Poems by George Pope Morris Part 23

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Grounds for Divorce.


What can a man do when a woman's perverse, And determined to have her own way?


At the altar you took me for better or worse: Am I worse than you took me for--say, Silly elf?-- Am I worse than you took me for, say?


For an angel I took you in beauty and worth-- The PRIEST a mere woman has given!


A MAN would prefer a true woman on earth, To all the bright angels in heaven-- Silly elf!-- To all the bright angels in heaven!


You are ever ready my feelings to hurt At the veriest trifle, of course.


Forgetting a b.u.t.ton to sew on your s.h.i.+rt You deem a good ground for divorce-- Silly elf!-- You deem a good ground for divorce!


Well, marriage a lottery is, and a blank Some men surely draw all their lives.


Such fellows as you, sir, themselves have to thank; Good husbands make always good wives-- Silly elf!-- GOOD HUSBANDS MAKE ALWAYS GOOD WIVES!

Temperance Song.

(Written for the lady by whom it was sung.)

Air--"Some love to roam."

Some love to stroll where the wa.s.sail-bowl And the wine-cups circle free; None of that band shall win my hand: No! a sober spouse for me.

Like cheerful streams when morning beams, With him my life would flow; Not down the crags, the drunkard drags His wife to want and wo!

Oh! no, no, no!--oh! no, no, no!

At midnight dark, the drunkard mark-- Oh, what a sight, good lack!

As home draws near, to him appear Grim fiends who cross his track!

His children's name he dooms to shame-- His wife to want and wo; She is betrayed, for wine is made Her rival and her foe.

Oh! no, no, no!--oh! no, no, no!


Pull away merrily--over the waters!

Bend to your oars for the wood-tangled sh.o.r.e; We're off and afloat with earth's loveliest daughters, Worth all the argosies wave ever bore.

Pull away gallantly--pull away valiantly-- Pull with a swoop, boys; and pull for the sh.o.r.e: Merrily, merrily, bend to the oar!

Pull away cheerily!--land is before us-- Green groves are flinging their balm to the spray; The sky, like the spirit of love, bending o'er us, Lights her bright torches to show us the way.

Pull away charily--pull away warily-- Pull with a nerve, boys; together give way: Merrily, merrily, pull to the lay!

Pull away heartily--light winds are blowing, Crisping the ripples that dance at our side; The moon bathes in silver the path we are going, And night is arrayed in her robes like a bride.

Pull away readily--pull away steadily-- Pull with a will, boys, and sing as we glide Merrily, merrily, over the tide!


I clasp your hand in mine, Willie, And fancy I've the art To see, while gazing in your face, What's pa.s.sing in your heart: 'Tis joy an honest man to hold, That gem of modest worth, More prized than all the sordid gold Of all the mines of earth, Willie, Of all the mines of earth.

I've marked your love or right, Willie, Your proud disdain of wrong; I know you'd rather aid the weak Than battle for the strong.

The golden rule--religion's stay-- With constancy pursue, Which renders others all that they On earth can render you, Willie, On earth can render you.

A conscience void of guile, Willie, A disposition kind, A nature, gentle and sincere, Accomplished and refined: A mind that was not formed to bow, An aspiration high, Are written on your manly brow, And in your cheerful eye, Willie, And in your cheerful eye.

I never look at you, Willie, But with an anxious prayer That you will ever be to me What now I know you are.

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Poems by George Pope Morris Part 23 summary

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