A Bound Of Honour Part 30

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runner to pick one up, she chose the other and raised it. "Shall we say, to your health. You do look a bit tired." Smiling, she raised the gla.s.s to her lips.

"To yours, m'lady." He quaffed the drink.

Lady Tretain lowered her gla.s.s without having taken a sip. "Sherry should never be gulped, my man.

When one does it that way, strange things happen."

"Such as?"

"Why, I am told one becomes sleepy. Now there you are yawning. You must remember never to gulp,

mustn't you, Mr. Dougherty. Mr. Dougherty?

"My, my. Satter," the dowager countess called once more. "My guest has found my conversation most boring. Would you fetch Holdt and some others to remove him?"

Watching the men carry the runner from the room, Lady Tretain puzzled over the brief explanation

Adrian had given her.

The children were missing, Lady Juliane was off somewhere searching for them, and now he and the comte were looking for her. A runner was not needed in all this confusion.

Surely, she asked herself, one could get into trouble meddling with a runner? But it was only a harmless sleeping potion. Mr. Dougherty would get a good night's rest and he couldn't be angry with her for that. I do hope Adrian is pleased, she thought with a smile. This is the most fun I've had in years. But then her thoughts took a darker turn.

Were the children and Juliane safe? What was happening?


Darkness had fallen an hour past. Lord Adrian, Comte de Cavilon, and Mallatt arrived at the Oaks, an ale house which also served as an inn, just as a group of local men left it.

They remained in the darkness as the men pa.s.sed close by, their thoroughbred horses the only evidence of their high station in life. Mallatt had secured clothing that no one who had attended the ball could ever be convinced either the comte or Lord Adrian would deign to touch, much less wear. The garb suited well their purposes on this evening.

Leaving the horses in Mallatt's care, they entered the public room. Their appearance drew little attention from the motley group a.s.sembled. An equally ragged fellow at a table to the rear beckoned to them. Ordering mugs of ale, they joined him.

of hearing.

"What news do you have for us?" asked Lord Adrian.

"It is as you thought. They are using the empty cottages and huts on your estate. They have been moving

every few days, and separately.

"As you know," the man frowned apologetically, "we lost three of them last night. The fourth, however, we have kept in our sights. We expect him to lead us back to the others."

"What do you mean-he'll lead you? Have you no idea where they are?" asked the comte.

"Unfortunately we have only a fair idea. Wait, here's Tom."

A fourth man pulled a chair to the table. He glanced cautiously about before beginning. "The coves have settled for the night-or so we think. Can't be too certain of anything these frogs do. There are two men

keepin' watch till we can get there."

Lord Adrian reached across the table and took hold of the man's arm. Did you see anyone with them-two small children, the girl, a young woman?"

"Nay, m'lord, I'm sorry to say-none of them."

"Let us ride and see where this is," said the comte, rising. "We shall decide what is to be done from that


The others also stood, tossed coins on the table for the ale, and strode from the inn.

Half-score miles away, the two men left to watch the hut were engaged in earnest conversation.

"Who can that be? What? A woman. What would a woman be about this time a night? And alone!"

"She must be with 'em."

"We've seen no sign o' the likes of her before-it's too dark to tell who she might be."

"See-goin' right to the door. Look..."

"I tell you, she ain't with 'em. See, one is creepin' up behind her-and, look, another is gettin' her

mount. Somethin' funny goin' on here."

"They're takin' her in. Must be a local wench-couldn't be of the Quality. She'd a fainted dead away if she was," said the one with utter certainty.

Unknown to him, Lady Juliane had never been closer to fainting in all her life. Once confronted, only the

cultivated voice and polite manner of the apparent leader slightly eased her fears. Deeming nothing to be gained from a struggle but the loss of her dignity, Lady Juliane entered as bade without protest.

From what she could discern in the light of the single flickering candle, no one had lived in the hut for

As the door shut, the three men broke into rapid French. That confirmed Lady Juliane's guess as to theirorigins. They must be the men who had followed them from Rouen. But where were Alva and thechildren? The refined man the others referred to as monseigneur silenced them. Making a leg, he said in English,"Please forgive my men. Their manners have been sadly neglected. It was most obliging of you to join us,Lady Perrill. You have saved us much time." "Then you have the children?" she asked eagerly. "Mais, oui, madame." "Where are they-not here?" She looked about. It did not seem possible that they could be held here. "Do not trouble yourself about where they are. As of the present, they are well. Let us hope you ensure that they remain so," he taunted. "I must see them. They will have been frightened." "You shall." At a sign, the three men melted into the darkness as the fourth snuffed the candle. Lady Juliane felt her hand gripped and dared not draw back. If only she had the pistol. "Be still, madame. It would be such a shame to permanently silence you." Outside, the men watching were confounded. The three who had left the hut could rode away from it, each in a different direction.

"Now what do we do?"

"I'll stay here. Lem said their lords.h.i.+ps would join us. You get your mount. Follow the two that haven't

left yet."

As the sounds of the three horses grew faint, the man holding onto Lady Juliane tugged at her to follow.

She was thankful for the split skirt of her riding habit as he forced her out through a rear window.

Brush and branches caught at her skirt but he pulled her on ruthlessly. b.u.mping into him as he halted

suddenly, she saw that they had come upon his horse.

Balking at first when he indicated she was to mount, Lady Juliane quickly changed her mind when he

grabbed her about the waist. Somehow she contrived to get into the saddle and settle her skirt decently as he led the horse off.

When they were some distance from the hut, he vaulted onto the mount behind her. Lady Juliane cringed

as he reached around her and took hold of the reins he had laid across the horse's neck. At first they walked, but soon he prodded their mount into a gallop.

Back at the hut, the two watchers still waited for some sign of life.

"I don't like this-they should have left by now. There's not been a light since the others left."

"Perhaps they're gone."

"Gads! Not again. It's too late to follow any of the others. What should we do?"

"You had better go around the hut and check. We know the direction he came from. It's logical he'll

head back that way. See if you can spot anything-if you do, follow it. I better stay here and wait. Come

back if you find their nest."

In the meantime, Lord Adrian, Comte de Cavilon, and the others rode steadily. Tom halted and signalled them to dismount a short distance from where he had left the others.

With the mounts secured to various brush, he led the way, crouching low. His hoot was answered as a

man emerged from the darkness. He and Tom spoke briefly; then Tom turned to Lord Adrian.

"We are at a standstill, m'lord. They have departed with a woman, perhaps your wife, who either blundered onto them or joined them. Her mount is still here."

"Have it brought here. What is being done?"

"Davey is followin' the man and woman that left together. He will return here."

The mare was led before Lord Adrian. "That's Belle all right," he confirmed to Cavilon. "It is my wife

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A Bound Of Honour Part 30 summary

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