The Six: If Ever I Fall Part 5

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aWe need to find out why heas decided to show up on their doorstep after all these years,a Grant said, coming to a halt at his office. aDo you think you can try to stretch it out a couple of days? Staying at Brendaas, I mean.a I shrugged. aI can try.a aInvent a story if you have to. Tell them youad only rented your room until the end of the month or something. Make it seem like you donat have any place to go right now. I seriously doubt shead tell you no. Not right now anyway.a I couldnat help but laugh. aSeriously? You havenat met Brenda. That woman is a force to be reckoned with.a Grant opened his mouth, surely to give me more ideas or maybe even some advice, but I stopped him by putting my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. aDonat worry, Grant. Iall figure it out.a He dipped his head, lips pulled into a flat line. aI know you will. Just be careful, Aiden. Robert de Fleur is no one to take lightly. Granted, heas just a man, but heas a dangerous one. Okay?a I let go of his shoulder and took a step back. aIam gonna grab my stuff and head back to the coffee shop.a Iad only made it a few steps down the hall when Grant called out to me. aIall be stopping in at Brendaas tonight to talk with her. Maybe sheall tell me something to help the case along faster.a I thought about that for a second. aMaybe, but then again, youare a stranger to her so she might just clam up.a aTrue, but if that happens, the responsibility will fall to you. See ya in a little bit,a he said, disappearing back into his office.

It took me only a few minutes to pack my bag, being sure to not only pack the essentials, but extra ammunition too.

Iad just pulled the strap of my bag over my shoulder when Nadia rapped softly on my door and came in.

aAll packed?a she asked, even though she saw my bag on my shoulder.

aYeah, I was just heading out. Whatas up?a Her eyes glittered with a secret as her mouth pulled into a large grin. aI just got off the phone with Jared. He called to tell us that Mark and Paige are getting married.a aMarriedaa I repeated, letting a smile similar to hers bloom. aWell, Iall be d.a.m.ned.a aAnyway, I just wanted to tell you before you headed out,a she said, turning to leave.

aWhen?a I thought to ask before she got out the door.

aWhena? Oh, the date? Jared said that Mark and Paige refuse to get married without you guys, so theyare waiting to get in touch with everyone. Theyad like to get married at the cabin.a Her lips moved into a frown, briefly, but she schooled her features. aI guess that means we need to get this b.a.s.t.a.r.d soon.a I watched her leave without further comment. Her parting words sank down into my gut like a lead weight. As happy as I was for Mark and Paige, I was also saddened by the thought that if they were waiting on all of us, they might never get married.

I PARKED BEHIND THE COFFEE shop and shut the car off. Leaning my head back against the headrest, I briefly closed my eyes and gave myself a minute to just be me. Not the Aiden who was an operative for Cole Enterprise. And not the Aiden that Brenda and Airen thought I was. Just me. And I was shocked at the depth of my loneliness.

Whoever had said growing up and becoming an adult was the adventure of a lifetime only had it partially right. Sure Iad spread my wings and gone further than Iad ever thought Iad go, but it had also come with a pretty hefty price. Iad gained a lot, but given up so much more.

A horn blared off in the distance. Snapping my eyes open, I pushed the thoughts back and locked them away. There was nothing that could be done about it. Iad made my choices, and life would continue on no matter how I felt.

I let myself back into the coffee shop, noticing there was no sound coming from the front. That was odd, considering it was the middle of the day.

When Iad left, Kirsten had been milling around, cleaning up when she could.

There was, however, the distinct sound of Brenda and someone else Iad never heard chattering away in her office.

Slowly, I moved down the hall, hoping to catch whatever they were talking about. When I heard my name, I came to a stop, ears alert to listen.

Surely, Brenda had at least heard me close the door. But the two women talked away regardless.

aOch, and to be sure, heas a bonnie lad too!a Brendaas voice rose as the other woman t.i.ttered.

aAye? Well, Airen, it seems to me the only thing amiss to yer American is his halo,a the other lady replied.

Her American?

There was a rustle of movement as if someone were struggling, and then all h.e.l.l broke loose in the form of one very p.i.s.sed-off girl. aHeas no my anything! De ye here me? The two of ye can just keep yer thoughts te yourselves.a They laughed at her.

Brenda tried speaking through her merriment, but it came out in spits and spurts. aAye, tea te be sureaa Her voice pitched and crackled. aBut heas seen ye na naa naked!a aHe what?a the other lady hollered.

aOh, ho! And whose fault was that, Aunt Brenda? Oh, Mum, do be quiet!a Airen sounded at her witas end.

It was time to stop the madness, but Airenas next words halted me. aAnd as for you and yer matchmaking, I willna have it! Iave told ye once already what I thought about it.a She had?

aAye, I ken what ye said. But do ye remember what I said, la.s.s?a Brenda countered her.

I could hear Airenas breathing as she struggled to keep her composure.

aI ken fine what ye said, but Iall no waver. They leave. They always leave!a Enough was enough. I braced myself, eyes closed, and took the two steps that would bring me to the door of Brendaas office. When my eyes snapped open, I realized two things at once. Airen was p.i.s.sed, and she was barreling out the door at me.

I caught her up in my arms as she flailed, sending us tumbling. As I hit the ground, I turned at the last second to keep from falling on her. She shrieked in my ear, landing on my chest hard enough to bruise me. Our heads cracked together with the momentum, making both of us groan at the impact.

I locked my arms around her. One on her shoulder, the other on her hip, keeping her pressed against me in a most favorable position, only it wasnat favorable with two gawking women hovering at the doorway.

Airenas head rested against my chest as she groaned hot against the material of my s.h.i.+rt. aJesus, Mary and Joseph, my head.a I lifted my hand from her shoulder, cradling her head against me as I blinked away the starburst of white dots that exploded behind my eyelids. Iad worry about what her aunt thought when I could stand up.

Airen pushed up as far as she could and slid off me to her knees. Her hands held the sides of her face as she planted her elbows on her legs.

Coming up on one arm, I moved back far enough to lean against the wall. I hadnat been taken down like that since I played high school football. Airen, for as small as she was, would have made one h.e.l.l of a linebacker.

The other lady, standing beside Brenda, bristled as she walked over and kicked me in the thigh. aAnd who do ye think ye are, manhandling my daughter like that?a Oh G.o.d, my head throbbed against the loudness of her voice and the knowledge that the other lady was in fact Airenas mother.

Dragging my hands down my face, I sighed deeply and made myself get up from the floor. I wavered for a second with one hand braced against the wall. When the dots receded and the swaying stopped, I reached down to help Airen to her feet.

She didnat fight me. Much. But she couldnat stand on her own either, so I tucked her against my left side, wrapping my arm around her and sliding my thumb through her belt loop for added measure.

When I knew she wouldnat waver, I stuck my right hand out, introducing myself to her mother. aAiden Jacobsen, maaam. Itas nice to meet you.a Airenas mother looked at my outstretched hand and then over to Brenda, keeping her hands firmly clutched together.

Brenda gave her a stern look, and then turned to smile at the picture Airen and I must have presented. aDid I no tell ye heas a strong, bonnie lad? And more than capable of taking care of a strong-minded la.s.sie, aye?a Airen turned her head into my shoulder. Her hair covered her face as she whispered an apology to me. aIam sorry, Aiden. Theyare like two old hens, aacluckina away.a My fingers tightened briefly against her hip in response. aI think the term is hardheaded. Well, in this case anyway.a Airenas mom was having none of it. She was clearly mad, but I had no idea why until she opened her mouth and unleashed her next words. aAnd what do you mean by taking advantage of Airen like that?a aI donat understandaa I had no idea what she meant. I hadnat done anything but keep from crus.h.i.+ng Airen when we fell.

aShe means,a Airen said, straightening up, but not moving out of my hold, athat Aunt Brenda told her ye saw me naked. Well, no naked, but ye ken what I mean.a The picture of Airen in the bathtub. That was what had her so upset? I didnat have it in me to fight with Airenas mother.

aBrenda, I think you better explain,a I said, trying my hardest to give her a stern look, but failing miserably. It was hard to do with a dull thud rattling inside my head.

Brenda moved out of the way when I pulled Airen closer and stepped forward, intent on getting the both of us to the couch without falling over. Airen moved beside me, against me, as if she were a part of me.

I got Airen to the couch, helping her sit before I plopped down beside her. Brenda handed her a pillow. She tossed it on my lap, laying her head down and closing her eyes.

aPoor la.s.s. Ye finally met someone with a harder head then ye, I dare say,a Brenda said, smoothing back Airenas hair from her face. aAnd yeall have a nice wee lump for show.a I didnat have time to think about the fact that Airenas head was in my lap. Okay, I did, but it wasnat anything to get excited over with the wave of nausea rolling through me. I needed a few minutes of silence and darkness, neither of which would happen with Brenda clucking over the two of us and Airenas mother hissing and glaring at me.

I caught Brendaas hand in mine. aCan you get us both a cold cloth? I donat know about Airen, but Iam about two seconds away from puking my guts out.a As if on cue, Airen rolled over and vomited on my boots. I grimaced, but I kept hold of her so she didnat roll off the couch. That sent Brenda and Airenas mother in motion.

aIall get the cold compresses; ye get the cleaning supplies. Aiden, weall get yer shoes off in a minute. Hang in there, kiddos, weall have ye right as rain in no time.a aTurn off the light, would ye?a Airen gasped as she moved back to put her head on the pillow.

The room went dark and two sets of feet shuffled out, leaving a blissful silence in their wake.

I took slow, shallow breaths to keep the bile from rising further up my throat, but it did no good. Lucky for Airen, I was able to slide out from under her and make it to Brendaas trash can before I threw up.

I could hear Airen gagging in response, retching up what sounded like painful dry heaves. There wasnat a d.a.m.n thing I could do but empty the rest of the contents of my stomach.

The only thing that could have been worse in that moment would be Robert de Fleur showing up. If he did, I wouldnat have been able to do anything about it.

That p.i.s.sed me off. Enough so that I forced myself to ignore the fact that I probably had a minor concussion as I unlaced my boots and toed them off. Holding the trash can in one hand and my boots in the other, I made my way out of the office into the hallway, wincing against the light. There was no way in h.e.l.l Iad let anyone clean up after me.

In the bathroom, I cleaned out the garbage can, gagging the entire time, and dried it with a handful of paper towels. Setting it down on the floor, I bent over the sink and stuck my mouth under the running water, swished, and then spit to get the horrid taste out.

I felt a little better after that and bent to the task of cleaning up my boots and rinsing my socks. My pants, however, were splattered with vomit and would need to be changed.

Rolling the bottom of my jeans up, I made my way to the car and grabbed a new pair of pants, socks, and my tennis shoes.

By the time Iad made it back to Brendaas office, theyad cleaned up the floor and had Airen stretched out on the couch.

She looked awful. Her face held that clammy look of someone violently ill. I winced when I looked at her, knowing she was in for one h.e.l.l of a night.

Concussions sucked. First-time concussions were the worst, because you had no idea what to expect. Iad had my fair share of them, and I knew Iad feel better by the next day. Airen probably felt as though she were dying.

Ignoring both Brenda and Airenas mother, I walked over and knelt by the side of the couch, pitching my voice as low as I could so as not to hurt her head even more. aTake slow, shallow breaths through your mouth and keep that rag over your eyes. Youall feel better tomorrow, I promise.a Her answer came in the form of a soft sigh and her hand came up, b.u.mping against my cheek as her fingers slid along my jaw.

I caught her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze as something inside of me warmed.

Behind me, someoneas breath caught. I didnat know whoad done it, and I didnat care. Airen was seeking comfort; I was just the one whoad provided it. That was all. They could think what they wanted, because if they knew the truth, they wouldnat think very highly of me and would probably curse my name.

A pang of guilt raced through me, settling in somewhere over my heart. My hand came up automatically, rubbing against it as I laid Airenas hand back down on the couch and stood.

She deserved better than me. I had nothing to give her, save the protection I could offer until Robert de Fleur was removed from her life.

When I turned around, Brenda was right behind me, her hand lifting to my head as she brushed my hair back, running her cool fingertips against the bruise forming.

I s.h.i.+fted, allowing the light behind me to illuminate her face, and saw a glittering of tears in her eyes.

aDo ye feel well enough to help get Airen in the car, lad? Iall drive us home, but I canna lift her.a Airenas mother hissed from somewhere to my right. aShe shouldnat be moved. Look at her!a Airenas mouth pulled into a frown, clearly aggravated from not only the tone of her motheras voice, but the loudness of it as well.

aMina, we canna stay here, and Airen would be more comfortable in her bed,a Brenda whispered firmly.

aHer bedaa Mina answered, pitching her voice low enough as to not bother Airen, ais waiting for her at home.a I clamped my lips firmly together as Brenda stiffened, bracing herself for what seemed to be an old argument. aYe were ready to leave not even an hour ago.a They were both dead set in what they wanted. The only reasonable decision was to keep them all together. It would be the only way I could keep a close eye on them. aMaybe the best solution to the problem at hand is to keep everyone together. Brenda, do you have an extra bedroom for Mina to stay with you?a She smiled, nodding along. aAye, thatas a good idea. Mina, weall stop by yer house and ye can pick up a few things for now. And donat tell me no, ye ken as well as I do that Aiden is right. Weall do much better staying together. And yeall be staying with us as well,a she said, poking her finger in my direction. aWeall be needing a good, strong lad around.a Mina made a grumbling sort of noise that said she wasnat at all happy about the situation, but that she would keep what she thought about it to herself.

I could tell there was a lot of history there between the grunts, finger pointing, and overall unspoken words between the sisters. Something so old that it had been ongoing for a very long time. I could only hope theyad put it aside while under the threat of Robert de Fleur.

With that settled, I handed the keys to the car over to Brenda. Squatting down, I gently moved my arms under Airen, careful not to jostle her too much. Her muted cry of agony broke my heart.

aI know, sweetheart, just lean your head against me and breathe slowly.a I wanted to add, and please donat puke on me again, but I kept that to myself. It wouldnat do her any good to remind her shead already thrown up on me once.

I carried Airen out of the shop, waiting as Mina opened the back door of the car, wondering how I could put her down without hurting her, only to have to pick her back up and hurt her again.

f.u.c.k it, Iall just hold onto her until we get to Brendaas.

With the decision made, I got us into the backseat as Brenda slid behind the wheel.

Mina opened the pa.s.senger door, giving me an odd look before she sat down and closed it with a dull thud.

aFirst stop, Minaas. And then home,a Brenda said as the car was put in gear and rolled forward.

The slight motion had Airen turning further into my embrace.

My arms ached by the time Brenda pulled up alongside a set of row houses and parked.

aIall come in and help ye,a Brenda said as Mina made no move to get out of the car.

Mina looked back at me. Concern etched along her brow as her eyes went from Airen to me. aAnd what about them?a aTheyall be fine. Weall only be a minute or two, and I dare say neither of them are up to getting out of the car right now,a Brenda replied, nudging Mina to open her door.

aAnd what if hea?a Brenda opened her door, halting with one foot out. aHe wonat. Letas go.a Mina got out of the car with a huff, but she refrained herself from slamming the door behind her.

As soon as the door closed, Airen seemed to relax.

aAre you okay?a I asked, s.h.i.+fting both of us to a more comfortable position.

aIad be better if I were in bed,a she said, and then stiffened once more at what she said.

Having her in my lap, I understood why. aYou have the boniest a.s.s. Did you know that?a She tried for a snort and groaned. aDonat make me even think about laughing right now. My head might explode.a aSorry,a I mumbled.

aDonat apologize, Aiden. If anything, it should be me doing it. Iam the one lying here like an invalid, forcing you to keep hold of me.a aNo oneas forcing me. Trust me, I know how you feel right now.a aSmacked a lot of heads, have you?a A tinge of humor laced her words.

aYou could say that.a THE SOFT RUMBLE OF AIDEN'S voice was soothing. His steady heartbeat under my ear helped keep my mind off the ache resonating in my head like a drum. His voice, soft and sweet like warm honey, dulled my senses.

For a moment, I let myself feel something for the man holding me in his arms, running his fingertips over my arm in soothing circles.

Feeling the pinp.r.i.c.ks of awareness roll through me, I wondered if he even knew he was doing it. It settled me. It made me want more. It made me realize just how much I craved the touch of another. It scared me to know that something as simple as the comfort of Aiden holding me could also be my undoing.

If I allowed myself to feel anything for him, head surely shatter me when he went away. And he would go away. Selfishly, for that moment, Iad live in it and carry it with me for the rest of my life.

aBack when I was in high school, I had my bell rung a few times during football season,a he said, continuing on, unaware of the feelings head coaxed to life.

aYouad think after the first time, Iad never let it happen again,a he said, keeping the conversation one-sided, as my only replies were soft noises I made in my throat.

It wasnat that I didnat want to talk to him. It was just that it hurt to hear the sound of my own voice rattling out of my mouth. I was sure he knew it too.

But still, Iad cracked his head just as hard as Iad hit mine. The only strength I had was enough to lift my finger up to his lips, pressing against the softness of them firmly. Talking had to have taken its toll on him, and he neednat keep talking to appease me.

His lips moved, and I swear I could feel the tip of his tongue touch my finger before my hand fell back against his chest.

He kept silent after that. Only the heavy thud of his heart echoed against my hand in response. It hammered harder than before for a minute, but settled into its regular cadence not long after.

He s.h.i.+fted again, moving me as if he tried getting both of us in a more comfortable position.

I settled snugly against his chest with a sigh of contentment as my eyes flickered closed, and something like sleep settled over me.

I felt it alla"my body relaxing, his body relaxing, and the staggered breath that came out of me as if Iad fallen into a heavy sleep, but I hadnat. His chest rumbled as his arms s.h.i.+fted ever so slightly, his hand sliding down to my backside and his arm settling over the outer length of my thigh.

There was a certain thrill that came with innocent touches in a shared moment of privacy. It painted a flush to my skin. A flush I havenat felt beforea not until that very moment. The intensity in the air filled my soul with an odd kind of hunger I couldnat ignore.

He inhaled, exhaled, and moved carefully until he was leaning his back against the door. I felt him give over in that moment, seeking the solace of me in his arms, the same way I had earlier.

The sound of bags being loaded in the trunk woke both of us up from our not-quite-sleep trances. Aidenas hand moved from my backside to my hip as he righted himself slightly against the door.

Outside the car, Aunt Brenda and Mum bickered. I silently pleaded for the two of them to be done with their argument before they got back in the car. I wasnat sure I could handle another argument between the two of them, even if they did it in hissed whispers.

I felt Aiden turn slightly to look out the back window. aAre they always like that?a aThat,a I said, emphasizing the word, ais nothing compared to what theyare capable of. Youave no idea what yeave gotten yerself into.a His chest moved with silent laughter. I wanted so badly to laugh along with him, but the humor head found in what Iad said made me groan with every movement of his chest.

His silent laughter died immediately. aSorry,a he said, almost breathlessly.

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The Six: If Ever I Fall Part 5 summary

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