Batting to Win Part 37

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"When the other fellows come--I mean the freshmen, let 'em right up,"

instructed Holly. "We'll be ready for 'em. Are the rear stairs clear?"

"Yes, you can slip out that way, and I put double locks on the door you'll go out of."

"And a spring lock on the one they'll enter by?" asked Tom.

"Yes, just as you told me. Now don't do too much damage," and the man, the proprietor of the place, seemed somewhat apprehensive.

"Oh, we'll pay for everything," agreed Holly. "Well, we're ready any time Bascome and his crowd are."

"I'm glad the sophs didn't think of a game like this to play on us when we tried to break up their dinner last year," observed Sid, as the four entered the room.

The place presented a curious sight. There was a table set as if for a banquet, with plates, knives and forks,, and with the usual candles burning in silver candelabras. At the head of the banquet board was a stuffed figure, representing a Randall college student, with the college colors in gay ribbons pinned on one side of his caricature of a face, while the soph.o.m.ore hues adorned the other side.

"Got the camera and flash powder?" asked Holly.

"Right here," answered Sid, who, because of his knowledge in that line, had been selected for this post of honor.

"They'll be here pretty soon now," prophesied Tom. "Bascome has his crowd in waiting somewhere, and he just lingered around college until he saw us start. Then they'll delay until they think we're all here, and they'll rush in, and make a rough house."

"That is, they _think_ they will," corrected Phil, with a grin. "I rather think they'll be surprised some."

The four moved about the room, completing their arrangements, while Sid busied himself with a large camera, which was focused on the door leading into the banquet hall, and got ready a flashlight powder.

"I think I hear them coming," spoke Tom in a whisper, about half an hour later. "Get ready, Sid."

"I'm all ready."

They listened. Out in the corridor there were shuffling noises, as if several persons were trying to walk quietly. There was a brus.h.i.+ng against the door, and a cautious whisper.

Suddenly the k.n.o.b of the portal was tried, and a voice in the hall cried:

"Give up, sophs! We've got you!"

Several bodies flung themselves against the door, and to the surprise of the freshmen, who were headed by Bascome and Delfield, they found that the portal was not locked. It opened easily--so easily, in fact, that several of the lads fell to the floor, and the others rushed over them. There was a scene of confusion, and this probably prevented the attacking freshmen from seeing that only four soph.o.m.ores were present.

The first year lads caught sight of the table, with its glistening array of silver and gla.s.s, and they took it for granted that they were in the banquet place of their enemies.

"Come on, fellows! We've got 'em!" yelled Bascome, scrambling to his feet. "Upset things, and then capture Holly Cross. There he is!"

With a yell his cronies sprang to obey the sporty freshman. They fairly tumbled over each other until they filled the room. Then, with a bang, the door by which they had entered slammed shut behind them, fastening with a strong spring lock on the outside.

"All ready with the camera, Sid!" cried Holly.

"All ready," answered Sid.

Then, for the first time the freshmen seemed to realize that only a small number of soph.o.m.ores were present--four, who were ensconced behind a table, and near an open door.

"Welcome to our banquet, fres.h.i.+es!" cried Tom.

Holly Cross caught up the effigy of a soph.o.m.ore and tossed it at Bascome. The freshman leader, taken by surprise, clasped the figure in his arms, and Phil yelled:

"Let 'em have it, Sid!"

There was a blinding flash, and a dull boom, as the flashlight powder exploded, and it was followed by a gasp of fear from the freshmen. Then Holly switched on the electric lights, which had been turned off, and addressed the huddled group of freshmen.

"Gentlemen, I hope you enjoy your call," he said. "As for us, we have to leave you, as we are already a little late for the banquet. This is only a sample of what we will have, and as a sort of memento of this auspicious occasion, let me inform you that we have a flashlight photograph of you in your most interesting poses. Bascome, smile a little, if you please--that's it--look pleasant. That will do. You may lay aside the rag doll now."

With a strong expression the freshman president cast aside the effigy, and yelled:

"Fellows, we're stung! But we can prevent these four from going to the banquet, anyhow! Get at them!"

He leaped across the table, followed by several of his fellows.

"Too late! Sorry to leave you!" cried Tom, as he and his chums glided through the open doorway behind them, Sid taking the camera with him.

The door was hastily pulled shut, and bolted, barred and locked, just as the group of infuriated freshmen threw themselves against it.

"Trapped!" Tom heard Bascome shout from the other side of the portal.

"Try the other door!"

"That's locked, too," came the despairing cry. "We're caught!"

"That's it!" cried Phil exultantly. "Ta-ta, fres.h.i.+es! Next time you listen to a traitor, take care to lay better plans. We're off to our annual feed. When you get out come along, and we'll give you the leavings. You can have Fenton, too," and the four who had successfully turned the trick on their cla.s.s enemies, hastened off, leaped into a waiting auto, and were soon at the banquet hall, where their fellows were anxiously expecting them.



"Did it work?"

"Were they surprised?"

"Did you get their picture?"

"How was it?"

A dozen other questions, besides these, were asked of Tom and his chums, as they entered the hall where the real soph.o.m.ore banquet was about to take place. Around them eagerly thronged their cla.s.smates, all anxious to know how the trick had developed, for, it is needless to say that Ford Fenton's treachery was discovered, and plans laid to offset it, with what effect the reader has learned.

"It worked like a charm," responded Holly Cross.

"And I think I have a fine picture of them rus.h.i.+ng in, and Bascome hugging the dummy," added Sid. "Now I'll take a flash of this banquet, and we'll post 'em all over college, with a notice saying: 'Gaze on this picture--then on that!' It will be great!" and he proceeded to arrange his camera to take a different view of the banquet scene.

"Where's Fenton?" inquired Tom, looking around.

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Batting to Win Part 37 summary

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