Blue Mars Part 5

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His whole skin began to buzz with the same inflamed pain. What caused that, return of blood to capillaries? Return of sensation to chilled nerves? Whatever it was, it hurt almost unbearably. "Ow!"

He was in excellent spirits. It was not just that he had been spared from death, which was nice; but that Hiroko was alive. Hiroko was alive! It was incredibly good news. Many of his friends had a.s.sumed all along that she and her group had slipped away from the a.s.sault on Sabis.h.i.+, moving through that town's mound maze back out into their system of hidden refuges; but Sax had never been sure. There was no evidence to support the idea. And there were elements in the security forces perfectly capable of murdering a group of dissidents and disposing of their bodies. This, Sax had thought, was probably what had happened. But he had kept this opinion to himself, and reserved judgment. There had been no way of knowing for sure.

But now he knew. He had stumbled into Hiroko's path, and she had rescued him from death by freezing, or asphyxiation, whichever came first. The sight of her cheery, somehow impersonal face- her brown eyes- the feel of her body supporting him- her hand clamped over his wrist... he would have a bruise because of that. Perhaps even a sprain. He flexed his hand, and the pain in his wrist brought tears to his eyes, it made him laugh. Hiroko!

After a time the fiery return of sensation to his skin banked down. Though his hands felt bloated and raw, and he did not have proper control of his muscles, or his thoughts, he was basically getting back to normal. Or something like normal.

"Sax! Sax! Where are you? Answer us, Sax!"

"Ah. h.e.l.lo there. I'm back in my car."

"You found it? You left your snow cave?"

"Yes. I- I saw my car, in the distance, through a break in the snow."

They were happy to hear it.

He sat there, barely listening to them babble, wondering why he had spontaneously lied. Somehow he was not comfortable telling them about Hiroko. He a.s.sumed that she would want to stay concealed; perhaps that was it. Covering for her....

He a.s.sured his a.s.sociates that he was all right, and got off the phone. He pulled a chair into the kitchen and sat on it. Warmed soup and drank it in loud slurps, scalding his tongue. Frostbitten, scalded, shaky- slightly nauseous- once weeping- mostly stunned- despite all this, he was very, very happy. Sobered by the close call, of course, and embarra.s.sed or even ashamed at his inept.i.tude, staying out, getting lost and so on- all very sobering indeed- and yet still he was happy. He had survived, and even better, so had Hiroko. Meaning no doubt that all of her group had survived with her, including the half dozen of the First Hundred who had been with her from the beginning, Iwao, Gene, Rya, Raul, Ellen, Evgenia.... Sax ran a bath and sat in the warm water, adding hotter water slowly as his body core warmed; and he kept returning to that wonderful realization. A miracle- well not a miracle of course- but it had that quality, of unexpected and undeserved joy.

When he found himself falling asleep in the bath he got out, dried off, limped on sensitive feet to his bed, crawled under the coverlet, and fell asleep, thinking of Hiroko. Of making love with her in the baths in Zygote, in the warm relaxed lubriciousness of their bathhouse trysts, late at night when everyone else was asleep. Of her hand clamped on his wrist, pulling him up. His left wrist was very sore. And that made him happy.

The next day he drove back up the great southern slope of Arsia, now covered with clean white snow to an amazingly high alt.i.tude, 10.4 kilometers above the datum to be exact. He felt a strange mix of emotions, unprecedented in their strength and flux, although they somewhat resembled the powerful emotions he had felt during the synaptic stimulus treatment he had taken after his stroke- as if sections of his brain were actively growing- the limbic system, perhaps, the home of the emotions, linking up with the cerebral cortex at last. He was alive, Hiroko was alive, Mars was alive; in the face of these joyous facts the possibility of an ice age was as nothing, a momentary swing in a general warming pattern, something like the almost-forgotten Great Storm. Although he did want to do what he could to mitigate it.

Meanwhile, in the human world there were still fierce conflicts going on everywhere, on both worlds. But it seemed to Sax that the crisis had somehow gotten beyond war. Flood, ice age, population boom, social chaos, revolution; perhaps things had gotten so bad that humanity had s.h.i.+fted into some kind of universal catastrophe rescue operation, or, in other words, the first phase of the postcapitalist era.

Or maybe he was just getting overconfident, buoyed by the events on Daedalia Planitia. His Da Vinci a.s.sociates were certainly very worried, they spent hours onscreen telling him every little thing about the arguments ongoing in east Pavonis. But he had no patience for that. Pavonis was going to become a standing wave of argument, it was obvious. And the Da Vinci crowd, worrying so- that was simply them. At Da Vinci if someone even raised his voice two decibels people worried that things were getting out of control. No. After his experience on Daedalia, these things simply weren't interesting enough to engage him. Despite the encounter with the storm, or perhaps because of it, he only wanted to get back out into the country. He wanted to see as much of it as he could- to observe the changes wrought by the removal of the mirrors- to talk to various terraforming teams about how to compensate for it. He called Nanao in Sabis.h.i.+, and asked him if he could come visit and talk it over with the university crowd. Nanao was agreeable.

"Can I bring some of my a.s.sociates?" Sax asked.

Nanao was agreeable.

And all of a sudden Sax found he had plans, like little Athenas jumping out of his head. What would Hiroko do about this possible ice age? That he couldn't guess. But he had a large group of a.s.sociates in the labs at Da Vinci who had spent the last decades working on the problem of independence, building weapons and transport and shelters and the like. Now that was a problem solved, and there they were, and an ice age was coming. Many of them had come to Da Vinci from his earlier terraforming effort, and could be talked into returning to it, no doubt. But what to do? Well, Sabis.h.i.+ was four kilometers above the datum, and the Tyrrhena ma.s.sif went up to five. The scientists there were the best in the world at high-alt.i.tude ecology. So: a conference. Another little utopia enacted. It was obvious.

That afternoon Sax stopped his rover in the saddle between Pavonis and Arsia, at the spot called Four Mountain View- a sublime place, with two of the continent-volcanoes filling the horizons to north and south, and then the distant of Olympus Mons off to the northwest, and on clear days (this one was too hazy) a glimpse of Ascraeus, in the distance just to the right of Pavonis. In this s.p.a.cious sere highland he ate his lunch, then turned east, and drove down toward Nicosia, to catch a flight to Da Vinci, and then on to Sabis.h.i.+.

He had to spend a lot of screen time with the Da Vinci team and many other people on Pavonis, trying to explain this move, reconciling them to his departure from the warehouse meetings. "I am in the warehouse in every sense that matters," he said, but they wouldn't accept that. Their cerebellums wanted him there in the flesh, a touching thought in a way. "Touching"- a symbolic statement that was nevertheless quite literal. He laughed, but Nadia came on and said irritably, "Come on, Sax, you can't give up just because things are getting sticky, in fact that's exactly when you're needed, you're General Sax now, you're the great scientist, you have to stay in the game."

But Hiroko showed just how present an absent person could be. And he wanted to go to Sabis.h.i.+.

"But what should we do?" Nirgal asked him, and others too in less direct ways.

The situation with the cable was at an; on Earth there was chaos; on Mars there were still pockets of metanational resistance, and other areas in Red control, where they were systematically tearing out all terraforming projects, and much of the infrastructure as well. There were also a variety of small revolutionary splinter movements that were taking this opportunity to a.s.sert their independence, sometimes over areas as small as a tent or a weather station.

"Well," Sax said, thinking about all this as much as he could bear to, "whoever controls the life-support system is in charge."

Social structure as life-support system- infrastructure, mode of production, maintenance... he really ought to speak to the folks at Separation de l'Atmosphere, and to the tentmakers. Many of whom had a close relation to Da Vinci. Meaning that in certain senses he himself was as much in charge as anyone. A bad thought.

"But what do you suggest we do? do?" Maya demanded; something in her voice made it clear she was repeating the question.

By now Sax was closing in on Nicosia, and impatiently he said, "Send a delegation to Earth? Or convene a const.i.tutional congress, and formulate a first approximation const.i.tution, a working draft."

Maya shook her head. "That won't be easy, with this crowd."

"Take the const.i.tutions of the twenty or thirty most successful Terran countries," Sax suggested, thinking out loud, "and see how they work. Have an AI compile a composite doc.u.ment, perhaps, and see what it says."

"How would you define most successful?" Art asked.

"Country Futures Index, Real Values Gauge, Costa Rica Comparisons- even Gross Domestic Product, why not." Economics was like psychology, a pseudoscience trying to hide that fact with intense theoretical hyperelaboration. And gross domestic product was one of those unfortunate measurement concepts, like inches or the British thermal unit, that ought to have been retired long before. But what the h.e.l.l-"Use several different sets of criteria, human welfare, ecologic success, what have you."

"But Sax," Coyote complained, "the very concept of the nation-state is a bad one. That idea by itself will poison all those old const.i.tutions."

"Could be," Sax said. "But as a starting point."

"All this is just sidestepping the problem of the cable," Jackie said.

It was strange how certain elements of the greens were as obsessed by total independence as the radical Reds. Sax said, "In physics I often bracket the problems I can't solve, and try to work around them and see if they don't get solved retroactively, so to speak. To me the cable looks like that kind of problem. Think of it as a reminder that Earth isn't going to go away."

But they ignored that, arguing as they were over what to do about the cable, what they might do about a new government, what to do about the Reds who had apparently abandoned the discussion, and so on and so forth, ignoring all his suggestions and getting back to their ongoing wrangles. So much for General Sax in the postrevolutionary world.

Nicosia's airport was almost shut down, and yet Sax did not want to go into the town; he ended up flying to Da Vinci with some friends of Spencer's from Dawes's Forked Bay, flying a big new ultralight they had built just before the revolt, in antic.i.p.ation of the freedom from the need for stealth. As the AI pilot floated the big silver-winged craft over the great maze of Noctis Labyrinthus, the five pa.s.sengers sat in a chamber on the bottom of the fuselage which had a large clear floor, so that they could look over the arms of their chairs at the view below; in this case, the immense linked network of troughs which was the Chandelier. Sax stared down at the smooth plateaus that stood between the canyons, often islanded; they looked like nice places to live, somewhat like Cairo, there on the north rim, looking like a model town in a gla.s.s bottle.

The plane's crew started talking about Separation de l'Atmosphere, and Sax listened closely. Although these people had been concerned with the revolution's armaments and with basic materials research, while "Sep" as they called it had dealt with the more mundane world of mesocosm management, they still had a healthy respect for it. Designing strong tents and keeping them functioning was a task with very severe consequences for failure, as one of them said. Criticalities everywhere, and every day a potential adventure.

Sep was a.s.sociated with Praxis, apparently, and each tent or covered canyon was run by a separate organization. They pooled information and shared roving consultants and construction teams. Since they deemed themselves necessary services, they ran on a cooperative basis- on the Mondragon plan, one said, nonprofit version- though they made sure to provide their members with very nice living situations and lots of free time. "They think they deserve it, too. Because when something goes wrong they have to act fast or else." Many of the covered canyons had had close calls, sometimes the result of meteor strike or other drama, other times more ordinary mechanical failures. The usual format for covered canyons had the physical plant consolidated at the higher end of the canyon, and this plant sucked in the appropriate amounts of nitrogen, oxygen and trace gases from the surface winds. The proportions of gases and the pressure range they were kept at varied from mesocosm to mesocosm, but they averaged around five hundred millibars, which gave some lift to the tent roofs, and was pretty much the norm for indoor s.p.a.ces on Mars, in a kind of invocation of the eventual goal for the surface at the datum. On sunny days, however, the expansion of air inside the tents was very significant, and the standard procedures for dealing with it included simply releasing air back into the atmosphere, or else saving it by compressing it into huge container chambers hollowed out of the canyon cliffs. "So one time I was in Dao Vallis," one of the techs said, "and the excess air chamber blew up, shattering the plateau and causing a big landslide that fell down onto Reullgate and tore open the tent roof. Pressures dropped to the local ambient, which was about two hundred and sixty, and everything started to freeze, and they had the old emergency bulkheads," which were clear curtains only a few molecules thick but very strong, as Sax recalled, "and when they deployed automatically around the break, this one woman got pinned to the ground by the supersticky at the bottom of the bulkhead, with her head on the wrong side! We ran over to her and did some quick cut and paste and got her loose, but she almost died."

Sax s.h.i.+vered, thinking of his own recent brush with cold; and 260 millibars was the pressure one would find on the peak of Everest. The others were already talking about other famous blowouts, including the time Hiranyagarba's dome had fallen in its entirety under an ice rain, despite which no one had died.

Then they were descending over the great cratered high plain of Xanthe, coming down on the Da Vinci crater floor's big sandy runway, which they had just started using during the revolution. The whole community had been preparing for years for the day when stealthing would become unnecessary, and now a big curve of copper-mirrored windows had been installed in the arc of the southern crater rim. There was a layer of snow in the bottom of the crater, which the central k.n.o.b broke out of quite dramatically. It was possible they could arrange for a lake in the crater floor, with a central k.n.o.b island, which would have as its horizon the circling cliffy hills of the crater rim. A circular ca.n.a.l could be built just under the rim cliffs, with radial connecting it to the inner lake; the resulting alternation of circular water and land would resemble Plato's description of Atlantis. In this configuration Da Vinci could support, in near self-sufficiency, some twenty or thirty thousand people, Sax guessed; and there were scores of craters like Da Vinci. A commune of communes, each crater a city-state of sorts, its polis fully capable of supporting itself, of deciding what kind of culture it might have; and then with a vote in a global council of some kind.... No regional a.s.sociation larger than the level of the town, except for arrangements of local interchange... might it work?

Da Vinci made it seem like it might. The south arc of the rim was alive with arcades and wedge-shaped pavilions and the like, now all shot through with sunlight. Sax toured the whole complex one morning, visiting one lab after the next, and congratulating the occupants on the success of their preparations for a smooth removal of UNTA from Mars. Some Some political power came out of the end of a gun, after all, and some out of the look in the eye; and the look in the eye changed depending on whether a gun was pointed at it or not. They had spiked the guns, these people the saxaclones, and so they were in high spirits- happy to see him, and already looking for different work- back to basic research, or figuring out uses for the new materials that Spencer's alchemists were constantly churning out; or studying the terraforming problem. political power came out of the end of a gun, after all, and some out of the look in the eye; and the look in the eye changed depending on whether a gun was pointed at it or not. They had spiked the guns, these people the saxaclones, and so they were in high spirits- happy to see him, and already looking for different work- back to basic research, or figuring out uses for the new materials that Spencer's alchemists were constantly churning out; or studying the terraforming problem.

They were also paying attention to what was going on in s.p.a.ce and on Earth. A fast shuttle from Earth, contents unknown, had contacted them requesting permission to make an orbital insertion without a keg of nails being thrown in its way. So a Da Vinci team was now nervously working out security protocols, in heavy consultation with the Swiss, which had taken an office in a suite of apartments at the northwest end of the arc. From rebels to administrators; it was an awkward transition.

"What political parties do we support?" Sax asked.

"I don't know. The usual array I guess."

"No party gets much support. Whatever works, you know."

Sax knew. That was the old tech position, held ever since scientists had become a cla.s.s in society, a priest caste almost, intervening between the people and their power. They were apolitical, supposedly, like civil servants- empiricists, who only wanted things managed in a rational scientific style, the greatest good for the greatest number, which ought to be fairly simple to arrange, if people were not so trapped in emotions, religions, governments, and other ma.s.s delusional systems of that sort.

The standard scientist politics, in other words. Sax had once tried to explain this outlook to Desmond, causing his friend for some reason to laugh prodigiously, even though it made perfect sense. Well, it was a bit naive, therefore a bit comical, he supposed; and like a lot of funny things, it could be that it was hilarious right up to the moment it turned horrible. Because it was an att.i.tude that had kept scientists from going at politics in any useful way for centuries now; and dismal centuries they had been.

But now they were on a planet where political power came out of the end of a mesocosm aerating fan. And the people in charge of that great gun (holding the elements at bay) were at least partly in charge. If they cared to exercise the power.

Gently Sax reminded people of this when he visited them in their labs; and then to ease their discomfort with the idea of politics, he talked to them about the terraforming problem. And when he finally got ready to leave for Sabis.h.i.+, about sixty of them were willing to come with him, to see how things were going down there. "Sax's alternative to Pavonis," he heard one of the lab techs describe the trip. Which was not a bad thought.

Sabis.h.i.+ was located on the western side of a five-kilometer-high prominence called the Tyrrhena ma.s.sif; south of Jarry-Desloges Crater, in the ancient highlands between Isidis and h.e.l.las, centered at longitude 275 degrees, lat.i.tude 15 degrees south. A reasonable choice for a tent-town site, as it had long views to the west, and low hills backing it to the east, like moors. But when it came to living in the open air, or growing plants out in the rocky countryside, it was a bit high; in fact it was, if you excluded the very much larger bulges of Tharsis and Elysium, the highest region on Mars, a kind of bioregion island, which the Sabis.h.i.+ans had been cultivating for decades.

They proved to be severely disappointed by the loss of the big mirrors, one might even say thrown into emergency mode, an all-out effort to do what they could to protect the plants of the biome; but it was precious little. Sax's old colleague Nanao Nakayama shook his head. "Winterkill will be very bad. Like ice age."

"I'm hoping we can compensate for the loss of light," Sax said. "Thicken the atmosphere, add greenhouse gases- it's possible we could do some of that with more bacteria and suralpine plants, right?"

"Some," Nanao said dubiously. "A lot of niches are already full. The niches are quite small."

They settled in over a meal to talk about it. All the techs from Da Vinci were there in the big dining hall of The Claw, and many Sabis.h.i.+ans were there to greet them. It was a long, interesting, friendly talk. The Sabis.h.i.+ans were living in the mound maze of their mohole, behind one talon of the dragon figure it made, so that they didn't have to look at the burned ruins of their city when they weren't working on it. The rebuilding was much reduced now, as most of them were out dealing with the results of the mirror loss. Nanao said to Tariki, in what was clearly the continuation of a long-standing argument, "It makes no sense to rebuild it as a tent city anyway. We might as well wait, and build it in open air."

"That may be a long wait," Tariki said, glancing at Sax. "We're near the top of the viability atmosphere named in the Dorsa Brevia doc.u.ment."

Nanao looked at Sax. "We want Sabis.h.i.+ under any limit that is set."

Sax nodded, shrugged; he didn't know what to say. The Reds would not like it. But if the viable alt.i.tude limit was raised a kilometer or so, it would give the Sabis.h.i.+ans this ma.s.sif, and make little difference on the larger bulges- so it seemed to make sense. But who knew what they would decide on Pavonis? He said, "Maybe we should focus now on trying to keep atmospheric pressures from dropping."

They looked somber.

Sax said, "You'll take us out and show us the ma.s.sif?"

They cheered up. "Most happy."

The land of the Tyrrhena ma.s.sif was what the areologists in the early years had called the "dissected unit" of the southern highlands, which was much the same as the "cratered unit," but further broken by small channel networks. The lower and more typical highlands surrounding the ma.s.sif also contained areas of "ridged unit" and "hilly unit." In fact, as quickly became obvious the morning they drove out onto the land, all aspects of the rough terrain of the southern highlands were on view, often all at once: cratered, broken, uneven, ridged, dissected, and hilly land, the quintessential Noachian landscape. Sax and Nanao and Tariki sat on the observation deck of one of the Sabis.h.i.+ University rovers; they could see other cars carrying other colleagues, and there were teams out walking ahead of them. On the last hills before the horizon to the east, a few energetic people were fell-running. The hollows of the land were all lightly dusted with dirty snow. The ma.s.sif was centered fifteen degrees south of the equator, and they got a fair bit of precipitation around Sabis.h.i.+, Nanao said. The southeast side of the ma.s.sif was drier, but here, the cloud pushed south over the ice in Isidis Planitia and climbed the slope and dropped their loads.

Indeed, as they drove uphill great waves of dark cloud rolled in from the northwest, pouring over them as if chasing the fell-runners. Sax shuddered, remembering his recent exposure to the elements; he was happy to be in a rover, and felt he would need only short walks away from it to be satisfied.

Eventually, however, they stopped on a high point in a low old ridge, and got out. They made their way over a surface littered with boulders and, cracks, sand drifts, very small craters, breadloafed bedrock, scarps and alases, and the old shallow channels that gave the dissected unit its name. In truth there were deformational features of every kind to be seen, for the land here was four billion years old. A lot had happened to it, but nothing had ever happened to destroy it completely and clean the slate, so all four billion years were still there to be seen, in a veritable museum of rockscapes. It had been thoroughly pulverized in the Noachian, leaving regolith several kilometers deep, and craters and deformities that no aeolian stripping could remove. And during this early period the other side of the planet had had its lithosphere to a depth of six kilometers blasted into s.p.a.ce by the so-called Big Hit; a fair amount of that ejecta had eventually landed in the south. That was the explanation for the Great Escarpment, and the lack of ancient highlands in the north; and one more factor in the extremely disordered look of this land.

Then also, at the end of the Hesperian had come the brief warm wet period, when water had occasionally run on the surface. These days most areologists thought that this period had been quite wet but not really very warm, annual averages of well under 273adeg; Kelvin still allowing for surface water sometimes, replenished by hydrothermal convection rather than precipitation. This period had lasted for only a hundred million years or so, according to current estimates, and it had been followed by billions of years of winds, in the arid cold Amazonian Age, which had lasted right up to the point of their arrival. "Is there a name for the age starting with m-1?" Sax asked.

"The Holocene."

And then lastly, everything had been scoured by two billion years of ceaseless wind, scoured so hard that the older craters were completely rimless, everything stripped at by the relentless winds strata by strata, leaving behind a wilderness of rock. Not chaos, technically speaking, but wild, speaking its unimaginable age in polyglot profusion, in rimless craters and etched mesas, dips, hummocks, escarpments, and oh so many blocky pitted rocks.

Often they stopped the rover and walked around. Even small mesas seemed to tower over them. Sax found himself staying near their rover, but nevertheless he came upon all kinds of interesting features. Once he discovered a rover-shaped rock, cracked vertically all the way through. To the left of the block, off to the west, he had a view to a distant horizon, the rocky land out there a smooth yellow glaze. To the right, the waist-high wall of some old fault, pocked as if by cuneiform. Then a sand drift bordered by ankle-high rocks, some of them pyramidal dark basaltic ventifacts, others lighter pitted granulated rocks. There a balanced shattercone, big as any dolmen. There a sand tail. There a crude circle of ejecta, like an almost completely weathered Stonehenge. There a deep snake-shaped hollow- the fragment of a watercourse, perhaps- behind it another gentle rise- then a distant prominence like a lion's head. The prominence next to it was like the lion's body.

In the midst of all this stone and sand, plant life was un.o.btrusive. At least at first. One had to look for it, to pay close attention to color, above all else to green, green in all its shades, but especially its desert shades- sage, olive, khaki, and so on. Nanao and Tariki kept pointing out specimens he hadn't seen. Closer he looked, and closer again. Once attuned to the pale living colors, which blended so well with the ferric land, they began to jump out from the rust and brown and umber and ocher and black of the rockscape. Hollows and cracks were likely places to see them, and near the shaded patches of snow. The closer he looked, the more he saw; and then, in one high basin, it seemed there were plants tucked everywhere. In that moment he understood; it was all fellfield, the whole Tyrrhena ma.s.sif.

Then, coating entire rockfaces, or covering the inside areas of drip catchments, were the dayglow greens of certain lichens, and the emerald or dark velvet greens of the mosses. Wet fur.

The diversicolored palette of the lichen array; the dark green of pine needles. Bunched sprays of Hokkaido pines, foxtail pines, Sierra junipers. Life's colors. It was somewhat like walking from one great roofless room to another, over ruined walls of stone. A small plaza; a kind of winding gallery; a vast ballroom; a number of tiny interlocked chambers; a sitting room. Some rooms held krummholz bansei against their low walls, the trees no higher than their nooks, gnarled by wind, cut along the top at the snow level. Each branch, each plant, each open room, as shaped as any bonsai- and yet effortless.

Actually, Nanao told him, most of the basins were intensively cultivated. "This basin was planted by Abraham." Each little region was the responsibility of a certain gardener or gardening group.

"Ah!" Sax said. "And fertilized, then?"

Tariki laughed. "In a manner of speaking. The soil itself has been imported, for the most part."

"I see."

This explained the diversity of plants. A little bit of cultivation, he knew, had been done around Arena Glacier, where he had first encountered the fellfields. But here they had gone far beyond those early steps. Labs in Sabis.h.i.+, Tariki told him, were trying their best to manufacture topsoil. A good idea; soil in fellfields appeared naturally at a rate of only a few centimeters a century. But there were reasons for this, and manufacturing soil was proving to be extremely difficult.

Still, "We pick up a few million years at the start," Nanao said. "Evolve from there." They hand-planted many of their specimens, it seemed, then for the most part left them to their fate, and watched what developed.

"I see," Sax said.

He looked more closely yet. The clear dim light: it was true that each great open room displayed a slightly different array of species. "These are gardens, then."

"Yes... or things like that. Depends."

Some of the gardeners, Nanao said, worked according to the precepts of Muso Soseki, others according to other j.a.panese Zen masters; others still to Fu Hsi, the legendary inventor of the Chinese system of geomancy called-feng shui; others to Persian gardening gurus, including Omar Khayyam; or to Leopold or Jackson, or other early American ecologists, like the nearly forgotten biologist Oskar Schnelling; and so on.

These were influences only, Tariki added. As they did the work, they developed visions of their own. They followed the inclination of the land, as they saw that some plants prospered, and others died. Coevolution, a kind of epigenetic development.

"Nice," Sax said, looking around. For the adepts, the walk from Sabis.h.i.+ up onto the ma.s.sif must have been an aesthetic journey, filled with allusions and subtle variants of tradition that were invisible to him. Hiroko would have called it areoformation, or the areophany. "I'd like to visit your soil labs."

"Of course."

They returned to the rover, drove on. Late in the day, under dark threatening clouds, they came to the very top of the ma.s.sif, which turned out to be a kind of broad undulating moor. Small ravines were filled with pine needles, sheered off by winds so that they looked like the blades of gra.s.s on a well-mowed yard. Sax and Tariki and Nanao again got out of the car, walked around. The wind cut through their suits, and the late-afternoon sun broke out from under the dark cloud cover, casting their shadows all the way out to the horizon. Up here on the moors there were many big of smooth bare bedrock; looking around, the landscape had the red primal look Sax remembered from the earliest years; but then they would walk to the edge of a small ravine, and suddenly be looking down into green.

Tariki and Nanao talked about ecopoesis, which for them was terraforming redefined, subtilized, localized. Trans.m.u.ted into something like Hiroko's areoformation. No longer powered by heavy industrial global methods, but by the slow, steady, and intensely local process of working on individual patches of land. "Mars is all a garden. Earth too for that matter. This is what humans have become. So we have to think about gardening, about that level of responsibility to the land. A human-Mars interface that does justice to both."

Sax waggled a hand uncertainly. "I'm used to thinking of Mars as a kind of wilderness," he said, as he looked up the etymology of the word garden garden. French, Teutonic, Old Norse, gard gard, enclosure. Seemed to share origins with guard guard, or keeping. But who knew what the supposedly equivalent word in j.a.panese meant. Etymology was hard enough without translation thrown into the mix. "You know- get things started, let loose the seeds, then watch it all develop on its own. Self-organizing ecologies, you know."

"Yes," Tariki said, "but wilderness too is a garden now. A kind of garden. That's what it means to be what we are." He shrugged, his forehead wrinkled; he believed the idea was true, but did not seem to like it. "Anyway, ecopoesis is closer to your vision of wilderness than industrial terraforming ever was."

"Maybe," Sax said. "Maybe they're just two stages of a process. Both necessary."

Tariki nodded, willing to consider it. "And now?"

"It depends on how we want to deal with the possibility of an ice age," Sax said. "If it's bad enough, kills off enough plants, then ecopoesis won't have a chance. The atmosphere could freeze back onto the surface, the whole process crash. Without the mirrors, I'm not confident that the biosphere is robust enough to continue growing. That's why I want to see those soil labs you have. It may be that industrial work on the atmosphere remains to be done. We'll have to try some modeling and see."

Tariki nodded, and Nanao too. Their ecologies were being snowed under, right before their eyes; flakes drifted down through the transient bronze sunlight at this very moment, tumbling in the wind. They were open to suggestion.

Meanwhile, as throughout these drives, their young a.s.sociates from Da Vinci and Sabis.h.i.+ were running over the ma.s.sif together, and returning to Sabis.h.i.+'s mound maze babbling through the night about geomancy and areomancy, ecopoetics, heat exchange, the five elements, greenhouse gases, and so on. A creative ferment that looked to Sax very promising. "Michel should be here," he said to Nanao. "John should be here. How he would love a group like this."

And then it occurred to him: "Ann should be here."

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Blue Mars Part 5 summary

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