Royal Dragon Part 13

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"I get to taste you. You have a very intriguing scent."

She did? Oh G.o.d. Julie needed to tell him no. The words died in her throat. The dragons had kidnapped her. Coal was going to make her stay here, a prisoner really, for the next few weeks. In that time, he needed to take care of her and if that included plenty of at the end of his tongue, she was game. How could she say no to that?

She was attracted to him in a big way. So what was the big deal?

No s.e.x and no sleeping together and they were golden.

"Okay." She blurted before she could change her mind. The s.e.xual tension between them was ridiculous. Only one way to solve it.

"Okay?" He sounded shocked. "You agree?"

"Yes." She smiled even though her heart beat faster. She never discussed s.e.x, oral or otherwise, in so much detail before actually doing it.

He grinned. "I'm glad we finally agree on something. I'm going to get dressed first."

Julie had to laugh. "You're seriously going to dress to make me come, yet will happily walk around naked for no reason?"

He turned serious. "You don't want us to rut so I will put pants on to ensure that it doesn't happen. I plan on honoring your wishes."

"Sure thing." She wasn't worried about him taking advantage of her, despite her earlier remarks, she felt comfortable with him.

"Take off your pants and lie down on the bed." He glanced at her sweats.

"Um... okay." Julie watched as he walked towards a closet. He took out a pair of the same cotton pants. As he began putting them on, she walked to the bed and laid down. She grabbed the elastic on the sweats she was wearing but couldn't take them off. This was all just a bit clinical for her.

The bed dipped as Coal kneeled next to her. "What are you waiting for?" His eyes were locked with hers. "Take them off." He wore a pair of white pants this time. They highlighted his bronzed skin. Yummy! They rode low on his hips. His erection was still in full force and he had that whole V-thing going on.

Nerves got the better of her. Julie swallowed thickly and licked her lips. "I can't." She sighed.

"Why not?" he looked disappointed.

"I'm used to making out first and dry humping a little before the action starts."

"What is dry humping?" His quizzical look was hilarious. Julie had to laugh. Coal didn't look impressed. "Don't laugh at me. Tell me what you want and how you want it. I want to please you."

That had her mouth snapping shut and her blood racing. He was serious. One hundred percent serious. Julie nodded. "Good to know." She managed to squeeze past the lump in her throat.

"Kiss me, touch me a little first."

Oh wow! His features tightened. Like the thought of doing those things turned him on. Okay, by the huge tent in his pants she could see that it did.

Coal nodded. "It would be my pleasure. Don't hesitate to tell me what you need." There was a growly edge to his voice that only helped to fan the flames inside her.

"Okay." Thank you, G.o.d. Thank you so very much.

His mouth closed over hers. He used one of his arms to hold himself over her while keeping the lower end of his body away. He grabbed her around the thigh with the other hand and pulled her leg over his hip.

He didn't waste any time. His tongue plundered her mouth. Coal didn't take prisoners. He left her breathless and panting almost from the start.

He broke the kiss almost immediately. "Can I touch you...anywhere?" His eyes were lighter, brighter. There were golden flecks in their depths. Mesmerizing, so beautiful. Oh, he had spoken to her. What had he said? Touching. "Yes, please." She murmured looking at his full lips. So inviting.

She kissed him this time, nipping on his plump bottom lip before sucking on it.

Coal moaned. He liked that. She nipped him again, this time his top lip.

"Female," a rough rasp. "Stop that. I can't rut you so you should not be initiating s.e.x."

Her eyes widened. Coal looked angry. He was frowning deeply. Then he gave her a panty melting half smile. "We bite and nip at each other to initiate s.e.x, as a part of foreplay. Teeth on skin is highly arousing to us. I will warn you this once. Bite me again and all bets are off."

"No biting." Her chest heaved with each breath. The air suddenly felt thin. "Got it."

His smile widened before he turned serious, his gaze moving back to her mouth and then her throat. "Let me show you," he growled.

He nuzzled into her neck and nipped at her flesh. Somewhere below her ear. A zing of need pulsed in her and she moaned. He kissed her on the same spot before nipping at her again. Then he licked down to the base of her neck and nipped at her there.

Her toes curled. She felt herself go from slick to completely wet in an instant. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to cry out.

"I'm going to touch you now." Coal's voice rumbled through her, his lips still on her skin. His hand squeezed her a.s.s and he made a purring noise. "Your flesh is soft."

"Hey." She slapped at his hand. "That's not very nice." Soft? Really? Was this his way of telling her she was overweight?

He must have felt her tense because he pulled away. "You are soft compared to our females. It was meant as a compliment. You feel really good. I like soft..." he gave her a.s.s another squeeze. "Soft is my new favorite."

Was he just saying that to make her feel better?

He still looked really turned on. His face had that pinched look. His eyes were filled with l.u.s.t.

Coal curled his hand over her breast, his nostrils flared and his eyes brightened. He growled softly, his lip curled back slightly to reveal a flash of teeth. It was wild and animalistic; it was also a turn on. What was wrong with her? Since when was barbaric a turn on?

He gave another squeeze, rubbing a thumb over her nipple which was hard enough to crack gla.s.s. Who knew that were attached to other areas because her c.l.i.t short circuited from his light touch. Her back bowed when he gave the nub a light pinch.


By now she was panting. Coal observed her. His dark eyes narrowed. His jaw tight. "You are receptive. I love that in a female."


"I will make you come easily." Is that what he meant? No, he was wrong. She didn't come easily. Maybe with oral stimulation but not s.e.x. Not that they were having any, so it didn't matter. As he spoke, his hand drifted down her tummy and pa.s.sed the elastic of her pants where he stopped moving.

Coal licked his lips. His mouth was a thing of beauty. That bottom lip was made for sucking and nipping. She needed to remember not to do it though. No biting. It was strange. She'd never wanted to bite another human being, yet with Coal it was all she could think about, aside from o.r.g.a.s.ming and maybe having full blown s.e.x. Not happening, Julie. No s.e.x and no biting. It was probably because he had put a ban on biting and she had put a ban on the s.e.x. Julie had never been one for following the rules.

Coal kissed her, his hand didn't move an inch. She squirmed. She wanted to be touched. With every stroke of the tongue and every smack of the lips her need grew. Coal was a d.a.m.n good kisser. She cupped his cheeks with her hands. His stubble catching. She grabbed the back of his head, his hair was short but really soft.

"I want to touch you, female." Coal spoke against her lips. "I want to f.u.c.k you with my fingers."

Oh G.o.d!

She almost just hearing him say it.

"Y-yes. That's fine," a mere whisper.

Coal closed his eyes for a few seconds. His lashes were long against his cheeks. He took a deep breath and cupped her mound. His eyes flashed open. She could read shock in their depths. "You have hair." He shook his head.

"What?" She asked when he didn't move. Was she completely different down there to a dragon s.h.i.+fter woman? She hoped not.

"I had forgotten about that..." He muttered to himself.

"What?" She was getting worried.

"Hair..." he sort of smiled. It was tight and he was frowning. "Dragon s.h.i.+fters do not have hair. You may have noticed."

His chest was smooth. Her eyes had been too focused on his c.o.c.k to notice whether he had hair or not. Oh... this obviously meant that the women were also clean... down there.

"Oh... um... plenty of humans shave or wax. I haven't really..." His hand moved to cup her more firmly. Then he stroked her, over her mound. She huffed out a breath.

"I like it. I wish to see it." Then he let his finger slip between her folds, he zoned in on her c.l.i.t.

Her eyes widened and the air caught in her lungs. He circled on her c.l.i.t a couple of times and a hard moan escaped.

Coal smiled. "Not so different." His voice was so husky. So s.e.xy. Then he pushed a finger into her and her back bowed just a little. It slipped in easily, she was so freaking wet. Coal fingered her a couple of times. Her eyes stayed wide and she tried to stay quiet.

He made a rumbling noise. "Where is your sensitive spot?" He asked, at least she thought he asked that. Maybe she hadn't heard him correctly through the haze of pleasure. His thumb zoned in on her c.l.i.t for a few seconds and she moaned again. It couldn't be helped.

His thumb stilled and the finger inside her curled against the wall of her v.a.g.i.n.a and he stroked her there. Another rumble and he slid in further. It felt d.a.m.n good. She wanted his thumb to move though.

Blood rushed through her veins. Her chest heaved and she swallowed thickly. Then he pushed in deeper, stroking her there for a few beats before moving deeper still.

Move thumb.

c.l.i.toral stimulation was key. It was all important. It felt really good but it wouldn't get her off. His finger slid deeper and something inside her ignited. Her belly tightened and she cried out. Loudly.

Coal kept fingering her. She tried to widen her legs to rock against him but her pants were still on. Oh G.o.d! Oh G.o.d! It was so good. She whimpered.

"There," he rumbled. "It's deep." His voice rushed over her and she moaned, her head rolled back. Her hips were jerking against him. What the h.e.l.l! She couldn't stop. There was a building sensation inside her. He wasn't even touching her c.l.i.t. Not at all. She was making obscene noises. Strangled, garbled cries.

"It would be better if I f.u.c.ked you."




Yes. "Do it then," she moaned.

"Rut you?" He sounded shocked.

Julie couldn't open her eyes to look at him, not while his finger was so deep, not when she was about to come.

"Yes." The word came out on a loud, drawn out moan. "I want s.e.x. Changed... mind." More like going out of her mind. He was that good. d.a.m.n!

"No. You are not thinking straight." He sounded tense.

"I mean it." Right now, the thought of his long, thick c.o.c.k deep inside her was amazing. She'd never wanted anything more.

He pulled his finger out of her and she whimpered from the loss. She looked down as he pulled off her pants. Yes! s.e.x. They were going to have it. Hard, sweaty s.e.x. He would fit. He had to. Instead of positioning himself over her, he pulled her legs over his broad shoulders.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm going to make you come now, Julie. I need you thinking clearly." Then he buried his face between her legs and suckled on her c.l.i.t until her back bowed and her eyes watered.

He pushed two fingers into her this time, making a grunting noise against her c.l.i.t as he did so.

The air was frozen in her. Everything felt suspended. His mouth was hot and insistent, his fingers were magical. He didn't move with wild, uncontrolled strokes. There was no fumbling and b.u.mbling. He found that spot inside her and stroked her there, using the tips of his fingers.

At first she didn't make a single sound. Her hands wrapped around the sheets and blankets. Then she moaned, long and hard, sounding more like a mad person than someone in the throws of a pending o.r.g.a.s.m. The sounds just became worse. She would have f.u.c.ked the h.e.l.l out of his face if it weren't for him pinning her hips down. His big shoulders had her legs open as wide as they would go.

She grit her teeth hard. She could feel the blood rus.h.i.+ng through her, the pleasure rus.h.i.+ng through her nervous system. The tightening. Her back was off the bed. She grabbed the back of his head with one hand, holding him in place. If he stopped now she would probably die. No probably. She would die.

She inhaled sharply as she hit the precipice. Held her breath as she reached the top and screamed as she ploughed over the edge. A tightening, a moment of calm and then release. Pleasure coursed through every cell. He kept stroking her with both his mouth and his fingers. She couldn't feel exactly what he was doing, it was just one big rush of ecstasy. It lasted a while. Longer than any of her previous He slowed as she came down, milking her for everything she had to give. At long last, she flopped back in a boneless heap. Her chest heaved and she couldn't catch her breath. It felt like she had run a marathon.

It took about a half a minute before she could think straight again. She had her eyes closed and what she knew would be a goofy smile on her face. It felt like Coal was still between her legs, which were still wide open. Her cheeks flushed hot. s.h.i.+t! She had begged the guy for s.e.x.

Julie glanced down. Oh lord! He was completely focused on her... v.a.g.i.n.a. His eyes were bright. His jaw really tense. Those two lines were back between his eyes. He looked both riveted and turned on. Then he licked her c.l.i.t.


So soon.

His shoulders were broad and her legs spread wide. Watching him look at her like that was a turn on. His biceps were thick. He licked her slit, slipping his tongue inside her. She whimpered.

"You taste so good." He growled as he came up for air.

Then his fingers were inside her... again... oh boy. She managed to suppress a loud moan but only just. Julie couldn't believe that she was good to go again so soon. She really had deprived herself as of late.

He suckled on her c.l.i.t, something that she'd never experienced before him. Why didn't the guys she had been with know about this? Surely nerdy types would have read up on it? Stroking was nice but sucking was the best. Her c.l.i.t was in heaven. It did happy dances inside his mouth. Her eyes rolled back as he finger-f.u.c.ked her. She'd never had two so quickly before, yet here she was, about to have a second one in a matter of minutes.

Just imagine how good s.e.x would be. If he fit. If his fingers felt this good, his c.o.c.k would feel... she wanted s.e.x. She really did. She'd offered herself to him and he'd opted to pleasure her with his mouth. He'd told her that she wasn't thinking straight. It was really sweet. Most guys would've jumped at the opportunity. Coal was a good guy. One that she wanted really badly.

"Stop," she blurted. Her voice sounded tense and high pitched. Not entirely her own. Who would blame her though?

She was tense. Beyond just plain tense. Every part of her was preparing for another o.r.g.a.s.m, so a girl could be forgiven. Coal raised his head, he kept his fingers inside her but stopped moving. His eyes were wide but glazed over. "Is everything okay? Are you okay?" His chest heaved. It wasn't from exertion but from his level of arousal. He wanted her and badly. It was written all over his face. It reflected in his eyes.

A zing of need moved through her and her p.u.s.s.y tightened around his fingers. Coal's eyes widened and he groaned, looking back down at her p.u.s.s.y. "You will kill me, female." He stroked her and she moaned, her hips shooting forwards.

"Wait." It came out in a breathless pant. "I want us to have s.e.x."

He looked back up at her and his eyes darkened up. He narrowed them. "But, you are afraid of me." He shook his head like she was acting nuts. "We do not need to rut. I will ease you again. I will make it good for you... I promise. I would love to rut you, but-"

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Royal Dragon Part 13 summary

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