Broken Shield Part 17

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"Will do. Good night you two."

The door closed quietly leaving the two women in silence. The aroma of the food filtered through the front room and Tyler's mouth watered as she eyed the plate. Looking over at Ashley, she took Ashley's plate from the coffee table and handed it to her, along with a fork.

"You look like you could use a good meal," Tyler said picking up her own plate and settling back against the couch. The smells of lemon and cilantro made Tyler's stomach growl. She hadn't had Thai in a long time. Twirling her fork in the rice noodles she lifted it, losing some along the way, and filled her mouth. The flavors danced on her tongue as she closed her eyes and slowly chewed. Ecstasy, pure unadulterated ecstasy on the taste buds. Tyler blushed when she heard a moan escape her. Food was something she rarely took pleasure in, but the bland hospital food had left an impression on Tyler and not a good one.

Tyler looked over at Ashley in her embarra.s.sment and saw her c.o.c.k an eyebrow and smile. Clearly, Ashley was enjoying the display Tyler was putting on and all Tyler could do was smile back.

"Good, huh?"

"Sorry, I'm not usually a foodie, but this is so good." Tyler motioned with her fork towards Ashley's plate. "Try it."

Ashley twirled her fork in the noodles and slipped them in her mouth. Looking at the pursed lips, a surge of pleasure shot right through Tyler as she watched Ashley slowly chew and then snake her tongue out and lick sauce from her lips. A smile caressed Ashley's face and Tyler had to turn away to keep her composure. This was going to be an exercise in restraint if Tyler watched Ashley eat, so she focused on her own plate, moving to try something else that looked delicious.

A groan reached Tyler's ears and she tried not to turn and look at Ashley. She knew Ashley was having the same food o.r.g.a.s.m she just had and didn't want to see it. The visuals in her head were enough to make Tyler come unglued.

"You're right, this is good. G.o.d, I haven't had a decent meal in weeks." Ashley moaned again stuffing more noodles in her mouth.

Without thinking Tyler looked over at Ashley, who was clearly enjoying her dinner, and watched as she made love to her food. Okay, at least that's what Tyler thought she was doing as Ashley savored each bite, licking her lips every time she finished a mouthful. This was harder than watching a p.o.r.n movie when she was h.o.r.n.y. Grabbing her water bottle, she practically drained it in one gulp. Anything to distract her from watching Ashley right now was a welcome diversion. How could food be so s.e.xy, she wondered. Obviously, she had meals with other women, but Ashley made it seem so inviting or was she just imagining everything?

Finis.h.i.+ng her food, she slowly stood and grabbed her plate and empty water bottle and walked towards the kitchen.

"Would you like more?" She said over her shoulder, not wanting to look at Ashley.

"Hmm, maybe. What do we have left?"

Tyler squeezed her eyes shut when she heard Ashley let out a little groan. Oh G.o.d, this is torture, she thought, spooning a smaller serving of food on her plate. She almost reconsidered any more food since this was the first real meal she had since leaving the hospital. She didn't want to get sick by over indulging.

"Everything," Tyler said trying not to look out at Ashley.

"No, I better not. I don't want to get sick, especially since I really haven't had a lot of solid foods yet. But you go ahead. I would hate to see it go to waste."

Tyler sighed in relief. Watching Ashley eat was p.r.i.c.king every nerve she had. The problem was Tyler liked the feeling. Oh, what was she doing here? All Tyler wanted to do was let Ashley know she had been released from the hospital, and instead Kelly had roped Tyler into bringing dinner over. At least that was how Tyler wanted to remember it. Now, she was here with a woman she found herself slowly falling for. It was troubling to Tyler how easily she found herself thinking about Ashley.

Walking back into the living room with her plate, she tried to avoid looking at Ashley as she finished her last bite. A delightful hum was coming from Ashley's side of the couch making it nearly impossible for Tyler to eat. Accepting she wasn't going to finish her dinner, she set her plate down and grabbed her new water bottle and settled back on the couch facing Ashley. Smiling, she sipped her water and just watched. She would readily accept defeat if it meant indulging her need for torture.

"What?" Ashley questioned, wiping her mouth and struggling to sit upright.

"Hmm, oh nothing," Tyler said reaching for Ashley's plate and napkin. "Let me get that for you."

"Thanks, I don't think I'm as mobile as I think I am." Ashley readjusted her position on the couch, facing Tyler.

Nothing was said as each woman studied the other. Each gazed at the other's face; one noticing the marks where a mic had exploded next to her face, the other admiring the strong jaw and purposeful eyes. The silence seemed to last forever.

Chapter Thirty-two.

Ashley watched Tyler fidgeting with a thread on her sleeve. She had been on pins and needles ever since Tyler arrived. Hating herself, she wished Kelly had left earlier, leaving her and Tyler alone. Alone for what she wasn't sure, but she could feel herself warm when Tyler had caressed her leg earlier.

"I like your new haircut."

Tyler reflexively ran her fingers through her hair, the compliment making her blush.

"Do you do that often?" Ashley inquired.


"Blush when someone pays you a compliment," Ashley said, smiling as the blush deepened.

"Not usually. No." Tyler cast her gaze down at her hands as she tried to figure out why she was blus.h.i.+ng. Bedroom talk, as Tyler referred to it. She had heard plenty of compliments before, but usually from women who wanted something from her, like s.e.x.

"I see," was all Ashley could say.

"So, how are the shoulder and ribs?"

Ashley smiled as Tyler tried to change the subject. "Sore, but I'll survive."

Ashley instinctively rubbed her sore shoulder and grimaced.

"I'm really glad you weren't seriously hurt. I mean...." Tyler said looking up at Ashley.

"I know what you mean," Ashley said, noticing how uncomfortable Tyler was finis.h.i.+ng her sentence. "How's your a.s.s?" Ashley gave Tyler a mischievous grin and chuckled. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed. I'm sure it hurts like h.e.l.l."

"It's okay. I like to see you smile, even if it's at my expense. It's good. I should be ready to go back to light duty in a week. The doctor said two weeks, but I can't sit around the house that long. I'll go crazy," Tyler said, still playing with a string that had come loose on her s.h.i.+rt.

"I know what you mean. My doctor said, 'let's wait a week and see how thing go'. So I have no idea when I'll be going back to work. Sooner rather than later, I hope."

The silence lingered long enough that it made Ashley uncomfortable. She had wanted to be alone with Tyler, but she couldn't figure out what to do now that she finally was. Trying to stretch out on the couch, Ashley groaned. A shooting pain splintered through her rib cage.

"Careful. Here, let me give you a hand," Tyler said moving off the sofa and standing next to Ashley. She felt Tyler slowly move her hands down her legs, trying to move them. Electricity shot right through her body at the touch.

Ashley tried to get herself off the couch, but was having little success. "Do you think you can help me up? I can't sit here any longer. I need to walk."

"Sure. Here let me grab your upper arm and-"

Ashley felt Tyler lift her off the couch, her body cradled tightly against Tyler's chest. Tyler didn't give as much as a grunt when she picked Ashley up. Surprised, Ashley found herself face to face with a smiling Tyler. Tyler's eyes were alluring, and Ashley felt herself get lost in Tyler's seductive gaze. A tongue slipped from Tyler's lips, smoothed them and retreated back. Without thinking Ashley licked her own lips in response and bent closer to kiss Tyler. Soft, firm lips returned Ashley's kiss and waited. Pulling away from the kiss, Ashley looked first at Tyler's lips then her eyes. It was clear to Ashley that Tyler had enjoyed the kiss as much as she had.

"You can put me down now," Ashley whispered.

"What if I don't want to?" Tyler whispered back. "What if I want to stand right here and kiss you again?" Tyler smiled and c.o.c.ked an eyebrow.

Ashley felt her body responding to the suggestion. Her nipples ached to be touched, her body craved the caresses that loving Tyler could give her. She could no longer deny the attraction she was feeling for Tyler. Ashley let herself get lost in the brown eyes that seemed to need her as well. She felt Tyler turn and slowly sit back down on the couch. Ashley was now firmly planted in her lap.

"Now what?" Tyler asked.

"What do you mean?" Ashley questioned staring back at Tyler. l.u.s.t oozed off of Tyler and hit Ashley in waves. She wasn't in the mood for talking, but she wasn't sure her body had the ability to make love, at least not the way she wanted to make love, with wild abandon. She was ready to shake the tendrils of Leslie from her mind and body and replace them with fresh memories of someone like Tyler.

"We could play twenty questions all night, Ashley, but I think you know what I mean. You kissed me, but I'm a.s.suming you want something more than a little first base action. But, then again, I could be wrong. Am I?"

Ashley blushed at the statement and looked down. Before she could say anything, Tyler lifted her chin and pulled her in for another kiss. Ashley felt Tyler caress her face then weave her fingers into Ashley's hair and hold her closer. Tyler's tongue slid against Ashley's lips begging for entrance. Without thinking, Ashley relented and slid her own tongue against Tyler's. Someone let out a moan, fanning the flames further.

Tyler's hand slid down Ashley's injured shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze and then moved closer to her breast, stopping short of the a.s.sumed target. Disappointed that it hadn't completed its journey, Ashley gently moved it over her breast and helped knead the hard peak of a nipple. Electricity shot through her body as she felt Tyler pinch the hardened tip. Her body responded again as her p.u.s.s.y clenched. She knew she was losing control, but she didn't care. She wanted this as much as Tyler did and her shoulder and ribs be d.a.m.ned, she was going to make love to this woman one way or the other. Breaking off the kiss, Ashley panted.

"I guess that answers your question," Ashley responded, moving her arm around Tyler's neck and pulling her down for another kiss.

"I guess it does, but we're a little further than first base. Do you want to stop?"

"Do you ask your other dates if they want to stop?" Ashley looked up at smiling eyes and knew the answer before Tyler could even give voice to it. "I didn't think so."

Before she could return for another kiss, Tyler's slender finger touched her lips and stopped her progress. "But they weren't injured. You are and I would hate to take advantage of you in this condition."

"I find it hard to believe you've never dealt with a woman that wanted you, Tyler. Besides, my ribs are injured, not my brain. So, I can a.s.sure you I know what I'm doing. But if you're in no condition," Ashley said trying to dislodge herself from Tyler's lap with no luck.

"Oh, my condition is just fine. Trust me."

Ashley felt Tyler pull her hips firmly into Tyler's lap. Ashley slid her arm back around Tyler's neck and smiled into a smoldering gaze that set Ashley's body on fire.

Standing, Tyler looked at Ashley and continued, "Still want to go for that walk?"

Chapter Thirty-three.

Tyler felt like her skin was on fire where Ashley slid down her body. When their eyes met, Tyler knew what she wanted to hear and Ashley's eyes gave away her answer. Could she give Ashley what she wanted? Ashley's head rested on Tyler's chest for the briefest of moments while her fingers intertwined with Tyler's. Gently wrapping Ashley in an embrace, she kissed the top of Ashley's head, and then rested her cheek against her forehead. A long deep sigh escaped Tyler's lips as she tipped Ashley's chin up to meet her gaze. There were no words needed for the conversation their bodies were struggling with.

"A walk?"

Tyler watched as Ashley shook her head and gently led Tyler toward her bedroom. Tyler struggled with her emotions. On the one hand she ached for Ashley, on the other she worried that the accident might have clouded Ashley's judgment and how she saw Tyler. Tyler halted their progress and turned Ashley to face her.

"Tyler, I know what I want. Trust me," Ashley whispered, pulling Tyler.

"Ashley." The name died on Tyler's lips as Ashley placed a delicate kiss on the back of her hand. Her heart fluttered at the simple tenderness of Ashley's lips lingering on her hand. Another pull and Tyler found herself firmly inside Ashley's darkened bedroom. Without a clue of where to step, she was guided to the bed and instructed to sit. Tyler felt Ashley kneel between her legs and rest her head in Tyler's lap. Without thinking, Tyler ran her fingers through the soft locks of hair, finding comfort in the intimate act. Her mind tossed away all the reasons she shouldn't be doing this and focused on the one reason she wanted to, Ashley.

For once Jill didn't cloud her mind, pull at her guilt, or push every other woman out. This felt so right on so many levels and Tyler was at a loss to explain it. Jill's words from the hospital room came back to her. She's a wonderful woman, Tyler. Tyler looked down at Ashley and ran her fingers through her hair again.

Pulling the covers back, Tyler gently lifted Ashley up and sat her on the bed. This time, Tyler knelt in front of Ashley and brought Ashley's hands to her lips. When Ashley reached for Tyler's face, Tyler kissed the palm of her left hand and let her tongue gently make its way to the tip of a finger, sucking it into her mouth. A slow caress back and forth on the tip and Tyler heard Ashley moan. Tyler ached for Ashley, her body craved Ashley's touch and electricity surged through her when Ashley moaned again at the continued friction of Tyler's tongue against her finger.

"Tyler, you're killing me. Please...." the sentence died on Ashley's lips and she slipped another finger into Tyler's mouth.

The gentle sucking nearly drove Tyler crazy, feeling the charge down to her toes. She released Ashley's hand and moved above her. Careful not to push too hard. Tyler laid Ashley on the bed and slid up beside her, trying to protect Ashley's injured shoulder. Her long body cradled against Ashley's pet.i.te one. Ashley lifted her head and rested it on Tyler's shoulder, snuggling in closer. Tyler wrapped Ashley protectively in a strong embrace. The quiet of the room lent to the protective coc.o.o.n Tyler found herself in mentally. Tyler pulled on the legs of her jeans trying to ease the rough contact on her already stimulated c.l.i.t. s.h.i.+fting once more she tried twisting and spreading her legs in an attempt to ease her discomfort.

"Why don't you take your pants off?" Ashley asked, lifting her head up and looking at Tyler.

"I don't think that would be a good idea?" Tyler was sure her throaty response gave away how turned on she was.

"Tyler, I see women in their underwear all the time in the locker room," Ashley said, trying to sound dispa.s.sionate.

"That would be fine if I was wearing underwear, but my briefs were rubbing against the bandage and cutting into the st.i.tches, so I opted to go without." Tyler blushed at the declaration.

All of a sudden Tyler felt awkward, almost shy at the revelation. She felt like a schoolgirl with her first girlfriend. The warmth of Ashley's body against hers and knowing there wasn't anything she would be able to do about it until she got home prolonged her agony. The gentle kisses and touching earlier were enough to drive her body straight over the edge she was teetering on. Perhaps she should go home. Her nerves were just about to snap and she knew the only thing that would help her currently sat in a drawer in her nightstand. It had been at least a week since her last o.r.g.a.s.m. In fact, she remembered the shower quiet vividly now. She flinched when Ashley placed a hand on her stomach.

"I'm sorry. Does that hurt?" Ashley pulled her hand back and tucked it between their bodies.

The slow burn Tyler was going through showed no signs of letting up so she needed to come clean, relatively speaking. "I'm sorry, Ashley. It isn't you, it's me." Tyler turned so she was facing Ashley and continued, "I really like you." Tyler grabbed Ashley's hand and brought it to her lips. "I mean, I really like you and I worry that you're going through some really heavy stuff right now and might be mistaking your feeling of being rescued for something else."

"Stop. I know what you're trying to say. I understand that you think that somehow what I feel for you is because you saved my life." Shaking her head, Ashley continued, "I'm not some delusional woman who falls for her rescuer. Not that you're not something to fall for, I mean." Ashley scrubbed her face and then ran her hand through her hair. Frustrated she continued, "Look, I'm not explaining this very well. Maybe it's the medication, maybe it's the stress of the situation, but I've been interested in you for a while. I don't wear my feelings on my sleeve or anything, but obviously Kelly warning me off you should have told you something."

"Okay," Tyler said waiting for Ashley to finish.

"Okay what?"

"Well, you obviously knew I was interested in you at the bar, otherwise you wouldn't have been so quick to shoot me down."

"Yeah, but were you interested in me for the night or...oh it doesn't matter."

Tyler watched in the darkness as Ashley retreated and surrendered emotionally. Moving closer to Ashley, Tyler's finger followed the contour of Ashley's face and then moved over her lips. A soft kiss replaced Tyler's fingers. Moving back Tyler studied Ashley's face.

"Will you stay? I don't think I want to be alone tonight." Ashley's request was barely a whisper as she moved closer to Tyler.


"Just one thing," Ashley said. "I don't like shoes on the bed and, since you're staying, there are some boxers in the second drawer on the right." Pointing in the direction of the dresser, Ashley continued, "You might as well get comfortable, right?"

Chapter Thirty-four.

The silence in the house kept Ashley awake. The hospital had been full of activity, even in the dead of night. Nurses making rounds, checking vital signs, moving from room to room made for long nights. But now that Ashley was home and in her own bed she was wide awake. No activity meant no sleep. Lying around all day dozing on and off didn't help her insomnia and now, lying next to Tyler made things worse. The slow, deep breaths of her bedmate were a noise she hadn't heard in a long time. If she remembered correctly, it took a few weeks to get used to having Leslie in her bed. But listening to Tyler's breathing wasn't the problem. The fact that she laid almost spread eagle on the bed was.

Tyler had tossed the covers off herself and onto Ashley sometime in the night. Sweating, Ashley woke up to find herself pinned under a pile of blankets and a leg. Trying not to move too much, she slid Tyler's leg off, expending what little energy she had. Now, she needed to go to the bathroom and take more medication or the night would drag on forever as the pain of wresting with the blankets took its toll. Looking over at Tyler, Ashley noticed that the t-s.h.i.+rt she wore rode up and exposed the soft skin of Tyler's stomach. Looking further down Tyler's body, Ashley couldn't help but notice how tight the boxers fit Tyler. Ashley let out a deep breath trying to calm the b.u.t.terflies that had quickly taken up residence. A touch, just one little caress along Tyler's taut stomach would be enough to satisfy her. At least, that's what she hoped kicking the blankets to the floor.

Ashley's fingertips touched the taut muscles first. Feathery light, she moved them across Tyler's stomach and watched as a slight contraction made the muscles twitch. Biting her lip, she looked back to Tyler's face, the sleeping expression hadn't changed. But the t-s.h.i.+rt gave a hint to Tyler's body responding when Ashley noticed firm nipples peaked under the fabric. Her gaze lowered back to where she was pulling her hand back across Tyler's stomach. Goose b.u.mps covered Tyler's stomach this time. Before Ashley could move her hand away, Tyler captured and held it to her stomach.

"Two can play that game you know?" Tyler whispered into Ashley's ear.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. I saw you laying there and I just...." Ashley said, thankful Tyler couldn't see her blus.h.i.+ng.

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Broken Shield Part 17 summary

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