Matrix and and The Matrix Reloaded The Matrix Reloaded, but the price he had to pay was The Matrix Revolutions The Matrix Revolutions. Still, the benefits outweighed the drawbacks, and I hypothesize that would also be the case here. Think of what I could do to those insufferable cats that prowl on top of fences and taunt dogs worldwide! For the price of some discomfort and chafing, I'd be a legendary canine hero!

Yes, Oberon, I imagine you would, but, unfortunately, those rocket launchers exist only as props and CGI.

Aww. You could have said so at first. I was getting my hopes up and then you ruthlessly smooshed them.

Hound 4, Druid 2, I said, glad to finally score a solid point.

Hey, wait! I won yesterday!

You didn't call it, so the game continues.

Fine. I'm calling it tonight and you're going to owe me a porterhouse.

The workers on the mesa noticed the sword, and so did Darren and Sophie, but no one said anything about it; they were too polite.

Asking Oberon to stand sentinel outside, I entered the hogan with Granuaile to survey the interior. Hogans are not particularly large buildings, only about 250 square feet inside, but they're important to ceremonial life and thus crucial to the beginnings of large enterprises like this one. This hogan was one of the more modern plans, built in an octagonal shape; the walls were fairly free of gaps, since they were constructed with precut logs, and the roof was a latticework of beams covered over with black plastic sheeting at this point, a four-plane design. Tomorrow the roof would be finished and covered with mud, insulating it well, and the exterior walls would be covered too. I thought it interesting that this particular hogan included no windows; circulation came solely from the door and the round chimney built at the meeting of the various beams. In the center of the floor was a fire pit, and Frank Chischilly was hunched down over it, tending a small fire. Lava rocks were arranged closely around it, and Frank had sprinkled some herbs on them. The burning herbs sent fingers of fragrant white smoke up through the chimney. the roof was a latticework of beams covered over with black plastic sheeting at this point, a four-plane design. Tomorrow the roof would be finished and covered with mud, insulating it well, and the exterior walls would be covered too. I thought it interesting that this particular hogan included no windows; circulation came solely from the door and the round chimney built at the meeting of the various beams. In the center of the floor was a fire pit, and Frank Chischilly was hunched down over it, tending a small fire. Lava rocks were arranged closely around it, and Frank had sprinkled some herbs on them. The burning herbs sent fingers of fragrant white smoke up through the chimney.

He shot a glance up at me and then spoke to Granuaile. "We're going to stay in here tonight," he said. "Safer that way."

Granuaile noted the profound lack of facilities. "Guess I'd better visit the privy before sundown, then."

"Yep. We'll be startin' the sing as soon as everyone's ready."

"Anything I can do to help?" she asked.

Frank's eyes flicked over to me. "Well, if you happen to know any way to keep out or repel evil spirits," he said, perfectly serious, "that would be helpful."

That was an interesting challenge. "What kind of evil?" I asked, not knowing precisely what to ward against.

Frank stared at me in disbelief and then spat into the pit before asking, "Ain't there only one kind?"

"No, there's all kinds of evil, just like there's all kinds of good. What I need to know is where the source is. We're not dealing with the Christian h.e.l.l here or rakshasas rakshasas from the Vedic planes. Where is the evil coming from? This plane or somewhere else?" from the Vedic planes. Where is the evil coming from? This plane or somewhere else?"

"Oh, I see what you mean now. The spirits come from First World."

"That's Black World, right?" I asked. I knew some of the basics of the Navajo faith, but I was by no means an expert. Their creation story follows the Emergence pattern, where people emerge into this world after climbing through several subterranean levels, evolving as they go. According to what little I knew, our plane is Fourth World, which is sometimes called Glittering World or White World. Granuaile appeared lost but didn't interrupt to ask.

"Yep, that's Black World," Frank said.

"How'd they get all the way up here?" I wondered.

"Answer to that depends on who you ask. You want my guess?"


"I think they been here all along, since the world was first bein' made. We know that monsters an' spirits from the lower worlds came here to Fourth World in the beginning. But Changing Woman sent her sons, Monster Slayer and Child-Born-of-Water, to kill 'em all. I think they got most of the monsters-they left old age, hunger, cold, and poverty behind on purpose."

"Ah, but they didn't take care of all the spirits, right?"

"Right. Those spirits from First World, they were spirits of the air, but mostly ornery insects-angry beetles, ants, locusts, dragonflies, and the like. They got kicked out of all the other worlds for fightin' all the time, always wantin' to dominate someone else. Most of 'em got turned into real bugs, but some didn't and remained spirits. And the way I figure it is, when a soul turns as black as Black World, these old spirits find them a comfortin' touch of home, and if they're called to move in, they will. That's what a skinwalker is: a mean a.s.shole with a meaner spirit squatting inside."

I've run into some of those at the dog park, Oberon said. They're usually attached to Chihuahuas.

"Hmm. All right, I've never dealt with anything like this before, but I'll see what I can do."

The hataaii hataaii didn't say anything, merely nodded and turned his attention back to the fire. Granuaile and I exited and rejoined Oberon outside. We walked off a short distance and spoke in low tones so that no one could hear, save perhaps Oberon. didn't say anything, merely nodded and turned his attention back to the fire. Granuaile and I exited and rejoined Oberon outside. We walked off a short distance and spoke in low tones so that no one could hear, save perhaps Oberon.

"You have a way of warding against skinwalkers, sensei?" Granuaile asked.

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Tricked Part 5 summary

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