The Six: If Ever I Fall Part 10

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I blinked the tears from my eyes.

aWhatas the last thing you remember?a Agent Jackson moved to the foot of the bed as he spoke.

I looked between him and Aiden, trying to understand what was happening, only to realize I had no idea where I was. aWhere am I? And why are you here?a Agent Jackson winced, clearly hearing my confusion.

Instead of answering me, he spoke to Aiden. aDid Nadia say if she had any sort of head trauma?a Aiden shook his head. aJust bruised ribs.a Dread pooled low in my stomach as a swift round of anger rumbled through me. aWhat happened?a Aiden bent over, elbows on his knees as he spoke at the floor. aCan you give us a few minutes?a Agent Jackson looked torn. His hand came down on Aidenas shoulder, squeezed hard, and then he walked out without a word, closing the door behind him.

My hands clutched the blanket. I had an odd feeling that whatever Aiden had to say would turn my entire world upside down.

Aiden didnat speak right away. I wasnat sure he could. Watching his throat bob as he swallowed hard made my own tighten in response. It was that choked feeling you get when you were fighting every instinct not to break down.

He took a deep breath, tipped his head back at the ceiling, and then moved from the bed.

Another deep breath expanded his chest, pulling his s.h.i.+rt tight across his shoulders. When he let the breath go, he met my gaze.

His mouth formed a thin line as a deep groove settled in between his eyebrows. aIam sorry I let things go too far this morning.a I scowled in response, not understanding what he meant. aAiden, I have no idea what youare talking about.a He snorted, placing his hand over his mouth and dragging his fingers in to pinch his bottom lip. When his hand dropped, he asked, aHowas your head? Does it hurt?a My fingers went up to the spot where wead cracked our heads together. It was a little tender, but that was all. aYeave a hard head, Aiden, but nothing I wonat recover from. What happened to yer hand?a I asked, noticing the white bandages that hadnat been there earlier.

He made his way over to where a chair had been left beside the bed. When he sat down, he stared at the wall directly in front of him. aI donat even know where to start with this, Airen. I canat seem to find the right words that will make this any easier.a Seeing Aiden the way he was, all banged up and bandaged, and my aching body, were causing connections to form somewhere deep in my subconscious. aWe were in an accident, aye?a He looked at me then. aYes. Do you remember it?a aNo, but it feels like Iave been in one, and your hand is bandaged. Did ye forget what side of the road to drive on?a The humor Iad been going for fell flat when he winced.

Chewing my lip, Aiden watched me closely, but he stayed quiet.

aThereas more, isnat there? What are ye not saying, Aiden?a Something closed off inside him. I watched his eyes become flat, lifeless, as if every emotion he had was being put on lockdown. When he blinked, there was no hint of the Aiden I knew staring back at me.

aThis morning, Robert de Fleur showed up at your auntas house,a he said, watching me as if waiting for some sort of reaction.

Why couldnat I remember that? It seems like it would be something I wouldnat just forget. Clasping my hands in my lap, I tried picturing what he said, but I couldnat recall a thing. aI donat understand. How does Uncle Robert showing up have anything to do with us being in an accident?a His eyes closed as he briefly hung his head. aEverything. It has everything to do with it.a When eyes opened, he continued, aHe put you in the trunk and drove off. Grant and Nadia intercepted his getaway, but he lost control of the car and it flipped.a aAnd you? Where were you? Because ye said we were in an accident,a I said.

Aiden looked away from me. aI was in the trunk with you.a I closed my eyes, desperately searching the blank s.p.a.ces of my mind to connect what he told me to something I could remember. aIn the trunk with me? Aiden, that doesnat make sense. Can you justa start from the beginning and tell it all the way through?a Pressing his hands against his knees, he asked me the same thing Agent Jackson had earlier. aWhatas the last thing you remember?a I blew out a frustrated sigh. aAgent Jackson showed up, and Aunt Brenda and Mum talked to him. Aunt Brenda hauled out those d.a.m.n photo and talked about that stupid curse.a I paused as a bout of anger rolled through me, aShe claimed Da was one of the curses victims, which he wasnat. He died of a heart attack. Hearing her say that p.i.s.sed me off, so I went upstairs. I fell asleep sometime after that. Thatas it. Thatas all I cana waitaa I closed my eyes, seeing Aiden standing in the soft glow of moonlight coming through my window. Head changed his clothes and thena aYou came into my room and slept on my floor, right?a aI came upstairs to check on you after Grant left. You were asleep and I was exhausted, so I changed and lay down on your floor. Do you remember anything else?a he asked, s.h.i.+fting in the chair as if he were uncomfortable.

Did I remember anything else? I watched Aiden intently for some sort of clue as to what I was missing.

His locked-down emotions found their way free as his face pulled into frown, but what enveloped me the most was the strong surge of guilt, or something like it, rolling off him.

Why did I feel like Iad seen that look on him before? Like something had happened between us, something big enough that head feel guilty. aAiden, did wea?a He ran a hand over his face. aNo, we didnat.a aThen why the look of guilt?a I asked, not caring how much it seemed to put him on the spot. aWhatever it is, just spit it out.a aI crashed hard and was a little disoriented when I woke up in the middle of the night. Iad been dreaming of home, and I guess I hadnat fully woken up when I made it back to your room after going to the bathroom.a His hand went to the back of his neck and he took another deep breath, releasing it like it gave him the energy to finish his explanation.

aI slid under the covers, still half asleep, thinking I was getting into my own bed. Only I wasnat home, and it d.a.m.n sure wasnat my bed.a His face flushed, and I could feel mine doing the same. He held my gaze though, making me awkwardly uncomfortable, yet fidgety at the same time as my skin hummed in response to the low rumble of his voice.

aJust before dawn, we both woke up and there wasnat a d.a.m.n thing I could do to keep my hands off you.a aBut you said we didnataa I sputtered, trying to figure out how the h.e.l.l I should respond to that.

I felt like a shameless hussy for things I couldnat even remember. The blush spread further on Aidenas cheeks, and something molten slipped through my veins.

aWe had our clothes on the entire time,a he answered.

My eyebrow rose. I could feel it climbing into an arch as I pictured him in my bed beside me, not keeping his hands off me, yet fully clothed. aAnda?a He groaned. aThis would be so much easier if you remembered. I feel like a total f.u.c.king pervert right now, Airen. I canat even look you in the eye and tell you what happened without blus.h.i.+ng like a d.a.m.n virgin. Do you know how hard it was, having the best non-s.e.x of my life and walking away, because I canat have you? And then when I try to do the right thing, the honorable thing, Robert de Fleur chooses that f.u.c.king moment to make his move.a He growled in frustration and ran a hand through his hair. aI f.u.c.ked everything up by wanting you. My mistakes can never be set right. And when itas all said, when you know the truth, youall hate me just as much as I hate myself right now.a I recoiled like he slapped me. aWhat mistakes, Aiden?a aI f.u.c.king walked out on you not long after Iad rolled over on top of you, rutting like a f.u.c.king animal. I justa left. I couldnat look you in the eye knowing I lied to you since day one about who I am and why Iave been around.a He paused to take a breath, scrubbing his hand over his face before adding, aItas just like you said. Iad leave. I left your auntas house with the intention of keeping my distance and watching over you and your family from the outside. You never would have known I was there. It would have been easier. Better for both of us.

aAfter I left you, I couldnat bring myself to come right back here without taking a few minutes to sort out my feelings. Nadia has a radar for that s.h.i.+t. She can just look at you and know where your head is at. I needed a few more minutes to relive that moment with you before I locked it away.a He shook his head, anger flus.h.i.+ng his cheeks.

I waited to hear the rest, not wanting to interrupt him since everything he said was spewing out of him fast. I could tell head given up on schooling his words, purging them as if it would take some of the weight off his shoulders. If only for a little while.

aThatas when Robert jumped me. When I came to, I was inside his trunk. I had no idea where I was. Then a gun went off. Twice. You were crying, refusing to get in the car, so he threatened you with my gun.a aBang!a I sucked in a sharp breath, hearing Uncle Robertas voice over the top of what Aiden was saying. Head pushed up against me, placing the gun between my thighs as he told me what head do, and how head make Aiden watch, and then kill him too.

aHe had my guna"my f.u.c.king guna"because I couldnat keep my hands off you. I wanted to kill him. I swear to you, Airen, I would have if I could have gotten free from the trunk.a With a slight shake of his head, he stared off somewhere behind me. His voice was laced with anger as he finished telling me what happened. aI donat know what he would have done if the police sirens hadnat rattled him. When he popped the trunk, he forced you to get in, repeating his threat to make sure both of us were afraid enough to do as he said.a Aiden snorted. Pus.h.i.+ng his balled-up knuckles into his leg, he said, aHeas a sick f.u.c.king man. The only way I knew wead survive it was if I could get us out of the trunk, but I couldnat because head tied my feet and hands. You held it together long enough to get the tape off. By then, the trunk was getting hot. Exhaust was leaking in, so I punched out the taillight and bought us a little more time. Not long after that, the car swerved, and we flipped. Grant and Nadia saved our lives, but Robert got away.a By the time Aiden ran out of words, everything had begun to piece itself back together, but only partially. There was one huge chunk still not fully forming and I was sort of relieved, because it would mean Iad remember the moment he fired the two times Aiden spoke of.

I could see the blood, could almost feel how slippery it was on my hands. The burning hold he had on my hair as he pulled me out of the house, not sure if either Aunt Brenda or Mum were alive.

aI remember,a I said, pus.h.i.+ng the words past the nonexistent s.p.a.ce of my closing throat.

Aiden didnat move. Head become a statue, watching me. Waiting for me to fall apart.

Tears wavered heavily in my eyes before rolling down my face as I went totally and completely numb.

Someone announced their presence with a heavy knock, but I stayed silent. Unmoving. It was the only thing keeping everything held together.

Whoever it was stepped close to Aiden, speaking low. aGrant wants you in his office.a Aidenas eyes stayed on mine. And I realized it wasnat just me that had gone numb.

He shrugged off the other guyas hand without replying.

aGet it together, Aiden. You canat do this now. We need you. She needs you.a Aiden exploded out of the chair. His chest b.u.mped into the other guy, forcing him back a few steps. aDonat tell me what she needs, Ace!a Ace put his hands up, taking another step back from Aiden. aHeas still out there. None of us are safe until this mission is complete. She canat move forward until this is over.a Aidenas fists balled up at his sides. His chest heaved.

A smirk crossed Aceas lips. aYou wanna hit me, huh?a aShut up, Ace,a Aiden growled.

aWhat you off more, the fact that youave fallen for her, or that you feel like you failed her?a Aidenas fist shot out, catching Aceas jaw.

Ace worked his jaw back and forth, watching Aiden as if thinking of another way to set him off. aFeel better?a he asked mockingly, taunting him.

Aiden shoved him hard enough that Ace lost his footing. Ace came up, landing a solid blow into Aidenas stomach. aIs this how itas gonna be? aCause I gotta tell ya, bro. Iam down if it makes you wake up and get your head back in the game.a Aidenas hands came up, both fists high as he moved from one foot to the other. aDonat tell me how to feel, a.s.shole.a aI donat need to tell you anything. Itas written all over your d.a.m.n face,a Ace said, ducking as Aidenas fist shot out, clipping his shoulder.

aYou donat know s.h.i.+t,a Aiden answered, jumping right into Aceas punch. His head snapped back, and he swiped the side of his mouth with the back of his arm.

aReally? Iam the guy who left his girlfriend and let her think I was dead. Try that on for size and see how it feels,a Ace countered, lowering his fists slightly.

aYou know this is different. You didnat drop your guard. You donat have to look her in the eye and tell her you failed her.a Aidenas hands dropped down to his sides. aIam not doing this with you.a Ace looked past Aiden to where I sat wide-eyed, unsure what to do, and winked at me. aYou think sheall hate you for this?a Aidenas shoulder slammed into Ace as he walked out of the room, sounding heartbreakingly sad when he said, aShe doesnat have to hate me. I hate myself enough for the both of us.a He was gone after that, leaving me with a total stranger whoad done everything to p.i.s.s him off.

Ace watched the doorway for a second before strolling over to the vacant chair. ah.e.l.lo, Airen. Itas nice to meet the girl who stole my best friendas heart.a aAre you crazy?a I asked, unable to keep my anger in check. aWhat the h.e.l.l did you push him like that for?a Aceas eyes twinkled as he took in my disheveled appearance. aI didnat just do it to him. Both of you looked like zombies. And thereas no time to be that way. I need him, even if heas angry. Maybe even more so if heas angry. Robert de Fleuras days are numbered. I just guaranteed it.a aBy using the guilt he feels against him? What sort of friend does that?a I asked, curling my hands into fists to keep from striking him.

He smiled at me, the b.l.o.o.d.y b.a.s.t.a.r.d. aThe kind of friend who would put everything on the line to save him. Even when itas from himself. Now, letas set that aside for a minute because I want to know right here and nowa Do you blame him for what happened?a Ace used his words with me like head used his fists with Aiden. I sucked in a sharp breath and let it hiss through my teeth before I answered. aYeave a lot of nerve coming in here acting like a complete a.s.shole and then demanding answers from me. In case you donat remember, let me fill ye in, I lost my aunt and my mum. The only person left of my family is a homicidal bastart who Iad shoot myself if I could. How I feel about Aiden has nothing to do with any of it right now, so you can just get tae f.u.c.k.a He laughed.

My hand shot out, cracking against the side of his face, and he laughed even harder. aI like you, Airen. Youall be just fine.a aGet out!a I said, poking my finger into his chest, wincing with each jerky move.

Capturing my hand in his, he said, aI have a better idea. I want to show you something. Do you think you can stand up?a aLet go.a I didnat want to look at him anymore, let alone go anywhere with him.

He put his other hand on his chest, over his heart. aTrust me. If you can get up and out of that bed, youall want to come with me.a aWhy, so I can watch ye kick puppies next?a He rolled his eyes at me. aI know you think I was hard on him. Believe me, I got no joy out of that, but he needed to snap out of it. Do you know what guilt does to you when you allow it to take over? It eats you alive. He doesnat deserve that. He made a mistake. One he has to live with for the rest of his life, but one that doesnat define him. It doesnat make him less of a man.a I let him pull me slowly to my feet, giving me time to move my stiff body without wanting to double over from the pain.

After he slipped his hand under my elbow, we stepped out into a long hallway. The carpet, cold against the soles of my feet, was at least soft with a thick padding of cus.h.i.+on.

The lighting was minimal, spilling from mounted fixtures s.p.a.ced too far apart along the wall. The frosted gla.s.s held back more than it let through. Ace never moved his hand from my elbow as we walked to the end of the hallway.

aIt was touch and go for a little while, which is why youare just now being brought here. Before you go in, I want you to keep something in mind,a Ace said, bringing us to a halt just before the hallway took a sharp turn to the right.

aThe medic has had one h.e.l.l of a time keeping them stable, and thereas no way of telling if theyall make a full recovery, or if their bodies will give out on them during the night. But for now, your aunt and mother are alive.a He didnat wait for my reaction as he urged me around the corner and pushed open a door. Bright lighting pierced my eyes, making them water. I blinked rapidly and moved further into the room.

Two heart monitors and a ton of wires and tubes surrounded them as they lay no less than five feet from one another, both fighting for their lives.

I moved forward on legs that threatened to buckle with each step. I had to know; I had to see them for myself.

A man in a white lab coat shot a nasty look in Aceas direction. aYou donat have permission to be in here.a aShe has the right to know whatas happening,a Ace said, feet planted as he steadied me.

aGrant will hear about this,a the medic answered, crossing his arms against his chest as he glared at us.

aI donat really care. Iall tell him myself,a Ace answered, helping me move closer to stand in between their beds.

The dam inside me broke. Tears poured down my cheeks as I leaned heavily against Ace. He s.h.i.+fted to keep me upright as my world tilted back into place.

Ace spoke over the top of my head to the medic. aCan you get her a chair?a Something like an angry sigh sifted through the air, aIall get her a chair, but you can only stay for another five minutes. Deal?a I bobbed my head, not waiting for Ace to answer. The next thing I knew I was sitting in between Mum and Aunt Brenda, sending out every prayer I knew, willing them to live. They had to live. They were all I had left.

The seconds ticked by between the hiss and beeps of the machines around me. Before I knew it, five minutes had pa.s.sed in what felt like a blink of an eye. I wasnat ready to leave, didnat want to walk away from them as they lay still as death.

The medic walked over to Aunt Brendaas bed. I could see him on the other side of her, adjusting wires, checking readings, and jotting them down. The pen made a scratching sound as he continued to write.

aSheas a strong one,a he said as he stepped away, walking behind where I sat perched on the edge of the chair with only Aceas hand to keep me steady.

When he got to Mumas side, he repeated the same process. Instead of having something hopeful to say, he only sighed, making adjustments to the small bottle attached to her IV line. It was there on his face. Mum wasnat doing well. At all.

Ace cleared his throat. aIall take you back to your room now.a When I didnat acknowledge what he said, he tucked his arm underneath mine and helped me stand. aIall make sure you can come back later to check on them. Okay?a I fumbled beside him, keeping my head turned, watching them until the door closed behind us with a soft swish. The only thought keeping me going was the fact that they still lived.

Fight. You have to fight! I willed the thoughts through the closed doors, hoping they could hear my silent plea.

SITTING ACROSS FROM GRANT AS he scrubbed his hands down his face, I knew I was in for the a.s.s chewing of a lifetime. Head rip me to shreds. And I deserved it.

He dropped his hands to the desk, staring at me with bloodshot eyes. aWhat happened?a I couldnat meet his gaze. aI screwed up. And two innocent women died.a Grant snorted, shoving himself back in his seat, crossing his arms as he waited for me to say more. But I couldnat get the words past the boulder shoved inside my throat.

aAiden, look at me,a Grant said.

I couldnat.

aG.o.dd.a.m.n it, Aiden, look at me!a he snapped.

The force in his words lifted my head, even when the last thing I wanted to do was meet his gaze.

A tear rolled down my cheek. Then another. Until I swiped them away, angry that I couldnat get my s.h.i.+t together and explain myself like a man would. Like I needed to. Iad f.u.c.ked up. I needed to face the consequences. Two womena"good womena"were gunned down all because of me and my selfish needs. I was no better than Robert de Fleur, and Airen didnat deserve to have someone like me in her life.

aIt was her, wasnat it? I should have known better,a he said, blowing out an angry breath. aI should have pulled you last night, and I have to live with that.a If he would have pulled me last night, who knows what Robert de Fleur would have done with her?

aAiden, do you blame yourself for what happened?a he asked.

My heart stuttered, and then went into overdrive. How could he ask me that when he knew d.a.m.n well that was how I felt? Did he need to hear the words? Hear me own up to my mistake?

aWhat kind of f.u.c.king question is that? Of course I blame myself. He shot them, Grant. He shot them with my f.u.c.king gun!a My heart picked up speed, banging against my chest like it sought escape from the confines of my body. I clutched my hand against it, willing it to slow. Willing the ache to become numb so I could just move forward anda and what? Heal? That would never happen. Not with what I had on my conscious.

Grantas fingers steepled in front of his face, tapping against his nose. aHow did he get your gun?a There was no getting around telling him about my abrupt leaving after what had happened with Airen. Only Iad give him the abridged version. He didnat need to know the details. That was a private moment between Airen and me. One I wouldnat share with anyone but her. Steeling myself against the disappointment head have in me, I forced myself to look at him.

aI left Brendaas house this morning after something happened with Airen. I was tied in knots, Grant. Knots.a I brought my fist up, b.u.mping it against my chest. aI justa I couldnat.a I swallowed hard, forcing myself to tell him about my feelings. Feelings I didnat want to have. aI couldnat stay any longer. She was getting to me, and I knew I couldnat stick around. So I got in my car and headed here.a Iad been so d.a.m.n torn about leaving her. aI parked a few blocks further away from the church than I normally do. I just needed a few more minutes to clear my head. Get my s.h.i.+t together before I faced you. Thatas when he jumped me. I came to in his trunk.a Grant nodded as I forced my lips closed. Gripping the arm of the chair, he pushed himself up and moved around the desk. aI know youare beating yourself up for all of this, but you need to understand something. Even if youad have been there, the outcome probably would have been the same. He still had his own gun, Aiden. He just used yours instead, because for as much as he is an a.s.shole, heas smart too. Weare not dealing with an idiot. Weare dealing with a man who knows how to evade us. h.e.l.l, heas done it a few times now.a aThen why did you pull Ace and Oliver from the field?a aBecause I need him to go wherever it was he was heading with the two of you before the accident. There could be more than just Mrs. Campbell and Ms. Andersonas lives on the line.a I snapped to attention. aSend me in. Tell me where to go, and Iall do whatever it takes to eliminate Robert de Fleur.a The corner of Grantas lips lifted as if head smile, but he stopped himself before it could make an appearance. aBefore we set out, and yes, I mean we, Iam going with you, thereas something you should know.a I swallowed hard.

aHe didnat kill them.a He waited for what he said to sink in.

aThey arenat dead? Whata how?a I wanted to run out of Grantas office and share the news with Airen. Give her something good to hold onto in the madness wead been pulled through.

aI sent a team to Ms. Andersonas house when the live video feed showed Robert de Fleur pulling up the driveway. I wasnat sure what theyad find when they got there, so I sent a medic crew behind them just in case,a Grant said, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. aI donat know if theyare gonna make it or not, Aiden. The medic says itall be a miracle if they do.a My heart sank again. I couldnat help but wonder how many more times my heart could take the emotional beating Iad been put under before it just quite working all together.

The door to Grantas office opened as Oliver stepped in. aIntel was able to pull some satellite feeds. We know where he is.a Grant grabbed the phone on his desk. Cradling the receiver between his head and shoulder as he dialed, he flicked a quick look at Oliver and said, aGo get Ace.a I let it all go in that moment. The hurt. The anger. Everything. It was time to focus on what mattered the most, and that was taking Robert de Fleur down.

I listened to Grantas one-sided conversation for clues as to where we were headed.

aI want a map on the property. Lists of buildings or any other areas where the b.a.s.t.a.r.d can hide. Have them to me in ten.a He hung the phone up and turned to face me. aIall give you one good guess as to where he was headed with you when we intercepted him.a My brows pulled low in confusion. aBut why? Brenda said she sold the property. The house isnat even there anymore.a aThatas the million-dollar question. I guess weall find out when we get there. Before we go, I need to know if you got this,a he said, tapping his finger against my forehead. aBecause if not,a he said, trailing the end of his thoughts for me to fill in the blanks.

Oh, I had it all right. There wasnat anything that would keep me from being there to take him down. That was until Airen walked in, trembling from head to toe, tears rolling down her face. I shot up from my chair, and she stepped into my arms.

aAidena I saw them. Theyareaa I cupped her head against my chest. aI know. Grant just told me.a Oliver stopped short just outside the door, taking in the scene. I could feel Grantas eyes on the back of my head, watching Airen cling to me.

Grant cleared his throat as he stepped around us. aAiden, we have to go.a Airen jerked in response, dropping her arms from around me. aGo where?a Understanding dawned on her face as she sucked in a sharp breath. The others walked out, giving me a chance to talk with her alone before I left.

aAiren, I know I have a lot to explain to you. And I will as soon as I get back. But I have to go now.a She pulled her arms tight against her stomach. aI donat want you to go. I know that sounds selfish, but there it is.a I couldnat meet the look in her eyes, so I turned my head away, sighed inwardly, and said. aRobert de Fleur is my missiona my job. I canat let anyone or anything stand in the way of that. Not even you.a I hurt her. I know I did. But I walked away and left her standing in the middle of Grantas office, and I didnat look back. Because if I would have looked back, I never would have left.

aHE'S GOT A FEW HOURS head start on us, but itas pretty clear where heas headed,a Grant said, voice crackling through our headsets.

Wead left the car behind at the small airfield and boarded, of all things, a helicopter used for tourists. It was the only way to go from Glasgow to Ireland on such short notice.

Oliver sat to my right, looking over the map of the land Brendaas family once owned that Grant had printed out.

Grant leaned in, motioning a white-faced Ace to do the same. I couldnat blame Ace. If Iad have been involved in a helicopter crash not that long ago, Iad probably look the same way.

aI want the two of you set up here and here,a Grant said, pointing out two spots on the map that were opposite each other. aItall give us a clear shot from both areas in case the b.a.s.t.a.r.d tries to run again.a aThat doesnat cover the cliffside. Thereas no way either one of us can take a shot from that angle,a Oliver replied.

Grant flicked a glance at Oliver with a jerk of his shoulder. aThereas not much we can do about that. Once youare set up, Aiden and I will take our positions. Iall need you to get to your locations as quick as possible to give me a status report. As soon as you get a visual on him, let me know. Weare not leaving any of this up to chance and if we do this right, weall cage that b.a.s.t.a.r.d in and heall have no way out.a aUnless he has a boat,a Ace said, pointing at the water on the map.

aIf he gets in a boat, give him a burial at sea,a Grant answered.

What if we made it all the way there and that wasnat where he was headed after all? Ireland was an island with plenty of places he could hop in a boat and disappear.

aMaybe heas not headed for that property. What if heas throwing a false trail, thinking thatas where youad expect him to go?a I asked.

aThen we keep following his trail. But thereas something about that land for him, call it a hunch, but I think heas been using it for something for a long time. He wants it bad enough that he tried to kill his sisters and kidnap Airen for it,a Grant answered.

aIt doesnat make sense though. If the land was sold, there isnat a d.a.m.n thing anyone can do about it,a Ace said.

Grant nodded. aExactly. Which means he had no idea the land was sold and was operating on the idea that head force them into turning over the deed to him. From what I gathered, the company that bought the land hadnat done anything with it up until recently when they moved the construction trailer in on it,a Grant answered.

aWonat he be in for a surprise seeing that?a Oliver said, snorting.

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The Six: If Ever I Fall Part 10 summary

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