RoomHate Part 20

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"Oh, I'm quite aware. It's a supply and demand issue. The more she drinks-which is all the time-the more I make. It's all she wants to do when she's awake."

"I can't say I blame her."

I knew my face was turning red. What was happening to me? I couldn't be a walking zombie on no sleep and deal with this infatuation again. I didn't even feel s.e.xy anymore. Nevertheless, I was falling right back into the pattern of l.u.s.ting after this man.

"Well, even though my b.r.e.a.s.t.s are bigger, I've lost weight."

"Oh, I noticed. You haven't been eating?"

"Not as well as I should. I force myself to eat cheese sticks and raw vegetables, but I'm generally too drained to cook anything substantial."

"When was the last time you had a home-cooked meal?"

"Can't even remember. The only times I've bothered to cook is when the neighbor brings me seafood from the dock."

"What neighbor?"



"Yes. He moved into the house that was vacant last summer. You know, the blue one?"

"Really..." He glared at me. "What else does he bring you?"

"Coffee sometimes."

"Let me guess. He's single."

"Yes...divorced, but he's just a friend. He's been helpful. He actually a.s.sembled the crib for me."

"Right. Of course he did. No guy does that s.h.i.+t without an ulterior motive, Amelia."

"Not every guy's the same."

"And not every f.u.c.king girl looks like you. Trust me, that guy is waiting in the wings. Just be aware of that and be cautious."

Feeling hot from the compliment, I cleared my throat. "Well, it wouldn't matter if he had ulterior motives or not. Clearly, I'm in no condition to be with a man. I can't even bathe half the time."

"You shouldn't be letting strange men into this house so easily. You're in a very vulnerable position right now. This guy knows that."

"Well, I was desperate for help, so..."

"You should have called me."

"You're in New York. That wouldn't have made sense. He's right next door."

"I would have come for the day if you needed me."

"I don't want to be a burden on you, Justin. I need to find my own way." Even though a part of me loved that he'd said that, another part was equally confused. "Just last summer you were suggesting that we avoid each other altogether." My tone was bitter. "Forgive me if you weren't the first person I thought to call when I needed help."

His expression darkened. "f.u.c.k, Amelia. Really? You're gonna bring that up again? Do you really think that was what I truly wanted? I was drunk as s.h.i.+t that night and saying and doing anything I could to keep my f.u.c.king d.i.c.k in my pants. I thought I already explained suggesting that to you was a mistake."

"Okay. I'm sorry." I held out my hands. "I don't want to fight."

"Good." He exhaled and changed the subject. "So, I told Salvatore I could play a few nights here and there if he wanted. But I didn't commit to anything long term."

"Because you're not sure how long you're staying?"


"Well, he must be so happy to have you back even if just for a few nights."

"Yeah. He was."

"I wish I could go watch you play."

"Why can't you?"

"I can't take Bea to Sandy's. She'd start crying in the middle of your songs. And if I had to feed her there, it would be awkward."

"So what if she cried? People will just have to deal with it. And you could go to the back room to feed her. You need to get the f.u.c.k out of the house."

"Maybe I'll consider it."

He suddenly got up and put his mug in the sink. "I've got to get some work done. I'll make dinner tonight, so don't fill up on too many raw veggies."

"That'll be awesome."

Bea slept for at least a few hours that afternoon, allowing me to get laundry and other done. Justin spent most of the day holed up in his room working.

When he finally came downstairs, he had just showered and was b.u.t.toning his black b.u.t.ton-down s.h.i.+rt.

He looked too good to be staying home tonight. "Are you playing at Sandy's?"

"No. Not tonight."

"I didn't think so. It's just that you're all dressed up."

"You remember Tom from Sandy's?"

"The old night manager?"

"Yeah. I told him I might meet him for a drink later at the Barking Crab. He wants to pick my brain about some music stuff."

"I see."

"Why don't you go upstairs and change before dinner?"

"We're just eating here, right?"

"Yes, but you have b.o.o.b milk stains on your s.h.i.+rt. I just thought maybe you'd want to shower and change."

He was right. I needed to have more pride in how I looked.

"I would love to."

Justin looked after Bea while I showered. I decided to go all out and put on a tube dress. I brushed my hair out and made up my eyes. It kind of felt like I was getting ready for a date, and I needed to stop that train of thought.

I thought I would find Justin cooking when I returned downstairs. I'd told him to put her in the bouncy seat. Instead, he was holding Bea and rocking back and forth, looking out the window. He didn't know I'd been watching him.

"I'm back."

"Oh, hey. She didn't want to go in the seat, started crying, so we've just been watching the sunset." My heart clenched.

"You need to cook, right?"

"Yeah, but it won't take very long."

I reached out my arms, and to my surprise, Bea started to cry in protest when I tried to take her from him. Patting her back, I said, "I don't think she wanted to leave you."

"No. It's just your imagination."

"Really? Want to test it?" I held her out toward him again.

Justin cradled her in his arms again, and sure enough, Bea stopped crying. She was looking up at him. It seemed the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

"My imagination, huh?"

He smiled down at her. "I don't know why she likes me. I don't even do anything but hold her."

"To a baby, that's everything."

Suddenly looking a little uncomfortable, he handed her back to me. "You'd better take her."

Back in my grasp, Bea started to fuss again, so I took her to the living room and fed her while Justin got dinner started.

There was a knock at the door.

"Are you expecting someone?" Justin hollered from the kitchen.

"No. Do you mind getting it? She's still eating." I readjusted the blanket over my shoulder for privacy.

I couldn't see the front door from where I was sitting, but I could hear everything.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Roger. I live next door. You are?"


"Justin. This is my house."

"Oh, that's right. She mentioned a seasonal roommate."

"Can I help you?"

"Is Amelia here?"

"Yes, but she's feeding the baby."

"I was just down at the dock. I bought her some sh.e.l.lfish."

"Amelia! Roger is here. He brought you some s.n.a.t.c.h," Justin yelled.


Covering myself as fast as I could, I shouted, "Coming!"

Trying to seem nonchalant, I said, "Hey!"

"Hi, Amelia. Sorry if I'm disturbing something."

"No, no not at-"

"Actually, we were just about to eat," Justin interrupted.

Roger looked annoyed. "How long are you staying, Justin?"

"As long as I need to."

"Amelia told me your girlfriend is a Broadway star, right?"


"That's really gnarly."

"Gnarly? What the f.u.c.k are you a surfer or something?" Justin lifted his hands in a shaka sign. "Woe!"

"Roger, don't mind Justin. That was really sweet of you to bring the crabs. I so appreciate it."

"Crabs...interesting choice," Justin scoffed.

"I'd better let you guys eat."

"We'll talk soon." I smiled.

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RoomHate Part 20 summary

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