Humphrey Duke of Gloucester Part 7

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See cap. 59.

[158] Redmayne, 49, gives a variation of the story, placing the incident at Calais, and Warwick as the actor; but as Sigismund arrived there by land, this is manifestly impossible. Hall also gives it in yet another version.

[159] Windeck, cap. 59; Des Ursins, 529, 530.

[160] _Lond. Chron._, 103; Capgrave, _De Ill.u.s.tribus Henricis_, 118; _Gesta_, 75, 76; Elmham, _Liber Metricus_, 133; Livius, 23; Cotton MS., Cleopatra, c. iv. f. 28vo, gives May 4 as the day of arrival at Dover.

[161] _Gesta_, 76.

[162] _Rot. Parl._, iv. 95, 96.

[163] Capgrave, _De Ill.u.s.tribus Henricis_, 118; Elmham, _Liber Metricus_, 134.

[164] Rymer, iv. ii. 135; Elmham, _Vita_, 87; Capgrave, _De Ill.u.s.tribus Henricis_, 118.

[165] Caro, _Bundniss von Canterbury_, 57; Aschbach, ii. 164.

[166] A detailed account of the banquet in celebration of Sigismund's enrolment in the Order of the Garter is given in _Lond. Chron._, 159.

[167] Elmham, _Liber Metricus_, 134.

[168] _Cal. of Norman Rolls_, Rep. 41, App. i. 688; _Cal. of French Rolls_, Rep. 44, App. 583.

[169] The King at first intended to lead this expedition. _Memorials of London_, 628; Elmham, _Vita_, 78, 79; Capgrave, _De Ill.u.s.tribus Henricis_, 120; Livius, 25; Harleian MS., 2256, f. 180; Rymer, iv. ii. 168. Des Ursins, 532, says that Gloucester accompanied Bedford.

[170] Windeck, cap. 60.

[171] Sigismund and his followers distributed copies of the following verses among the citizens of Calais, as a tribute to their royal reception in England:

'Vale et gaude gloriosa c.u.m triumpho! O tu felix Anglia et benedicta! Quia quasi angelica natura gloriosa, Laude Jhesum adorans, es jure dicta. Hanc tibi do laudem quam recte jure mereris.'

_Gesta_, 93; Capgrave, _De Ill.u.s.tribus Henricis_, 120; Elmham, _Liber Metricus_, 141.

[172] Elmham, _Vita_, 77; Des Ursins, 532. Cf. Rymer, iv. ii. 17.

[173] Rymer, IV. ii. 178; Elmham, _Liber Metricus_, 142.

[174] Rymer, IV. ii. 176; _Cal. of French Rolls_, Rep. 44, App. 584.

[175] _Gesta_, 100, 101; Gregory, 114; Capgrave, _De Ill.u.s.trious Henricis_, 120; Waurin, ii. 236; St. Remy, 410; Monstrelet, 393.

[176] Waurin, ii. 236, 237; St. Remy, 410.

[177] Monstrelet, 394, followed by Holinshed, iii. 87.

[178] Monstrelet, 394; Elmham, _Liber Metricus_, 146.

[179] Windeck, cap. 66; Capgrave, _Chron._, 315; Otterbourne, 278; Walsingham, _Hist. Angl._, ii. 317.

[180] _Rot. Parl._, iv. 94.

[181] The Sheriff was to have the indentures ready by February 14, 1417; Rymer, IV. ii. 192.

[182] _Ordinances_, ii. 230, 231.

[183] _Ibid._, iii. 9; _Rot. Parl._, iv. 320.

[184] Muster Rolls of the Army, preserved in the Chapter-House at Westminster, printed in _Gesta_, 265. Livius, 31, gives 100 lances and 300 archers. Stowe, 353, follows Livius. 100 spears and 300 archers in Holkham MS., p. 15. Holinshed, iii.

89, gives 470 lances and 1410 archers.

[185] _Gesta_, 111; Elmham, _Vita_, 96. Harleian MS., 2256, f. 181, gives Portsmouth as the place of starting.

[186] Livius, 33; _Gesta_, 111; Monstrelet, 406.

[187] Livius, 31, 32, gives a list of the retinues which amounts to 9066 men, though he ends by saying 16,000. _Gesta_, 190, gives 16,400. See Ramsay, i. chap, xvii., Appendix, pp.


[188] Elmham, _Vita_, 97.

[189] Basin, i. 26. See also Waurin, ii. 242; St. Remy, 429; Livius, 34.

[190] _Rot. Norm._, 316, 317.

[191] Delpit, _Doc. Fr._, p. 219, No. CCCx.x.xVII.; Livius, 34; _Gesta_, 111, 112; Stow, 353, followed by Holkham MS., p. 15.

[192] Elmham, _Vita_, 101.

[193] Walsingham, _Hist. Angl._, ii. 321, 322; Elmham, _Vita_, 99, 100.

[194] St. Denys says it was besieged unsuccessfully, but there could have been no time for this. Cf. Elmham, _Vita_, 98.

[195] Livius, 35; _Gesta_, 113; Walsingham, _Hist. Angl._, ii. 322.

[196] Walsingham, _Hist. Angl._, ii. 322-324; Livius, 35.

[197] Livius, 36.

[198] _Gesta_, 113; Walsingham, _Hist. Angl._, ii. 323.

[199] Walsingham, _Hist. Angl._, ii. 322.

[200] _Chronique de Normandie_, 228.

[201] Elmham, _Vita_, 104; Livius, 36.

[202] Cotton MS., Claudius. A. VIII. f. 6.

[203] Elmham, _Vita_, 105.

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