Tricked Part 8

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Frank let that feeling settle in and get comfortable before he said anything. "They'll be back. If not tonight, then tomorrow." That caused some restless s.h.i.+fting of feet. "An' if you're thinkin' you might call in sick tomorrow, think about it again. This project here can't fail. It ain't just your job at stake, it's everyone's. Besides, that man out there woulda wanted us to finish. An' you know we can finish it right." The workers all nodded solemnly, Sophie choked back a sob, and Frank led them in a new song. fail. It ain't just your job at stake, it's everyone's. Besides, that man out there woulda wanted us to finish. An' you know we can finish it right." The workers all nodded solemnly, Sophie choked back a sob, and Frank led them in a new song.

Granuaile shot a querying glance in my direction. "That man?" "That man?" she whispered. she whispered.

I replied in the same low tones. "He's talking about the construction foreman. The one the skinwalkers killed."

"You mean Dar-"

"Shh!" I held up a hand to stop her. "Some cultures, including Navajos, don't speak the names of the dead."

Granuaile checked to see if our murmured conversation was being overheard. "Why not?"

"The reason varies from culture to culture. But with the Navajos, they don't want to attract the ghost of the man by calling his name. They call the ghosts ch'dii ch'dii, and they're not benevolent. You take all the bile and discord and unrest a person has inside of them, every evil thought and all the impulses they repress during their life, and that's what escapes upon death to become a ch'dii ch'dii."

"Ew. Those things are just floating around?"

"Well, they disperse if nothing keeps them here. But they have to be in the open to do that. When someone dies inside a hogan, no one will live there anymore, unless it gets blessed and renewed."

"Oh, because it's haunted? Things that go in the night? Like poltergeists and such?"

"No, nothing like that. Ch'dii Ch'dii can make you sick with their malevolence. They call it ghost sickness or corpse sickness. Skinwalkers use it, actually, to kill people." can make you sick with their malevolence. They call it ghost sickness or corpse sickness. Skinwalkers use it, actually, to kill people."

"How do they do that?"

"You heard Frank tell me he reversed a curse on a skinwalker long ago by shooting a bone bead into it?"


"Well, what they're really doing by shooting pieces of bone into you is inviting a ch'dii ch'dii into your body. into your body. Ch'dii Ch'dii linger around the bodies, see; they're anch.o.r.ed to them until they have a chance to disperse. So if you're shot with a piece of a corpse, you'll get corpse sickness and die. And there are stories about witches sneaking up to hogans and dumping corpse powder down chimneys-that's ground-up bones mixed with ash. Everyone inside breathes it in, and the family is wiped out. That's all part of the Witchery Way." linger around the bodies, see; they're anch.o.r.ed to them until they have a chance to disperse. So if you're shot with a piece of a corpse, you'll get corpse sickness and die. And there are stories about witches sneaking up to hogans and dumping corpse powder down chimneys-that's ground-up bones mixed with ash. Everyone inside breathes it in, and the family is wiped out. That's all part of the Witchery Way."

"That is some seriously evil s.h.i.+t," Granuaile said. "Are these witches like you're used to in Europe?"

"No, the Navajo witches are mostly men. And what they're doing is inverting the wholesome rituals of the Blessing Way-they'll make their paintings using ash instead of sand, for example. It's similar to conducting the Black Ma.s.s."

Granuaile frowned. "I'm starting to see why you don't like witches."

"Yeah. I keep hearing that there are good ones out there, but I haven't met any, with the possible exception of Malina's coven."

"Have you ever seen a ch'dii ch'dii? I mean in the magical spectrum?"

"No, I've never had occasion to."

She looked down at the ground and said quietly, "Guess you'll have a chance in the morning."

Chapter 9

Most of us managed to get three or four hours' sleep once the skinwalkers were gone. Frank called a temporary halt to the ceremony and told us to get some rest. My sleep was plagued by troubling dreams of shapeless, smoky demons that never felt the bite of my sword but whose claws and teeth found ample purchase on my skin. They were like congealed darkness, and I could neither bind them in place nor unbind their substance-for how does one control an absence of light?

Once dawn arrived, the Navajos greeted the sun-a tradition that stems from their belief that the G.o.ds rise with the sun, and the reason that hogan doors always face east-and we went to see what happened to Darren.

We found him lying on the road, torn from his truck and his body savaged by the skinwalkers. His blood had sunk into the earth, red dust made doubly red. Down the hill, north of the road, Darren's truck was a mess of crumpled metal and shattered gla.s.s.

Sophie Betsuie lost her composure and returned to the hogan, crying. She was beating herself up with a club made out of the words if only if only, and I knew what it felt like. If only I hadn't done this. If only someone else hadn't done that. I hoped she would learn sooner, rather than later, that you can't unchoose anyone's choices, least of all your own. All you can do with your past is try to grow out of it. least of all your own. All you can do with your past is try to grow out of it.

Darren's crew gave the body a wide berth as they walked down to their trucks, some of them already talking on cell phones, calling the police and perhaps family members.

"Can you see it?" Granuaile asked, one hand absently petting Oberon. "The ch'dii ch'dii?"

"Let me check." I flipped on my faerie specs and looked at the s.p.a.ce above Darren's body. What I saw made me shudder. It reminded me uncomfortably of my dreams.

"Atticus, what is it? Can you see it?"

"Yeah. Sit down, I'll bind your sight to mine."

She sat cross-legged on the ground next to Oberon, and I concentrated on her aura until I could isolate the threads of her consciousness. Choosing the ones that represented her sight, I bound them to mine, and she breathed in sharply as her vision was wrenched from her perspective to mine. Then she scrambled backward, crablike, once she saw the ch'dii ch'dii.

"Gah! That thing-it looks evil!" she cried.

"I know," I said. An inky cloud-funnel-shaped and with a pair of pale, blank eyes that faced us consistently-swirled counterclockwise over Darren's body. It was unnerving to see such steady regard in the midst of that restless motion.

"But he seemed like such a nice guy," Granuaile said. "How could that have been inside him?"

"We all have our dark sides."

"You mean I have something like that inside me? That will float above my body when I die?"

"Not unless you believe it will. That which is immortal in us all must express itself somehow when we die. He believed in ch'dii ch'dii, and thus you see it here."

"That is so f.u.c.ked up."

"Eh, let's not be so quick to judge. It's not that bad. The way he saw it-the way the Navajos see it-the good parts of him were already in harmony with the universe, see? Much of their spiritual lives are spent trying to achieve that which is hozh hozh, or spiritually balanced and beautiful-and isn't that what we all want, regardless of what we call it? This remnant is nothing but the shadow of his baser nature. Contrast that with some people who send their entire souls to a plane where they are tortured and burned for eternity. You could judge that if you wanted, but it would be nothing compared to how they judged themselves."

Granuaile sat in silence for a while, digesting this. She'd never confronted anything so concrete in her philosophy Frank Chischilly came over and stood next to her but didn't say anything. He could see we were studying Darren's body. When next she spoke, Granuaile's voice was sad and subdued. "What are we going to do about him?"

"You're going to sit there," I replied. "I am going to see if I can help this ch'dii ch'dii disperse a bit quicker, send him on to his peace. We cannot wait for it to disperse on its own-I don't know the half-life of things like this, anyway." disperse a bit quicker, send him on to his peace. We cannot wait for it to disperse on its own-I don't know the half-life of things like this, anyway."

"What? Hey," Frank protested, spurred to speech by my intrusion on his territory. "You can see the ch'dii ch'dii?"

Granuaile spoke over him. "You're going to unbind it somehow?"

"Not with any spell. I'm merely going to give it a taste of cold iron." I took a few steps forward and the ch'dii ch'dii s.h.i.+fted, eyeing my approach. s.h.i.+fted, eyeing my approach.

"Hey, Mr. Collins, you'd better not get too close. Don't touch him," Frank warned. "If you do, the ch'dii ch'dii might take it as an invitation to enter your body." might take it as an invitation to enter your body."

"I won't," I a.s.sured him. Careful not to touch Darren's body at all, I extended my fist directly toward the ch'dii ch'dii. The blank white eyes locked on my arm. Wispy tendrils of soot reached out, wrapping themselves sinuously about my hand and forearm. I felt them; they were damp and freezing and suffused with pollution. I could well believe that something like this, once inside a person, could cause an incurable disease. But those tendrils lost their solidity in the next second, vaporizing as the cold iron in my aura sundered the magic holding it together. It attacked me more fiercely, realizing that I was harming it somehow, but it was silent and spooky and cold. In less than a minute, all that was left of Darren Yazzie's dark side dispersed into the morning sun.

"That was good," Granuaile declared. "Without that hanging over him, he seems more at peace now."

"He is," I said. "Frank, his ch'dii ch'dii is gone. We can move him safely." is gone. We can move him safely."

"I can see it's gone," he said. "Though I'm not sure how you saw it or how you did that."

I sighed, frustrated with myself. "I should have bound your sight to mine so you could see it. Didn't think of it at the time, but let's fix that now. n.o.body's watching, and I think I can trust you to keep your mouth shut, so I'm going to give you a glimpse of what you were up to last night."

Frank frowned at me. "What the h.e.l.l are you talkin' about?"

"Brace yourself and don't freak out. I know you have some kind of magical sight, but I'm willing to bet mine's a bit different. Here, give me your arm so you don't fall. Granuaile, will you get his other side? I'm going to return you back to normal and do Frank."

"Got it, sensei." I unbound her sight, and she smiled at Frank as she rose from the ground and looped her arm through his. It's tough to get too surly when Granuaile smiles at you, but he still scowled at her, and a querulous note leapt into his voice.

"Now, hold on here, n.o.body's doin' doin' me, that's for d.a.m.n sure-" me, that's for d.a.m.n sure-"

"Relax, Frank, you're about to see the wonder of your medicine for the first time. You'll be the first hataaii hataaii to ever see evidence of the Blessing Way like this. I'll explain as we go. Ready?" to ever see evidence of the Blessing Way like this. I'll explain as we go. Ready?"

"No, I'm not ready, because you're not making sense, you crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d-whoa!" He lurched forward and would have fallen had we not supported him. "What happened? What's wrong with my eyes?"

"Nothing's wrong with them. You're just seeing through my eyes right now, and at the moment I'm looking at the world in the magical spectrum. I've filtered out most of the noise, so it shouldn't be too overwhelming. But let's turn around here and go back to the hogan so you can see how the Blessing Way protected us last night."

We led Frank over to the door, and I focused in on the ward around the door first. "See all that white webwork? That's your doing. We learned last night that it's an extremely effective ward against spirits from the First World. It burns them."

"It does?" Frank said in a tiny voice.

"Yep. Saw it firsthand when one of the bobcats fell on the ground here." I pointed at the ground near the first log and focused on the webwork there. "You say it takes four days to complete the ceremony?"

"Yes, four days for public buildings."

"Well, then, I'd a.s.sume that by the end of four days this ward will completely envelop the hogan, roof and all. You won't need me around then."

"What are you, Mr. Collins? For real."

Sophie was still in the hogan and might hear us, so I dissolved the binding and returned his own sight to him, then beckoned him to follow me some distance away.

Once we were safely out of earshot, I told him, "I'm a Druid." Once we were safely out of earshot, I told him, "I'm a Druid."

I waited for the customary dismissal, but instead there was an awkward pause. "I don't know what that is," Frank admitted.

I laughed. "That's all right. I guess you could say my job is to protect the earth from a.s.sholes."

"Oh, I see." Frank paused, then said, "Kinda seems like the a.s.sholes are winning, don't it?"

"That's because I'm vastly outnumbered."

"Ha. Know what you mean."

"Can I ask you something, Frank?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"What you were doing last night-that ward you were laying down-is that normal for a hataaii hataaii?"

"Well, not exactly. I'm singing the songs and doing everything a normal hataaii hataaii does, but I'm kinda like that chef on TV who's always throwing garlic in the recipe and shouting, 'BAM!'" does, but I'm kinda like that chef on TV who's always throwing garlic in the recipe and shouting, 'BAM!'"

Granuaile smiled at him. "So you just kick it up a notch?"

"That's right. Normal plus hot sauce. That's me."

"Where'd you get that hot sauce, if you don't mind me asking?" I said.

The shadow of a wince pa.s.sed across Frank's face. "You'd think I was crazy if I told you."

"Frank, I'll believe darn near anything. You saw a Norse G.o.ddess of death yesterday. That wasn't the first deity I've run into-just the ugliest and the smelliest. If I can wrap my head around that, I can probably handle your secret."

Frank turned his head and spat contemplatively. "All right. I was down in Canyon de a couple years back and I got ambushed by a buncha hippies."

"Real hippies?"

"Naw, I mean those New Age t.u.r.ds who wanna hijack native religions for their own use 'cause nothing in the great white world speaks to them. They flock around at the solstices and try to find someone to teach them healin' ceremonies, askin' people for illegal s.h.i.+t like eagle feathers 'cause they got it into their heads that there's some huge black market in feathers on the reservation. Six of 'em found me in the canyon, and whoever told 'em to find me there deserves a swift kick in the cooter. I was sittin' down, see, doin' a sing, a little private prayer, and you know how it is-once you start you ain't supposed to stop, 'cause it's an insult to the Holy People. Well, those hippies found me and didn't wanna wait for me to finish. They started sayin', excuse me, sir, yo, dude, hey, old man, can we talk for a second, and of course I ignored them and kept singin'. If I gotta make a choice between bein' rude to the Holy People and bein' rude to six white people, I'm gonna be rude to the white people every time." native religions for their own use 'cause nothing in the great white world speaks to them. They flock around at the solstices and try to find someone to teach them healin' ceremonies, askin' people for illegal s.h.i.+t like eagle feathers 'cause they got it into their heads that there's some huge black market in feathers on the reservation. Six of 'em found me in the canyon, and whoever told 'em to find me there deserves a swift kick in the cooter. I was sittin' down, see, doin' a sing, a little private prayer, and you know how it is-once you start you ain't supposed to stop, 'cause it's an insult to the Holy People. Well, those hippies found me and didn't wanna wait for me to finish. They started sayin', excuse me, sir, yo, dude, hey, old man, can we talk for a second, and of course I ignored them and kept singin'. If I gotta make a choice between bein' rude to the Holy People and bein' rude to six white people, I'm gonna be rude to the white people every time."

"Right," I said, nodding in agreement. I wouldn't interrupt one of my ceremonies either.

"Well, they didn't wanna take the hint. They got more insistent, shouting at me. Tapping me on the shoulder. Then one of them chucked me hard on the side of the arm, here"-he pointed to his right upper arm-"and it knocked me over sideways, startling me and stopping my sing."

"That's terrible!" Granuaile said. "Roundhouse kicks for everybody!"

Frank grinned at her. "That's more or less what happened, heh! Before I could sit up again, I felt this wind-my hat blew away-and I heard a noise, kinda like a door shutting on a storm outside. Then all their feet left the ground and they were blown back, flat on their, and they didn't move."

"Oh! Were they dead?" Granuaile asked.

"Naw. Just unconscious. I sat up and faced the east, and there she was. It was Changing Woman, and I knew this without her saying anything. I apologized for stopping my song and she forgave me, said she understood. She'd come to give me some gifts. She knelt down in front of me, and she touched my eyes here at the corners," he said, putting his fingers at the outside edge of his eyes, "and said I would be able to see things I'd never seen before. I started cryin', because, you know, and there she was. It was Changing Woman, and I knew this without her saying anything. I apologized for stopping my song and she forgave me, said she understood. She'd come to give me some gifts. She knelt down in front of me, and she touched my eyes here at the corners," he said, putting his fingers at the outside edge of his eyes, "and said I would be able to see things I'd never seen before. I started cryin', because, you know, d.a.m.n d.a.m.n, it was Changing Woman. She touched my throat and said the Holy People would hear my songs better from then on. She touched my right hand and said my sandpaintings would always be perfect. And then she gave me a special jish jish. Said that when I spoke the words and used it, one of her children, Monster Slayer, would come to Fourth World again, once and once only. Said I would know when it was time.

"When I saw that giant thing climb out o' the top of that little ol' lady's head yesterday, I thought it was time. That was somethin' that didn't belong in this world."

"You're right about that," I said.

"Yeah. But now I don't know if I did the right thing. Mr. Benally knew about it-he's one o' the few people who believed me-and he was tryin' to tell me, no, don't waste it now, save it for the skinwalkers, but I didn't listen." He hooked a thumb in the direction of Darren's body. "Now I'm thinkin' maybe I shoulda waited, you know?"

If only.

"Even if you still had the jish jish, Frank," I pointed out, "you couldn't have saved him last night without interrupting your sing."

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Tricked Part 8 summary

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