Forever My Angel Part 14

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"Axel, son, how are you? And your lovely bride-to-be!" We all know she doesn't approve of Angel, and I'll never be her son.

I smile back. "I wasn't sure if Dad was going to bring you or my actual mother. I see he chose you. Too bad."

Angel sucks in a sharp breath as I pull out a chair for her and then push it in once she's seated. I get the distinct impression that Dad's trying not to chuckle. "No one's as surprised to see her as I am," is all he says.

Interesting. If I'm understanding right, he didn't expect Vanessa to be here; she just showed up because she couldn't bear the thought of not being on his arm at the event of the year. Maybe this is the last time I'll have to suffer through her presence.

"Where's Chelsea? Are she and Warren here?"

I glance back at the door, but there's no sign of either one of them. I ignore Vanessa's question and pull out my phone, shooting off a text to Dougie.

I wouldn't ask this if it wasn't important. Chelsea's been stood up at the Horseman's Gala. Get your a.s.s over here.

I doubt it will be enough to get her to give him another chance, but that will be between them, and at the very least if he hurries she won't have to come in alone.

I breathe a little easier when I get a response from him.

On my way.

The social hour is nearly over, and dinner is about to be served, when I finally see Chelsea on the threshold of the ballroom. The steady murmur of the crowd quiets as everyone peers toward the door at the sound of the microphone opening. I'm sure everyone is wondering who showed up this late.

"Ms. Chelsea Randall," is announced and the crowd begins to whisper.

For a moment, Chelsea is standing there alone, looking far more composed than I would have expected. And then, just when I'm about to propel myself out of my seat to go to her side, Dougie appears, lightly gripping her elbow.

Chelsea tosses him a smile, but I'm not sure if it's filled more with grat.i.tude or surprise. They're talking as they walk, but I can't hear what they're saying. They're almost to our table when I hear her ask, "What are you doing here?"

"Axel texted me, told me to get my a.s.s over here."

"I'm sorry," she says. "That wasn't fair to you."

She's right, and I should feel guilty for bringing him into this, but being stood up wasn't fair to Chelsea, either.

"Don't apologize. I jumped at the chance to see you, even if only for a moment. I miss you, Chelsea." Dougie's long, dirty blond hair is slightly mussed as usual, but his tux is pristine. He's accompanied Chelsea to enough of these events in the past that he probably keeps it ready at all times. Thank G.o.d he wasn't busy tonight, and he was able to get here so fast.

Chelsea stares at Dougie sadly. "I know, Dougie. But nothing has changed."

Vanessa is glaring at Chelsea, and I have to fight the urge to kick her under the table as Chelsea sits and Dougie pushes in her chair.

"Don't be mad, Chel. I didn't want you to have to walk in alone, since my worthless brother couldn't be bothered to show." I don't want to fight with her, but I'm more than a little p.i.s.sed at Ware.

Dad frowns, and I think he's about to scold me for saying that about Ware, but then he pulls his phone out of his pocket. Vanessa gasps. Taking phone calls, for work or pleasure, is highly discouraged during the gala. "Pardon me." Dad flashes an apologetic smile around the table before pressing the phone to his ear. "Joyce?"

Vanessa's lips pucker into a childish pout.

Dad isn't paying her any attention as he listens raptly to whatever my mother is saying through the phone. Even sitting beside him, I can't make out her words, just that she's speaking uncharacteristically fast. I don't know what, but something is gravely wrong. Dad's brow is furrowing deeper by the moment, and his lips turn down into a heavy frown.

"I'm on my way." Dad stands abruptly, ignoring the chaplain at the front of the room as he instructs us to bow our heads. "Please excuse me, but there's been an emergency. I don't know what, but Joyce insisted I come immediately." His eyes find Chelsea's, and she stands too.

I reach over Angel, trying to grab Chelsea's arm, but she twists away. "I'm going." Her tone is firm, and there will be no arguing with her, not that she waits to see if anyone tries. Almost as an afterthought, she calls an apology to Dougie over her shoulder as she strides away from the table, right on my father's heels.

Chapter Twenty-Eight.

a-aa- After Chelsea and my father leave, the thought of staying at the gala turns my stomach sour. It just doesn't feel right. "Do you need a ride home?" I ask Vanessa, not knowing if she rode with my father or not.

Vanessa looks positively crestfallen at my father's departure. She shakes her head miserably. "I drove myself."

"I think Angel and I are going to take off, then. Dougie?"

"Yeah. No reason for me to stay." There's an edge to his voice.

Vanessa's horror only grows. "But what will people say? You can't leave now! It's bad enough your father and my daughter already made a spectacle."

I study her face, sure she can't be serious, but she actually f.u.c.king is. The worst part is, I don't get the sense that it's malicious; she's just trying to hold onto the little bit she has, her pride. I've never been one of those people who care more about what others think than the way things really are, but Vanessa has always been infatuated with appearances. "I think they'll say that the Chadwells know how to put family first."

I stand without another word, offering Angel my arm.

Angel's eyes are dark, and as she stands, she leans over and whispers something in Vanessa's ear. Then she turns to me. "Okay, I'm ready."

It's killing me not to ask Angel what she said, but I should wait until we get outside. A butler retrieves our coats, and Dougie follows us to the front steps to wait for the valet to bring around our cars. When we got out here the valet was leaning against a pillar having a smoke, clearly not expecting anyone to be departing just yet. I wonder if my dad and Chelsea even waited for him to retrieve Dad's BMW or if they just went and got it themselves.

"What did you say to Vanessa?" I ask Angel, my arm around her shoulder to try to keep her warm.

Angel flashes me a brilliant smile. "I told her that she needed to readjust her priorities, and that I hoped she'd choke on her fake smile when she finally decides to swallow her pride and be the mother Chelsea needs."

I nearly choke myself. "I hope Ware's okay," I find myself saying.

"She really cares about him, doesn't she?" Dougie s.h.i.+fts his weight from one foot to the other.

I clasp him on the shoulder. "I think so, man."

He looks uncomfortable. "Listen, I feel like an a.s.s, and you're going to maybe hate me for this, but not telling you is eating me alive. It was me who smashed Warren's window outside Tuck's. I came to talk to you about something and saw them together, and just snapped. I thought he was trying to put the moves on her, and was sure that she couldn't welcome them, so I left him a note to stay away from her. Then I just sort of lost it, and smashed up the other cars as well. I've never done something like that before, and I honestly don't know what I was thinking."

"Clearly, you weren't," I growl, taking a menacing step toward him.

"No. I guess not." His eyes meet mine, and I search behind his repentant expression, looking for any sign of the kid I grew up with, finding none.

I want to beat the s.h.i.+t out of him, but that won't help. "Get the f.u.c.k out of my sight," I say, letting go of Angel to ball my fists at my side, trying to control myself.


Angel steps in front of me. "You should go, Dougie. Because if you don't, even if Axel doesn't kick your a.s.s, I will."

Dougie turns without another word. The valet pulls up with his car, and he starts to turn his head back to look at us, then stops. He keeps his head down as he walks around to the driver's side and takes the key from the valet, shoving cash into his hand. Then he's gone, leaving me alone with my fiancee and my fury.

Angel is silent most of the drive home, and the morose mood clings in the air as we go get Molly from Mrs. Peters and I take her out to potty.

Earlier, I couldn't wait to peel Angel out of her dress, but when I come back in with Molly she's already in bed in a t-s.h.i.+rt and leggings, her knees drawn up to her chest. "What're you thinking about?" I ask her, even though I already know. Molly jumps up beside her.

"Just worrying about Ware. I've seen the way he looks at Chelsea. I can't imagine him standing her up without a d.a.m.n good reason. Your mom's call makes it even more worrying. Do you think maybe he was in an accident?"

I weigh my options. I could keep Ware's secret and be a good brother, or I can tell Angel what I know, and share trust with my fiancee. Easy choice.

I sit on the edge of the bed, one foot on the floor, my other knee bent in front of me as I brace my weight against it. "Ian was able to dig a bit into Ware's pasta"

"What the f.u.c.k, Aa" Her anger catches me off-guard. "You just can't help yourself, can you? You did the same s.h.i.+t with me. You think just because you can buy information, you should."

"I can think of no better use of my money than protecting those I love."

She sighs, leaning back against the headboard.

"Let me ask you a question: do you ever use your money or influence for something good?"

What the h.e.l.l kind of question is that? "I hired Kevin to protect Lexi in case Nick came for her. I donate to several charities. Ia"

The way Angel is looking at me stops me mid-sentence. "What?"

"I mean do you actually do anything. The Lexi thing was for your own peace of mind more than anything else. And donating to charities? Please. Anyone can do that. You're Axel f.u.c.king Chadwell, and what difference have you made in this world?"

I sink onto the edge of the bed. "I love you. Does that not matter?"

Her eyes soften a tiny bit, though her annoyance is still more than visible. "It does. To me. But you've got the privilege of money, and you're not afraid to use it for any little thing you want. I guess I just want to see you use it in ways that matter. You make life easier for yourself all the time, but what about the people who truly have it hard?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know."

"Well that's not good enough. I'm more than willing to spend our money for a good cause. Something that's important to both of us. Because it isn't just me anymore, Angel. You said you didn't want to just be a trophy on my arm. You want to be more than just my wife. You're going to be co-owner of Melt, and everything we do there will be us doing it together. But if you feel like we need to do some good for some cause, or something, then you lead. I'll follow."

She bites her lip.

"What?" I prompt.

"Well, I had an idea... I've been sort of chewing on it, but I'm afraid it's stupid."

"Tell me."

For a moment I think she's going to refuse. Her words are soft when she finally starts speaking again. "I was thinking about how if I hadn't been able to come to you and let you help me, I don't know how I would have gotten away from Nick. I was too ashamed and too afraid to go to my mom, even though I know she would have done anything in her power to help me. It breaks my heart thinking about all those girls in the world who are in dangerous relations.h.i.+ps because they feel like they don't have any other choice. It's like they're trapped."

I nod, waiting quietly for her to collect her thoughts and go on.

"What if we could give them a hand up, out of their own horrors?"

"I'm not sure I follow."

"It's like, when you're in a bad situation, and you don't have money of your own, leaving seems impossible. Like, how will you even support yourself? It makes it easier to stay and tell yourself that it's the best option you have. What if we made Melt into a haven for women who need a way to save themselves, rather than waiting for a knight in rusted armor who might be just as bad as whatever they want to run from. I was so d.a.m.n lucky you are who you are, and you saved me...but most people aren't that lucky."

"Angel..." My throat hurts, clogged with unspoken emotion.

"No, A. It's true. You saved me. You gave me hope. But I think we can do that for others. If they knew that we'd find them a job in our haven, and provide them with a roof over their head that they could actually afford until they've gotten on their feet, more girls might make the choice to save themselves. There's an apartment building less than two blocks from Melt. I saw it when I was over there going over some things with Ian, and it's for sale. What if we bought it too? Do we have enough money for that?"

I can't help laughing. "Yes."

She rolls her eyes, but goes on. "We could have everyone fill a role in exchange for room and board. Cleaning, cooking, working at Melt. They could learn skills that can be applied in other industries. They can teach each other, and grow, and to make it feel like they aren't receiving charity we'd pay each of them a salary, and part of their salary would pay for their housing. When they give us notice they're ready to move out on their own, they could have their last month rent-free so that they have a little financial cus.h.i.+on. I know it won't save the world, and I know we can't save every girl, but it's a place to start. And if we keep the goal of training them for bigger and better things, a lot of them will move up into other, more sustaining jobs, making room for us to help new girls."

"You've put a lot of thought into this." I smile at her, pride filling my eyes.

"Do you think it can work?"

"Honestly, I don't know. But I think if anyone can make it happen, you can, and I'd be proud to support you as you do it."

"You mean it?" I don't miss the way her expression glows with possibility.

"I'll make the call about purchasing the building tomorrow."

Angel leans up, throwing her arms around my neck. "Thank you for believing in me, A."

She feels good in my arms, and I want nothing more than to show her how proud I am by making love to her all night long. But my sister and Ware are still weighing heavily on my mind.

"Not to change the subject, but do you want me to tell you what Ian learned about Ware?"

Angels leans back, getting comfortable against the headboard again. I can see her struggling with the decision as her face clouds, then slowly clears. "Tell me," she sighs.

"Ware has a daughter."

"OhmiG.o.d! Does Chelsea know?"

"I don't think so."

"What about your dad?"

I shake my head. "He's kept her a secret. She has a heart condition, she's been in and out of the hospital. I suspect that's why Ware came to my dad for money, but I'm not sure."

"Holy s.h.i.+t." Her fingers linger near her mouth as she tries to process the news.

"I'm going to text my Dad to let us know what's going on when he gets there, but I doubt we'll know anything until morning."

Angel holds a hand out to me, and I entwine my fingers with hers. "I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep, worrying and not knowing what's going on."

"Then I guess we'll have to figure out a way to pa.s.s the time."

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Forever My Angel Part 14 summary

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