Fire With Fire: A Demonblood Novel Part 19

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I shrug noncommittally. Truth is, I feel no pain from my injuries. My pain is all inside my soul.

Kieron looks into my eyes. He moves closer, and his lips find mine. Finally, after all this time, he's here...back in my arms. I should be ecstatic...I should be over the moon with giddiness. But I'm strangely calm. Sad, even.

"What is it?" he whispers. He pulls back, his eyes searching mine.

I look away. For a while, I don't say anything, and his fingers lace through mine beneath the tall gra.s.s.

"You were gone for so long...and I didn't know why. I thought maybe you didn't love me...that maybe you changed your mind or something. I tried to convince myself it was okay, that I was over you. I really did. But not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you. Of your smile. And how good it feels when you hold me. How much I love kissing you."

"Liora," Kieron chokes out before firmly moving his mouth to mine again, this time with a deeper, more intense pa.s.sion than ever before. Gradually I feel our bodies getting back in synch, a rhythmic sense of energy flow that completes the magical, intense circuit that is Kieron and me.

"I love you so much," he whispers in my ear. "Always know that and never forget it."

"I love you too," I breathe, a contented smile on my lips.

They say time heals all wounds. I'm not sure if that's true, but by the time the day begins its transition into night, I feel better than I've felt in a long time. A really long time.

There's nothing better in the whole world than lying here beside Kieron, feeling his hands on my arms, tasting his sweet kisses, hearing his loving words, breathing his hot breath. I feel the broken pieces inside me gradually healing and falling back in place.

I don't want to tell him about Tristan. I know I should. But I just can't. Not yet, anyway. Not when I just got him back and things feel so amazing between us. Besides, I'm sure he'll find out about him soon enough. Then again, Tristan was probably one of those nasty Hlbafa demons out to get me. Maybe now that it's all over he'll just go away, and I won't see him ever again. Then maybe Kieron will never have to know what a horrible wretched person I am, and how I betrayed him so soon after he disappeared. When he was busy sacrificing himself to save me.

"What is it?" Kieron asks, watching me with tender concern.

"It's twilight," I say, avoiding his question. "I'd say we should get going soon, but I guess it doesn't matter anymore." I give him a wry smile. "Remember the first time we came out here?"

Kieron chuckles under his breath. "How could I ever forget? It's not every day I have angry farmers pulling shotguns on me."

"Hey, whatever happened that night? The truth this time." I narrow my eyes, remembering his fishy 'explanation' for what had occurred after I fell asleep.

Kieron laughs louder. "Okay, well, when Lucky woke up, she was pretty p.i.s.sed. She wanted to know why I'd put you in danger like that."

"Did you tell her it was all my fault?" I ask, sitting up.

He shakes his head. "She wasn't exactly in the mood to listen. She disarmed the poor guy... nicely, I might add."


"Well, she didn't kill him. Which was pretty nice of her, considering. She was angry with me and left, but later we met up and talked it out."

"Oh." Then after a moment. "You must have thought I was so pathetic, playing it like a fool...lying, trying to cover up and acting stupid-"

"Liora, stop. I don't ever want to hear you talk like that ever again. Got it? You did what you had to do at the time, and I understand. No judgments. If anything, I'm in awe of how well you manage to handle things. I don't think I'd ever be able to-"

"Ha! You think I handle this 'well'?"

He leans closer and grazes his lips against mine. "I think you are amazing," he whispers. "Every part of you, everything you do. Right or wrong. I am under your spell now and forever."

"Tell me why..." I murmur, nuzzling his earlobe.

"Why what?"

"Why do you love me? Why am I amazing?" I don't care if my questions sound needy, or desperate, or insecure. I have to know what he sees in me...why he loves me the magical way he seems to do.

Kieron tilts my chin up slightly and looks into my eyes, his cerulean pools of liquid as bottomless as the darkest ocean. "This may sound like a corny line, but the first time I really looked at you, I knew those were the eyes I'd been waiting my entire life to see. For the first time ever, I felt like I was home. That I finally belonged somewhere and was born for a specific purpose-to know be with you...and to love you."

"But how could you really know?" I whisper over the thumping of my heart.

"Honestly, I don't know how. I just knew. It's like a light switch suddenly flicked on inside. Everything I thought I wanted was suddenly insignificant compared to you, and the thought of hurting or losing you-it makes me want to rip out my own heart. But above all, I just want you to be happy. Your happiness means more to me than my own. How crazy is that? Do you know how good it makes me feel when I see you smile? When I hear you laugh?"

My mouth twitches at the corners, and a small grin cracks through. "But what about that you know what a complicated mess I-we-are? How can you possibly feel the same way-?"

"It was shocking, I admit. But seeing both sides of you like that...well, if anything, it's made me love you more."

I gaze at him, almost disbelievingly. But so desperately hoping. My eyelids grow heavy as the familiar fiery tingles start creeping down my arms and legs.

"I've never felt this way about someone before," he continues, holding me closer."...And quite honestly, I didn't think it was even possible. Until I found you. Then I realized that anything and everything was possible. To find someone who-like me-lives between the world of Dark and Light. Someone who-like me-still embraces humanity despite the burden of our Dark powers...

"Many demions neglect their human side so much it completely shrivels and dies. They are nothing but a weakened half-demon with no trace of humanity left in them. But you hold yours so strong, so near and dear to you, you actually created an entire persona out of it, whether you meant to or not.

"...And it is only because of you-a wonderful, miraculous demion with a gift so rare and so special-that my heart awakened to a desire for love I never knew I was capable of. I just wanted to be with you, as I still do, and I always will."

I open my eyes. Kieron slowly reaches down and strokes my face with his fingertips. The sheer intensity of his crystal-blue eyes fills my soul with white-hot fire. If he looked any s.e.xier I would literally melt into the earth.

"Where are we?" I whisper, still lost in my trance-like state. I know I just woke up, but for some reason I remember Kieron's words...or was I dreaming?

"We are safe. We are together. Everything will be fine. I promise."

"I missed you," I whisper, forgetting everything else.

Kieron leans down and grazes my lips with a soft kiss.

"I missed you, Lucky," he whispers. "I missed you so very, very much."

Chapter 20. Lucky.

I stand up and take a few wobbly steps, inhaling the crisp, clean air. "Where are we?" I ask Kieron again over my shoulder. The last place I remember being was inside the dark, dingy dungeon...Or is it? Fractured memories swish and swirl through my head like a kaleidoscope.

"It's just a place I like coming to sometimes when I need to get away...have some peace and quiet," he replies softly.

I need a moment to gather myself together. I make my way over to a meandering stream by the rocks on the edge of a cliff and gaze at the darkening valley below. A water tower in the distance helps orientate me to our location; my cabin is a few miles southwest of it. I have to admit this place is a way it reminds me of my favorite spot in Dryndara. But as gorgeous as it is, this human world around me feels as foreign as Thiberoux feels like home.

I dangle my legs over the cliff, staring up at the rising crescent moon. Softly, I begin to weep. Although my last conscious memory is of lying on the straw-covered floor with Bones, somehow I'm aware of other things...a certain knowingness of events. I remember the Legionare showing up and vanquis.h.i.+ng every demon in sight. I remember holding Bones' hand one moment and feeling nothing but air the next. I remember Kieron taking me away on a giant red-winged horse after the Legionare leader banished us from Thiberoux. I remember hearing Kieron's words of anguished love as he spilled his guts to Liora.

I remember everything.

Oh, how I wish I didn't.

It hurts...but strangely, not as much as it should. I should be destroyed with grief. Bones is gone. How am I still breathing? But the pain is numbed. For some reason, the bomb hasn't blown up inside my chest yet.

There's a soft rustling, and Kieron sits down beside me. "Are you okay?" he asks gently.

I breathe a long sigh. "I will be." The preposterous words come out before I really think them through. How can I be okay ever again?

"Do you hate me?" He stares out over the valley, his voice barely a whisper.

Another sigh. "No."

"Do you blame me?"

I pause. "No. I blame myself."

"Don't do that." He reaches across my lap and holds my hand in his. I clench it tight and pull it to my cheek.

"I can't help it." My whisper trembles.

He wipes away the tear trickling down my face. I'm so very exhausted. I want to sleep for days. Months. Years.

I take a deep breath and let myself fall under Kieron's loving gaze. There's a therapeutic quality deep in there that makes me wonder if maybe all hope isn't lost. And maybe I'm not entirely d.a.m.ned. But I don't trust my own thoughts right now. Nothing is as it should be, and none of this makes sense. Maybe I just imagined all the horrors of the past day. Maybe I've just finally lost my mind once and for all.

"So...I guess we're 86'd from Thiberoux, huh? And that includes Demon Bar?" I say, testing my memories. Please, oh please let me be wrong.

"Yeah." Kieron glances at me with surprise. "But how did you know that?"

I shrug, trying to ignore the wretched stab of pain in my chest. "I dunno. But I think I remember. Everything. At least, for the past few hours." I turn my head away as fresh tears spill forth.

Kieron rubs my back in slow, comforting circles. "I'm so sorry, Lucky. So very sorry."

I nod silently and sniff back my tears. All I hear is Bones' voice. All I see is his face. His smile...

"You'll feel better once you get some Source Energy in you," Kieron says, soothingly. "I know a guy that sells some on the black market, but he's pretty far away and-"

"Tatiana can make us some." My voice is hollow and flat. "It's not quite as good, but it does the trick. We'll be fine for a least until we figure out our next move." I shake my head, chasing away the dark thoughts. "But I can't think about that now. I just need to replenish and change out of these filthy, b.l.o.o.d.y clothes."

Kieron nods, understanding. "Can you make it on foot? My Legionare horse took off the moment we dismounted. I don't think he liked it here..." He stands up and lightly brushes off his pants before reaching out to help me up. His intense gaze locks on me as I rise, and he pulls me closer.

"I'm fine. I have enough strength to get home. Follow me and I'll show you the way-"

Kieron raises an eyebrow and gives my waist a gentle squeeze. "I know where you live."

Of course he does. "Well, then...just try and keep up."

Just the simple act of willing my legs to move sends me flying across the field and down the mountainside. After a moment I pa.s.s a place that looks's the place where I woke up with the angry Sapie holding a gun on me. Kieron had been there with Liora.

Funny how I don't really feel jealous about the two of them anymore. Maybe it's because I'm so emotionally drained inside, I don't have any feelings to spare. Or maybe they've all been shattered. Maybe I'm getting my abilities for apathy back. One can hope.

The scenery is nothing but a dark blur. I operate on instinct and heightened senses, dodging tree branches as they come at me and leaping over any obstacle in my path. I know Kieron is right behind me-I feel him more than see him. Since I'm in Sapie world, it's hard to avoid coming across some of them. As I fly across the highway, there's a sharp squeal of tires from a surprised driver. No worries. They'll just chalk it up as a deer or runaway horse or something. No way a person can move that fast. Plus, it's dark. Visuals are bad.

I don't slow down until we reach the cabin. All the lights are on inside. This strikes me as odd since Tatiana doesn't use light to 'see'. She usually leaves it dark at night, save for some candles if she's working on a spell or something.

My wariness must be apparent. Kieron steps closer and gives me a concerned glance. "What is it, Lucky? Everything okay?"

I shake my head, but proceed with caution, raising my finger to my lips to indicate to Kieron to be quiet. He senses my trepidation and moves closer as I slowly ease open the door. At the last moment, he steps in front of me and pushes the door open himself, leading the way in. I don't even have time to be annoyed at his machismo as I my eyes focus on Tatiana sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, waiting for me.

And behind her stand four of the ugliest, foulest creatures I've ever seen in my life.

I push Kieron out of the way and rush towards Tatiana. "What's going on here?! Tat, you all right?" This is obviously not a friendly visit, and if they've hurt her in any way...

"I am fine, child."

Kieron's firm grip on my arm prevents me from moving more than a few feet. "Who are you? Why are you here?" I yell at the ugly strangers. They look like humans, but they're all mangled and scarred. All of them have bright, s.h.i.+ny blonde hair-my least favorite color-and their eyes are unnaturally flat and a doll or a mannequin. Although they look human, my instincts tell me otherwise.

The tallest one steps forward, and I'm beyond repulsed by the grotesque scars on his cheek and neck that seem to swim over his taut skin. A smirk spreads over his lips, and he looks at me like I'm something to be eaten for dessert. "My, my, my. How quickly they forget. Come here, my pretty Liora...don't be so shy-"

"I am not Liora, dips.h.i.+t. And how dare you talk to me like I'm your little puppet? What the h.e.l.l are you doing in my house?!"

"Ah, but you are my puppet, my darling Liora. All those sweet kisses you gave let me in. You enjoyed it as much as I did."

A female next to him with long, curly hair makes a disgusted noise as she twists her mouth in an unhappy snarl. I hear myself laugh. "I don't think even Liora is desperate enough to be with someone as loathsome as you. Now get the h.e.l.l out of my house or I'll be sweeping up your remains with my Dustbuster." I quickly form two large b.a.l.l.s of electric fire in both my palms and swish them around to let him know I mean business.

He takes a small step forward, and I s.h.i.+ft my eyes back and forth between him and Tatiana. Why is she just sitting there, motionless? Why is she acting like some helpless old woman when she's anything but? The fact that she doesn't seem too worried isn't lost on me, however. But every inch of me is revolted by these strangers, and my inexplicable hatred of them is eating me away inside.


"I'm Lucky you half-witted imbecile. And stop talking to me as if we're friends. Believe me when I say, you and I have never been introduced."

"See, Tristan? See? Now she's being the demon! I told you you didn't kill that part of her away!" the girl screeches, her voice like fingernails on a chalkboard. Kieron s.h.i.+fts his body closer and my eyes become narrow slits.

"What makes you think that would even be possible? What makes you think you pathetic little demons would have any influence or control over me whatsoever? Don't you know I can crush you with the slightest wave of my hands-?"

"Uh, Lucky..." Kieron cuts in, jabbing me in the ribs with his elbow. I glance at him, and follow his line of sight to the small glowing stone on the table behind Tatiana.

I draw in my breath sharply as the realization hits, and take a horrified step backwards. My Boumeaux, normally a glossy pitch-black, is s.h.i.+ning bright white and emitting a faint humming noise. No. This is not possible. I am not standing here with four Light-angels in my cabin. Not now. Not after everything that just happened.

"Remain calm, Lucky. Focus. Everything will be fine. You are stronger than they are. Especially now."

I shake my head and s.h.i.+ft my attention from the ugly blond boy over to Tatiana. Did she just say those words out loud? I don't think so, but I heard them as clear as when Aria spoke to me in my mind. But since when has Tat been a telepath?

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Fire With Fire: A Demonblood Novel Part 19 summary

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