Account of a Voyage of Discovery Part 38

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vases to Oonting Oonting

71. Boy, bring fire to I'rree fee tooteecoo tobacco Boy fire bring, light my pipe f.o.o.kee tobacco smoke.

72. Bring a cup of water Chawung naki meezee eeteecoo Teacup * water *

here here.

_Of Writing and Sketching_

73. To write a letter Jee katchoong A character to write.

74. Tayin is sketching Tayin hashee noo Tayin bridge of to the bridge eekatchoong sketch.

75. Tayin sketches very Tayin yookatchee choorasa Tayin * sketches well handsome.

76. To sketch a Loo-Choo Doochoo meea eekatchoong Loo-Choo temple to temple sketch.

_Of Compliment._

77. Thank you Ka fooshee * * *.

78. How do you do Yoo ky'moong * * *.

79. Very well Ooganjoo * * *.

80. I am very sorry Oomootee shangcoomeh * * *.

_Of Living or Residing._

81. Tayin lives here Tayin simmajoo coo Tayin lives here.

82. A man living in the Ickkeega simma awhfee A man living country.


83. I live on board the w.a.n.g hoonee gua immatong I s.h.i.+p small to live.


_Of Burning and Scalding._

84. Fire will burn you Fee yaddee Fire burns.

85. Water will scald you Meesee yaddee Water burns.

86. Scalding oneself with Meezee fidgeroosa yoo Water hot * burns.

hot water yaddee

_Of Enquiry and Reply._

87. What is the name of Noondeega coora na What is this name.


88. The name of this is Coora ga na ya This * name *.

89. How many children Qui eecootiega * * *.

have you

90. How old are you or Eecootseega * * *.


91. I am fourteen years Jooshee Fourteen.

of age

92. I am eighteen years Joohatc'hee Eighteen.

of age

93. ---- twenty-five, &c. Neejoogoo Twenty-five.


94. To boil potatoes Mootajeeing Potatoes to boil.

95. I am very busy Yoo joonatan * * *.

96. The sting of a snake Haboo cootee sheenoong Snake sting to kill.

will kill

97. Sucking milk at the Chee nooma chee Milk * breast.


98. A child drinking milk Chee noodee warrabee Milk drinking child.

at the breast

99. A child kissing its Warrabee umma coochee Child mother mouth mother spootee kissing.

100. A woman leaning Innago kakatong eeki Woman to lean anchor.

on an anchor

101. A live sh.e.l.l-fish Amang it'chchawng Sh.e.l.l-fish to be alive will bite cooyoong to bite.

102. This flower has a Fanna masa kabasha Flower sweet smell.

pleasant smell

103. This flower has no Fanna nang kabasha Flower no smell.


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Account of a Voyage of Discovery Part 38 summary

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