Tunnel Vision Part 7

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aOh, I see. You didnat tell me that.a aI didnat need to tell you,a Maggie said angrily.

aThat was eight years ago, for Chrissakes! Thereas nothing going on between me and Royce. She barely tolerates having me in the squad room.a aTake it easy, sweetie. I wasnat accusing you of anything. Iam not the enemy here,a Carrie said.

aI know you never liked Royce, Carrie, but I can handle my own problems.a aI didnat like the way she treated you is all.a Carrie took Maggie in her arms again and held her.

aIall never treat you like that, Mag.a aI know. Let me grab a quick shower and change clothes, okay? Then you can take me someplace fabulous for dinner. Iam starving!a Maggie laughed. HE FOLLOWED THE Mustang into Austin and found a parking slot nearby where he could observe Maggie and her companion walk hand-in-hand into Suzias China Bar and Grill on Anderson Lane, just off Loop One. Why you little d.y.k.e, he thought with a smile. Head eaten there a couple of times and it was good enough to impress his dates. It also meant head be waiting for at least an hour and probably longer, judging from the number of vehicles in the parking lot. He opened his car door and got out, walked across a side road to a convenience store where he purchased another soft drink and a bag of popcorn. If head known killing Maggie Weston was going to take all night, he wouldave brought a book.

Nearly ninety minutes later he sat up straighter in his car seat when he spotted Maggie leaving the restaurant. She was laughing at something the other woman had said. The Mustang backed out and turned onto the side road to get back on Loop One. He followed at a discreet distance and turned behind them at the Fifth-Sixth Street exit. They were driving into the downtown area where traffic would be more congested. The Mustang finally turned onto Sixth Street and entered a public parking garage. Across the street he saw the flas.h.i.+ng neon sign for Mama Jeanas, a local gay and lesbian bar. He drove around the block and pulled into the parking lot of a post office sub-station. Paying the attendant five dollars, he walked across the busy street and turned the corner in time to see Maggie and her companion jog across the road and walk into the bar.


Carrie Landers had been her best friend since their training days at the Austin Police Academy, and they began dating not long after Maggie pa.s.sed her detectiveas exam. Before she and Carrie started going out she had been to Mamaas alone many times, but there hadnat been many nights she had been forced to go home alone. She almost always managed to find a pa.s.sing fancy to take her mind off her loneliness. To celebrate Maggieas new job Carrie had planned a special evening beginning with dinner, a little dancing and something much more intimate later. While Carrie went to the bar to buy the first round, Maggie went in search of an out-of-the-way table. When Carrie re-joined her, they tipped their drinks back. As she set her gla.s.s down on the table, a familiar figure on the dance floor caught Carrieas eye.

aWell, thereas a face I hoped Iad never see again,a she said.aWhat?a Maggie asked, following Carrieas gaze.

aItas your ex.a Brodie directed a dazzling smile at the woman she was dancing with. A beautiful smile, Maggie thought. It used to take my breath away when she smiled at me like that. She watched as the dance ended and Brodie escorted her dance partner from the floor, her fingertips barely touching the small of the womanas back. They took long, thirsty drinks from the bottles they had left along the dance floor railing. As Brodie brought her bottle to her lips, Maggie felt her stomach clench and she longed to be that d.a.m.n bottle, just to feel Royceas lips touch hers again. Jesus Christ! She shook her head to clear her mind. She was losing it. Brodie ran her hand slowly to the back of the womanas neck and pulled her closer as she said something to the woman that brought a smile to her face.

aHow about a dance?a Carrie asked as she ran her hand down Maggieas back.

Smiling, Maggie took her hand and followed her to the dance floor. The song was a slow tune, and Carrie drew Maggie close to her. As they made their way around the floor, Maggie caught a glimpse of Brodie. The woman she had been talking with was gone and she was watching the couples dance. As they made their second turn around the small floor, Maggie turned her head to look for Brodie. A moment later their eyes met and stayed on one another. Maggie wanted to reach out to her. She had made a mistake by going to Cedar Springs. After the fiasco with her father that afternoon, Maggie wasnat certain she could still hold her head up at work. She had been completely blindsided when he appeared.

She turned toward Carrie and said, aI need to speak to Brodie for a moment.a Resting a hand on top of Maggieas, Carrie said, aYouare better off without her.a aI know, but weare working on a case and I forgot to tell her something before I left this afternoon,a Maggie lied.

Brodieas white long-sleeve s.h.i.+rt seemed to glow under the black lights scattered around the club as she chatted amiably with the woman she had been dancing with earlier. Taking a deep breath for courage, Maggie tapped her on the shoulder. As soon as she saw her former lover, Brodieas smile evaporated aWeston,a she said, her eyes turning cold.

aEnjoying your evening?a aCould I speak to you privately for a moment?a Maggie asked, casting a glance at the woman with Brodie.

Turning back toward the other woman, Brodie said, aDonat go away. Itas a work thing.a Maggie followed Brodie to a corner of the bar and waited for her to turn around.

aI wanted to apologize for my father. We had a fight earlier in the week and I didnat know head show up where I worked. IaIall turn in my resignation if you want.a aWhatas done is done. You can do what you want, but donat let him force you into doing something you donat want to do. Heas p.i.s.sed because he doesnat control you any more and he canat stand that. Never could.a Maggie looked around the club nervously and spotted Carrie talking to a group of women. On an impulse she asked, aWould you like to dance?a aArenat you with someone?a Brodie asked. She had seen Maggie dancing with Carrie and privately confessed a twinge of jealousy to herself. She wasnat particularly happy with the way she was feeling about Maggie, but the memory of dancing with her was too strong to ignore.

aYeah, you probably remember my friend, Carrie.a aI remember her calling me a good-for-nothing drunk after you were hurt.a aA lot of people said a lot of things they shouldnat have back then, including me. One dance canat possibly hurt anything. Itas just a dance.a For a moment, the corners of Brodieas mouth looked as if they might actually curl into a smile.

aWhy not?a As the driving beat of Melissa Etheridgeas Iam the Only One began, the disc jockey announced in a husky, sultry voice over the microphone, aShadow dance, ladies. Show your partner what youave got to offer her tonight.a As Brodie started toward the floor, Maggie stopped. Maybe asking for a dance hadnat been such a great idea after all.

aDo you want to dance or not?a Brodie asked. Glancing at the dancers already on the floor, Maggie looked back at her and took her hand. As soon as they were on the floor, Brodie spun Maggie in front of her and slid an arm around her waist, pressing her hand firmly against Maggieas abdomen, pulling her closely against her own body. aJust relax,a she breathed softly into Maggieas ear, sending a chill down her body. Shadow dancing was as amazingly sensuous as Maggie remembered as their bodies began moving together as one. There was something erotic about feeling but not seeing her partneras body move against hers as she trailed one hand slowly down Maggieas arm and side. It could have been her imagination or the sensations her body was feeling, but it seemed as if Brodieas hand had slipped slowly down her abdomen, her fingers spread. Maggie felt her body reacting to the movement of Brodieas body against hers.

Almost without Maggie realizing it, the tempo of the music changed and slipped smoothly into another song. Taking her cue from the beat of the music, Brodie stepped around her gracefully, facing her as the dance continued. Maggie felt her hand slip to the small of her back, drawing her closer once again.

aHow long have you been dating Carrie?a Brodie asked.

aA few months,a Maggie answered.

aI hope you have better luck this time.a As she opened her eyes, the coldness she had seen in Brodieas eyes was replaced by something softer, something that took her breath away. Hurt?

Disappointment? She ran her hand along Brodieas neckline and rested her head in the hollow of the taller womanas shoulder, feeling contented a secure for the first time in years. Brodie s.h.i.+fted her body, allowing her lead leg to slip slightly between Maggieas thighs. She felt her breath quicken at the movement and hoped Brodie couldnat feel her heart beating faster against her chest. She had wondered how she would feel if Royce ever touched her again and now she knew. Every cell of her body remembered. When the music began to fade away, she didnat want to release her grip on the taciturn detective.

aThanks, Weston,a Brodie said as they finally left the dance floor.

Maggie laughed. aEven off duty you canat bring yourself to call me by my first name again.a aIt was just a dance,a Brodie shot back. aDonat make more out of it than it was.a aPerhaps,a Maggie said to herself as Brodie walked away.

HE ORDERED A beer and found a nice secluded spot partially in the shadows next to the bar. He stood there a while, leaning against the wall. He watched Maggie and the brunette glide around the dance floor and felt nauseated. He would be doing the world a favor by killing her. One less d.y.k.e in a world that was sick enough already. When the two women returned to their table, Maggie looked around the club and sipped her drink. A moment later she said something to the woman with her and left their table. She walked directly toward a tall, older woman and spoke to her. He nearly panicked as the two women moved toward the corner of the bar where he was watching. Had Maggie seen him and gotten reinforcements to confront him? He shook the idea away in his mind and shrank back father into the shadows. You tramp, he thought when he heard Maggie ask the other woman to dance.

He thought he saw Maggie hesitate when the dance was announced. Apparently a shadow dance was something special. Once the dancers began to move, he licked his lips. The way Maggie embraced this woman was different, more intimate. There was a sense of familiarity in the way they touched one another that he found extremely arousing. Maggie Weston was turning out to be a much more interesting person by the minute. His eyes followed the older woman as she wove through the crowd.

BRODIE MADE HER way to the ladies room and splashed cold water on her face. d.a.m.n, Maggie felt good in her arms. She had danced with a dozen women that evening, but none had caused her body to react the way it had with her. It was stupid and senseless. She couldnat allow it to go any further. It wouldnat be fair to Maggie. She was with someone else now and Brodie knew she wouldnat be able to handle the rejection that would come from anything more serious. She was drying her hands and face when the bathroom door opened and Carrie stepped into the small room. She leaned against the wall, gazing down at the floor until they were alone. Brodie turned and leaned against the sink as she tossed the damp paper towel into the nearby garbage can. aSomething I can do for you, Landers?a she asked.

aYou can leave Maggie the h.e.l.l alone.a Brodie smiled. aWhatas your interest?a aMaggie has finally gotten over you, Brodie. Weare together now.a aCongratulations. Isnat that what you always wanted?a aI knew youad self-destruct eventually. Iam a very patient woman.a aWell, Iave heard thatas supposed to be a virtue. It sounds like you donat trust her much though.a aItas you I donat trust.a aThatas a group that seems to be growing by leaps and bounds lately,a Brodie said as she walked toward the door.

Carrie grabbed her arm. aStay away from her, Brodie,a she threatened in a low voice.

aOr what?a Brodie asked as she jerked her arm away and opened the door. aYouall ruin my career?a Brodie skirted her way around the edges of the crowd, stopping to speak to one or two women. When she turned to leave the club, she caught a glimpse of Carrie drawing Maggie closely against her on the dance floor and paid no attention to the man exiting the club in front of her.

ON AN IMPULSE, Brodie turned the Camaro east onto Congress Avenue toward the Omni. It had been a long time since shead been to the Renaissance Tavern inside the hotel. She considered it a special place. The Renaissance appeared to have its usual contingent of late-evening diners as she pulled into a parking s.p.a.ce.

The rich dark paneling in the dimly lit bar exuded a sense of calm as soon as she entered the room. Taking a seat at the bar, she decided what the h.e.l.l, she hadnat reached the limit on her credit card and might as well get what she wanted for a change. Ordering a double Chivas on the rocks, she tried to relax and looked around the room. Her thoughts were interrupted by a woman sliding onto the bar stool next to her.

aExcuse me,a the woman said, awould you mind sharing your ashtray with me?a Brodie slid the heavy leaded-gla.s.s ashtray toward her.aThank you,a the woman said with a smile as she pulled a silver cigarette case from her black beaded clutch purse and flipped it open.

Brodie picked up a matchbook from the bar and opened it. When the match ignited she held it toward the woman, who played with the cigarette between her lips for a moment while looking at her before lowering her cigarette into the flame.

aThank you again,a she said softly.

aNo problem,a Brodie said, picking up her drink. Glancing at the woman, she asked, aWould you like a drink?a aIad love one. Are you alone?a she asked.

aSeems like,a Brodie answered, signaling to the bartender.

The woman ordered a gla.s.s of white wine and tapped ashes from her cigarette into the ashtray. aDo you come here often?a she asked.

aNo. You?a Brodie said as she turned slightly toward her.

aNot as often as Iad like,a the woman smiled as she exhaled a thin stream of smoke.

Brodieas eyes took in the whole package seated next to her as she inhaled the light scent of an expensive perfume. The woman had s.h.i.+mmering auburn hair braided into an elegant French twist. Her hair was set off by a simple black c.o.c.ktail dress with a neckline that plunged far enough down her chest to make Brodie wonder what kept her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from slipping out. The skin of her cleavage was evenly tanned and inviting.

aYou look a little stressed,a the woman said nonchalantly. aRough day?a aYou could say that,a Brodie said, as she remembered the way she had held Maggie in her arms earlier.

aAre you from out of town?a aSort of,a Brodie answered as she tossed down the rest of her drink and motioned for a refill.

aActually, I was supposed to have a date tonight, but got stood up,a the dark-haired woman said.

aSomeoneas loss,a the detective smiled. aYouare very attractive.a aThank you. Iam Kara,a she said, extending a slender hand toward Brodie.

aBrodie,a she said as she took the womanas warm hand in hers. The soft lighting around the bar s.h.i.+mmered in Karaas green eyes.

They chatted until they finished their drinks. As Brodie got up the leave, Kara stopped her. aI donat want to sound forward or anything, Brodie, but I have some Chivas in my suite if youad like a nightcap,a Kara offered.

aSure. I donat have any other plans.a She couldnat help but smile at Kara. She hadnat been fooled for an instant, but she wasnat about to tell that to the woman.

HE WASNaT SURE what it was, but there had been something about the interaction between Maggie and the tall, older woman that made him decide to follow someone new. The body language between Maggie and this woman practically broadcast an interest in one another simmering just below the surface. Whatever it was, it had driven the older woman to seek out companions.h.i.+p. He shuddered to think what she would have to pay for an evening with the beauty who accompanied her on the elevator. It was late and not many people milled around the elevators waiting to return to their rooms. He watched as the elevator the two women entered rose and finally stopped on the sixth floor. He would remember that. The auburnhaired woman reminded him a little of Maggie. Maybe that was what the woman from the bar wanted. Someone she could subst.i.tute for what she couldnat have that night. Ah, Maggie, such a f.u.c.king tease. You were going to be mine tonight, but I can wait a while longer. I know where you live.

AS THEY STEPPED from the elevator on the sixth floor, Kara opened her purse and found the key card to her room, handing it to Brodie with a smile. She unlocked the door and followed Kara inside as the woman switched on the overhead light. She moved across the room toward a small wet-bar, taking two from a cabinet over the bar, and pouring Chivas into them. When she turned around, Brodie was standing at the sliding gla.s.s doors leading onto a small balcony. Walking up next to her, Kara handed her a gla.s.s.

aNice view.a Brodie said.

aThe city looks different at night and from this height,a Kara commented. aAlmost clean-looking, isnat it?a aYeah,a she answered, taking a deep drink from her gla.s.s.

She looked at Kara as she sipped her drink. Her unexpected meeting with Maggie earlier had filled her with a need she hadnat wanted to acknowledge. Setting her gla.s.s down, she stepped closer to Kara and held her eyes with her own as she slipped her hand into the open neckline of her dress, pleased to discover nothing underneath. She heard the quick intake of breath as she slowly fondled Karaas breast, smiling as she felt the nipple harden beneath her touch. Running her hand under the skirt of Karaas dress, she pulled her closer. She could taste the Chivas that lingered on the inviting mouth as she kissed her hungrily, hoping to erase her memory of Maggieas lips on hers. It was an expensive drink and Kara was an expensive call girl. Both were outside her budget.

Kara took her hand and pulled her toward the bedroom. As she backed into the room, she pulled a few pins from her hair and long auburn tresses cascaded over her shoulders. Brodie slid the dress off Karaas shoulders and let it fall to the floor while Kara slowly began unb.u.t.toning her s.h.i.+rt as Brodie kissed her and explored her slender body. Neither was in a hurry. She needed to drive the feel of Maggieas body out of her mind, if only for a few hours. It had been an emotionally difficult week and she owed her body everything it was about to give and receive. BRODIE WAS AWAKENED by lips on hers and for a split second didnat remember where she was. Instinctively, she grabbed whoever it was and deepened the kiss. The early morning fog lifted from her brain as Karaas body moved on top of hers.

aGood morning,a Kara said, tossing hair back from her face.

She reached up, stroked Karaas velvet b.r.e.a.s.t.s and smiled, aMorning.a aAre you feeling better?a Kara asked.

aAbsolutely.a Kara had a light laugh. She didnat know how much Kara usually got for her services, but she was worth every d.a.m.n dime. The truth was she did feel better, despite a general lack of sleep. Kara had awakened her every two hours, resuming their lovemaking, and had seemed pleased with Brodieas response. For the first time she could remember in a long time, she had made love to another woman without seeing the face of someone else. Kara was alive and warm and tender and reminded her she was alive as well. She almost felt guilty that the call girl had worked so hard for nothing more than her grat.i.tude.

aI ordered breakfast from room service,a Kara said softly. aAre you hungry?a aStarving,a Brodie said, grabbing her and pulling her down toward her. She was losing herself in the womanas body again when she heard knocking on the door of the room.

aWhy donat you take a quick shower while I get breakfast?a Kara suggested.

She watched Karaas naked body slide out of bed and into a short, silk kimono-style robe. As she stood, Brodie felt light-headed and didnat know whether it was from hunger or exhaustion.

When she came out of the shower a few minutes later she felt much better. The last of the cobwebs had evaporated in the steam from the shower. She quickly slipped back into her clothes before leaving the bedroom. A rolling cart from room service was parked near the coffee table. She looked around and found Kara standing at the sliding gla.s.s window, looking down at the early morning traffic that had begun to clog Congress Avenue. She walked up behind her and slid her arms around Karaas waist, kissing the nape of her neck.

aWhy didnat you tell me you were a cop?a Kara asked bluntly, but without anger.

aHowad you find out?a Brodie asked, releasing her. aI took some money for a tip from your wallet and the gold from your badge sort of jumped out at me. Are you going to arrest me?a aFor what? You didnat bring up the subject of money last night and itad be a pretty safe bet youare not going to now. Last time I checked it wasnat against the law for two consenting adults to make love.a aAs long as itas free,a Kara said.

aWhen itas free and consensual, itas called making love, Kara. When you pay for it, itas just f.u.c.king.a aWhen did you know?a Kara asked with a smile.

aAs soon as you said you had been stood up. I figured you might be looking for a way to recoup your loss.a aGuess that didnat quite work out the way I thought it would,a Kara laughed.

aI donat usually have other women try to pick me up in a straight bar, even an expensive one.a aActually, some of my best lovers have been women,a Kara smiled.

aHow will you explain it to your employer?a Running her hand down Brodieas chest, she said, aIam my own employer. But even a working girl needs a little vacation. Letas eat before our breakfast gets cold.a HE WAITED IN his car outside the hotel all night. He mentally s.h.i.+fted between anger and fantasy. He would have enjoyed watching the women getting it on, as perverted as that might have seemed. Then he could have shown them both what they had been missing all along. He smiled and rubbed his face. He was exhausted. At least the women upstairs had been horizontal and not stuck sitting halfway up in a cramped car. He needed a cup of coffee and something to eat, followed immediately by a hot shower and eight hours sleep.

A little after ten-thirty in the morning, he watched as the woman from the bar pushed open the gla.s.s front doors of the hotel and stepped out, squinting into the sun with a self-satisfied look on her face. THE LATE MORNING sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly as Brodie left the Omni. She was surprised that she actually felt relaxed and refreshed. As she started her car and prepared to return to Cedar Springs, she looked up and smiled. She knew she would remember the night Kara had given her exactly what she had needed, but she also knew she would never see the woman again. Kara had accepted her as she was and hadnat asked any questions. Regret over leaving her mixed oddly with a twinge of guilt. She felt strangely unfaithful to Maggie, a woman with whom she no longer had any kind of relations.h.i.+p, and to Camille, a woman with whom she had until a few days earlier.

Chapter Seven.

WHEN BRODIE ENTERED the squad room Monday morning, she didnat bother to sit down at her desk. Maggie and Nicholls were engaged in early morning chit-chat in an attempt to get their juices going when Brodie walked in.

aGrab your stuff, kiddies, and letas go.a aWhere to?a Nicholls asked.

aThe university. Did we get anything from Brauneras doctor yet?a aCame in early this morning,a Maggie said. aThe position of the screws looks like a match.a aFirst, weall tell Mrs. Brauner weave identified her husbandas body. Then weall divide up the list of graduate students and start talking to them. I want to speak to this Obregon guy myself.a aAre we keeping the Garcia and Brauner cases separate or lumping them together?a Nicholls asked.

aI think Westonas right and one case led to the other, so Iam sure weare looking for the same killer for both crimes. Two cases of real bad luck.a aWhat do you mean?a Maggie asked.

aIt was bad luck that Garcia was a janitor in the Biology Building and bad luck that Brauner left something he needed in his office the same night.a aAnything else?a Nicholls asked.

aYeah. I want an inquiry sent out to see if there have been any other crimes similar to this at any other universities. This guy was too cool about what he did to be a first timer. Keep a list, Weston, of the things we need to do.a aI think we should check out the other cars in long term parking at the airport,a she said.

aGood idea,a Brodie said. aAny other thoughts youad like to share with us?a aNot right now, but Iall let you know if I think of something, Lieutenant.a aWhen we get to the university drop me off at the Chemistry Building. Then you and Nicholls swing by the registraras office and get cla.s.s schedules and addresses on the graduate students. We can jerk their out of cla.s.s if we have to. Be sure to watch their reactions to being questioned. See if anyone is too cool.a aIad like to go with you to see Mrs. Brauner,a Maggie said. aI spoke to her originally and I like her.a aThatas okay with me, RB,a Nicholls said. aI can get the info from the registrar pretty quick. Iam sure theyare computerized.a aOkay. Letas go before the trail gets any colder,a Brodie said.

As Maggie started toward the entrance of the police station, Brodie stopped Nicholls. aAbout what happened Friday. Thereas nothing going on between me and Weston.a aBut there was in the past, right?a aYeah, there was. I know youare not comfortable with my lifestyle and I didnat see any reason to reveal our past relations.h.i.+p to you. It ended years ago.a aAt least that explains why you were so hostile when she first got here.a aAny time you think Iam stepping over the line, just say so and Iall back off.a as.h.i.+t! Why should she have it any easier than I did?a NICHOLLS DROPPED THE women in front of the Chemistry Building and pulled away from the curb. Brodie readjusted her before starting toward the entrance to the building.

aYou ever broke the bad news before?a she asked.

aNo,a Maggie frowned.

aWant this one? Gotta do it some time.a Maggie took a deep breath and exhaled audibly.

aYeah, Iall do it.a aJust be sympathetic and donat give any details. She doesnat need to know any specifics right now.a aWhat if she asks how we identified him?a aTell her we matched his medical records to the body and leave it at that. Sheall find out the condition of the body soon enough from the funeral home. Itas a safe bet there wonat be an open casket funeral.a Maggie nodded and entered the building as Brodie held the door open. She knew notification of next-of-kin was never going to be her favorite part of the job. She tried to think what she would want someone to say to her if their roles were reversed. Before she could think about it any further, she heard Brodie speaking to her again.

aBe direct. There arenat any good ways to tell a woman her husband has been murdered by some sorry s...o...b.. She probably already suspects sheas a widow. Just tell her and then tell her youare sorry. Try to keep eye contact with her while youare talking. Ask if there is anyone we can call for her.a Instant death notification lessons between floors of a building.

Helen Brauner was in her office preparing a cup of tea when Maggie knocked on the open door. She knew the moment she and Helen looked at one other that the woman knew why they were there. There was a slight catch in her voice as she invited the two detectives into her office.

aDr. Brauner,a Maggie began. aIam sorry, but I have to notify you weave found your husband.a aHeas dead, isnat he?a aYes, Iam afraid so.a aHow?a Maggie glanced at Brodie and then back at Helen.

aHe was murdered, Dr. Brauner. I canat tell you more than that right now.a Helen placed a hand on the corner of her desk and sat down. Tears formed in her eyes and the overflow ran slowly down her cheeks. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, forcing more tears down her face. She sniffed quietly, but there was no hysteria. Maggie pulled a tissue from a box on Helenas desk and walked behind the desk to give it to her. Helen opened her eyes and looked at Maggie before taking it and dabbing at her eyes and nose.

aIs there anyone I can call for you, Dr. Brauner?a Maggie asked gently.

Helen shook her head slightly. aI wouldnat know who to call. I havenat needed anyone except Elliott for the last thirty years.a aCan we take you home?a Helen blew her nose softly as she shook her head.

aI canat say I wasnat expecting this, you know. But even then, there was a glimmer of hope. Just denial, I suppose. Iall be fine. My a.s.sistant can take my last cla.s.s today. What should I do now?a Maggie looked at Brodie.

aWhichever funeral home you choose can contact the Travis County Medical Examiner, Dr. Brauner. Theyare holding your husbandas remains for now, but they can be released at any time,a Brodie said quietly.

aThank you, Detective,a Helen said.

aMaaam, there isnat any easy way to say this, but Dr. Brauneras body was burned in an attempt to hide his ident.i.ty. Thereas no need for you to view the remains. It might be some consolation for you to know the medical examiner believes Dr. Brauner was already deceased and didnat suffer. Iam sorry,a Maggie added.

Tears dropped from Helenas eyes as she squeezed them tightly shut and drew a deep breath, as if she were trying to block out the image in her mind.

aI know this is a very difficult time for you, Dr. Brauner. But is there anything else youave thought of in the last couple of days we should know about?

Something your husband may have said or something you overheard, that might help us find the person responsible,a Brodie asked.

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Tunnel Vision Part 7 summary

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