Taken By Storm Part 36

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"For whom?" he asked.

"I don't know. I only know that something doesn't seem right and I believe you should be extremely

careful when meeting with Lady Alaina."

"Care about me, do you?" he asked with a grin, attempting to tease, yet hoping her answer did anything but.

She squeezed his hand. "You know I care for you."

Her response disappointed him. What was he expecting? Did he think she would proclaim her love for

him? Did he a.s.sume because love had struck him, it had also struck her?

"I want you safe," she insisted. "I don't want to have to rescue you, though I would if necessary. You can count on it."

He stared at her for a moment. Was she trying to tell him the way she truly felt the only way she knew

how? That she would risk her life for him as she had for her husband? Did he dare ask? Did he want to

know?"You'll need to do this alone," Storm informed him. "We risk detection if too many men are present. We'll wait on the outskirts of Balford land. If you don't return within an agreed-upon time, then I will sendone man in after you."

"Sounds reasonable," he said.

"Reasonable or not, anything can happen, and we need to be prepared for any and all upsets."

"Are you planning on going?" he asked, and wasn't surprised when she shot him a startled look."Why wouldn't I?"He shrugged, as if it didn't seem important, when it was of the utmost importance to him. "Could be dangerous."

"Every mission is dangerous."

"True enough, but this one even more so since the Earl of Balford would certainly claim a feather in his

cap if he caught the infamous outlaw Storm."

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself."

He brought their clenched hands to his mouth and kissed her hand. "I want to take care of you."

Her eyes widened, their blue color softening momentarily before sparkling to a brilliant blue. He loved the

s.h.i.+fting color. It made him feel as if he were either in the middle of a raging tempest or staring at a tranquil blue sky.

She stumbled over her words. "There is-is no need-no need at all for that."He kissed her hand again. "Do you really think I could repeatedly make love with you these last few daysand not-"

She yanked her hand free and moved away from him. "We've enjoyed some time together, that's all. Itdoesn't make you responsible for me."He arched a brow. "Afraid I might have fallen in love with you?"

"That's nonsense.""Why? You're a beautiful, interesting, courageous woman and I love spending time with you. I lovemaking love with you, love going on missions with you, love holding, kissing-d.a.m.n if that doesn't soundlike I'm falling in love with you."

"Don't," she scolded, shaking a finger at him.He grabbed hold of her finger. "You can't tell me that I can't love you."She pulled her finger free. "You can't love me. It would never work.""Because you're stubborn?"Storm shook her head. "We're two different people from two different worlds."Burke wanted to move closer, wrap his arms around her and ease her doubt, but he knew it was better to give her distance and let her savor his words until finally she took a taste and found them to her liking.

"We are more alike than you want to admit," he said.

"We are nothing alike and our worlds are far different. You have wealth, land, security, and a future. I

have nothing, least of all a future."

He tapped his chest. "I am your future."

Her startled expression told him he had struck a chord. She felt something for him and probably was afraid to acknowledge it, for then she would need to confront it and make a decision that would either change many lives or hurt one man.

Storm shook her head. "No, there can never be a future for us.""I don't see it that way. Love is a commitment to me.""There is no love," she snapped."You can't command love and you can't fight it. Love is always the victor, just like fate.""I don't love you," she said emphatically.Burke laughed. "I think otherwise."She threw her hands up and shook her head.His manner turned serious, his voice low. "I don't believe you would make love with me the way you do if you didn't love me. I can feel the ache in your body for me, the need to be close, to join together, to commit. It's in every kiss, every touch, every embrace. It's a pleading tremble in your body, heart, and soul that only I can satisfy. You know it as well as I do." Burke caught the way she attempted to still the quiver that rushed over her body. "See, it speaks to you now, agreeing with me."

She shook her head. "No.""You can't deny the truth. It will surface eventually."She stood. "This discussion is over.""Not really, Storm," Burke warned. "It's only just begun."

Malcolm and Angus returned by late afternoon, with Malcolm singing the praises of Burke's s.h.i.+p and sharing stories the sailors had told him of America. Young Henry sat enthralled while others joined the small group gathered around the campfire. Burke knew without a doubt that he would be asked many questions about his home and that a few brave souls would soon be asking if they could sail with him.

It was human nature to want to make a better life for oneself, and all it took was some hope and promise. America provided both.

"I'll be working on Burke's ranch," Henry boasted proudly. "Then someday I'll have my own land."The older men snickered and Burke jumped to Henry's defense. "That you will, Henry. I know of a nicepiece of land that one day just may suit you."

"What kind of land?" Tanin asked, standing behind Henry, his arm around his wife, Ellie.

"Grazing land for cows and cattle and land for planting. I harvest enough food and then some to supply my ranch."

"What of your tenants?" Tanin asked.

"I have no tenants," Burke explained. "Men work for me and receive a decent wage and live in the


He could see by their expressions that they didn't understand about a bunkhouse. "The men share acommon shelter with beds for each.""What of the wives?" Ellie asked."Most cowboys aren't wed, though the man who oversees the cowboys for me is and he's provided with a house."

"Besides wages?" Tanin asked.

Burke nodded and noticed that Ellie whispered in her husband's ear. That there was promise of a future

in America was too much to ignore. He was certain Ellie was probably suggesting the very same. What

did they have here? What could they hope to have here?

He had watched Tanin. He was curious, a quick learner, and not afraid of hard work-all were ingredients for success. Burke decided to put the thought in his head.

"You'd do well in America and would have your own land soon enough."Ellie smiled and squeezed her husband's arm. "It's something to think about.""My mother-""Could go with us," Ellie finished. "I'm sure her healing skills would be welcomed."Tanin shook his head slowly. "Storm-""Will not stop you."All eyes turned to their pint-sized leader who entered the circle around the campfire."You are free men and women. The choice is yours."Silence followed her declaration, and Burke knew what they thought. The tiny, brave woman had saved their lives and provided them with shelter and a family of sorts. How could they desert her?

There was only one answer to that.

Storm had to go to America, and it was up to him to get her there.

Chapter 28.

S torm was one of the last to retire for the night. Burke had left the campfire hours earlier, and she had no doubt he hoped she'd do the same. She couldn't. She was upset.

Burke's vivid description of America painted a desirable picture and had set many minds to thinking. Why not? There was no promise of owning land in Scotland. They would struggle their entire lives and have nothing in the end. At least America provided them with a chance for a decent life, and even if they struggled, it would be for their own land.

How could she deny them that? They couldn't go on living in treetops in the woods forever. She knew how eager Tanin and Ellie were to have a family, and yet at the same time, they both feared it. How could they raise children when Tanin constantly kept two steps ahead of the law?

America seemed the answer to many of their prayers and Storm had the feeling that a few of them would take the opportunity offered and set sail with Burke.

Was she being foolish in not considering the same?

She paced the small confines of her quarters, the questions haunting her mind.

She hadn't expected to feel as tied to Burke as she had these last few days. They spent endless time together and made love every night. Her days had suddenly become more joyous. She smiled more, laughed more, enjoyed life more. Burke had a good sense of humor and he was a man of intelligence.

Their discussions always stirred and challenged her mind.

She had actually panicked when she suddenly realized that he would leave and she would once again be on her own. She had admonished herself to keep her distance, to only enjoy his company but not let herself feel.

She had, however, felt from the very first time he had touched her, kissed her, and that was what started it all. She had experienced emotion for the first time since her husband's death and it had felt so very good.

Suddenly her emptiness was gone and life once again seemed worthwhile.

It actually wasn't a sudden realization. It somehow just happened without her knowing it. She hadn't

wanted to feel for the American. She hadn't believed she could. He was not the type of man she ever imagined herself interested in.

She had never expected to be interested in a man again. This attraction was a complete surprise and

confused her, but then Daniel had told her once that love never made sense.


It wasn't possible that she could love the American. Or did she refuse to acknowledge her feelings? Did

she really think she could be intimate with the man and not feel?

She plopped down on the bed, annoyed.

Answers certainly weren't forthcoming and she was growing tired of fighting with herself. A simple

interlude had turned complicated in so many ways, and she didn't have the slightest idea how touncomplicate matters.She was grateful for the distraction of the rap at her door-until she saw who it was."Burke," she said on a sigh.

"Don't sound so happy to see me."If only he could feel the catch in her stomach and the flutter in her heart, he'd know exactly how she felton seeing him.

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Taken By Storm Part 36 summary

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