The Godling Chronicles: The Sword Of Truth Part 24

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Gewey was grateful that the conversation didn't stray from the lesson to more uncomfortable subjects. Kaylia pushed him hard, showing him ways to keep an opponent blind and off-balance. He found it was very much like the way he had learned to hide in shadows.

When Kaylia attacked, she was never directly in front of an opponent, nor did she press an advantage.

"The sword is a direct a.s.sault," she shouted between strikes. "Powerful, but slow and deliberate. The knife, on the other hand," she paused, deftly tossing her weapon from hand-to-hand, "is an ambus.h.!.+" Suddenly she was on him, striking quickly and mercilessly from nearly every conceivable angle. For an hour he tried to imitate her movements. He watched her body twist in seemingly impossible positions that he simply could not match.

"You must learn to be more flexible," she said. "You must see as your opponent sees, move where he cannot reach, then strike where he cannot defend. It is no different than our other exercises, only you are hiding in plain sight."

"I think I understand," he said. "I'll do better next time."

"You did well this time," she replied.

Gewey raised an eyebrow. "A compliment?"

"The nature of our relations.h.i.+p requires that I be completely honest with you," she explained. "As a teacher, I do not give praise easily, even when warranted. But as a suitor, you will receive my honesty in all things. I suggest you do not abuse that privilege."

Gewey almost winced at the word 'suitor.' "Thank you," he managed. "I won't."

When they returned to camp, Lee was sitting next to the fire talking with the others. A box wrapped in cloth was at his feet, the same one Gewey remembered Millet handing to him the night they left Sharpstone.

"What's in the box?" Gewey asked as they approached.

"I was hoping Kaylia might help me with that," answered Lee.

Kaylia and Gewey sat by the fire, and Lee unwrapped the box. It was made from dark, polished wood and had strange lettering carved on the lid.

"Do you recognize the language?" Lee asked Kaylia.

"Yes," she said. "It's the ancient language of my ancestors."

"Can you read it?" he asked.

"I can try," she said. "But I'm sorry to say I know very little. Only a few elven scholars know it well enough to read it fluently."

Lee handed her the box, and she looked at it intently for several minutes.

"The first line isn't difficult," she said. "It simply reads, 'Unto the creator I sing.' That's a common phrase, used in many of our ceremonies. The second line is a bit more difficult. I think it says, 'The time will come to receive your gifts,' but I may be wrong. The third line-and again, I'm not sure-seems to say, 'This book I keep until the end of time.'"

"That's it?" Lee asked, sounding disappointed. "Nothing more?"

"Like I said, I may be wrong," Kaylia said. "But I believe I'm close."

"What is it, exactly?" asked Gewey.

"I don't know," Lee admitted. "I've never been able to open it."

"What do you mean?" Gewey asked. "Just take a b.l.o.o.d.y axe and break it."

Lee laughed. "I actually tried that once, in a moment of frustration. But as you can see, it didn't make a scratch. I tried for years to find out what it is, but I haven't found anything written describing such an object."

"I know what it is," Maybell interjected.

"You do?" Kaylia and Lee asked simultaneously.

"Indeed I do," said Maybell with a nod. "And you were close on the translation, elf."

"I had no idea you could read ancient elfish," Kaylia said, amused.

"I can't," she answered. "But I know that phrase well. And if I'm right, I know what's in that box."

"Well, tell us then." Lee said impatiently.

Maybell gave Lee a withering look, then continued. "It should say, 'Unto the creator I sing, His gift to me I humbly receive, The end of days I fear not, for his book shall guide me.'"

"What does it mean?" asked Lee.

"It refers to a prophecy I first heard about when I studied as a novice in the Great Library of Halmanteris," she explained.

"Do you know the whole thing?" Lee asked.

"No," she answered. "But I know someone who might. She's a Sister living in the Temple of Ayliazarah in Gristol. I've known her for many years. She is without a doubt the most learned Sister in the Order. It's on our way to Althetas. Perhaps we should stop on the way."

"We might," said Lee. "Can you tell me anything about what's in the box?"

"I can only guess," she said. "I think it might contain the Book of Souls. It is said that it was written at the time of creation, and contains all the secrets of the G.o.ds"

Kaylia eyes went wide. "It couldn't be."

"Why not?" Lee asked. "What do you know about it?"

"The Book of Souls was kept by the elves until the time of the Great War," she explained. "It was thought to have been lost forever. If that is the book, then it rightfully belongs to the elves."

"If that is the book, then it rightly belongs to everyone," Maybell corrected her. "But you're right; it was said the elves guarded it for centuries. But let's not jump to conclusions. We don't even know if it's actually the book that's in there."

"Good point," Millet agreed. "And being that we don't know how to open it, this discussion is pointless."

"Where did you get it?" asked Maybell.

"It was among Lord Dauvis's possessions," Lee replied. "I've always thought it was something important, but I could never figure what. Where he acquired it, I don't know."

"Lord Dauvis?" Maybell asked. "Of Hazrah? Then you must be Lee Nal'Thain. I've heard of you. You inherited his property and t.i.tle when he died."

Lee nodded. "I keep that name secret. I imagine news of my inheritance is well known throughout the temples, but I would ask that you keep this to yourself."

"The death of Lord Dauvis was spoken of at the time," Maybell acknowledged. "As was his successor. A lord of such wealth and influence is of interest to us. But now I have a more important question: Why do a Lord of Hazrah and an elf take so much care to keep the true ident.i.ty of a farm boy such a secret? Not to mention the training. Dina here doesn't seem to know much, but perhaps you could tell me."

"These are things you're better off not knowing," said Lee.

"You think I might betray you?" she responded, sounding offended. "I know enough to do that now, if I so choose. Face the facts: I will either work it out on my own eventually, or I'll learn the truth when we get to Valshara."

"She's right," Gewey said. "Besides, I don't want people risking their lives without knowing why."

"Boy," Lee snapped. "You need to listen to me and keep your mouth shut."

Gewey looked at Kaylia. "What do you think?"

Kaylia took a deep breath. "I would keep this secret as long as I could," she said. "But you're right; people should know why they risk their lives. And I think sister Maybell would figure it out on her own eventually." Then Kaylia looked at Dina. "But, there are two people here that know nothing. Would they both keep your secret?"

"If you would share it," Dina affirmed. "I will keep it, even from my own order. Though I suspect what you have to say is the very reason I'm taking you to them in the first place."

"If you need an oath from me," Maybell said, "the best one I can give is my word. I will not betray you, and I will keep your secret with me until death."

Gewey looked around the fire. All eyes were on him. "Lee, if I reveal myself then I reveal you."

"That doesn't matter much," said Lee. "I'm not the important one. Besides, the world has seen many of my kind, so it would be no great shock to see another." He stared into the fire. "Do as you will."

Gewey took a breath, then told them the story from beginning to end. When he was finished, Maybell and Dina were staring at him in amazement.

"Is this true?" Maybell whispered. "You are a G.o.d walking the earth?"

"I am," said Gewey. "But trust me, I don't feel like one. Until Lee proved it to me, I had no idea. It still doesn't seem real sometimes."

"Do you remember being in heaven?" asked Dina.

"I don't know that I was ever in heaven," he replied. "For all I know, I was born in this world. I have no memory beyond my childhood."

The camp was quiet for a long while. Dina and Maybell just sat there staring at Gewey.

"Well now," said Maybell, breaking the silence. "This is exciting. I would say this calls for some of that wine we have in the wagon."

She went over, retrieved one of the bottles, and pa.s.sed it around.

"Do you know who your real mother and father are?" Dina asked, swallowing a mouthful of wine.

"No," said Gewey. "Like I said, I didn't even know I was a G.o.d until just recently. Whoever they are, they left me no clues."

"I think it's important that we find out what's in that box," Maybell said to Lee. "If it is the Book of Souls, then it could hold the key to why the boy is here."

"I agree," said Kaylia. "But the book is said to be written in ancient elfish. Even if we open it, we have no way to read it."

Lee looked thoughtfully at the box. "I do think we should open it and see what it contains, but it's more important to get Gewey to a safe place where he can train. We can stop and see this woman in Gristol, but we can't stay long. If she can't help, the book will have to wait."

"I disagree," Kaylia contended. "If that is the Book of Souls, then it's the key to more than Gewey's power; it's the key to victory. If we can open it and understand it, it will give us the knowledge we need to defeat the Dark Knight. Gewey may not even need to be put in danger at all."

"What are you saying?" Lee asked.

"I'm saying that Gewey may not have to fight," she answered. "The book may show us another way."

"This is all well and good," said Lee. "But like you said, who can read it?"

"The elves can," Gewey said suddenly, his eyes turning to Kaylia. "You're thinking about bringing it to the elves."

Kaylia smiled sweetly at Gewey and nodded. "That's right."

"You can't," Gewey protested. "You said they'll kill you."

"I'll face their judgment eventually," she replied. "If it means victory without bloodshed, I'll gladly take the risk."

"I'm sorry," Lee cut in. "But I'm not sending it to the elves. At least not yet. First we'll try Gristol, and see if it can be opened. It may not be the Book of Souls at all. For all we know, it could be a recipe for lamb stew. No, it stays with me for now."

Gewey smiled with satisfaction, but Kaylia did not look pleased.

"Kaylia," said Dina. "I would like hear more about the elves before I sleep."

"Of course," she replied, and led her away, out of earshot. When the wine was gone, they began settling into their blankets. Gewey lay watching Kaylia as she shared her elven heritage with Dina. Just as he felt himself begin to drift off, they returned to the fire and lay down. He could feel the eyes of both women on him, so he rolled over on his side and faced away from them.

"You haven't been taking your jawas tea," Kaylia said quietly.

Gewey had not heard her approach and nearly rolled off his blanket in surprise. He took the flask from her hands and took a large drink. He felt the familiar sensation of relaxation flow through his limbs.

"Can I ask a favor of you?"

"Of course," answered Gewey.

"Would you allow me to touch your mind? The jawas should make it easy, if you allow it."

"Why?" Gewey asked, concerned.

"I want to see you who you really are," she said. "And you will see me. If you refuse, I will understand."

"I...I'm not sure. How would you do it?"

"It's not difficult," Kaylia a.s.sured him. "When you are falling asleep, you will feel my mind touch yours. When you do, just let me in."

"What will happen?" he asked, nervous and unsure.

"That depends," she replied gently. "Perhaps nothing. Perhaps everything. There's really no way to know."

Gewey thought for a moment. "I guess it would be alright."

Kaylia nodded and returned to her blanket. Gewey allowed the jawas to take over, and he began to drift off.

It was then he felt Kaylia's presence, like a gentle knock on the door to his mind. Instead of trying to keep it shut, as Lee had taught him, he allowed it to open. He felt a warm breeze enter and wrap itself around him. It was as if kindness itself had become tangible.

"I'm here." It was Kaylia, but her voice sounded distant. "Can you see me?"

"Where are you?" asked Gewey. All he could see was a deep blue mist swirling everywhere. "I can't see you."

"Don't look with your eyes," she advised. Her voice was like a thousand tiny bells. "Imagine what you want to see and make it so."

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The Godling Chronicles: The Sword Of Truth Part 24 summary

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