The Six: If Ever I Fall Part 8

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Niggling worries tried to push their way past the cloud of euphoria wead created, but I beat them back by recalling the feeling of our bodies straining against one another. It worked, and I drifted off in Aidenas arms. Iad deal with whatever happened next, but not until I had to.

I FELT HIM MOVE AND reached out for him, mumbling incoherent words of protest. He was pulling away from our little haven of pa.s.sion. When he did, it would be over. I could feel it.

Forcing my eyes open, I saw him sitting on the side of the bed, head in his hands.

My heart sank, but I refused to allow him to punish himself for what happened between us. I was just as guilty of it as he was. So I reached out, putting my hand on his back.

His hands dropped from his head and he turned, facing me and taking my hand.

aAiren, Ia"a I squeezed my fingers against his tight hold. aYou donat have to say anything, Aiden.a aBut I do. I have so much to say. I justa canat.a He sounded tortured, afraid.

The pieces sort of clicked together for me as I watched him struggling with what to say. Iad felt it the night before, but after Aunt Brenda had pulled the rug out from under me, talking about my da, Iad forgotten about it. aHow long have you worked for Agent Jackson?a His head snapped up, eyes searching mine. aIam not working for him.a aPull the other one, itas shorter, aye?a I said, nudging him with my foot.

He turned away, no longer willing to look me in the eye.

I nudged him again. aJust tell me Iam not some sort of conquest. That ye didnat use me because you were told to.a aYou were never that,a he whispered.

aThan what am I to youa to this?a I couldnat help the anger that crept into my voice.

Aiden pulled my hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to my palm. aYouare something I want desperately, but can never have.a He dropped my hand and stood, making his way over to where his bag lay on the floor.

Grabbing his discarded jeans, he changed as I sat stunned by what head said. He pulled his boots on, stuffed the pants head worn to bed inside, and pulled the strap onto his shoulder. He was leaving.

I scrambled out of bed and moved in front of him. aWhy?a aBecause you deserve so much more than what I can offer you. And it f.u.c.king kills me that I canat be enough.a His hands came up, cupping my neck as he kissed me one last time.

I let him go. I let him move his fingertips away from my neck and brush past me. Let him take the stairs one by one and head out the door without a single cry of protest.

When I heard him fire up his car and drive away, I stayed in the same spot he left me. Because if I moved, Iad crumble into a million pieces.

Feeling that way wouldnat do. I needed to be whole. I needed to be strong. I needed to find out just what in the h.e.l.l Aiden, Agent Jackson, and Uncle Robert were really up to. Then Iad figure out how to handle Aidenas rejection.

One thing at a time, Airen. Patience is key.

It would have been so easy to let my anger take controla"to curse Aiden for using me to seek release in a willing body. But he hadnat used me.

If anything, wead used each other, both needing the comfort one another could bring. Had he not said what he did before he left, Iad be ready to cut his b.a.l.l.s off and feed them to him, but head been just as upset about his leaving as I was.

I called on every ounce of inner strength to push past the hurt his leaving caused and forced myself to keep moving.

Grabbing a change of clothes, I set out for the shower. After that, Iad have a nice chat with Mum and Aunt Brenda to get the details of last nightas conversation with Agent Jackson. Because somehow, someway, Aiden had something to do with it. And I wasnat going to rest until I figured out what it was.

aWHAT DO YOU MEAN, HE up and left?a Aunt Brenda asked, stunned by the lack of Aidenas presence.

aLike I said, he probably figured it was all a little too much for him,a I answered, trying my best to sound truthful.

Aunt Brendaas eyes squinted as she stared at me. aI donat believe it for a second, Airen. Heas no one to just up and leave. Especially knowing the danger it puts you in.a That admission startled me more than I was comfortable with. aI think you have a lot of explaining to do, Auntie.a The doorbell rang, startling both of us.

aThatall be Agent Jackson. Heas taking me to the bank this morning,a Aunt Brenda said, making her way to the front door.

aTo the bank for what?a I asked, knowing I wouldnat get a reply from her.

I pulled out the chair Aiden had sat in the previous night and sat, waiting for Aunt Brenda to come back to the kitchen with Agent Jackson.

aWhat the h.e.l.l are you doing here?a The tone of Aunt Brendaas voice made the hair on the back of my neck p.r.i.c.kle.

I shot up from my seat and came to a screeching halt when I saw the gun pointed at Aunt Brendaas chest.

Mum came down the stairs, stopping midway with her hand to her mouth.

Uncle Robert filled the doorway, his gun never wavering. aMove an inch and Iall drop you where you stand.a Neither Mum nor Aunt Brenda moved, not even to breathe. I didnat know what to do, but I d.a.m.n sure wasnat going to stand there and let him kill my aunt.

His eyes flicked over at me, and then back to Aunt Brenda. aIall be taking the girl now.a His hand came up, gesturing me to move over to where he stood. aMake one stupid move and Iall kill the both of them.a I knew he was talking to me. Knew he wanted me to walk over to him, but I couldnat. Iad locked up like a frozen lake.

aNow! Or sheas dead,a he shouted, poking the gun closer to Aunt Brendaas chest.

The action brought Aunt Brenda to life. She lunged at him like a feral cat, and the gun went off.

Mum screamed in terror as Aunt Brenda hit the floor, blood pooling underneath her unmoving body.

Before I could react, Uncle Robert lifted the gun at Mum and fired. Mumas body curled over, shock registering on her face, and then she tumbled down the stairs until her body lay in an unnatural heap on the floor.

Screams of horror lodged in my throat as my brain scrambled to try to make sense of what happened. Blooda"it was everywherea"but it didnat belong. Not in Aunt Brendaas house. And especially not pouring out of Aunt Brenda and Mumas bodies.

Stepping around Aunt Brenda, Uncle Robert grabbed my arm, twisting it as he pulled me behind him.

Madness filled me as I yanked my arm free, falling to my knees beside Aunt Brenda. Warm, wet blood soaked my jeans. Hot and metallic. My tongue pressed down as saliva pooled in my mouth.

aNo, no, no! Please wake up, Aunt Brenda. Ye have to wake up!a I cried as I tried to roll her limp body over. But there was so much blood. Too much. My hand slipped and slid over her arm every time I tried to get a good grip.

aEnough!a Robert shouted from behind me. Twisting his fingers into my hair, he jerked me to my feet and dragged me out the door.

The metallic smell of blood followed us out into the yard in what felt like a sickening cloud. It was all over my hands as I clawed at the air in desperation.

Bile rolled up my throat, and he shoved me to the ground as I vomited. I scrambled to my feet as a wave of dizziness threatened to topple me back over.

I could see them lying on the floor. Dead. The only family I had left was dead. Killed by their own brother.

I staggered towards the porch, but Robert was faster. He kicked my legs out from under me, and I hit the ground with a hard bounce that knocked the air from my lungs.

His foot shot out, kicking me in the ribs, the head, the legs, and all I could do was pull myself into a tight ball with each punis.h.i.+ng blow.

aYou will get in the car on your own or Iall make you wish Iad killed you too,a he said, lifting my head by my hair and then slamming it into the ground.

Spitting a mixture of blood and saliva from my mouth, I wavered as I got my knees underneath me, refusing to be another one of his victims. af.u.c.k you,a I hissed, feeling something wet sliding down my chin.

He reached down and grabbed me by the throat, pulling me up, making me stand on my tiptoes to keep the pressure off my throat. Black spots danced along my vision, but I refused to pa.s.s out and leave my fate in his hands.

He snarled, getting as close as he could with the hold he had on me. aFight me and Iall do that and more to you before itas all said and done.a His gun slid between my legs to where not long ago, Aiden had brought me so much pleasure. aI can be very inventive, and youall beg for me to kill you by the time Iam done with you.a I couldnat stop the tears no matter how much I wanted to. aYer a sick bastart.a He walked me backwards, putting more pressure on the gun between my legs. His hand clamped a little harder against my neck. aI wonder what sound youad make when I brought you to a release you didnat want and then BANG!a He laughed, shoving me against the car. aOpen the door.a aNo.a My voice shook, but I wouldnat do what he wanted me to.

I knew if I got in the car, he wouldnat just end my life with a bullet.

Sobs rolled through me. He had me pinned while Mum and Aunt Brendaas bodies pumped blood out all over the floor. If there was even a small chance they were alive, there was nothing I could do to save them.

aYou will or Iall kill your boyfriend after he watches me use this on you,a he said, moving the gun back and forth against the seam of my pants. aI find it very arousing that itall be his gun that f.u.c.ks you and then kills you.a I couldnat help the shocked gasp that escaped me. He wasnat just a cruel man. He was a sick and perverted one that took pleasure in hurting others. Even his own family.

Uncle Robertas mouth twisted into an evil smile. aExciting, isnat it? In fact, I may do it anyway after you get me what I want.a Something slammed into the trunk, and I jerked in response. A m.u.f.fled cry broke past my clamped lips as I asked, aHeas in there?a Insanity sparkled in Uncle Robertas eyes.

If he had Aiden, then I had no choice but to go with him. I couldnat handle knowing head kill Aiden too.

I grabbed the door handle, and Uncle Robert smiled. aEager, are we?a Grabbing me by the throat, he moved me further down the car, away from the door. aI think maybe youare a little too eager, and we canat have that, now can we?a He stepped back, moving the gun out from between my legs and his hand from my neck. That brief moment gave me a second to collect my thoughts and try not to shake into a million pieces after witnessing his madness for the first time in my life.

No wonder Mum and Aunt Brenda were so afraid of him. I looked past him to the open doorway, no longer able to see inside from where I stood.

Rage surged through me. I wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h the gun out of his hands, shoot him where he stood, and then watch every last drop of blood in his body soak into the ground.

I was sure he knew it too, because he brought the hand holding the gun up and struck me across the face. I slid down the side of the car as pain exploded along my jaw, spreading up into my head and down my face.

aIad give you credit for thinking about it, but we just donat have time for that,a he said.

The trunk popped open, and Uncle Robert said, aMove an inch and Iall do what I said I would do to her, and then Iall make you do it too.a I could hear a m.u.f.fled reply. Uncle Robert laughed as he reached down and grabbed my s.h.i.+rt. Twisting it in his hands, he jerked me up.

I could hear the sound of a police car off in the distance. Hope flared to life, and I staggered to my feet.

Aiden had to have heard it too; maybe head have a plan. If he could get the gun from Uncle Robert, our nightmare would be over with.

There were so many overwhelming emotions threatening to break me that I had to shut it all off, focus on the next move. Focus on each second as it ticked by. Unfortunately, Uncle Robert had different plans.

aTime to go,a he said, shoving me towards the trunk and using the gun to prod me inside.

Aiden was there. That hadnat been a lie. His hands and feet were bound with duct tape, and a pillowcase had been pulled over his head.

Before I could stagger backwards, Uncle Robert reached down and hoisted my leg up, tumbling me in on top of Aiden.

Aiden kicked out in the small confines as the trunk slammed shut. His words were nothing more than m.u.f.fled shouts as I fumbled to pull the pillowcase from his head.

In his haste to get away, Uncle Robert hadnat done a thing about making sure I was tied up. It was the only good thing Aiden and I had going for us.

I'D DROPPED MY GUARD, AND he'd swooped in and dropped me like a f.u.c.king brick. There was nothing I could do about it until I could get my hands free. And when I did? Iad kill him.

The car rolled to a stop. The door opened and closed, leaving me in silence, wondering what head do next. Being stuck inside a trunk wasnat a big deal. That I could get out of, but not with my arms and legs tied the way they were.

I shouldnat have taken off from Brendaas.

Thoughts of Airen had been my downfall. Replaying the memories of the morning wead shared had blinded me to my surroundings.

Instead of parking close to the church, like I normally did, I parked a little further away, needing a few extra minutes to myself before seeing Grant and Nadia.

The feel of Airenas body underneath mine, the way she gave herself over to me. I could have stripped her bare and sank inside of her had I wanted to, and Iad wanted it more than I wanted my next breath.

Iad restrained myself, barely, opting to give us both the release building up between us without the complete physical act itself.

It hadnat been enough. It only made me want more. Made me want her, and I knew I couldnat do that to her. Taking full pleasure of what only she could give me and then having to walk away would make me the biggest douche ever.

I cut through an alleyway, stepping around a puddle, putting me closer to a dumpster. The smell of rotted food made me wrinkle my nose as I held my breath.

The next thing I knew, Robert de Fleur stepped out in front of me, flas.h.i.+ng an evil grin as he slammed something blunt into the side of my head.

I came to, blinded by whatever head pulled over my head. There wasnat anything I could do about it once I heard the sound of the trunk closing on me, sealing me in.

Moving my legs, I wiggled into a position where I might be able to kick him if he got close enough. My ears strained, waiting for the moment head open the trunk. It was a suck-a.s.s plan and would probably end up with me getting shot, but I wasnat going to sit idle while he held me captive.

There were two gunshots, and then I heard Airen sobbing. The f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d had gone back to Brendaas.

My mind raced to figure out what had happened. Two gunshots. Airenas crying. Mina and Brenda. Itas too quiet. They arenat saying anything. Say something, d.a.m.n ita Please say something so I know youare both still alive!

My stomach dropped as the only sounds were Airenas crying and Robertas m.u.f.fled words. I prayed someone was watching the live video feed.

Grant! Grant was supposed to pick Brenda up at ten to go to the bank, but I had no idea what time it was.

You should have kept your hands to yourself this morning. If youad have been thinking with the right head, none of this would be happening!

I heard each kick he landed against her and the gasps she made each time.

Rage rolled through me as I fought against the tape around my wrist. I had to get free. I had to save her. Only I couldnat get the tape to budge.

Forcing myself to calm down, I worked my wrists back and forth, using the sweat coating my skin to get under the tape and loosen its hold.

Closing everything off, I shut down for a minute, forcing myself to recall my training.

Iad done mock situations. Grant and Nadia had put me through extensive training, making sure I was prepared for anything and everything that could be thrown at me while I was out in the field. But theyad never prepared me for hearing someone I cared about being kicked around by their crazy-as-f.u.c.k uncle.

He wanted her to get in the car, but she refused.

I slammed my feet into the side of the trunk, hoping head get angry enough to open it. And he did. Only instead of reaching in, he did the opposite.

He did the only thing I hadnat thought head do. He shoved Airen inside the trunk with me as the far-off sound of a siren rolled through the air like music to my ears.

Airen landed on top of me, crying, as the trunk slammed shut.

aOh, G.o.d, Aiden!a she said, jerking the pillowcase from my head as the car lurched forward, moving at a fast clip.

Even with the pillowcase removed, I couldnat see a thing. She had no idea head tied a gag that cut into the corners of my mouth.

There was no way to communicate with her and tell her it would be all right. That Iad do whatever I could to get us away from Robert de Fleur.

Her hands fumbled as they b.u.mped against my chest and then slid up to my neck. When she got to the gag, her fingers fumbled with the material as she tried to stifle her sobs.

She pulled and tugged, but whatever sort of knot head used held firm. Her impatience frustrated her; I could understand the feeling. The next thing I knew, she grabbed the knot tied at the back of my head and jerked it down, freeing my mouth.

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The Six: If Ever I Fall Part 8 summary

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