Forever My Angel Part 7

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"It isn't silly. It's sweet." The serenade of the sirens is closer now.

I can tell the exact moment she remembers what made her crash. I wince as she steps back, putting s.p.a.ce between us, cutting me with the sharpness of the pain in her eyes. All her tenderness is gone. "You kissed her!"

"No. She kissed me. I pushed her away." An ambulance rolls to a stop nearby, and a paramedic leaps out. "And as soon as you've been checked over and I'm sure you're okay, I'm going to walk back over there and fire her for unprofessional behavior." I point across the street to where Eva is standing, looking unsure what to do.

"I don't need to be checked out. I'm sure I'm fine."

"Until I'm sure, you need to be checked. If nothing else, do it for my peace of mind."

"Your peace of mind?" she snarls. "You came out and met your pretty, young realtor, and when I show up you're kissing her, or she's kissing you, and you're worried about your peace of mind?"

"Ma'am! Sir! Are you both okay?"

A paramedic rushes to our sides, and I step back to give him room. "I wasn't in the car, it was just her."

"Don't touch me!" Angel snaps as I reach for her. She turns her attention to the paramedics. "I'm fine, really," Angel says, but she sways on her feet, then freezes, a look of terror on her face as both paramedics and I all try to catch her. She's got that deer-in-headlights look.

It's all I can do to keep my hands to myself. If she wants to seek shelter from me she can, but I can't push her. Even if it kills me. "They're trying to help," I say quietly, hoping that even through her anger, I can get through to her.

She swallows hard, some of the wildness draining from her expression.

"She needs to be examined. She was holding her head before she climbed out of the vehicle," I tell the paramedics.

Angel shoots me a dirty look as they lead her to the back of the ambulance and help her sit so they can take a look at her. I don't want to leave her side, but clearly she doesn't want my support right now. Plus, she's not going to be honest about how she's feeling with me standing right there, because she won't want me to worry. Or maybe she does. Christ, I don't know right now.

There is one thing I do know: Eva is so beyond fired. And that's a problem I can solve immediately.

Forcing myself to trust that Angel is in capable hands, I stride over to Eva.

"Is that girl okay?" Eva tucks a strand of red hair behind her ear, looking honestly concerned.

I grit my teeth. "That girl is about to become my fiancee."

Eva doesn't even have the good grace to look mortified. "Axel, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Her words fall flat.

"It's Mr. Chadwell, and your behavior was unacceptable. Did I do anything to give you the impression that I was interested in anything from you other than a.s.sistance with a real estate transaction?"

"No, I just thoughta"

Her excuses mean nothing to me. "You didn't think. Clearly. Have your father send the paperwork to me this afternoon. You and I? We're done."

I don't wait for her to respond. Nothing she says will matter, and I want to check on Angel. I step around the back corner of the ambulance just in time to witness one of the paramedics loading Angel onto a stretcher. He must see the panic in my expression. She reaches a tiny, pale hand out toward me before yanking it back, her eyes growing angry again.

"It's just a formality, sir. She has to be on a stretcher for us to transport her. She most likely has a concussion, and we'd like her to have her chest X-rayed, just in case." He gives me a knowing look, full of pity. I'm sure this isn't the first time he's found a couple at odds with each other at an accident scene.

I'm about to step inside to sit beside her, but Angel shakes her head.

"Sorry, sir." He doesn't sound so sorry when he closes the ambulance doors, barricading me from half of my heart.

I can barely see straight through my fear and fury as I palm my keys and jog to my truck.

I'm breaking every traffic law known to man trying to keep up with the ambulance. I can't bear the thought of letting it out of my sight, and fortunately my Denali can handle the slick slush forming on the road without any problems. But it does require I keep my eyes on the road, so when my phone rings I push the answer b.u.t.ton without looking to see who's calling.

"h.e.l.lo?" I bark.

"Axel, is everything okay?"

s.h.i.+t. My mother's soft voice is filled with concern.

"What do you want?" I'd like to just hang up, but my father raised me better than that.

Mom sighs. "I'm in town to meet with your father to go over a few things. I'll only be here a few days, but I was really hoping that we could get together for dinner, or lunch, or anything really." Dammit, I know Angel would want me to say yes, and right now I'll do anything to earn a little goodwill. "Fine. We'll set something up." The hospital parking lot looms ahead. "I've got to go. Angel was in an accident, and we just pulled up at Thomas Jefferson Hospital. I'll call you." I hang up, already out my door and pus.h.i.+ng a b.u.t.ton on the key fob to lock my truck as I sprint to the ambulance entrance to follow Angel inside. The paramedic gives me a quick nod, and then we're on our way. Angel looks nervous, but she's awake and alert, and my insides untwist a bit as I reach for her hand.

It feels like it takes ages, but she does reach out and briefly squeeze my fingers before dropping her hand and facing away from me.

Angel is wheeled into a room immediately, and I try not to let my exasperation get to me as I take up a spot on the wall, silently willing her to look at me. I can't bear her quiet fury. "Angel..."

"Just don't," she says, sounding defeated.

A doctor with kind eyes and a balding head above his white medical coat comes into the room and immediately begins asking her a barrage of questions. He tosses occasional curious glances in my direction, but it's clear that she's his priority.

Angel answers most of his probing questions without much fuss, but she blushes and glances at me when he asks if there's any chance she could be pregnant. At least she finally looked at me. She shakes her head no, and soon the questions are done and the doctor turns to me. "Do you want to wait in the hall while we get her changed and then take her down for an X-ray?"

Like h.e.l.l. "I'll help her change." There's no way he is going to help her get undressed, medical professional or not. "Unless she'd rather a nurse help her," I tack on, because I should, not because I want to.

A weird look behind the doctor's eyes, but he doesn't press the issue.

"You can help," Angel says. As soon as the doctor leaves, she turns and hisses, "You can help, but not speak. I just can't do this with you right now. So stay and be quiet while I try to get my head on straight, or find somewhere else to be."

I keep my lips sealed and silent as I help her into the hospital gown. Her eyes narrow when she catches me admiring the curve of her bare waist.

I don't leave her side until they take her into the X-ray room. "I'll be right outside," I say, not sure if she cares. My eyes follow her stretcher as it's wheeled into the darkened room, and then I sink into a hard plastic chair against the wall.

The slight hum of the overhead lights, punctuated only by the ticking of a clock on the wall, is grating on my nerves. I've been waiting nearly twenty minutes, and I'm starting to get impatient when footsteps approach from a nearby hallway.

"Axel." I turn my head, surprised to see my mother standing nearby, a nervous frown on her face. "I just wanted to...check on you. I won't stay if you don't want me to, but I just wanted to make sure you and Angel are okay. She seems like a sweet girl."

A gentle smile plays on my mother's lips.

It's easy to agree with my mother while she's complimenting my Angel, and for a moment I forget to keep her at arm's length. "She is."

"Can I wait with you?" she asks.

Surprising myself as much as her, I nod my approval.

She doesn't say anything else as she settles into the plastic chair next to me. I don't look over at her, but I'm keenly aware of her presence. And when I think about it, knowing my mom is with me as I wait desperately for news that the woman I love is okay is comforting. For the first time in eighteen years, she's here when it matters.

The X-ray room door opens and Angel is wheeled out. She's sitting up, and if she's surprised to see Mom she doesn't show it. Just before I stand, I feel Mom softly squeeze my hand. I squeeze back, then follow Angel's stretcher as she's wheeled down the hall.

"Come if you want," I say without looking behind me, though I'm not sure if I'm any more welcome than Mom is.

"Why don't I go down to the cafeteria and bring you back some coffee or something. It'll give you two some time, but that way I'll be close if you need anything."

I stop, turning toward her. "Okay."

I don't really know what to say after that, and there's a moment of awkward silence.

"What would you like me to bring you? Coffee?"

I wrinkle my nose. "G.o.d no. But Angel would probably would love some. Um, could you bring me a sandwich or something?"

Mom tucks her purse against her side, and we set off in opposite directions.

Soon after the orderly positions Angel's rolling bed in her ER cubicle, the doctor returns. His kind smile is gone as he measures me with frigid eyes. "Could you step into the hallway please, sir, while I speak with Ms. Sterling."

"I'm not leaving her unless she's the one requesting it."

"Axel." Angel's voice is quiet. My heart lurches. Is this it? Will everything we've built be discarded like a dirty rag?

"Do you want me to go?" I look right at her, staring past the doctor as if he isn't there.

"It isn't that." She sighs, looking from me to the doctor, then back to me. "The doctor probably saw...things...on my X-ray, and now he wants you to leave so he can ask if I'm safe at home, or if you're abusing me. He knows they're old injuries, but he doesn't know that you didn't cause them. That you'd never..." Her voice is clogged with emotion as she struggles with the words, shame a vivid brand on her face. G.o.d, I want to go to her. I take a tentative step in her direction.

The doctor s.h.i.+fts uncomfortably on his feet, keeping his eyes on me. His back is to Angel, and he's positioned himself like a s.h.i.+eld. "We just want to be sure that you aren't in danger, Ms. Sterling. Your past injuries are extensive, although the good news is that your ribs are not broken as a result of today's accident. You're a bit bruised, but otherwise fine, physically. It's your emotional well-being I'm concerned about. The paramedics and the nurses have all noted that you seem to be under extreme stress, even with the accident taken into consideration. Are you sure there's nothing you'd like to tell me? We can protect you, Ms. Sterling."

"Axel might be a bone-headed man, but he'd never hurt me physically, Doctor." Angel sounds exhausted.

"Doctor, if you need to, you can call Agent O'Brien with the FBI and he'll verify that Tess was abused by her ex-boyfriend, not me. Her ex is currently in federal prison, where he will remain for the rest of his life. I'd be happy to give you Agent O'Brien's number."

The doctor glances back at Angel before returning his attention to me. "Why don't you and I walk out to the nurses' station, and we can call him. I'll have a nurse come sit with Ms. Sterling in the meantime."

I gesture with my palm for him to lead the way, tossing a sad glance back at Angel before I leave. She offers me an apologetic smile.

I hate that she feels that this too is her fault, almost as much as I hate knowing she's angry with me.

O'Brien doesn't answer, and the doctor leaves a message including a callback number. His expression is hard as he turns to me. "I don't know what your involvement is in this situation, but I do know that girl has been through h.e.l.l. She hides it well, and although she doesn't seem afraid of you, I'm not comfortable letting you be alone with her. I'm going to keep her overnight until I'm sure she's safe. We're going to call in a counselor, and if the counselor a.s.sures me he believes her when she says you were not the one to harm her, I will release her. If you try to set foot in her room in the meantime, I'll have security escort you out."

I'm still reeling from his words when a nurse pages him to answer line one. Thank G.o.d it's...o...b..ien. When the doctor hangs up a few minutes later, his relief is palpable, though he doesn't look embarra.s.sed in the slightest. O'Brien was out at a crime scene, and had just gotten into his vehicle; I'm lucky we were able to reach him at all. "You have my appreciation, Mr. Chadwell, for cooperating as we tried to ensure Ms. Sterling's safety. Agent O'Brien a.s.sured me it's okay to send Ms. Sterling home with you, so I'll have a nurse draw up the paperwork."

"Are all doctors this thorough?" I ask, wondering if this is going to be a repeat occurrence any time Angel sees a doctor.

There's a faraway look in his eyes when he shakes his head. "I wish. My seventeen-year-old daughter was killed by her boyfriend. Her injuries...she always had excuses that made sense. We didn't know."

I pat the doctor on the shoulder. "Thank you for trying to protect her."

When we return to the room, the doctor tells her he's willing to discharge her if she will a.s.sure him one more time that she wants to go home with me. I can't fault him; with the way she's glaring at me, I'd probably ask too.

Angel nods vigorously, even while she stabs me with her eyes.

"I'll send in a nurse with the paperwork." He leaves after shooting me an apologetic look. I want to tell him not to apologize; I wish more people were proactive about making sure women have safe avenues to ask for help when their boyfriends are pieces of s.h.i.+t. But all my attention is on Angel.

"Do I have permission to talk yet?"

Her chest rises and falls dramatically. "She kissed you."

"I'm glad we can agree on that much at least."

"I don't like it."

"I didn't like it either."

"I need to confront her, and then I'll think about forgiving you."

I want to say no. It's always my first thought to s.h.i.+eld Angel from any conflict. But Angel stares at me, her expression hard. "I'm serious. It's not that I don't trust you, but I need to talk to her before I can feel like this is over."

Numbly, I nod. I have a terrible feeling about this.

At least my agreement seems to have softened Angel a little bit toward me. "What are we going to do about the car? Do you think it's badly damaged?"

"It's already been towed to a shop. Don't worry over it." I stare openly as she begins untying her hospital gown. It pools at her feet, and it's all I can do to keep my hands to myself. Mostly, anyway. I do put one hand under her elbow to steady her as she puts on her clothes.

Angel slips her hand into mine as we walk out of the front hospital entrance, through the sliding double doors. She gives me a tentative smile when she catches me watching her.

"What, baby?" I ask, pulling her closer to my side. At least she's letting me touch her now. I can tell she's got something to say, that she's not entirely sure she should.

"Are you mad at me too?" The nervous way she says it reminds me that I've got to be careful. In her experience, her boyfriend being mad was a dangerous thing.

"About what?"

"Me following you. I overheard you repeat the address back to Eva this morning, and I just..." Her words trail off, and she's silent for a long moment. "I just don't want us to change."

I can't help grinning. She's mad, but underneath it, she's still fighting for us. "We will, baby. But only because we'll grow stronger every day."

My answer seems to soothe her. "Could we maybe not tell Chelsea about this?

"If that's what you want." I guide her in the direction of the parking lot, where I left my truck crookedly crammed into the first parking spot I found.

"You know she'd never let me live this down. Lexi, either. Once again, you had to save me from myself." Her face morphs into a look of panic. "s.h.i.+t! Lexi's probably wondering why I haven't shown up for our ride!"

"Hey." I put my hand on her shoulder and turn her to face me. "Don't worry over it one bit. I'll call her and tell her I kidnapped you for the day and that you were otherwise occupied."

Looking down at Angel takes my breath away.

There's a bluish bruise darkening her brow, and it only serves to make her more fragile-looking, and more precious. But she also radiates strength; she's kept amazingly calm throughout all of this.

I know the questions the doctor was asking must have brought up a lot of bad memories for her, and I'm getting the impression this isn't the first time she's been brought to the hospital banged and bruised. But she looked composed, and not near the edge of the cliff that she still seems so close to sometimes.

The snow has begun to cover the parked cars, and she stands and watches the flakes as they swirl around us while I clear off the truck. White flakes crown her like a halo, sticking on top of her dark hair. Watching the wonder fill her eyes as she takes it in, her first real snowfall, is magical. Suddenly, I don't hate the snow nearly so much; instead, I remember how I loved it as a kid.

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Forever My Angel Part 7 summary

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