Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' Part 31

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John Alden was hired for a cooper, at South-Hampton, wher the s.h.i.+p victuled; and being a hopfull yong man, was much desired, but left to his owne liking to go or stay when he came here; but he stayed, and maryed here.

[Sidenote: 2.]

John Allerton and Thomas Enlish were both hired, the later to goe m^r of a shalop here, and y^e other was reputed as one of y^e company, but was to go back (being a seaman) for the help of others behind. But they both dyed here, before the s.h.i.+pe returned.

[Sidenote: 2.]

There were allso other 2. seamen hired to stay a year here in the country, William Trevore, and one Ely. But when their time was out, they both returned.

These, bening aboute a hundred sowls, came over in this first s.h.i.+p; and began this worke, which G.o.d of his goodnes hath hithertoo blesed; let his holy name have y^e praise.

And seeing it hath pleased him to give me to see 30. years compleated since these beginings; and that the great works of his providence are to be observed, I have thought it not unworthy my paines to take a veiw of the decreasings & increasings of these persons, and such changs as hath pased over them & theirs, in this thirty years. It may be of some use to such as come after; but, however, I shall rest in my owne benefite.

I will therfore take them in order as they lye.

M^r. Carver and his wife dyed the first year; he in y^e spring, she in y^e so[=m]er; also, his man Roger and y^e litle boy Jasper dyed before either of them, of y^e commone infection. Desire Minter returned to her freinds, & proved not very well, and dyed in England. His servant boy Latham, after more then 20. years stay in the country, went into England, and from thence to the Bahamy Ilands in y^e West Indies, and ther, with some others, was starved for want of food. His maid servant maried, & dyed a year or tow after, here in this place.

[Sidenote: 15.]

His servant, John Howland, maried the doughter of John Tillie, Elizabeth, and they are both now living, and have 10. children, now all living; and their eldest daughter hath 4. children. And ther 2.

daughter, 1. all living; and other of their children mariagable. So 15.

are come of them.

[Sidenote: 4.]

[Sidenote: 2.]

M^r. Brewster lived to very old age; about 80. years he was when he dyed, having lived some 23. or 24. years here in y^e countrie; & though his wife dyed long before, yet she dyed aged. His sone Wrastle dyed a yonge man unmaried; his sone Love lived till this year 1650. and dyed, & left 4. children, now living. His doughters which came over after him are dead, but have left sundry children alive; his eldst sone is still liveing, and hath 9. or 10 children; one maried, who hath a child or 2.

[Sidenote: 4.]

Richard More his brother dyed the first winter; but he is maried, and hath 4. or 5. children, all living.

[Sidenote: 2.]

M^r. Ed: Winslow his wife dyed the first winter; and he maried with the widow of M^r. White, and hath 2. children living by her marigable, besids sundry that are dead.

[Sidenote: 8.]

One of his servants dyed, as also the litle girle, soone after the s.h.i.+ps arivall. But his man, Georg Sowle, is still living, and hath 8.


[Sidenote: 4.]

William Bradford his wife dyed soone after their arivall; and he maried againe; and hath 4. children, 3. wherof are maried.

[Sidenote: 8.]

M^r. Allerton his wife dyed with the first, and his servant, John Hooke.

His sone Bartle is maried in England, but I know not how many children he hath. His doughter Remember is maried at Salem, & hath 3. or 4.

children living. And his doughter Mary is maried here, & hath 4.

children. Him selfe maried againe with y^e doughter of M^r. Brewster, & hath one sone living by her, but she is long since dead. And he is maried againe, and hath left this place long agoe. So I account his increase to be 8. besids his sons in England.

[Sidenote: 2.]

M^r. Fuller his servant dyed at sea; and after his wife came over, he had tow children by her, which are living and growne up to years; but he dyed some 15. years agoe.

John Crakston dyed in the first mortality; and about some 5. or 6.

years after, his sone dyed; having lost him selfe in y^e wodes, his feet became frosen, which put him into a feavor, of which he dyed.

[Sidenote: 4.] [EW] Captain Standish his wife dyed in the first sicknes, and he maried againe, and hath 4. sones liveing, and some _are dead_.

M^r. Martin, he & all his, dyed in the first infection not long after the arivall.

[Sidenote: 15.]

M^r. Molines, and his wife, his sone, and his servant, dyed the first winter. Only his dougter Priscila survied, and maried with John Alden, who are both living, and have 11. children. And their eldest daughter is maried, & hath five children.

[Sidenote: 7.]

Mr. White and his 2. servants dyed soone after ther landing. His wife maried with M^r. Winslow (as is before noted). His 2. sons are maried, and Resolved hath 5. children, Perigrine tow, all living. So their increase are 7.

[Sidenote: 5.]

[Sidenote: 4.]

M^r. Hopkins and his wife are now both dead, but they lived above 20.

years in this place, and had one sone and 4. doughters borne here. Ther sone became a seaman, & dyed at Barbadoes; one daughter dyed here, and 2. are maried; one of them hath 2. children; & one is yet to mary. So their increase which still survive are 5. But his sone Giles is maried, and hath 4. children.

[Sidenote: 12.]

His doughter Constanta is also maried, and hath 12. children, all of them living, and one of them maried.

[Sidenote: 4.]

M^r. Richard Warren lived some 4. or 5. years, and had his wife come over to him, by whom he had 2. sons before dyed; and one of them is maryed, and hath 2. children. So his increase is 4. But he had 5.

doughters more came over with his wife, who are all maried, & living, & have many children.

[Sidenote: 8.]

John Billinton, after he had bene here 10. yers, was executed for killing a man; and his eldest sone dyed before him; but his 2. sone is alive, and maried, & hath 8. children.

[Sidenote: 7.]

Edward Tillie and his wife both dyed soon after their arivall; and the girle Humility, their cousen, was sent for into England, and dyed ther.

But the youth Henery Samson is still liveing, and is maried, & hath 7.


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Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' Part 31 summary

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