As The World Dies - Siege Part 68

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Travis and Rune began to calmly fire at anything that staggered out of the smoke as they were lifted back into the safety of the fort.

Just as they reached the top, a s.h.i.+ft in the wind blew much of the smoke away from the fort. Jason looked over the wide expanse of land and saw that a lot of the zombies were moving off away from the town. The fire had spooked them. Once they were moving in one direction, they kept going.

What remained was a large number of zombies still approaching and moving into the kill zone.

"We're clear," Travis said as they reached the top of the wall as Katie grabbed up Jason to hug him.

"No one is bitten? Right?" Katie ran her hands over Jason's arms.

"No, we're good. Promise," Jason answered.

Calhoun reluctantly let Reggie check him for bites. "d.a.m.n things smell to high heaven, don't they?"

Reggie, trying hard not to smell the old man, nodded. 'Oh, yeah.

Katie watched anxiously as Travis and Rune were checked for bites. The moans of the zombies grew louder as they drew ever closer to the fort.

Cleared of any bites, Travis kissed his wife as Rune heaved his bag of grenades over his shoulder.

"Time to get to work," Rune said.

Together, Travis and Katie looked out over the wide expanse of land before the fort. It was filled with the shambling dead.

"They're here," Travis whispered.

Within seconds the catapults began to creak and moan, then sling their heavy loads into the air and down on the zombies.

The war began...

Chapter 35.

1. The War.

It is common knowledge that war is h.e.l.l. But what is also not so well known is that war is surreal. Hyper-reality often mixes with moments of feeling oddly disconnected from reality. A sense of fragility wrapped up in a feeling of invincibility. Nothing about it makes sense. Nothing about it registers fully in the human senses.

The morning air was filled with the creaking of catapults showering the undead with their loads of discarded junk. The sharp tw.a.n.g of the ma.s.sive crossbows was followed by the hissing whistle of twenty arrows splitting through the air in a gentle arch only to slam into the battered, mangled bodies of the dead. The sudden whoosh of the gas jets being activated out on the field below, then the loud bang as they ignited, was followed by the intense wail of the zombies on fire.

The smell was unbelievable. Charred flesh. Rotting flesh. Fire. Human sweat and fear.

From the ma.s.sive crossbows to the catapults to the gunmen, everyone had a section of the area lying before the fort which they were responsible for. Target zones were erected along the wall with colored paint. If something crossed into your zone, you fired. It was easy. Yet there was swearing and screams of anger as something undead and rotting would pa.s.s out of the zone just before a toilet smashed right where it had been standing or the ground was skewered with twenty arrows instead of the shambling dead.

Juan activated the traps on Nerit's command. The fire jet traps, the quick drying cement traps, the stake traps. He listened and obeyed. He never saw the shuffling family of four complete with a toddler get stuck in the quick drying cement and flail about uselessly until the snipers shot off their heads. He didn't see the former nurse with both arms missing ignite into a torch as a gas jet went off. Nor the zombified firemen get skewered on the stake traps. But he would hear "Good job" from Nerit and smile with satisfaction.

Katie worked with feverish intensity loading up her crossbow, then waiting for something to move into her zone. Every time the shambling dead went down under the hail of her arrows, she would grin fiercely and reload. More than once she felt Jenni's presence nearby and it pushed her to keep going even when the heat and the smell seemed overwhelming.

"This is for Ken, f.u.c.kers," Lenore said further down the wall as her crossbow split zombies apart pouring their putrid innards onto the ground. She would pump her fist in the air then reload to do it all over again.

Jason helped man the slingshot. The teenagers launched Molotov c.o.c.ktails with startling accuracy at the undead. They all wore t-s.h.i.+rts with the words "For Roger" written on them with a sharpie pen. Jason's read on the back: "For my Mom."

Rune ran across rooftops to gun down anything trying to come up the side streets. Most of the traps had already gone off with zombies dangling from the razor wire. He took out anything that stirred down the side streets.

Most of the first zombies were still trailing off into the distance in two long columns.

Linda and Bette reloaded their catapult countless times. The discarded junk of the old world flew out over the battlefield, picking up force as it fell to earth and landing amongst the dead with brutal devastation. They would high five whenever they got a particularly gruesome death. Their favorite was a zombie priest who lost his head to a flying toaster oven.

Calhoun, followed by his pack of dogs, ran along the wall activating the traps closest to the fort. If the zombies began to congregate in one area, he would trip a variety of swinging arms made of old telephone lines and lawnmower blades. The big swinging arms were his pride and joy. They'd swing through a group of zombies and obliterate anything they'd hit.

The helicopters, on standby, had one bad moment when confronted with a handful of terrified people demanding to be removed from the fort.

"And go where?" Greta asked calmly.

With no answer to her question, the people had slunk away.

Travis wielded one of the five bazookas the fort had. With Kevin's help, they loaded it up and sent zombies flying in pieces across the battlefield.

Despite the tension in the air, they found themselves laughing more than once.

Katarina took out the living dead with terrible accuracy. Being a sniper meant she was a little more up close and personal with the undead as they went down. She could see their ravaged faces, their empty eyes, their mutilated forms before her bullet put them down. Every age, every walk of life, every race wandered into view and every single one was put to final rest. Having lived with fear so long, she was startled to feel peace instead.

Instead of feeling rage against them, she felt sorry for them. Every bullet, she realized was a blessing to those creatures. A final exit from their h.e.l.l.

Yolanda sat in the communication center and listened to teams reporting in and Nerit's voice steadily giving commands. Next to her sat her own pistol. If there was a breach in the wall, she would fight. And, of course, keep one bullet for herself.

In the opulent ballroom of the hotel, the elderly and children of the fort waited. Despite themselves, they had all watched from the windows as the dead had swarmed toward the fort. They had watched mesmerized as the dead had been met with fierce resistance. Now the battlefield was a ruin.

Smoke filled the air. Fear and hope filled their hearts.

Katie was gagging on the putrid stench as she reloaded her crossbow.

Nothing was moving in her zone anymore. Only a few of the twenty catapults along the wall were still firing, most of those on the east side.

"Is it done?" someone yelled from nearby.

"I don't have any in my zone," Lenore called out.

Katie lifted her walkie-talkie. "Hey, what is going on?"

From his point on the wall, Travis could see most of the west side of the battlefield. Only a few severely mutilated zombies were trying to pull themselves along the ground. Kevin craned his neck, trying to look past the smoke.

"This might be it," Travis said, his voice trembling. His body was shaking as the adrenaline rush left him.

"It might be," Kevin said in awe.

"Let's get the copter up," Travis said into his walkie-talkie. "Check on the status of the zombies."

Lenore glanced over at Bette and Linda as they struggled to get a few microwaves onto their catapult. "It might be done!"

"What?" Linda looked over the wall at the decimated battlefield.

"Babe, nothing is shambling down there," Bette said in awe.

"' zombies are dead," Lenore said with satisfaction.

"There might be more," Linda said pragmatically. "We can't get our hopes up yet."

A lone helicopter lifted up over the hotel and swung out over the hills.

Katie sat down in the chair next to her ma.s.sive crossbow, her arms wrapped around her stomach. She tried not to breath too deeply through the kerchief over her mouth. The smell was unbearable, but the view was amazing. The enormous horde of the dead was not in view. Of course, maybe a second wave was on its way.

Nerit surveyed the map of the battlefield as she waited for the word. Eric stood near her, his face covered in a silk handkerchief. His hands were b.l.o.o.d.y from loading the catapult near her position. Stacey was sitting on the wall, wiping her face with her s.h.i.+rt. They were sweaty, dirty, and afraid to hope for the best.

"Think they're scared off? Think we did it?" Eric asked.

An eerie silence filled the morning. The sound of the catapults, explosions, and other weaponry had faded away. There was only a dull hum that Nerit realized was the moans of the dead in the distance.

"Possibly," she answered, but slowly smiled. Her map spoke of victory.

But if there was another wave coming...

There was a burst of static over the walkie-talkie.

"That's it," Greta's voice cackled through the static. "Holy G.o.d in Heaven, that's it. We got two columns heading to the east and west and the ones that hit us straight on....boys and girls..what you see in front of you is it!"

Travis heard the news and s.n.a.t.c.hed up his walkie-talkie. "Yolanda, make an announcement!"

"I'll try, but I'm crying!" she hollered back at him through walkie-talkie.

Within seconds, Yolanda's voice boomed through the fort speakers, announcing victory.

"Holy s.h.i.+t," Bette whispered, then was wrapped up in Linda's arms and they both began to scream with joy.

Rune sat on the wall, dangling his feet over the edge. Looking down past his knees, he saw a cl.u.s.ter of body parts. "Well, it was a good day to die, but oh well," he said and lit up a cigarette. Then he grinned as he realized his bike stood unscathed. "Well, hot d.a.m.n," he said.

Katarina stood up slowly and began to cry.

Lenore sat back in the chair next to her crossbow and sighed softly.

Nodding to herself, she pulled out a soda and popped the top. "d.a.m.n zombies shouldn't have touched my best friend," she muttered. Toasting the ma.s.sacred zombies, she said, "For Felix and Ken. Rest in peace, my brothers."

Katie ran up to Travis and launched herself into his arms. He grabbed her tightly as they both laughed with delight and he swung her around. Juan joined them, tears streaming down his face, and they drew him into their embrace. Juan kissed both of them, whooping with joy. Nerit tackled all of them, laughing with joy. They wrapped her up in their enormous hug as Kevin joined in. Laughing and kissing each other, they were all crying and talking at the same time.

Jack pushed his way into the middle of them, barking with excitement and Jason wormed his way under his Dad's arm. Katie kissed the teenager's cheek and made him blush as Juan ruffled the boy's hair lovingly.

"We did it!" Travis shouted it to the heavens and the helicopter circling over head.

"I knew we would," Nerit said with a big grin. "I knew it!"

"It was almost too easy," Kevin exclaimed.

"You call that easy?" Nerit smacked Kevin's arm.

"Planning man! We planned it out and we did it!" Juan whooped. "We were a little late on the 'organize before they rise' part of the Zombie Survival Guide, but we were ready when they f.u.c.king got here."

"Thanks to Jason here," Katie said, squeezing the boy tighter.

Katarina dove into the middle of them. Nerit caught her up in a tight hug and Kevin high-fived her. "Bill would have loved this!" She burst into tears again, but she was smiling.

Others began to join them and hugs were tight and happy. They looked over the battlefield at the destroyed bodies of the dead and slowly it dawned on them that they had not lost one person in the battle. More tears came as relief set in.

Travis hooked his arm around Katie's shoulder and kissed her firmly just as Eric and Stacey showed up. Lenore and Rune came to join them and everyone started hugging and kissing each other again.

"We did it," Nerit said over the din of voices. "Look out there. Look at it.

We all did this. We survived. And this is life. Our life. The fort stood."

Slowly, they fell into silence as the enormity of it all gripped the defenders of the small town. Gathered in groups all over the fort, they stared through windows, or from the rooftops, or from the wall itself, and they saw the dead littered across the ground. Since the first day of the rising, they had never had such a sweet victory.

"What a mess," Katie finally said. But in her heart, she knew that every second of every day from the first day had been worth it to feel this moment of victory. Jenni had been right. It had been worth it. She snuggled into Travis' side more firmly and smiled as Juan kissed her cheek. Wrapping her arms around Jason, she felt secure in the family she and Jenni had created. Jack yawned at her feet and looked up at her with his "I want a cookie" look.

"Yep, that is one h.e.l.luva mess," Juan agreed. "Loca would be proud."

Calhoun suddenly shoved his way past them, his entourage of mutts following him. He looked one way, then the other surveying the carnage.

"We did it, Calhoun," Travis said proudly.

"We did a d.a.m.n good job. The clones are not much more than chopped liver now," Nerit said to the old guy.

Calhoun nodded solemnly, turning to look at them. "I ain't cleaning it up," he said firmly then strode away, his satellite dish hat wobbling on his head with his dogs trailing behind.

The laughter that erupted was glorious and heartfelt. People started crying all over again. Katie was laughing so hard her sides hurt. Below them, the big bulldozers were coming out to clear the area and eliminate any of the zombies that might be immobilized, but still a threat. The fire traps went off again, refres.h.i.+ng the fire line to chase away any stragglers.

Travis, Juan, Eric and Kevin were all talking so fast and over each other, joyful expressions on their faces, that Katie barely understood what they were saying. The first tremor rippling over her stomach shocked her then she felt a warm gush of water flowing down her legs.

"Oh, G.o.d," she exclaimed. She looked up at Travis with a startled expression on her face. "My water just broke!"

Then a whole new kind of chaos broke out as everyone tried to help her back to the hotel.

Below the walls, the bulldozers crushed the zombie bodies into mulch and swept away the debris of the battle. Snipers took out a few remaining zombies staggering along the side streets. In the distance, the zombie hordes began to vanish from view.

The war was over.

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As The World Dies - Siege Part 68 summary

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