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Geologists have long been familiar with the fact that on the northern coast of Sicily, between Termini on the east, and Trapani on the west, there are several caves containing the bones of extinct animals. These caves are situated in rocks of Hippurite limestone, a member of the Cretaceous series, and some of them may be seen on both sides of the Bay of Palermo. If in the neighbourhood of that city we proceed from the sea inland, ascending a sloping terrace, composed of the marine Newer Pliocene strata, we reach about a mile from the sh.o.r.e, and at the height of about 180 feet above it a precipice of limestone, at the base of which appear the entrances of several caves. In that of San Ciro, on the east side of the bay, we find at the bottom sand with marine, forty species of which have been examined, and found almost all to agree specifically with mollusca now inhabiting the Mediterranean. Higher in position, and resting on the sand, is a breccia, composed of pieces of limestone, quartz, and schist in a matrix of brown marl, through which land are dispersed, together with bones of two species of hippopotamus, as determined by Dr. Falconer. Certain bones of the skeleton were counted in such numbers as to prove that they must have belonged to several hundred individuals. With these were a.s.sociated the remains of Elephas antiquus, and bones of the genera Bos, Cervus, Sus, Ursus, Canis, and a large Felis. Some of these bones have been rolled as if partially subjected to the action of water, and may have been introduced by streams through rents in the Hippurite limestone; but there is now no running water in the neighbourhood, no river such as the hippopotamus might frequent, not even a small brook, so that the physical geography of the district must have been altogether changed since the time when such remains were swept into fissures, or into the channels of engulfed rivers.
No proofs seem yet to have been found of the existence of Man at the period when the hippopotamus and Elephas antiquus flourished at San Ciro. But there is another cave called the Grotto di Maccagnone, which much resembles it in geological position, on the opposite or west side of the Bay of Palermo, near Carini. In the bottom of this cave a bone deposit like that of San Ciro occurs, and above it other materials reaching to the roof, and evidently washed in from above, through crevices in the limestone. In this upper and newer breccia Dr. Falconer discovered flint knives, bone splinters, bits of charcoal, burnt clay, and other objects indicating human intervention, mingled with entire land, teeth of horses, coprolites of hyaenas, and other bones, the whole agglutinated to one another and to the roof by the infiltration of water holding lime in solution. The perfect condition of the large fragile helices (Helix vermiculata) afforded satisfactory evidence, says Dr. Falconer, that the various articles were carried into the cave by the tranquil agency of water, and not by any tumultuous action. At a subsequent period other geographical changes took place, so that the cave, after it had been filled, was washed out again, or emptied of its contents with the exception of those patches of breccia which, being cemented together by stalact.i.te, still adhere to the roof.*
(* "Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society" volume 16 1860 page 105.)
Baron Anca, following up these investigations, explored, in 1859, another cave at Mondello, west of Palermo, and north of Mount Gallo, where he discovered molars of the living African elephant, and afterwards additional specimens of the same species in the neighbouring grotto of Olivella. In reference to this elephant, Dr. Falconer has reminded us that the distance between the nearest part of Sicily and the coast of Africa, between Marsala and Cape Bon, is not more than 80 miles, and Admiral Smyth, in his Memoir on the Mediterranean, states (page 499) that there is a subaqueous plateau, named by him Adventure Bank, uniting Sicily to Africa by a succession of ridges which are not more than from 40 to 50 fathoms under water.*
(* Cited by Horner, "Presidential Address to the Geological Society" 1861 page 42.)
Sicily therefore might be re-united to Africa by movements of upheaval not greater than those which are already known to have taken place within the human period on the borders of the Mediterranean, of which I shall now proceed to cite a well-authenticated example, observed in Sardinia.
Count Albert de la Marmora, in his description of the geology of Sardinia,* has shown that on the southern coast of that island, at Cagliari and in the neighbourhood, an ancient bed of the sea, containing marine of living species, and numerous fragments of antique pottery, has been elevated to the height of from 230 to 324 feet above the present level of the Mediterranean.
(* "Partie Geologique" volume 1 pages 382 and 387.)
Oysters and other, of which a careful list has been published, including the common mussel (Mytilus edulis), many of them having both valves united, occur, embedded in a breccia in which fragments of limestone abound. The mussels are often in such numbers as to impart, when they have decomposed, a violet colour to the marine stratum.
Besides pieces of coa.r.s.e pottery, a flattened ball of baked earthenware, with a hole through its axis, was found in the midst of the marine It is supposed to have been used for weighting a fis.h.i.+ng net. Of this and of one of the fragments of ancient pottery Count de la Marmora has given figures.
The upraised bed of the sea probably belongs in this instance to the Pleistocene period, for in a bone breccia, filling fissures in the rocks around Cagliari, the remains of extinct mammalia have been detected; among which is a new genus of carnivorous quadruped, named Cynotherium by M. Studiati, and figured by Count de la Marmora in his Atlas (Plate 7), also an extinct species of Lagomys, determined by Cuvier in 1825.
Embedded in the same bone-breccia, and enveloped with red earth like the mammalian remains, were detected of the Mytilus edulis before mentioned, implying that the marine formation containing and pottery had been already upheaved and exposed to denudation before the remains of quadrupeds were washed into these rents and included in the red earth. In the vegetable soil covering the upraised marine stratum, fragments of Roman pottery occur.
If we a.s.sume the average rate of upheaval to have been, as before hinted, 2 1/2 feet in a century, 300 feet would give an antiquity of 12,000 years to the Cagliari pottery, even if we simply confine our estimate to the upheaval above the sea-level, without allowing for the original depth of water in which the mollusca lived. Even then our calculation would merely embrace the period during which the upward movement was going on; and we can form at present no conjecture as to the probable era of its commencement or termination.
I learn from Captain Spratt, R.N., that the island of Crete or Candia, about 135 miles in length, has been raised at its western extremity about 25 feet; so that ancient ports are now high and dry above the sea, while at its eastern end it has sunk so much that the ruins of old towns are seen under water. Revolutions like these in the physical geography of the countries bordering the Mediterranean, may well help us to understand the phenomena of the Palermo caves, and the presence in Sicily of African species of mammalia.
As I have alluded more than once in this chapter to the occurrence of the remains of the hippopotamus in places where there are now no rivers, not even a rill of water, and as other bones of the same genus have been met with in the lower-level gravels of the Somme where large blocks of sandstone seem to imply that ice once played a part in their transportation, it may be well to consider, before proceeding farther, what geographical and climatal conditions are indicated by the presence of these fossil pachyderms.
It is now very generally conceded that the mammoth and tichorhine rhinoceros were fitted to inhabit northern regions, and it is therefore natural to begin by asking whether the extinct hippopotamus may not in like manner have flourished in a cold climate. In answer to this inquiry, it has been remarked that the living hippopotami, anatomically speaking so closely allied to the extinct species, are so aquatic and fluviatile in their habits as to make it difficult to conceive that their congeners could have thriven all the year round in regions where, during winter, the rivers were frozen over for months. Moreover, I have been unable to learn that, in any instance, bones of the hippopotamus have been found in the drift of northern Germany a.s.sociated with the remains of the mammoth, tichorhine rhinoceros, musk-ox, reindeer, lemming, and other arctic quadrupeds before alluded to; yet, though not proved to have ever made a part of such a fauna, the presence of the fossil hippopotamus north of the fiftieth parallel of lat.i.tude naturally tempts us to speculate on the migratory powers and instincts of some of the extinct species of the genus. They may have resembled, in this respect, the living musk-ox, herds of which pa.s.s for hundreds of miles over the ice to the rich pastures of Melville Island, and then return again to southern lat.i.tudes before the ice breaks up.
We are indebted to Sir Andrew Smith,* an experienced zoologist, for having given us an account of the migratory habits of the living hippopotamus of Southern Africa (H. amphibius, Linn.).
(* "Ill.u.s.trations of the Zoology of South Africa": article "Hippopotamus.")
He states that, when the Dutch first colonised the Cape of Good Hope, this animal abounded in all the great rivers, as far south as the land extends; whereas, in 1849, they had all disappeared, scarcely one remaining even within a moderate distance of the colony. He also tells us that this species evinces great sagacity in changing its quarters whenever danger threatens, quitting every district invaded by settlers bearing fire-arms. Bulky as they are, they can travel speedily for miles over land from one pool of a dried-up river to another; but it is by water that their powers of locomotion are surpa.s.singly great, not only in rivers, but in the sea, for they are far from confining themselves to fresh water. Indeed, Sir A. Smith finds it "difficult to decide whether, during the daytime and when not feeding, they prefer the pools of rivers or the waters of the ocean for their abode." In districts where they have been disturbed by Man, they feed almost entirely in the night, chiefly on certain kinds of gra.s.s, but also on brushwood. Sir A. Smith relates that, in an expedition which he made north of Port Natal, he found them swarming in all the rivers about the tropic of Capricorn.
Here they were often seen to have left their footprints on the sands, entering or coming out of the salt water; and on one occasion Smith's party tried in vain to intercept a female with her young as she was making her way to the sea. Another female, which they had wounded on her precipitate retreat to the sea, was afterwards shot in that element.
The geologist, therefore, may freely speculate on the time when herds of hippopotami issued from North African rivers, such as the Nile, and swam northwards in summer along the coasts of the Mediterranean, or even occasionally visited islands near the sh.o.r.e. Here and there they may have landed to graze or browse, tarrying awhile and afterwards continuing their course northwards. Others may have swum in a few summer days from rivers in the south of Spain or France to the Somme, Thames, or Severn, making timely retreat to the south before the snow and ice set in.
I have alluded in the beginning of the fourth chapter to a custom prevalent among rude nations of consigning to the tomb works of art, once the property of the dead, or objects of their affection, and even of storing up, in many cases, animal food destined for the manes of the defunct in a future life. I also cited M. Desnoyers' comments on the absence among the bones of wild and domestic animals found in old Gaulish tombs of all intermixture of extinct species of quadrupeds, as proving that the oldest sepulchral monuments then known in France (1845) had no claims to high antiquity founded on palaeontological data.
M. Lartet, however, has recently published a circ.u.mstantial account of what seems clearly to have been a sepulchral vault of the Pleistocene period, near Aurignac, not far from the foot of the Pyrenees. I have had the advantage of inspecting the fossil bones and works of art obtained by him from that grotto, and of conversing and corresponding with him on the subject, and can see no grounds for doubting the soundness of his conclusions.*
(* See Lartet, "Annales des Sci. Nat." 4mo. Ser. Zoologie volume 15 page 177 translated in "Natural History Review"
London January 1862.)
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 25. Hill of Fajoles]
a. Part of the vault in which the remains of seventeen human skeletons were found.
b. Layer of made ground, two feet thick, inside the grotto in which a few human bones, with entire bones of extinct and living species of animals, and many works of art were embedded.
c. Layers of ashes and charcoal, six inches thick, with broken, burnt, and gnawed bones of extinct and Recent mammalia; also hearth-stones and works of art; no human bones.
d. Deposit with similar contents and a few scattered cinders.
e. Talus of rubbish washed down from the hill above.
f, g. Slab of rock which closed the vault, not ascertained whether it extended to h.
f i. Rabbit burrow which led to the discovery of the grotto.
h, k. Original terrace on which the grotto opened.
N. Nummulitic limestone of hill of Fajoles.)
The town of Aurignac is situated in the department of the Haute-Garonne, near a spur of the Pyrenees; adjoining it is the small flat-topped hill of Fajoles, about 60 feet above the brook called Rodes, which flows at its foot on one side. It consists of Nummulitic limestone, presenting a steep escarpment towards the north-west, on which side in the face of the rock, about 45 feet above the brook, is now visible the entrance of a grotto a, Figure 25, which opened originally on the terrace h, c, k, which slopes gently towards the valley.
Until the year 1852, the opening into this grotto was masked by a talus of small fragments of limestone and earthy matter e, such as the rain may have washed down the slope of the hill. In that year a labourer named Bonnemaison, employed in repairing the roads, observed that rabbits, when hotly pursued by the sportsman, ran into a hole which they had burrowed in the talus, at i f, Figure 25. On reaching as far into the opening as the length of his arm, he drew out, to his surprise, one of the long bones of the human skeleton; and his curiosity being excited, and having a suspicion that the hole communicated with a subterranean cavity, he commenced digging a trench through the middle of the talus, and in a few hours found himself opposite a large heavy slab of rock f h, placed vertically against the entrance. Having removed this, he discovered on the other side of it an arched cavity a, 7 or 8 feet in its greatest height, 10 in width, and 7 in horizontal depth. It was almost filled with bones, among which were two entire skulls, which he recognised at once as human. The people of Aurignac, astonished to hear of the occurrence of so many human relics in so lonely a spot, flocked to the cave, and Dr. Amiel, the Mayor, ordered all the bones to be taken out and reinterred in the parish cemetery. But before this was done, having as a medical man a knowledge of anatomy, he ascertained by counting the h.o.m.ologous bones that they must have formed parts of no less than seventeen skeletons of both s.e.xes, and all ages; some so young that the ossification of some of the bones was incomplete. Unfortunately the skulls were injured in the transfer; and what is worse, after the lapse of eight years, when M. Lartet visited Aurignac, the village s.e.xton was unable to tell him in what exact place the trench was dug, into which the skeletons had been thrown, so that this rich harvest of ethnological knowledge seems for ever lost to the antiquary and geologist.
M. Lartet having been shown, in 1860, the remains of some extinct animals and works of art, found in digging the original trench made by Bonnemaison through the bed d under the talus, and some others brought out from the interior of the grotto, determined to investigate systematically what remained intact of the deposits outside and inside the vault, those inside, underlying the human skeletons, being supposed to consist entirely of made ground. Having obtained the a.s.sistance of some intelligent workmen, he personally superintended their labours, and found outside the grotto, resting on the sloping terrace h k, the layer of ashes and charcoal c, about 6 inches thick, extending over an area of 6 or 7 square yards, and going as far as the entrance of the grotto and no farther, there being no cinders or charcoal in the interior. Among the cinders outside the vault were fragments of fissile sandstone, reddened by heat, which were observed to rest on a levelled surface of Nummulitic limestone and to have formed a hearth. The nearest place from whence such slabs of sandstone could have been brought was the opposite side of the valley.
Among the ashes, and in some overlying earthy layers, d, separating the ashes from the talus e, were a great variety of bones and implements; amongst the latter not fewer than a hundred flint articles--knives, projectiles, sling stones, and chips, and among them one of those siliceous cores or nuclei with numerous facets, from which flint flakes or knives had been struck off, seeming to prove that some instruments were occasionally manufactured on the very spot.
Among other articles outside the entrance was found a stone of a circular form, and flattened on two sides, with a central depression, composed of a tough rock which does not belong to that region of the Pyrenees. This instrument is supposed by the Danish antiquaries to have been used for removing by skilful blows the edges of flint knives, the fingers and thumb being placed in the two opposite depressions during the operation. Among the bone instruments were arrows without barbs, and other tools made of reindeer horn, and a bodkin formed out of the more compact horn of the roedeer. This instrument was well shaped, and sharply pointed, and in so good a state of preservation that it might still be used for piercing the tough skins of animals.
Scattered through the same ashes and earth were the bones of the various species of animals enumerated in the subjoined lists, with the exception of two, marked with an asterisk, which only occurred in the interior of the grotto:--
1. Ursus spelaeus (cave-bear): 5 to 6.
2. Ursus arctos? (brown bear): 1.
3. Meles taxus (badger): 1 to 2.
4. Putorius vulgaris (polecat): 1.
5. *Felis spelaea (cave-lion): 1.
6. Felis catus ferus (wild cat): 1.
7. Hyaena spelaea (cave-hyaena): 5 to 6.
8. Canis lupus (wolf): 3.
9. Canis vulpes (fox): 18 to 20.