Taken By Storm Part 3

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"Why is that?"

"I learned that there may be a bounty on his head," he acknowledged reluctantly.


"I don't know. It was secondhand information and I had no way of confirming it, but Dunwith was

mentioned and I figured I'd see what I could find out there." That was all the information the detectives

had to give him.

Storm slipped off the rock to stand beside him. "I'll have Malcolm take the group the remainder of the way. Tanin, you, and I will proceed to Dunwith tomorrow morning and see what we can find out."

Burke pushed off the rock. "Why?"

"Because it's a shorter journey from here than if we return to camp."

Burke shook his head. "No. I mean why are you coming along? Why not just send me with Tanin?"

"I have friends in Dunwith who may be of help."

"I appreciate your generosity."

"Your money is buying my help, Mr. Longton."

"Burke." He smiled. "After all, I am part of your group now."

"You are a visitor, not a permanent member," she reminded. "Now I suggest we get a sound night's

sleep. We'll leave with dawn's first light and should arrive at Dunwith by late morning."

"I appreciate your haste in helping me."

"I have good reason for it."

"To get me out of your hair faster?"

Storm laughed and patted her head. "My hair is well protected."

"Is it now?" he asked, and in a split second s.n.a.t.c.hed the cap off her head.

Waves of silky black hair tumbled down around her face, over her shoulders, to finally rest at the middle

of her back.

"I had thought fiery red," Burke said, swinging the stocking cap on his finger. "But the stark black colorhighlights your blue eyes. You are quite a beauty for a criminal."Storm s.n.a.t.c.hed her cap back. "Don't they teach manners in America?""We're not at a social function. We're in the middle of dense woods, two strangers who currently need each other. I wanted to know whom I dealt with."

"And you needed to remove my cap to discover that?"

"The Sioux Indian tribe, indigenous to the area I come from, believe that you must view the whole person

with your eyes and heart if you are ever to know whom you truly deal with. Part of you hides beneath that cap."

"It disguises my gender, nothing more," she insisted.

"It disguises much more, and I intend to discover who you truly are, Storm."

She jabbed him in the chest. "Be careful, Burke. You may not like what you discover."

Chapter 4.

D unwith had once been a thriving village surrounded by tenant farms, all owned by the landlord whose manor house sat on a rise looking down over the land. Like many villages throughout Scotland, it had repeatedly suffered poor harvests. Poverty and famine were driving thousands to flee Scotland for the promise of rich land and bountiful harvests elsewhere.

Some Scots had left years earlier and had found that promise in America. Burke wondered if Storm had ever considered joining the throngs of disillusioned Scots.

"Stay here," Storm ordered, catching his attention. "I'll be right back."Burke watched her disappear into the dense woods after she took the rolled bedding Tanin carried. Hewondered what she was up to, but he didn't ask. Instead he had watched her actions and had begun tolearn about her.

Storm knew the forest as if she were part of it, as if they beat to the same pulse. She never stopped to make certain her direction was accurate. She paced her steps and maneuvered around the trees and hills, never faltering in her footing.

"Storm handles herself well," Tanin said, drawing his attention."She's just a pint-sized thing. You would never expect-""She counts on people thinking her fragile.""I have to ask you," Burke said. "Didn't she ever think of looking for a better life elsewhere?""You mean emigrate like so many have been forced to do?"Burke nodded. "Exactly. What does she have here?""Her dignity and her home," Tanin answered with pride. "Storm couldn't watch helpless as her people suffered. She took action and was immediately forced into the thick of things."

"And into the thick of danger," Burke reminded him with concern.

"It was her choice."

"Was it?"

The crunch of leaves alerted them to Storm's approach. He turned to greet her and was struck

speechless. She was dressed in a brown skirt, long-sleeved tan blouse, and brown wool vest. A deep green shawl hung loosely over her shoulders and around her arms, and her black hair bounced in waves around her lovely face with each step she took.

That she was a beautiful woman was undeniable.

"Ready," she said, handing Tanin the rolled bedding to carry at his side.

"So this is the real Storm," Burke said with a smile.

"Don't be so sure." Storm grinned and bent down to dust her hands with dirt. She applied some to her face here and there, though to Burke it did nothing to mar her beauty.

"Disguise?" Burke asked.

"We're weary, hungry travelers in search of food. We need to look the part if we want to be trusted and so my friends are not made suspicious when we speak with them."

Burke nodded at her sensible reasoning, though he didn't need to copy her actions. His face was alreadygrime-ridden. He couldn't wait to wash the dirt off him."We stay no more than thirty minutes," Storm said."Is that enough time to find out about my brother?"

"If we haven't found out anything by then, we won't, and I won't place us in jeopardy."Burke didn't respond, though he would have liked to tell her that he intended to stay longer if it meant itwould help him find his brother. But that was his impatience gnawing at him. Storm was right, and he'ddefer to her orders-this time.

The people cast suspicious glances at them when they entered the village. Some even stood guard over what little crop was left to harvest in their gardens. Lack of food was obvious in their gaunt faces, and hopelessness weighed heavy on slumped shoulders.

Burke was reminded of a similar scene, when one especially hard winter had hit the Dakota Territory and crops were slow in harvesting if they harvested at all. He had ridden with his tracker friend who had been raised in the white world but whose mother had been full-blooded Sioux to see how the village had fared.

It hadn't, and much work was needed to help the people recover, and to make certain they didn't suffer again.

"You need food?" a stout woman asked, walking over to Storm.

"We would be grateful for any you could spare," Storm said softly, her head bowed.

"I have bread and mead to share," the woman offered. "Follow me."

"Accept the mead, not the bread, "Storm murmured to Burke before entering the small cottage the woman took them to.

Tears pooled in the woman's green eyes. "You are safe, Storm, thank G.o.d. We had heard you had been captured."

Storm laughed and gave her a hug. "Please, Hannah, you insult me."

Hannah giggled. "I told John you would never be caught. The heavens protect you."

"Where is that husband of yours?" Storm asked, casting a quick glance around the single, spa.r.s.e room.

Hannah brushed at her falling tears. "Taking his life in his hands so that we do not starve." She shook her head. "The fool is hunting on the earl's property."

"Tanin," Storm said, though the tall man was already at the door.

"What direction did he go in?"

Hannah blessed Tanin after telling him where to find her husband, and Storm told him to meet her in the woods when he finished.

Burke waited silently. Storm obviously knew what she was doing and it would not do him any good to

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Taken By Storm Part 3 summary

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