Forever My Angel Part 10

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She smiles shyly, her cheeks coloring. "I thought you'd feel better if I was close."

I catch her face in my hands, pressing a kiss to her lips. "Always."

The police finally decide to show up, and Angel heads inside to grab a seat at the bar. "I'll be hanging out with Chelsea if you need me."

I briefly consider telling her she can come into the office with me if she wants, but if it turns out this is somehow connected to Nick, it would probably be better she not see it on the tape. I wonder if we'll be suspecting he's somehow involved in every bad thing that happens for the rest of our lives, always looking over our shoulder. I hope not.

After the officers a.s.sess the damage, I lead them into my office, where Ian is waiting. I wonder briefly if I should be worried about having Ian in the same room as the police. I don't know much about him, except obviously that his name isn't really Ian. I don't know what he's hiding from. Still, he doesn't seem concerned, so I put the worry aside. "Found something," he announces triumphantly. "Although we can't really see much."

Ware knocks on the open door. "Anything I can do to help?"

"If you want you can come watch the tapes with us." I figure since his truck was one of the vehicles damaged, I can throw him a bone.

The tapes don't show much that will be useful, but at least it's something. Apparently we're looking for a guy a bit shorter than me, but still what I could consider tall, wearing a dark hoodie. He kept his hood up and his face tucked down the entire time, though, as if he knew there were cameras there. We never get a look at his face, but something about him nags at me; he seems familiar. Maybe he's one of the waitresses' boyfriends that I've seen around? I'll have to think about it.

Notepads in hand, the officers leave, reminding me to call them if I think of anything else. Right, so it can take them several hours to get out there and then do nothing useful. Pretty sure that Kevin will be doing more about this than the police department will.

When only Ware and I are left, I beckon him to my side with two fingers. If I can't count on the police to make sure the things and people I love are safe, then I'll take matters into my own hands. I wait for Ware to get closer, not wanting what I have to say to be overheard by prying ears outside my thin office door. "You want to earn some trust around here, and some extra cash too?"

Ware nods, like I knew he would. He came here for money, and I intend to use that to my advantage.

"Stay close to Chelsea until you go home on Monday." Chelsea would kill me if she knew I was asking him this. I'm sure Ware drives her as batty as he drives me, but Ian is going to be busy, and since Ware's staying at the apartment with her, he's the logical choice.

Ware looks like he wants to refuse, and I'm tempted to smack him upside the back of his thick head. I know Chelsea can be a handful, but d.a.m.n, he doesn't have to look so reluctant. She's pretty awesome once you actually get to know her.

"Have you asked her how she feels about that?"

Now I see the problem. He must have had a taste of Chelsea's wrath. Maybe he's even met her rusty spoon. I smirk. "I don't have to."

Ware c.o.c.ks an eyebrow at me skeptically, causing me to sigh.

"Chelsea isn't going to like it if she knows you're staying close because I want her protected. She likes to think she can take care of herself. But she won't mind if she thinks you're staying close because you're new in the area and don't know what else to do."

"Which is why you're trusting me with this, instead of Ian or Kevin."

I'll let him think that, rather than telling him he was just the most convenient. There's something about Ware that tempts me to like him, as much as I don't want to. I clap him on the shoulder. "If something happens to her, I won't take it well." More like I'll be homicidal.

"I've got to go have dinner with Tucker Sunday night."

"Take her with you, tell her you're nervous about going alone. I'll adjust her s.h.i.+fts."

"She won't like it if she finds out."

He's not telling me anything I don't know. "Then hope she doesn't, but if you want the two thousand dollars a week I'm offering, you'll keep close to her. Also, make sure the rest of the staff knows I don't want any of our girls walking to their cars alone until further notice. I don't know what the f.u.c.k is going on around here lately, but I'll be d.a.m.ned if I'm letting someone else get hurt."

Hook, line, sinker. Ware is nearly salivating at the mention of the money. I almost feel bad for using something I know he so desperately wants to manipulate him, but I need Chelsea safe. And Ware obviously needs money. If I can help them both out at once, and make Ware feel grateful to me, that can only be good for all of us. "Just so I understand, that's on top of the wage for working here? Or combined?"

I smile. "On top of."

His hand darts out without any lingering hesitation, and we shake on it. "Done."

Chapter Nineteen.

a-aa- My life has been reduced to a series of backroom bargains and secret deals. Somehow, I'm controlling the players around me like pieces on a chessboard, using what they want to lure them towards what I want. Maybe I should feel guilty for it, but I don't.

Ware is keeping tabs on Chelsea, and so far it seems like she hasn't flipped her s.h.i.+t over it. I thought they would never get to Tuck's today for their s.h.i.+fts, but finally they're here. Yesterday, before things went to h.e.l.l, I managed to sneak a quick conversation with Chelsea, and she promised me she'd talk to Angel today. I've got everything in place for the perfect proposal on Tuesday, except my bride-to-be herself. That's where Chelsea comes in.

I hang out of sight in the doorway to the kitchen, just out of earshot, feeling a bit like a creeper with my ear pressed to the wall.

Angel is seated at one of the tables closest to the bar, frowning at the stack of college application forms in front of her. We picked them up this morning, after she had a chance to go over the brochures I brought home last week. She's not sold on the idea, worried about the cost, but I'm not letting up. I can tell how badly she wants it, and I'm not going to let her pride get in her way. She's applying for financial aidaif she gets it, fine, if not, I'll pay her tuition. She's going to be my wife, and she's going to have to accept that money is not something we have a shortage of.

I sort of wish I hadn't already finished up my degree last semester, so we could take together. Except we'd both be too distracted to learn anything, so it's probably better this way.

I sneak a peek around the doorway. Angel is looking at the papers like they're going to bite her.

Chelsea's plopped into the seat beside her, a magazine open in her hands. Probably looking at some silly quiz about how to get a boy to kiss her, or some s.h.i.+t like that. Chelsea's so predictable you can set your watch by her, and I love her for it. She's the one constant in my life.

I duck my head back out of view, still listening.

"You'll do great," Chelsea tells Angel. I smile to myself, glad I'm not the only one with faith in her. "Hey," she asks. "Is Axel taking you to the Horseman's Society Gala next week?"

My face breaks out in a grin. I asked Angel about it this morning, and she was quick to say yes. She doesn't know it yet, but when she goes with me, it's going to be as my fiancee. I can't wait toa "Creepy much?"

I startle as Ware taps me on the shoulder, spinning with my hand balled into a fist. When I see it's him, I drop it to my side.

"What are we spying on?" he mock-whispers.

"Don't you have dishes or something to wash? Salads to prep?" My heart is careening in my chest, taking its sweet time settling down after being startled half to death.

Ware gives me a mock salute. "Whatever you say, boss."

Silently laughing, I turn my attention back to the girls, eyeing them around the doorway. "Axel won't like that." Angel's looking in my direction, and I have to quickly move out of sight. Did she see me? f.u.c.k, what won't I like? She didn't look too concerned about it, whatever it is.

"Want to go dress shopping together? Tuesday, maybe?"

This is it! The plan is falling in place, as long as Angel agrees.


Score! I punch the air, unable to help myself. Then I realize I'm acting like an idiot, and look around to make sure no one's watching. I can't hang back in the shadows any longer. I need to get out there and kiss my girl, even if she doesn't know what she actually just agreed to. Once I've got my face composed and calm againaI don't want to give any hint that I was listening, or that anything is out of the ordinaryaI head out to join the girls.

I'm on a beeline straight for Angel, but I stop behind Chelsea's chair. I need to hug her too, for helping me put this plan in place. I lean down, glancing at her magazine to see what she's reading. "What are you doing? Wait, is that...sudoku?" I don't hide my surprise. This is Chelsea! My predictable, constant Chelsea. s.h.i.+t, I'm not ready for her to start changing on me.

Chelsea lets out a giant sigh as I step back. "Yes."

"Like, seriously? You're doing math for fun?"

She shrugs like it's no big deal, and I feel like the bottom has dropped out of my stomach. Is this what parents feel like when they realize their kids are growing up and don't need them so much anymore? Maybe I should see if Chelsea wants to enroll with Angel; they could definitely do together. I had no idea Chelsea liked math. h.e.l.l, I hate math, but I see it as a necessary evil, like doctors and politicians. It's going to take me a bit to wrap my head around this. Maybe I was wrong, and Chelsea isn't blind to her own talents; maybe it's the rest of us that aren't seeing clearly.

I lift Angel into my arms, then settle into the chair with her in my lap. Angel shoots me an annoyed glance before leaning over to Chelsea. "When are you going to stop hiding behind the shroud of stupid?"

Chelsea glares at me like I just kicked a puppy. "When people stop finding me playing sudoku a cause for incredulity."

My mouth drops open. "Incredu-what?"

She sighs, acting like I'm the one being weird. What the h.e.l.l is going on here? "Incredulity. Finding it incredulous."

So it's not just math, now she wants to act like a walking crossword puzzle, using big words and s.h.i.+t? She's clearly as smart as I thought she was, maybe even smarter. But she's hiding it behind a magazine, and who knows what else. My brain hurts. I don't know how to feel about any of this, so I default to giving her s.h.i.+t. "Who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

Her face falls, and for a moment I think she's going to cry. "Haven't you heard? I'm not your sister anymore."

Hold the f.u.c.k up. I stand abruptly, keeping a hand on Angel's elbow to steady her. I'm sure she's shooting me daggers with her eyes, but I'm too focused on Chelsea to notice. Chelsea's words lit my fuse, and I can't hold back the explosion. "Let's get one thing straight. You are always going to be my sister. Understood?"

I realize I'm shouting, and I'm working on checking myself when Angel bounces on her feet cheerfully. "Hey! If you and Ware work it out, you could be his sister by marriage."

I know I didn't just hear what I think I did. No way in h.e.l.l. My vision tunnels, and the only thing I can see is Chelsea glaring at both me and Angel. I take a slow, deliberate breath. "If she and Ware what? There's not going to be any her and Ware."

Chelsea snaps, "That's not exactly helping." Before I can try to calm her down, she stomps away, heading for the kitchen.

I'm about to follow, but Angel touches my arm lightly. "Let her go."

It's all I can do not to groan out loud as I sink into a chair. I expect Angel to snuggle into my lap, but she gives me a sad look instead. "If you don't want to lose your sister, you're going to have to figure out how to accept Ware. You can't just walk around and growl at Chelsea and me and expect us to toe the line. I'm going to go work on these in your office."

She grabs her stack of papers, and I'm left wondering what the h.e.l.l just happened. Okay, so it's not hard to figure out how I p.i.s.sed off Chelsea, but what's eating Angel?

Chapter Twenty.

a-aa- I head into the kitchen, hoping to find someone I can yell at to make myself feel better, like Ware. But instead I nearly run headlong into Ian.

"Got a second?" he asks. His eyes are lit up, and I suspect whatever he's got to tell me is either going to be very good or very bad.

"Is it about that other thing?" If it's about the security plans for either property, we can talk openly. But if it isn't...

Ian nods. "We probably want to talk in private."

Finally! I nearly buzz with antic.i.p.ation as I lead Ian up to Chelsea's apartment. It's hers, but she and Ware are both at work down at the bar and Angel's claimed my office, so it's the first place I can think of where Ian and I won't be disturbed.

I secure the door behind me, then take a seat on a cus.h.i.+oned bar stool by the center island. There are so many memories in this little place. Wiping ketchup onto Angel's lips, just so I could wipe it off. Making love to her the first time. Burning dinner the first night she cooked for me. My heart swells for a moment, but then I remember why I'm up here. "What did you find?"

Ian looks at the screen of his phone. "Has your mother or Warren mentioned anything about a Jasmine, or a Lily?"

"Not that I've heard, why?"

"Okay, some of this is only connected by shaky dots, just so you understand. But from what I can tell, Jasmine and your brother attended the same school. Warren nearly had charges pressed against him for hara.s.sment, but they were dropped. The complainant wasn't Jasmine herself, but her father. It appears he's a big shot in their town."

"Dropped as in he didn't hara.s.s her? Or dropped as in they made a deal?" If he's making a habit of hara.s.sing girls, and he's s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g with Chelsea, I'll kill him, brother or not.

"I'm not sure. The case wasn't closedait was erased."

"Erased?" That sounds ominous.

Ian nods.

"But you found them."

He gives a tiny grin at that. Clearly, Ian is worth more than I'm paying him, and he knows it. I wonder what his story is and why he's content to hang out here playing private eye.

"Here's where it gets more interesting. Nine months after the hara.s.sment claim was erased, Jasmine gave birth to a little girl, who was immediately put up for adoption."

I know what he's suggesting, and it makes me feel sick inside. "You think the child was Ware's, and they put it up for adoption?" How could someone do that to their own child? Is walking away from our flesh and blood a family trait? Mom left me; now Ware abandoned his daughter? I pray that things aren't the way they seem. Ian is saying Jasmine's family is wealthy, and I want to believe that Mom would have helped Ware. Will that little girl grow up like me, wondering why she wasn't good enough for them to choose to love her?

I have to force myself to halt that line of thought or else I might go find Ware and punch him.

"Is there more?" Do I even want the answer to that question?

Ian's eyes flicker with excitement. I think he enjoys this, the uncovering of secrets. "Oh yeah." He wets his lips. "I can't find any paper trail on the child's adoption. There's no name, no paperwork on the adopter's end. Nothing. It's like she was born and then vanished, with no way for the child, wherever she is, to be connected back to Jasmine or her family. But, curiously, your mother's sister adopted an infant the day after this mystery child was born."

I didn't even know my mother had a sister, but that's not what shocks me. "Holy s.h.i.+t. So you're saying that my aunt adopted Ware and Jasmine's child." Relief nearly sways me on my feet. Maybe I was wrong, and that little girl is loved and with family. Christ, I hope so.

"I think so, yes." Ian tilts his head side to side, unsure. "Well, maybe."


"The funny thing is, the emergency contacts, phone numbers, address, everything for that childathey're calling her Lilyaexcept who adopted her on paper, points back to Warren."

"Why would he need to secretly adopt his own child?" This makes no sense. He gave his child up, then kept her?

"I don't know yet. I'm going to keep digging, but I wanted to bring this to you now because there's something else you should know."

I know without him telling me that this nugget of information he's about to share is bad. His entire demeanor changes. Mentally I steel myself to hear something that might change everything. "'Kay."

"Lily's sick, Axel. She's been in and out of the hospital her entire life with a heart condition."

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Forever My Angel Part 10 summary

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