RoomHate Part 22

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"Tonight? I was planning to leave in the morning anyway."

"Yes. But that was before I knew Justin would be back. This is his house, and you're upsetting both of us. And why were you out on the deck when you were supposed to be watching the baby?"

"She was sleeping. It's no big deal."

"Nothing is ever a big deal to you!"

"You're seriously asking me to leave right now in the middle of the night?"

"No. I'm telling you to leave. Please. You're my mother and I love you, but you're f.u.c.ked up, and you'll never change."

"I can't believe this," my mother huffed before quietly heading upstairs to pack her things.

When she returned, she lifted Bea out of the carrier she was sleeping in, intentionally waking her up to kiss her. Bea started crying as my mother handed her to me before walking out the door without saying anything further.

When the door shut, I closed my eyes feeling like I was going to cry right along with the baby. Then, I felt Justin's arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I wasn't sure if you were coming back."

He took Bea from my arms. As expected, she immediately calmed down. But something unexpected also happened, something that she'd never done before. Her little mouth spread into a wide toothless smile as she looked up at him.

"Oh my G.o.d, Justin. She's smiling at you!"

"Has she never smiled before?"

"There have been times I thought maybe was smiling but wasn't sure if it was just gas. But there is no doubt about this one. That is most definitely a smile!"

He seemed to be in awe as she continued to grin at him. "Maybe she didn't think I was coming back."

She wouldn't be the only one.

"We're both happy you're back."

The next morning when I came downstairs carrying Bea, Justin had already made coffee. The smell of the freshly-ground beans mixed with his musky scent was a great way to start the day. I noticed that there was also a new Keurig machine set up on the counter.

"Where did that come from?"

"I brought it back from my apartment in the city. That way I can make coffee fusion for myself and half-caf in the coffee maker for you."

"That was very thoughtful."

When he handed me my steaming mug, something dawned on me. "What did you use in this? We were out of cream. I haven't had a chance to go to the market."

"I used milk instead."

"We didn't have milk."

He pointed with his thumb to the fridge. "There was a gla.s.s bottle of milk in there."

Covering my mouth, I said, "I didn't buy regular milk. Justin...that was my breast milk! I pumped it and poured it into an empty gla.s.s bottle. The only good thing my mother did for me while she was here was buy me a breast pump. I've been practicing using it." Cracking up, I pointed into the coffee. "You just put my breast milk in this!"

"Not only that...I already drank two cups with your breast milk. I'm on my third."

I covered my mouth again. "Oh my G.o.d!"

He took a sip of his coffee. "It's f.u.c.king good."


"'s sweet. I can see why Bea drinks it like crack."

"Are you joking?"


"You're nuts. I'm not drinking this."

"How much of that s.h.i.+t can you make per day? We can sell it."

"You'd better be joking."

"About selling it...yes. About drinking it? No. And I don't want to share with anyone but Bea."

"You're sick."

He winked. "You're just figuring this out?"

It was so good to have him back.

A week later, it was a typical weeknight evening at home. Justin was playing at Sandy's while Bea and I stayed in. She was being super quiet as she played with her mobile on the floor, so I decided to peruse the Internet while lounging on the couch with my laptop.

I'd been avoiding going on Jade's Facebook page because I didn't want to see pictures from his trip back to New York that would only upset me. Somehow, I'd ended up on her profile anyway, looking through her recent posts. Much of it was the same as always: scenes from backstage, theater friends out on the town after performances, pictures with fans. There was one thing, however, that was far from expected. Jade had recently changed her relations.h.i.+p status from "in a relations.h.i.+p" to "single."

They broke up?

My heart was beating out of control.

When did this happen?

She'd also posted a cryptic status right around the time that Justin came back to Newport: "To New Beginnings."

They'd ended it while he was in New York! He'd been back for a week and hadn't told me. Why would he have kept it a secret? My mind was racing. Was he EVER planning to tell me?

I stayed in the same spot in the living room, waiting for him to get home. When the doork.n.o.b turned, I straightened in my seat.

Justin put down his guitar next to the door and hung up his jacket. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why didn't you tell me you and Jade broke up?"

He let out a slow breath and joined me on the couch. "How did you find out?"

"She changed her relations.h.i.+p status on Facebook."

Letting out another deep breath, he said, "Things had been off for a while. We'd just been growing apart over the past year. The reason I came to Newport early was to have some alone time to think. That was when I found you and Bea here."

"I don't understand. I thought you were in love with her."


"No? Why did you always tell her you loved her then? Isn't that misleading?"

"I thought I loved her at one time. So, yes, we told each other we loved one another. Once you start saying that word, it just becomes commonplace to use it. It gets abused and loses its value. We had a good relations.h.i.+p for a while, but it was never gonna work long term."


"We're too different. She's so caught up in the theater world right now. There was no time for us to work on the problems we had."

"And she wanted kids," I added.

"That, too."

I swallowed. Even though I'd known how he felt about kids, a part of me had hoped being around Bea might have shown him that it wasn't so terrible.

"You guys didn't sound like you had any problems. Just the opposite, in fact. I had to block my ears anytime she was home."

"The s.e.x was good. We never had issues in that area. But it takes something deeper than that to last forever with someone. I didn't want to waste her time. Time is precious."

"So, it was you who broke up with her?"

"Yes. I was the one who ended it."

I actually felt really badly for Jade. I knew what it felt like to have strong feelings for this man, and she was a good person. She didn't deserve to be dumped.

"That was the reason for your trip to New York?"

"My feelings had been weighing on me. I didn't want to go through the whole summer like that. Now she can be free to do whatever she pleases."

"And you?"

He hesitated before saying, "The same."

My body didn't know how to react, whether to feel relief or nausea. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? I honestly didn't know. Justin being single now meant that he could potentially be playing the field, bringing girls home, taking advantage of all of the wanton women gus.h.i.+ng over him at Sandy's. I couldn't deal with that. In a strange way, knowing he was committed to Jade always brought about a bittersweet solace because at least there was only one woman to worry about. Now there could potentially be many.

At the same time, this could be an opportunity for me to finally have a chance to be with him. I quickly shook that thought from my head, knowing full well that it was a longshot. He didn't want kids; he was emphatic about that. I now came with one, and there would be no chance in h.e.l.l he would go for that kind of package deal. Then, it occurred to me that maybe he was intentionally keeping the breakup from me to avoid any expectations on my part. That was it!

"Why did you keep this from me, Justin?"

"I was going to tell you."


"I don't know."

"My knowing doesn't change anything between us if that's what you think. I don't expect anything from you, especially now."

"What do you mean by especially now?"

"I mean...maybe if I hadn't had Bea..." I shook my head. "Never mind."

"Say what you were gonna say."

"Things might be different if I didn't have a child. Maybe we could have seen where things went."

He looked like he was struggling with what to say next. "You're no less attractive because you have a child. Don't ever think that. But you are right about one thing. Any man you end up with needs to be one-hundred percent ready for that responsibility." He pointed over to Bea who was kicking her legs around as she continued to play on the rug. "It wouldn't be fair to her otherwise."

He was right.

As my head hit the pillow that night, I'd never felt more confused about what tomorrow would hold.


Every evening when the door would open, I would cringe, wondering if that night would be the one where he finally brought a woman home with him. I kept preparing myself for it. Justin was a very s.e.xual person. Jade always used to reference his insatiable appet.i.te. That would always make me want to vomit.

He wasn't going to be celibate forever.

It wasn't a question of if he brought someone home; it was when. Each time he'd walk in alone would be a bigger relief than the last, though.

The days were pa.s.sing, and with each one, I wondered how much longer this peaceful camaraderie between us would continue.

Bea was getting bigger every day. She was now finally rolling over. That meant being very careful when changing her diaper because she easily could fall off the table. Now that I was pumping milk, it made it a lot easier to leave the house from time to time. Justin would watch Bea for little stints while I ran errands. I referred to him as Uncle Justin around her. He seemed to be happy with that. It was a safe t.i.tle and made it clear that I wasn't expecting him to have a bigger role in her life. He would likely always be Uncle Justin to her. I vowed to learn to accept that.

The best part of my day continued to be mornings when Justin and I would sit in the kitchen with Bea and have our coffee together. The weirdo was still using my pumped milk as a cream replacement, though. At first, I thought he was continuing the habit just to be funny, but the longer it went on, the more it became clear that he truly liked the taste.

As he poured some out of a bottle into his coffee, I asked, "You think that's completely normal?"

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RoomHate Part 22 summary

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