Tunnel Vision Part 13

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Chapter Thirteen.

MAGGIE GROANED AND tried to touch her face. It was dark and damp and her hands were handcuffed behind her back. She heard what sounded like water dripping somewhere in the distance. She tried to remember what had happened and shook her head. She had been in the bas.e.m.e.nt. She squeezed her eyes closed. She remembered seeing a man wearing a brown grounds crew uniform and She remembered catching a glimpse of a smile as a fist made contact with her jaw. The hint of a smile was familiar. Chambers! He was hereain the tunnels. Her breathing increased and she began to feel sick. She was trapped, probably alone with a killer.

aWHAT DO YOU mean, heas got Maggie?a Donaldson demanded.

aHer car is here and it shouldnat be. We have to get to the university,a Brodie said as she tried to restrain the near-panic she felt inside.

aMaggie went to the university?a Donaldson asked. aYou chewed her a.s.s out once before for going somewhere alone.a aShe called me on my way to work this morning. I told her she could go as long as she took a security guard with her. Chambers must have attacked her again. He used her car to transport the body here.a Brodie rubbed her forehead, trying to draw together the scanty facts she knew, all the while wondering how Chambers had managed to pull off another possible double murder.

aCall some patrol units and get them over to the university,a Donaldson ordered. aWhere was she going?a aThe Biology Building. Call campus security and see if the guard with her has checked in yet.a Brodie pulled out her cell and punched in Maggieas number, praying she would answer. Four rings later the phone switched to voice mail. aIam going to the university,a she announced as she ran down the steps of her home. Nicholls sprinted after her and got in the Camaro. Brodie backed out of the driveway and swung the vehicle onto the main road into Cedar Springs. Nicholls stared at her across the front seat for a few minutes. aSo why would Chambers bring Maggieas car to your house, Brodie?a aHe must have seen us and is using it as a mind game.a aSeen what?a She looked across the car at him. aYou donat want to know.a aKnow what? That youare f.u.c.kina your trainee?a aSomething like that. Make sure you include that in your report to Donaldson,a she said bitterly.

aNot my business,a he said, looking out the pa.s.senger window.

aLook, Nicholls. I know how you feel about gays so letas not tip-toe around it anymore.a aYouare right. I think itas sick. Up until now weave been able to work around it, but now, in my opinion, itas interfering with your ability to do the job. Your personal life is intruding too much into your professional life. You canat do your job when youare busy looking at a piece of a.s.s all the time.a aIs that what you think Iave been doing?a aYou are now.a aChambers has made it personal. I need you to back me up professionally. Can you do that?a aI know my job,a he snapped. aWeall discuss the rest when Weston is safe.a Brodie pulled into a parking slot in front of the University police office. She and Nicholls walked quickly into the office and showed their badges.

aWell, youare the second and third Cedar Springs detectives to grace us with your presence today,a the officer at the reception desk said.

aHas the security guard who accompanied Detective Weston returned yet?a Brodie asked.

aNo one went with her. She just waltzed in here and asked for the master keys to the Biology Building and left.a aAn officer didnat go with her?a Brodie asked again.

aShe said she just wanted to look the building over. Didnat request any further a.s.sistance.a af.u.c.k!a Brodie exclaimed. aShe promised!a Nicholls grabbed Brodieas arm. aLetas go.

Donaldsonas sending some patrol units and we already have Romero and a couple of others watching for Chambers.a Brodie peeled away from the police office and drove as fast as she could toward the Science Quadrangle. When she stopped in front of the building she and Nicholls looked around. A few minutes later Nicholls spotted Romero.

aYou seen Weston?a he asked as they approached him.aShe was here earlier. She and I practically crawled over every inch of this building. Didnat find anything new and exciting,a Romero said with a shrug.

aWell, where the h.e.l.l is she now?a Brodie demanded.

aShe told me she was going to the office. Her caras gone so I figured she was enjoying coffee and doughnuts while weare out here watching for the phantom.a aDid you see her leave?a Brodie pressed.

aI went inside for a few minutes to cool off. Her car was gone when I came back outside. Whatas the deal?a aSheas missing,a Nicholls said. aDid you see anyone suspicious hanging around? Anyone at all?a as.h.i.+t! Thereas people all over the d.a.m.n place including a bunch of groundskeepers whoave been working around here since I arrived.a Four patrol cars came to a halt in the middle of the Science Quadrangle. Two officers climbed out of each vehicle and looked around the area.

aTake two officers and go through the building again,a Brodie ordered. aNicholls, have the others cordon off the building. You go around the outside to the right and Iall take the left. Take a walkie talkie and let me know if you find anything.a Brodie and Nicholls each grabbed a walkie talkie and began their search around the exterior of the building. She searched behind every bush and stopped to ask a few of the groundskeepers questions, without success. When she turned the corner of the building, she glanced down at the door to the bas.e.m.e.nt. The padlock was closed and she started to move away when she decided to double check the padlock. On the last step she saw that the padlock was locked, but wasnat through the hasp attached to the door. She grabbed her walkie talkie to call Nicholls. She pressed the transmit b.u.t.ton and heard only static. She smacked the device with the flat of her hand, but was still unable to transmit.

af.u.c.k!a She dropped the walkie talkie and pulled her revolver from its holster, holding it down as she quietly opened the door. With a final shove the door flew open and she knelt as she visually swept the room. She moved to the second door. Old rusting file cabinets no longer obstructed the entrance into the tunnel system. She took a deep breath to calm herself as she reached out and turned the doork.n.o.b. A HARSH BEAM of light struck Maggieas eyes. She turned her head away from the light, hoping her eyes would adjust quickly.

aIave been watching you. I could have killed you any time I wanted to,a Chambersa voice rasped.

aThen why am I still alive?a Maggie managed.

aI was curious how long it would take you to put together what youad seen.a He squatted down beside her and turned her head to face him. She winced from the dull pain along her jawline.

aNow what are you going to do? Finish the job?a she asked.

aSoon. Youave already spilled the beans, so to speak.a aIf you knew that why would you be stupid enough to come back here?a Maggie asked.

Her question was answered by a slap across the face. aNever call me stupid!a She ran her tongue over her teeth and was glad to feel they were all there despite the taste of blood in her mouth.

aI didnat mean you were stupid, Darryl, but coming back may not have been the best move,a she said, trying to remain calm.

aThe game isnat over yet,a he sighed.

aWhat game? Three innocent people dead isnat a game, dammit.a aSurvival of the fittest, or the smartest, has always been a game, Detective.a aSince Iall probably end up another loser in your game maybe youall answer a question for me.a aWhatas that?a aHow the h.e.l.l did you get in and out of these tunnels without being seen? Iave searched this entire building two or three times and never found anything but the maintenance openings.a aThen you found the answer.a aYou couldnat have carried those menas bodies down that vertical ladder.a aThey were dead when they hit the bottom,a Chambers said matter-of-factly.

Maggie closed her eyes and swallowed hard.

aI felt bad about Garcia. He trusted me, but had what I needed.a aHis keys.a aYes. Brauner walked in on me in his office and didnat leave me any choice.a aAnd Karen?a aAlso a means to an end, but she was beginning to ask too many questions. I canat leave witnesses behind. Iam sure you understand that. Now, unfortunately, youave put yourself into that category. You saw the medallion. You can place it in my possession. Only you can do that. Everything else is nothing more than conjecture, despite what youave told others. I no longer have it.a Chambers reached behind Maggie and jerked her to her feet. The sudden movement shot a jolt of pain through her shoulders and she couldnat suppress crying out.

THE DOOR INTO the tunnel was unlocked when Brodie turned the k.n.o.b and stood to the side to push the door open. She reached inside and flipped the light switch next to the door, but no lights came on. She stepped inside and scanned the walls and ceiling while her eyes adjusted to the dim light that made its way through the overhead grates.

Holding her revolver in front of her, she inched into the tunnel, listening carefully for any sound that might guide her toward Maggie and Chambers. It was damp and musty in the old tunnel, but beads of sweat began forming on her forehead, every muscle in her body tense. Her eyes swept along the checkerboard of light as she slowly moved forward, staying as close to the wall as possible. She was well past the scene of Garciaas murder before she heard anything except the sound of dripping water and the pounding of her own heart.

af.u.c.k,a she breathed when she spotted a rat scratching along the tunnel floor. There were no more sounds as Brodie continued down the tunnel. She stopped at an intersection that apparently led to other buildings. Ahead she could no longer see light from the grates. Thinking she must be under the building itself, she stood still for three or four minutes hoping her eyes would adjust to the darkness, but it didnat help. There was nothing but black for her eyes to adjust to. Using her free hand to feel along the damp wall, she moved as fast as she felt comfortable moving, sliding her feet along the floor in case it had been There was a slight curve in the wall and halfway around the curve her eyes picked up an extremely dim light and the sound of low voices. She estimated she had moved about a hundred feet into the tunnel and stepped back from the curve and gripped her revolver down in front of her with both hands.

She rested against the damp tunnel wall, attempting to bring he erratic breathing under control before cautiously moving again. The farther she moved the more light she saw, although it was extremely weak. She paused every few steps to listen for sounds that might indicate she wasnat alone. What she wouldnat give for a team of S.W.A.T. officers watching her back right now.

She had gone only a few feet when she heard a womanas voice cry out. Maggie! She increased her speed until she came to what appeared to be a small room off the main tunnel and the source of the light. She stepped into the entrance of the room and brought her gun up quickly. Maggieas hands were secured behind her back and Chambersa arm was wrapped around her neck, forcing her closely against his body.

aStep away from Detective Weston and put your hands behind your head, Chambers,a Brodie ordered, leveling her revolver at his head. aThis doesnat have to go any further.a aRoycea,a Maggie started as Chambers swung the beam of the flashlight up into her eyes. Brodie raised one hand to block the light and saw the glint of a knife blade in his right hand held against Maggieas neck.

aI think it would be a better idea for you to lay the gun down and kick it away. Donat you think so, Detective Brodie?a Chambers grinned.

aDonatadoait,a Maggie managed as the blade pressed into her neck with each word.

aShut up!a Chambers ordered, pressing the sharp tip of the knife blade into the soft skin under Maggieas chin. Turning his attention back to Brodie, he said, aIad like to think you came alone, Brodie, but Iam not stupid.a Looking around, she answered, aYou donat see anyone with me, do you?a aLay the f.u.c.king gun down and kick it away,a Chambers ordered. Brodie saw the knife tip push into Maggieas neck, drawing blood.

Squatting down, she kept her eyes on Chambers as she lowered the gun to the floor. As soon as she stood up, she pushed it away and watched it slide across the cement floor.

aNow what?a she asked. aYou know thereas no way out of here.a aThat would seem to present a problem, wouldnat it?a Chambers hissed slowly.

aWell, the floor is all yours, Daryll, and you seem to be holding all the cards. Whatas your next play going to be?a Brodie challenged.

Chambers smiled, allowing his left hand to slide idly up Maggieas body. Watching Brodieas face for her reaction, his fingers enclosed Maggieas breast, causing her to gasp as he caressed it. Closing his eyes briefly, he said, aVery nice. I can see why you couldnat resist yourself. That was quite an entertaining display I witnessed on your deck.a Hands clenching in a desire to kill, Brodie hoped she could keep her voice calm. aHow long have you been following me?a aFrom the beginning. It pays to know who youare playing the game against.a aYouave already killed four people, but if you donat harm anyone else, maybe a jury will see that youare just a garden variety whack-o,a Brodie smiled.

aYou think Iam a whack-o, Detective?a Chambers snapped. aDidnat you like the present I left for you in your bed?a he taunted.

aShe didnat deserve to die that way. You didnat even know her,a Brodie snarled.

aBut you knew her, didnat you, Detective? Does Maggie know how intimately you knew Kara?a He watched Brodieas eyes s.h.i.+ft toward Maggie. aTell me, Brodie, on a scale from one to ten, who turned you on more?a Chambers was goading her, pus.h.i.+ng what he knew could be an advantage in his favor. She would explain everything to Maggie if they both survived. She forced her body to relax and smiled. aYouare pretty good, Daryll. But youare still certifiable.a She noticed a slight change in Chambersa demeanor and knew she needed to push him harder. She needed to draw his attention away from Maggie.

aYou know, Daryll, Iam really getting tired of this game. You left clues a Boy Scout could follow and once we found the first one, you were already a goner. Your planning was mediocre at best. You know what they say about prior planning preventing p.i.s.spoor performance,a Brodie pushed, taking a step forward. aThatas what Brauner thought of your work, wasnat it? It was only mediocre. Thatas why you had to steal one of his exams. Without it you didnat have a f.u.c.king prayer of graduating without cheating!a Chambers frowned as Brodie stared intently at Maggie and saw the fear in her eyes replaced by trust. Taking another step forward, she spat derisively, aYouare still the same f.u.c.king loser youave always been, Daryll.a aI wonat be the only loser here, Brodie,a Chambers seethed. He grabbed Maggieas hair and pulled her head back sharply to expose her neck Maggie brought her foot up and slammed it down into the arch of his foot, allowing her body to become dead weight as Chambers howled in pain, unable to continue holding her up. In an instant, Brodie attacked him, grabbing his right arm to prevent him from using the knife. He had difficulty standing on his injured foot as he and Brodie grappled. He finally managed to use his arm strength to shove her against the wall of the tunnel, dazing her slightly as her head struck the stone wall. He lunged at her with the knife, drawing blood as she barely managed to sidestep him to avoid more serious injury. The knife slashed through the air, backing her up as she felt a trickle of blood run down her arm.

There wasnat much maneuvering room in the tunnel, but she had to keep Chambers away from Maggie. In the second it took for her to glance toward where Maggie was struggling to get to her feet again, she felt the blade of the knife cut into her cheek and saw Chambers smiling. He was toying with her to drag out his game for as long as possible. Feeling all the rage she had kept bottled up inside explode, she launched her body into his, knocking him backward. His back struck the tunnel wall with a thud that she thought had surely knocked the breath from his lungs. She watched as he fell and slid halfway down the wall, then grabbed Maggie, quickly pus.h.i.+ng her behind her own body for protection as she looked around for her revolver. Feeling blood running down her face, she set herself to meet the attack she knew was coming as she watched Chambers push himself away from the tunnel wall.

aFreeze! Drop the knife!a Nichollsa voice yelled as he stepped into the tunnel and aimed an a.s.sault rifle at Chambers. Allowing herself to relax slightly, Brodie turned her attention to Maggie. Her nightmare was over at last, she thought as she heard the knife clatter on the cement floor. Glancing at Nicholls, she said, aIall cuff him.a While Nicholls covered her, she pulled handcuffs from her belt and walked toward Chambers. aYou donat look like the bondage type to me, Detective Brodie,a he laughed as she turned him around and grabbed his left arm. In a move she never saw coming, he bent his right arm and drove his elbow into her abdomen, knocking the breath out of her. Nicholls hesitated before firing and Chambers dove toward the flashlight and plunged them into darkness.

aShoot!a Brodie ordered. She heard the sound of footsteps running, but couldnat see a d.a.m.n thing. She groped for the flashlight and a minute later blinked as light lit up the walls once again.

aIam sorry, RB,a Nicholls said. aIt happened too fast. I could have hit you or Weston. He canat get far.a Brodie stopped herself before she snapped the same sentiment Tim Weston had said to her after Wheeler was killed. Everything we do is fast.

aGet these things off me,a Maggie said. aHurry!a Pulling his handcuff keys out, Nicholls unlocked the handcuffs restraining Maggieas hands. She rubbed her wrists and quickly examined the cut on Brodieas cheek.

aIam fine,a Brodie muttered. aI hope you like your women scarred.a aI like my women alive,a Maggie said. aLetas get you to a paramedic.a Moving quickly, the three detectives made their way out of the tunnel. aSend the S.W.A.T. team down there. I want every inch of those d.a.m.n tunnels searched,a Brodie ordered. aAnyone searching the building see him?a she asked.

aNo oneas reported anything unusual,a Nicholls said.aWell, f.u.c.k! He didnat just disappear into thin air. He couldnat have gone far.a aHe told me he used the maintenance openings,a Maggie said as she looked around. aCall a paramedic to check out Detective Brodieas injuries.a aIam fine, Maggie,a she snapped.

Running an arm around Brodieas waist, Maggie said, aHumor me.a aIam sorry, baby,a Brodie said with an attempt at a smile. aOow!a AS SHE LET a paramedic clean the cuts on her face and arm, Brodie listened to the com chatter between the S.W.A.T. team and Nichollsa walkie talkie. She visually made sure Maggie hadnat been injured and felt drained of energy. Maggie was alive and that was all that mattered at that moment.

aHe left a womanas body in my house,a Brodie said, wincing at the antiseptic stinging her cheek.

aWhen I thought he had killed you I was out of my mind, baby.a She relaxed into Maggieas arms and scanned the small groups that were being held well behind the newly formed police lines. Suddenly she stood up.

aItas him,a she said. He was walking nonchalantly away from the Science Quadrangle.

As if he sensed he had been seen, Chambers glanced over his shoulder and saw Brodie pus.h.i.+ng her way through a group of spectators. Quickly he stepped into the road and was almost hit by a compact car. The squeal of brakes was followed by Chambers opening the driveras door and pulling a woman out, shoving her toward the curb as he got in the car and put it in reverse.

Brodie stopped when she saw what was happening and ran toward the nearest police car, keeping her eyes on the vehicle as it picked up speed. She grabbed the open door of the patrol car and swung her body behind the wheel. She turned the key dangling in the ignition as Maggie jerked open the pa.s.senger door. Flipping on the lights and siren, Brodie sped after the dark-green Toyota. She was concentrating so hard on keeping him in sight she wasnat paying attention to whether other cars were following her.

The radio crackled and she heard Nichollsa voice.

aWeare not far behind you, RB. Donat lose him.a Not a chance in h.e.l.l, she thought. Chambers wove the small car through early evening traffic, turning abruptly across lanes in his attempt to escape. As she gained on him, she slid past the street he had turned onto and had to back up. If he made it to the Interstate, he would be stuck in the congestion of commuters trying to get home. She floored the patrol car and frowned. If she didnat stop him before it got much darker, she could lose the dark car. He was driving dangerously fast now through suburban streets. She glanced in the rearview mirror, but didnat see another police car behind her. aReport our location,a she ordered. Maggie grabbed the patrol car mic and keyed it. aWeare moving down Southerland traveling southeast. Where are you?a aRunning parallel to you. Missed a turn,a Nicholls reported.

aGarland curves back into Southerland a few blocks ahead,a Brodie said.

Chambers swung the Toyota into another turn.

aTurning on Westerfield,a Maggie broadcast.

aWhere the h.e.l.l you going, a.s.shole,a Brodie muttered to herself. Westerfield was the curviest road in Cedar Springs and the scene of numerous accidents caused by drunks taking the curves too fast. She had to slow to keep from running her vehicle off the road. The smaller car had a shorter turning radius and was more maneuverable. Chambers was maintaining his speed, but was all over the road. He crossed the center line around another curve and Brodie saw headlights approaching and swerved back into her lane. Ahead of her she saw the Toyota lean and go up on two wheels for a few seconds before it dropped back onto road and began to skid as Chambers tried to bring it under control before the next curve. He didnat make it and the little vehicle left the road and sailed over a small drainage ditch before slamming into a wrought iron fence and stopping.

The patrol car slid to a stop as Chambers ran from the compact car. Brodie jumped out of the vehicle.

aWait for back-up!a she shouted to Maggie over her shoulder.

aHeas out of the vehicle! Brodieas in foot pursuit near the old county cemetery!a Maggie reported, anxious to sprint after Chambers and Brodie. It was getting dark, but Brodie could still see him ahead of her. Maggie was right, she thought. I need to quit smoking. Her lungs were bursting and her legs throbbed, but she let her anger drive her on. She heard sirens behind her in a distance, but couldnat risk stopping to wait for more officers to arrive. Long shadows from the trees in the cemetery were making it difficult to see and she slowed, looking around her. Old, ornate tombstones loomed before her and he could be hiding behind any of them. Moving forward in a low crouch, she drew her weapon, swinging it down each row of stones.

She stopped to listen and glanced behind her. The beams from several Mag-lites bounced in the closing darkness as other rushed to join her. They would be there in a few minutes. She listened for the sound of footsteps, but heard nothing. Working her way cautiously forward, she heard the sound of a cracking twig to her left and turned her weapon toward it. Light burst behind her eyes as she was struck from behind and fell to her knees. Before she could react, a blow across her ribs and abdomen forced the air from her lungs. As she gasped to breathe and call out her location, an arm wrapped around her throat and tightened. She struggled to get her feet under her and threw herself back toward her attacker, knocking him off his feet. He released her as he fell, but quickly scrambled up. Standing, she held an arm around her ribs. It was hard to breathe. She saw the flash of metal as it swung toward her.

Backing away, she tripped over a footstone and fell. Chambers stood over her, grinning. aLooks like the end of the line for you, Brodie,a he said, breathing heavily.

Raising his foot, he brought it down over her chest. Mustering the last of her strength, she rolled away and only took a glancing blow to her side. A hand rolled her onto her back and she grunted as she felt the blade of his knife blade sink into her upper chest near her right arm. Suddenly blood exploded from Chambersa head and Stan Wheeleras face floated briefly through her mind. She brought her hand to the handle of the knife protruding from her body as she heard the call. aBrodieas down, get a paramedic here now!a She smiled weakly as she saw Maggieas worried face leaning over her. Placing her hand over Brodieas, Maggie said quietly, aLeave it there, Royce. Let the doctors remove it.a aIam tired, Maggie,a Brodie said flatly.

aI know,a Maggie said softly as she stroked a hand through Brodieas hair. aDonat you think about leaving me now.a FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER paramedics carried Brodie on a litter away from the cemetery. Maggie held her hand as the paramedics lifted the gurney quickly into the waiting ambulance.

She could barely keep her eyes open as the paramedic started an IV line in her left arm. She pulled Maggie down to her. aI was terrified that Iad lost you again, baby,a she whispered.

aNever again, my love,a Maggie smiled.

Brodie suddenly couldnat keep her eyes open. As her eyelids fluttered, she heard Maggieas voice calling her from somewhere in the distance. aRoyce! Stay with me, baby.a Suddenly, the paramedic slapped the wall of the ambulance behind the driver. aBlood pressureas dropping fast. Letas go!a aWhatas wrong?a Maggie demanded, feeling Brodieas hand go limp in her hand.

aNot sure,a the paramedic said quickly as he grabbed the radio connecting him to Cedar Springs Memorial.

aHang on, baby,a Maggie pleaded as she spoke softly into Brodieas ear and squeezed her hand. aI love you.a

Chapter Fourteen.

MAGGIE JERKED HER head up quickly when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

aGo home, Detective,a a deep male voice said calmly.

Bringing her eyes into focus, Maggie saw Captain Donaldson standing over her, his face serious. Realizing she was still holding Royceas hand, she released her grip and stood, her body stiff from lack of movement.

aIam okay, sir,a she said, clearing her voice. aIad like to stay.a aThereas nothing you can do right now, Weston. Go home, get some rest.a aPlease, Captain, I canat go until I know sheall be all right.a aThatas not a request, Detective,a Donaldson said firmly. aSomeone will be with her until you return.a aThen Iad like to request a few days off,a Maggie said.aRequest denied. Regardless of Detective Brodieas current situation, I need your report to wrap this case up. Nicholls told me you were invaluable in nailing Chambers. You can have a couple of days after your paperwork is completed.a It crossed Maggieas mind to resign on the spot as she looked down at Royce. As if reading her mind, Donaldson placed his big hand on her shoulder once again and looked at her closely. aSheas going to be fine, Maggie,a he said softly. aAs your training officer, what would she tell you to do? Sheall be expecting to see you here when the drugs wear off and she wakes up. So Iad move my a.s.s if I were you.a aThank you, Captain Donaldson,a Maggie half smiled.

Briefly touching Royceas hand, Maggie turned to leave. aAnd bring me another cup of coffee when you come back,a Donaldson ordered as he sat down heavily in a chair near Brodieas bed.

As the elevator descended to the main lobby of the hospital, Maggie finally realized how tired she was. Hailing a taxi, she closed her eyes during the short trip to her duplex and was startled when the driver tapped her on the leg. aWeare here, lady.a Paying the driver, she struggled out of the back seat and trudged into her home. She didnat remember the last time she had eaten, but decided that a shower was more important. Stripping out of her clothes, she noticed for the first time that there was blood on her s.h.i.+rt and slacks, Brodieas blood. s.h.i.+vering slightly, she threw them in the trash before stepping under the spray of water to wash away the fear that had gripped her heart for the last two days. Chambersa knife had done more damage to Brodieas body than the doctors originally believed, glancing off a bone and nicking the aortic arch. Brodie nearly bled to death internally before she was rushed into surgery. It was the middle of the night before she was finally taken to intensive care. Nicholls arrived at the hospital nearly an hour after she had been brought in and tried to convince Maggie to go home. She suspected he had been responsible for Donaldsonas unexpected appearance that morning.

Drying her hair and quickly pulling on tan khakis and a polo s.h.i.+rt, Maggie grabbed her car keys and headed for the police department. The paperwork wouldnat take her more than an hour, she mentally estimated as she swung into a parking s.p.a.ce. Nicholls looked up, surprised, when he saw her pull the chair away from her desk.

aWhat are you doing here?a he asked. aIs sheaa aSheas not awake yet. Donaldson ordered me to leave and finish my paperwork for the case. Do I have you to thank for that?a she asked coldly.

aI havenat seen Donaldson, Maggie. I swear.a aAs soon as I finish this, Iall be taking a few days off,a she said matter-of-factly.

Reaching across her desk, Nicholls took her hand.

aIs there anything I can do?a Finally smiling, Maggie took a deep breath. aIall let you know when you can visit. I know sheall want to see you, Nicholls.a His face darkened as he said, aI donat know what happened, Maggie. Ia.a aIt wasnat your fault. Royce and I both know that. Donat second guess yourself.a By noon Maggie was back in the hospital elevator carrying the promised cup of coffee for Donaldson. As she approached the ICU, she saw a flurry of activity around Brodieas area and her heart stopped. Rus.h.i.+ng toward the room, she grabbed a male nurse. aWhatas wrong?a she asked.

Seeing the panic in Maggieas eyes, he patted her hand lightly. aNothing. Weare just getting everything ready to move her to a regular room.a Maggie felt as if her legs might collapse under her from the sudden relief. aIs she awake?a aStill a little groggy from painkillers,a he grinned.

aYou must be Maggie.a When Maggie nodded, he added, aThen you better get in there. Sheas been asking for you.a Maggie pushed her way into the room and her eyes found Royceas. Her mouth formed a half smile as Maggie made her way to the side of the hospital bed, taking the hand Royce held up for her. Setting the Styrofoam cup on a rolling table near the bed, Maggie leaned down. aIam sorry I wasnat here when you woke up.aaDonaldson told me he ordered you out. You look great,a Brodie said hoa.r.s.ely.

aWhere is he anyway? He promised to stay with you until I got back,a Maggie said with a frown.

aHe got a call on his cell and had to leave.a aI took the next couple of days off, so youare stuck with me now,a Maggie smiled.

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Tunnel Vision Part 13 summary

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