The Godling Chronicles: The Sword Of Truth Part 26

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"Here?" Gewey asked, startled. "Where?"

Kaylia nodded subtly toward the door. Gewey scanned the room, and saw a tall, hooded figure standing alone in the corner.

"We need to tell Lee," Gewey urged her.

"Not yet," she said. "I doubt he's here to fight. He wouldn't risk it among so many humans." With that, Kaylia got up and started to the back.

"Where are you going?" Gewey asked anxiously.

"To talk," she replied.

"Then I'm coming with you," he said, and moved to her side before she could protest.

Kaylia paused a moment, then proceeded to her room. It was only a few minutes before there was a soft knock at the door. Kaylia opened it, and the tall hooded figure quickly stepped in. He looked at Gewey for a long moment, then turned and locked the door.

"You wish this human to be present?" the elf asked.

"He wishes it," Kaylia replied gravely. "And I do not object."

"Very well," he said, pus.h.i.+ng back his hood. His skin was much darker than Kaylia's, but his sharp features and elven ears clearly stated his kins.h.i.+p to her. Gewey thought it must be wonderful to live among such people.

"I'm Linis, of the western tribes," he announced. "I've come to warn you and give aid."

Kaylia was taken aback. "Warn me? How would you even know me? It's been many years since the western tribe has had dealings this far from their home."

"You've been away from your people for a long time, Kaylia," he replied. Kaylia was shocked to hear him use her name. "Much has changed."

"Speak your intent," Kaylia demanded. "Or leave."

Linis sat down on the edge of the bed. "You are known to many of our kin. Word of your pending judgment has traveled fast and far."

"What of it?" Kaylia asked defiantly. "How is it your concern?"

"You will not live to be judged," he answered. "The elders have sent word that you are to be killed, and even now you are being hunted."

"I gather from your words that you are not among the hunters," she observed.

"No," Linis replied. "I am not here to kill you, and I do not wish you judged at all."

"But I have broken the law," she countered. "And do not wish to avoid judgment."

"Old laws for an old world," Linis scoffed. "The elders are holding on to a life that no longer exists. The time for the old hatred is over. If we are to survive, we must learn to live with the humans. We cannot hide from the rest of the world forever. Eventually it will find us."

"You speak of a second split!" Kaylia cried, outraged. "I will not be a part of it."

"The choice is no longer yours," he said. "The elders break with tradition by ordering your death without trial. They fear the words you may speak, and seek to silence you before you become a threat to their power. You are already a part of this, like it or not."

"How did this happen?" she asked solemnly. Her face was pained with the thought of her people turning on one another again.

"It started five years ago," Linis began. "My tribe was approached by a man claiming to be from a stronghold in the north. He told us there were armies preparing to march on the kingdoms of the west, and offered to return our lands, for us to rule, so long as we agreed to become their allies.

"We contacted the other tribes, only to find out they had been given similar offers. Many wanted to take the offer in hopes of achieving our former glory, but others knew it for what it was-a lie. My tribe sent scouts north to gather information. When they returned, they said that the land of Angraal was alive again, and was indeed gathering strength.

"Our elders remembered the old stories and rejoiced, believing that Ratsterfel had returned once again to battle the G.o.ds.

"But some of us refused to believe it. Some of us had actually gone out to see the world while the elders locked themselves away, letting their hatred of humankind stew and fester.

"We tried to reason with them, but they threatened us with death or banishment, forbidding us to speak of it. It was then we made contact with the humans."

Kaylia sat up straight. "You did what?"

Linis laughed. "Is it really so surprising?" he asked, motioning toward Gewey. "You travel with humans yourself. Have you not found that they are not the demons we've made them out to be?"

"Do the other tribes know?" Kaylia asked.

"Some," he replied. "Most choose to do nothing as the world them by. But we will not be so foolish. Darkness is consuming the land, and if we do nothing to stop it, we shall be consumed along with it."

"How do you move around?" she asked. "If you're known to a.s.sociate with humans, aren't you hunted? I imagine you would at least be called forth for judgment."

Linis held his head high and proud. "I will not face the judgment of fools," he said determinedly. "As for being hunted, most choose to leave us alone for the time being. Those that have come after us have been turned back. We are more numerous than you can imagine. We even have a few locations in human cities, where we gather and walk about the city openly."

Kaylia's mouth gaped. "How did you accomplish this?" she asked skeptically.

"It took time, but we opened relations with a few of the lords, and after a while we gained their trust. Many humans still view us as killers and, but that att.i.tude is slowly beginning to change. It's a thing never seen in a hundred lifetimes."

"I'd like to see that," Gewey said sincerely. "I think it would be wonderful for elf and human to live side by side."

Linis nodded in approval. "You choose your companions wisely, I see. But we're a long way from peaceful coexistence. For now, it's our task to break down old ideas and replace them with new. Perhaps human and elf will one day live together, but we still have much work to do."

"You said you were here to warn us," Gewey reminded him.

"Yes, my young friend. A small group of elves is waiting for you just outside the city, with the intention of killing you and any that travel with you. I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen."

"How?" asked Kaylia. "I travel with others that would make escape impossible. Unless you can grow wings and fly us away from here, they will catch us."

"Don't underestimate what a determined Seeker can do," Linis advised.

"What's a Seeker?" Gewey asked.

"In human terms, it would be woodsman or tracker," he answered. "It takes two hundred years to attain the rank of Seeker, and in the whole of the world we have no equal in the art of evasion."

Gewey stared in wonder. He had thought Kaylia could never be surpa.s.sed in skill when it came to avoiding being seen, but she was only one hundred and three years old. Linis had trained for two hundred years. It was difficult for him to grasp the concept.

Kaylia saw the look on his face and smiled. "You see, Gewey, there is still much to learn. For both of us."

Linis laughed. "You will find me to be a willing teacher. And from the way you move, it seems as though Kaylia has already given you some instruction. She has done well. You are fortunate to have such a graceful teacher."

A pang of jealousy suddenly struck Gewey's chest, upon hearing Linis speak well of Kaylia.

"Five of my kin are waiting just outside the city walls," Linis explained. "Tomorrow night we will escort you west, where you can be safe for a time. You should inform your companions of our intent and tell them only to bring what you can carry. I will return at dusk tomorrow. Be ready." He rose from the bed and put his hands on Kaylia's shoulders. "All will be well, Kaylia. I know I have given you much to think about, but you must trust me. There is no other way for you and your friends to escape." With that, he left. Gewey was still boiling with jealousy as Kaylia sat on the bed and looked up at him.

"That's quite enough," she scolded.

"I don't know what you mean," Gewey lied. Somehow, though, he knew she could feel what he was feeling.

"You have no cause to be jealous," she explained. "If he approached me with interest, he would have immediately sensed there is a suitor; unless he was prepared to challenge you, he would not interfere."

"I'm not jealous," he replied stubbornly.

"Of course you are," she said. "It's perfectly natural. It's a consequence of touching the mind of someone you've spoken the declaration to. I told you those ancient words have meaning. But they also have power."

"If you knew this would happen, why did you want to touch my mind to begin with?" he cried, suddenly feeling violated.

"I felt it was necessary to know you more...intimately," she answered. "I suppose I should have warned you there might be some emotional repercussions." Kaylia had the look of mischievous child. "Now I think it's time to rejoin the party. We can inform the others later." She took Gewey's hand.

"No!" he yelled, jerking his hand away. "You said you wouldn't hold back, but it's all you do."

Kaylia lowered her eyes, "You're right, of course. I should have warned you." She held out her hand. "I will try and be more considerate."

Gewey paused and let his anger subside. "Thank you." He took her hand and they returned to the common room, where the others were still enjoying the celebration.

Lee was dancing with Maybell, who laughed like a young girl as he swept her across the dance floor, while Millet and Dina toasted to each other's health for what was probably the tenth time. The rest of the room buzzed with merry making as the minstrels played on and on, each song livelier than the last.

When things finally died down around midnight, Kaylia had everyone join her in her room. She told them in detail about her conversation with Linis, and the ambush that awaited them when they left Delhammer.

"Do you trust him?" Lee asked.

"I probably would have been able to tell if he was lying," Kaylia answered. "If he says there are elves waiting to kill us outside the city walls, then I think we should take it very seriously. Linis says he can help us avoid detection, and we should accept his help."

"I agree," Gewey added. "I think he was telling the truth."

Lee looked intently at Kaylia. "Fine," he said reluctantly. "We'll trust your judgment."

"Thank you," Kaylia replied.

"I was talking to Gewey," he said, rising to his feet. "Now, we should all get some rest. I have a feeling that we're going to need it."

Dina cleared her throat and tilted her head towards Maybell. "Excuse me," she said. "But aren't you forgetting something?"

"Ahh," Lee said, suddenly realizing what she meant. "Maybell, from the sound of it, we'll be walking for quite some time. You may want to take refuge here."

"Young man," she said indignantly. "I can walk you into the ground. Don't let the age on my face make you think I'm feeble. I will not be left behind. I said I'm going to the temple of Valshara, and I mean to do just that."

"Very well," Lee conceded with a certain amount of admiration.

"We'll be leaving early tomorrow. Millet and I will divide the gear, and sell what we won't need in the morning."

"I fear that means the wine as well," Millet lamented. "Such a pity."

They said goodnight and retired to their rooms.

Gewey was excited at the thought of meeting more elves, and it took two large swallows of jawas to calm his mind enough to sleep.

Chapter 19.

When Gewey awoke the next morning, his things had been packed for him. Lee had already left, so he made his way down to the common room, following the smell of porridge and biscuits. Maybell was sitting at a table, sipping on a cup of apple juice.

"Good morning," Gewey said, taking the seat across from her.

Maybell smiled warmly. "Well, if it isn't the young man. Come to keep an old woman company?"

"Absolutely," he said. "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet," she replied. "I was waiting for the others to roll out of bed. But now that you're here, I say to blazes with them."

Gewey chuckled. "I agree."

The two of them ate while Maybell told him stories about the different temples she had seen. Gewey marveled at her ability to remember every detail.

"Now that I have you to myself," she said. "I must ask: What do you intend to do about the two women who now compete for your affections?"

Gewey was stunned. "I don't..." he stammered.

"I may be old," she said, cutting him off, "but I'm not blind. Both Kaylia and Celandine seem quite taken with you-not that I blame them. But it does present you with a difficult situation."

"I don't think Dina sees me that way," Gewey countered.

"Perhaps not," Maybell laughed. "But she has at least shown interest, and I don't think Kaylia is very happy about it."

"I haven't noticed anything," Gewey said. In truth, it seemed to him she and Dina were getting along well.

"Of course you haven't," she chided. "You're a man. I just want you to be careful. The last thing you want is to have a broken heart on your conscience."

"What can I do?" he asked sincerely.

"Either choose one or choose neither." Maybell replied. "I do not envy you. Both Kaylia and Celandine are remarkable and beautiful young women. It's an impossible choice. But it's one I fear you'll eventually have to make."

Gewey's head reeled at the idea. He wished he had stayed in bed.

"Good morning," Dina said, as she and Kaylia entered the common room and sat down at the table. Kaylia was once again wearing her hooded cloak. Gewey was unable to look either of them in the eye.

"Have you been teasing the young man, Sister?" Dina asked playfully.

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The Godling Chronicles: The Sword Of Truth Part 26 summary

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