Taken By Storm Part 18

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planning or discussing a mission. Something else had to have disturbed her.

"Wait," he called out to her since it didn't look as if she planned on slowing down or stopping any time soon.

Storm spun around. "Stop following me. I prefer to be alone right now."

He caught up with her. "Too bad, I'm coming with you."

"You are a persistent annoyance."

"And you are angry. Why?"

She looked ready to lash out at him when suddenly she shook her head, turned, and walked over to a

large spruce, its branches mushrooming out and creating a haven beneath, which she sneaked under to


Burke joined her, noticing she had drawn her legs up near to her chin and wrapped her arms around them as if huddled in protection. He wanted to reach out and pry her arms loose and tell her not to be afraid, that he wouldn't hurt her. He wouldn't let anyone hurt her.

"Talk to me, Storm. I'm a good listener."

She rested her head on her raised knees, her glance directed at him. "I didn't mean to get angry."

"I know. You weigh your decisions carefully, even decisions made with no time to spare. You still give

thought to each and every one of them, no matter how brief, though never unwisely.""You make me sound like a sage.""I believe at times you are," he said. "It's the mark of a good leader."Her head came up. "You're right. A good leader must always see to the safety of her men, even the foolish ones."Burke nodded and grinned. "You're referring to me.""I don't wish to see you added to the list of those needing rescue."

"Don't worry, you won't have to rescue me," he said with confidence."Funny," she said with a tap to her chin. "I recall rescuing you once already."He slapped his hand to his chest. "Must you wound my manly pride and remind me of that?"Storm scoffed. "Somehow I don't think your manly pride wounds that easily."This time he thumped his chest. "That's because I'm a confident man.""Arrogant too.""That does help," he admitted without remorse."Are all Americans like you?"He smiled. "Only the lucky ones."Storm laughed, stretching her legs out and relaxing back against the thick tree trunk.Relieved that he had eased her tension, he joined her relaxing against the tree. He had questions concerning the lad they were to rescue and the Lady Alaina, but they would have to wait. She looked so

lovely sitting there, even dressed in lad's garments. There was softness to her every curve and a defined

beauty to her features. It could steal the breath if one gazed too long, or rob the senses, or make a man

think on things that women deemed wicked.

d.a.m.n if he didn't want to be wicked with Storm.

He wondered if perhaps she felt the same.

Hadn't there been a spark between them on first meeting? Had he imagined it, or was it a clash between

their need to take command? How would that work when making love? Who would take the lead?

The thought excited him and made him anxious to discover the answer.

"Nothing to say, Burke?"

He had plenty to say but time was needed to court the lovely la.s.s and see if she was as willing as he was


"I didn't want to disturb your peace."

"Peace is relative, Burke," she said. "I have found it in the strangest of places."

"We share a common interest, for I have done the same myself and know the serenity such places can


Her gaze locked with his. He loved her eyes, could get lost in them, could swirl in their stormy blue

depths and never care if he were rescued. He had to clear his mind of her or the next thing he knew he'dbe kissing her, and now was not the time or place."I've been thinking of the lad we will rescue," he said to distract himself."I expected you to speak of him to me," she said, her posture turning rigid.He regretted disturbing her peace, but then it was necessary in more ways than one. "You claim to know my mind?"

"No, but I know what I would think if it were my brother we searched for."

"And that would be?"

"I would think that if the lad could not provide me with sufficient information concerning my brother, then

perhaps Lady Alaina could. I would want to know all I could about her and possibly find a way of talking with her, though not personally. I wouldn't want to take the chance that my resemblance could in any way harm my brother."

"Good, you agree with me," he said, pleased."Yes, but that doesn't mean we will be contacting Lady Alaina.""Why not?" he asked, attempting to keep the irritation out of his tone."Our first concern is finding out if this man we've followed from prison to prison is your brother. If he is, then we must find out why he is being moved so frequently and where he goes next. Once these questions are answered I have a feeling we'll learn what part Lady Alaina plays in it all, and then we can decide if talking with her is necessary."

"That will take time.""Much will depend on what information we learn from the lad tomorrow."He let out a frustrated breath. "I'm impatient.""Which is why it is better that I am in command."Burke smiled. "You really like reminding me of that."Her smile matched his. "A little reminding is good now and again.""You know, you're right."He grabbed hold of her chin and planted a kiss on her lips that just about curled both their toes. His tongue went deep, his taste hungry and his pa.s.sion strong.

He yanked himself away, his body responding much too strongly.

"Just a reminder," he said on labored breath and jumped to his feet and walked away.

Chapter 15.

S torm's blue eyes blazed when she entered the small cell and caught sight of the lad. He lay on his side curled in a ball, his arms tight to his chest, his knees meeting his elbows. Bits of straw strewn on the floor provided bedding. It stuck to his worn, soiled clothes and to his brown hair.

The stench of neglect permeated the thick air, and Storm raised her sleeve to her nostrils. She hurried to the lad's side, and he cringed and tried to move away.

"I'm here to free you," she whispered and laid a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He peeked from beneath his folded arms, then raised his face. "I prayed you'd come for me. Every night I prayed."

Storm's heart ached. She had heard those words time and again from prisoners she had freed, and allshe could think about was the prisoners who had prayed and whom she had failed to rescue."I need you to do as I say.""I will, whatever it is I will do it." He uncurled himself, groaning with every move."Wait," Storm urged. "Do nothing yet."He nodded and stilled, relief in his tear-filled eyes."What is your name?" she asked, taking his hand and gently stretching out his thin arm."Henry Doddle," he said and reached his other hand out to her.Storm tenderly rubbed the lad's stiff and injured limbs before she asked him to stand. She took stock of his bruises and determined that while he had been beaten badly, he suffered no broken bones."We'll be setting a fast pace, Henry-""I'll keep up," he said adamantly.Storm patted his shoulder. "You are a brave lad."Burke suddenly appeared at her side. "Does he require help?""I can walk on my own," Henry insisted."Good," Burke said. "Then let's get going."Storm went with the lad, leaving Burke to carry out the remainder of their plan. He was to devise a dummy of sorts to serve as a decoy. Philip had determined that the soldiers barely paid heed to the lad. If they thought him asleep, it would provide more time for their escape. They could place a good distance between them and Mewers before the lad's absence was realized.

Storm wanted out of the area as fast as possible, knowing that the Earl of Henwood would be furious when he discovered a prisoner had escaped. It would mean his reputation, since he boasted loudly about his impregnable prison cells. He would surely have his soldiers out hunting down the culprits.

"We don't rest," she ordered as they set a fast pace for home."The lad doesn't look fit enough to make it," Burke said from behind her."The men will carry him if necessary," Storm said, "Now be silent and keep up."It was a relief when night finally came, for it was only then they stopped. No fire was allowed though the night air held a good chill. Storm saw to it that Henry was fed and a blanket wrapped snugly around him.

The poor lad was asleep in no time.

Storm a.s.signed the men to guard the perimeter. Tanin disappeared into the woods, his post being the most important. After all had been arranged, she settled down to take the first watch.

"Sleep, I'll take guard," Burke offered, leaning against the large boulder she perched on.

"The first watch is always mine.""Don't trust anyone?" he teased.She didn't find him funny. "A good leader knows when her men need rest.""And a good leader knows when to rest herself.""True enough," she agreed, "but I'm not tired."Burke braced his hands on the boulder and hefted himself up to sit next to her. "I don't understand how you can exist on such little rest."

Storm shrugged and attempted to ignore her sudden need to cuddle next to him. She blamed her

impulsive desire on the chilly night, convincing herself that she sought his closeness to warm her, chase away her chill and nothing more.

"It's been my life. Little rest, much work."

"No time for fun or laughter?" Burke asked.

"Afraid not. My day begins before sunup and lasts long past sunset."

"Even when you were married?"

"Daniel and I had our moments. Even though our farm was small, there was still much work to be done.

The landlord fees were high and climbed each year. We barely had food one winter, but we survived."

She was silent for a moment, and then whispered. "We were always there for each other-always."

"You need a day of fun," Burke said firmly.

"That sounds like an order," Storm said, glad to have her thoughts diverted. Her heart forever ached when she thought of her husband.

"Does it have to be?"

No, it didn't really need to be. It would be lovely to spend a fun day with the brash American. She could

forget all her cares and pretend, if only for a few hours, that life was normal and she was happy.

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Taken By Storm Part 18 summary

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