Eight Keys Part 13

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"Belly flop!" I yelled, spreading my arms and heading front-first into the leaves.

"Ha, ha! Good idea!" Caroline scooted back into the tree and echoed my battle cry, not giving me even a second to get out of the way. She landed on top of me and we both howled, laughing so hard.

"Get up!" I threw a fistful of leaves at her.

"Oh yeah?" She scooped up a handful of leaves and rubbed them against my head. We gave each other noogies until Caroline tumbled back and spread her arms to make leaf angels.

Car lights bounced down the driveway.

"Who's that?" Caroline sat up.

"Uncle Hugh."

"Come on, let's hide and surprise him."

We scrambled under the leaves, completely hidden.

"Wait, wait," I whispered. The car stopped. Uncle Hugh's feet crunched the gravel, his door slammed. "Now."

"Boooo!" We both jumped up and threw as many leaves as we could.

Uncle Hugh wasn't scared. He started laughing! Then he wiped the tears out of his eyes. "Cricket, who's this crazy kid?"

"Caroline," I said.

"Wonderful. Welcome, Caroline." He turned to go in. "Come on. You'll have some cleaning up to do. Aunt Bessie won't let two hoodlums come to her dinner table." I looked at Caroline: her usually smooth hair was all fuzzy and full of broken bits of leaves. Her skirt was pulled up and twisted and there were leaves stuck all over her clothes, too. I probably looked just as bad.

We picked up our backpacks and ran to the porch. We tried to get off all the leaves; the ones on our clothes were easy. But there were also leaves in our s.h.i.+rts. We had another fit of laughing when Caroline found some clumped inside her tights.

"Girls!" Uncle Hugh called from inside.


When we paraded into the kitchen, Aunt Bessie said, "There's a hairbrush in the bathroom."

We giggled some more on our way there. I handed Caroline my hairbrush and she easily brushed her hair out. Mine would be a lot harder: my hair tie had disappeared while we were having noogie fights.

"Here, let me." Caroline kept the brush. I sat on the edge of the tub and she combed my hair carefully, starting at the bottom. After she'd gotten out all the leaves, she put my hair in two braids. "Even if my hair were long, I couldn't have braids. My hair is so slippery they don't stay in."

I stood and admired the braids in the mirror. "You want dinner?"

"Okay," Caroline said. "I'll call my mom." She got permission to stay.

"Now that you two are cleaned up," Aunt Bessie said when we arrived back in the kitchen, "you're in charge of the sauce."

She found an extra ap.r.o.n for Caroline. The sauce splattered everywhere, but that was part of the fun.

"Who's this?" Caroline asked when Annie brought Ava to her high chair.

"Ava. Ava, meet a"

"Caroline," Caroline and I answered together.

"Hi, Caroline. I'm Annie. Want to feed her? I think it's peas and plums tonight." Annie got the containers of baby food.

"Sure!" Caroline said. She talked and sang to Ava while she fed her, and she did a good job. She even used the bib to wipe up Ava's dribbles. I'd have thought they were too yucky to touch.

Uncle Hugh came in.

"You like babies?" he asked Caroline.

"Yeah. I have two little sisters. They aren't babies anymore, but I used to help when they were."

At dinner, Caroline answered all of Uncle Hugh's questions and laughed at his jokes and pa.s.sed the salad and got sloppy-joe sauce on her cheeks, which she neatly wiped away with her napkin without being embarra.s.sed. And she helped me tell everyone about finding the next key and how the room turned out to be empty.

"Maybe there just wasn't time to fill it," Annie suggested.

"Nah," Uncle Hugh said. "The way John liked puzzles a if he locked an empty room, there's a reason."

Invisible Things.

Amanda was mad that I was hanging out with Caroline. She was squas.h.i.+ng my lunch worse than ever. One morning it was under everything in the locker.

And she tried to slam the locker door on my hand. Again. But I got my hand out of the way just in time. She looked at me and said, "Oops."

I overheard her talking to Caroline and she said, "It's not like I'm the one hanging out with losers." I couldn't hear what Caroline said back.

Did Caroline think Franklin and I were losers? She still sat with Amanda at lunch, which was what she usually did, so maybe it meant nothing. But in the hallway she asked me what Franklin and I were doing after school. We were heading to Leonard's and then out for burgers. I told her she could come, if she wanted to.

At the hardware store, Franklin took Caroline to meet everyone and I went to see Leonard.

"Hey, Leonard," I said.

"Where have you been? You are too busy to visit old Leonard."

"No. Ta-da! I'm here."

"Yeah, well, long time no see." Leonard didn't look up at me as he counted all the twenties in the drawer, then the tens.

"You mad?"

"Nah. It's just a sign you're growing up, is all. I'm feeling like an old man."

"You aren't!" I said. "You're nowhere near as old as Uncle Hugh."

He laughed and shut the drawer. "Who's your new friend?"


"That's nice. It's nice to see you with a friend who's a girl. You'll probably be needing some of those."

"What's wrong with Franklin?"

"Nothing's wrong with Franklin." Leonard looked me up and down. "What's that book you're carrying around?"

"Just something of Dad's," I said, pulling The Little Prince out from under my arm. I'd found it in the library. It was the pictures that caught me.

"Really?" Leonard asked.

"Yeah, he left me a whole bunch of books. I don't know if you've ever been upstairs in the barn, but there's all these locked rooms up there. Turns out they're for me, from Dad. So far I've opened three of them."

"What'd you find?"

"Some things of Mom's, a room full of Dad's books, and then the third room was just empty."

"Totally empty?"

"Yep. Why would Dad lock an empty room?"

Leonard shook his head. "Knowing him, there was a reason."

"That's what Uncle Hugh said. Do you know the reason?"

"Nope. But I don't think I'm supposed to know. I think you're supposed to know."

"Well, I don't."

"Can you put down the book for a few minutes? How about you and your friends sweep up the floors for me, and then I'll give you a little cash and you can go get some burgers and milk shakes?"

I smiled. "That was the plan."


Caroline and I dipped fries in our milk shakes. Then we swapped, because she had vanilla and I had chocolate.

Milk-shake sharing left Franklin out. He tried his fries in his soda.

"How is it?" Caroline asked.

Franklin made a face.

He poured a pool of ketchup into the cardboard condiment holder. When he ate, he got smudges of ketchup on his face.

I tossed Franklin napkins from the metal dispenser on the table. He wiped his face but just ended up spreading the ketchup around more.

"Nice work, gross-out," I told him.

Franklin set the napkins aside. I threw a French fry at him. He used his sleeve to rub his face where the fry hit him, and his sleeve got streaked with red ketchup. Not a whole lot neater.

Caroline didn't seem bothered by Franklin at all. She reached over with a fry to share the ketchup.

"What would happen if you had a milk shake?" Caroline asked.

"A bad rash," Franklin answered. "And severe diarrhea."

I couldn't believe that Franklin would talk about diarrhea when we were eating with Caroline.

Caroline said, "It might be worth it. Once in a while."

Franklin shook his head so quickly that Caroline and I couldn't help laughing.

That night I couldn't sleep, so I got up to get a drink of water and walk around. Aunt Bessie and Uncle Hugh had gone to bed. Annie was asleep on the couch. In Annie and Ava's room, Ava was awake making pouty noises. I wasn't sure what to do, but I didn't want to wake Annie up if she was so tired that she fell asleep on the couch. I could at least try to see what was wrong with Ava.

"Hey," I whispered softly. "Hey there, it's okay."

As I peeked into the crib, I saw Ava's bottom lip curled down, s.h.i.+ny with spit, ready to let out a real cry.

"I really can't feed you," I said. "But I can pat you a little."

I rubbed Ava's small pink-pajamaed tummy. "There, does that feel good?" She looked at me expectantly.

"I'll be right back," I said. I tiptoed to my room, picked up my book, and returned to Ava.

Babies like the sound of people reading, right?

I put on the small lamp and sat down in the beautiful blue rocking chair and began to read. The book felt different, out loud in the middle of the night. I tried to keep my voice quiet, but steady. I paused at several lines, feeling them.

"Ava? What if the third room isn't empty, but full of invisible things?"

I closed my eyes and pictured the bare s.p.a.ce. I tried to picture it with my heart. But I didn't see anything. It was still just an empty room.


Pizza night.

Once a month, Uncle Hugh and Aunt Bessie go out on a date to a restaurant. Franklin comes over to hang out with me and we get a whole cheese pizza just for us.

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Eight Keys Part 13 summary

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