Poems by George Pope Morris Part 44

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KARL (aside.) That word again!--

SOPHIA (running between them, and throwing herself at the feet of LANISKA.) Save me! save me! You CAN save me! You are a powerful lord, and can speak to the king! Save me from this detested marriage.

KARL (aside to SOPHIA.) Are you mad?

COUNT (raising SOPHIA, who clings to him, and shrinks from KARL.) I will do so, or perish in the attempt!

KARL (aside.) Ah! say you so? Then the king shall know HIS enemy and MINE! [Exit.

WEDGEWOOD (noticing KARL go off.) Whew! There's mischief brewing! If that black-muzzled rascal is not hatching trouble for us all, I'll never trust my seven senses again! I wonder they permit such a bear to go at large in a garden like this--he'll root up the flowers as well as weeds.--Dangerously odd!

(Trumpet sounds without, and a buzz and hum as if of a distant crowd; the noise comes near the Factory.)


What's afoot now, I wonder?


Some new freak, no doubt, of this eccentric monarch. (Noises.)

WEDGEWOOD (looking out.) The town is all astir (noise louder)--humming and buzzing like a hive of bees! (Noise, and distant shouts.) And yonder comes a fussy little burgomaster with a proclamation, and a crowd of noisy citizens at his heels--odd! [Noise and shouts increase.

(Sophia and the other GIRLS and the WORKMEN leave their occupations, as if anxious to learn the cause of the uproar. When the buzzing, huzzaing, and noise reach the Factory, loud sound of the trumpet.)

BURGOMASTER (without.) Make way there, good people--make way there for the royal herald! (The BURGOMASTER bustles in with the HERALD--the crowd following and surrounding him--noises.) Stand back (using his wand)--stand back, you idle, ragged tatterdemalions, and pay all due reverence to the const.i.tuted authorities! (laughter)--for know all men by these presents (very pompously,) that I represent the king! (laughter.)


What a figure for the part! (laughter.)

BURGOMASTER (smartly striking with his wand one who laughs louder than the rest.) Take that, and let it teach you better manners in future, you scarecrow!--Now draw near, good people, and be dumb! Lend me all your ears!--


You have ears enough already for any two-legged animal--


While I, by virtue of my office as a magistrate, publish this important doc.u.ment!

(SOPHIA comes forward.)

CITIZEN (eagerly.) Now for it!

BURGOMASTER (hitting him smartly over the head.) You will, will you?--His.h.!.+ This paper is big with information to the whole realm; but more especially to the daughters of Saxony. (SOPHIA and the GIRLS of the Factory, by looks and actions, evince great interest in the reading of the paper.)


His.h.!.+ (To HERALD.) Now proceed in regular order, and according to ancient form and usage, to read the royal proclamation!--His.h.!.+ (Hands paper to HERALD.)

HERALD (reads.) "By the grace of G.o.d, we, Frederick the Second, King of Prussia, hereby make known that he will give freedom--"

SOPHIA (eagerly aside.) Freedom? (Listens with anxiety.)


"And a reward of five hundred crowns to the ARTIST who shall produce the most beautifully designed and highly-finished enameled porcelain vase of Berlin china; and permit her to marry whomsoever she shall think proper."

SOPHIA (aside and joyfully.) Her I aright? (The GIRLS of the Factory show great joy at this.)


"The ARTIST's name shall be inscribed upon the vase, which shall be called 'The Prussian Vase.'"

SOPHIA (aside.) Oh, happy, happy news!


"Signed at the Sans Souci-- "By the King."


HA-z-z-a-a-h-a-a-a-a! (Amid the shouts and general joy of the GIRLS, the BURGOMASTER bustles out, using his wand frequently, and speaking all the while; the HERALD following, and the CITIZENS buzzing and huzzaing as before.) Silence you nondescript villains!--Silence, I say! You stun me with your uproar! (Loud shout.--Pa.s.sionately.) Oh, shut your ugly mugs! (Strikes them.)


Mugs! I like that. He's in the crockery-trade, like myself.

SOPHIA (with joy.) This proclamation has animated me with new life and energy. I feel like one inspired!


What mean you?


To become a compet.i.tor for the prize.


You will have many opponents.


I heed them not.


All will be zeal throughout the manufactory.


So much the greater need for my perseverance.


Some will be excited with the hope of gaining their liberty.


Oh, blessed hope!


Some stimulated by the crowns.--Not at all odd.--It would be odd if they were not!


But none have so strong a motive for exertion as I have.

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Poems by George Pope Morris Part 44 summary

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