The Godling Chronicles: The Sword Of Truth Part 31

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Chapter 23.

It took the carriage thirty minutes to get to the Temple District. Lee had the box wrapped and stuffed inside a cloth sack. He hoped the Sister they were going to see would be able to help, but he wasn't optimistic. Maybell, on the other hand, was excited to see the woman, and told Lee many times along the way about her unparalleled knowledge in lore.

"She is by far the most learned Sister in the order," she said. "If anyone can help us, it's her."

"No doubt," said Lee, smiling patiently. "And I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

"We were novices together," she told him for the fifth time. "And best friends." Maybell had the excited look of a young girl seeing a temple for the first time. The carriage stopped in front of the Temple of Ayliazarah, and Angus hopped down and opened the door.

"We may be quite a while," said Lee. "Feel free to leave. I'm sure you have other things that you'd rather be doing." He reached in his pocket and tossed Angus a silver.

Angus looked at the coin as if Lee had insulted him, and then pa.s.sed it to the driver, who was more than happy to accept. "My instructions are to be at your disposal," he said. "I shall be here when you are ready to leave."

Lee could barely contain his laughter. He bowed to the man and walked Maybell up the stairs to the temple.

The interior looked much like the temple in Kaltinor, except that smaller statues of the other eight G.o.ds surrounded the large statue of Ayliazarah in the center of the entrance hall. In the corners of the hall, several plush chairs were set up in small circles, and a short bra.s.s table with a thick a gla.s.s top stood in the middle. At least a dozen novices buzzed about their business, and nearly all of the chairs were filled with men and women reading and talking.

Maybell stopped a pa.s.sing monk. "Is Sister Ruthisa here?" she asked him.

"She would most likely be in the archives," he answered courteously. "Do you need directions?"

Maybell smiled. "No, thank you, brother; I know the way."

Maybell led Lee up a flight of stairs and down a narrow hall to a marked door. Inside, tall shelves lined the room, filled with hundreds upon hundreds of ancient-looking books.

"Ruthy," Maybell called as she poked her head down each row of shelves.

"Here," an old woman responded, exiting one of the rows at the far end of the room.

Though Maybell had told Lee that she and the Sister were the same age, the woman he saw looked much older. She wore light blue and white robes, and her silver hair was wrapped in a thin silk scarf.

She was bent with age, and her stride was little more than a slow shuffle. In her arms, she held a thick leather book that was nearly half as big as she was. She looked up though a pair of thick spectacles and smiled widely "My word," said Ruthy, feigning irritation. "I thought you'd forgotten about me, you witch!"

"Don't just stand there," Maybell chided Lee. "Help her with that large and probably very boring book."

Lee suddenly felt like a guilty child, and he rushed to take the book from Ruthy's arms.

Ruthy looked at him firmly. "Don't let that old hag boss you around," she scolded him. "The day I can't carry a b.l.o.o.d.y book on my own, I'll just go ahead and die."

The two women burst out laughing as Lee stood there, unsure of what to do. Ruthy handed him the book, then went over to embrace Maybell.

"By the G.o.ds, it's good to see you," Maybell said. Tears began streaming down her cheeks.

Ruthy stood back with her arms extended, still holding Maybell. "I'm so happy to see you, Bell. We heard about Kaltinor. I was afraid that demon of a woman might have done you in."

"She wishes she had," Maybell replied. "But alas, I live to fight another day."

"Will you be staying?" Ruthy asked hopefully.

"Not quite yet," she answered. "I'm only here until tomorrow. I have something for you see, though."

Lee removed the box and handed it to Maybell. Ruthy's eyes went wide as Maybell held it out.

"How did you get your hands on this?" she asked in a whisper. She trembled as she took the box and slowly ran her hands across the lid. "Do you know what this is?"

Maybell nodded. "The Book of Souls."

"Quite right," Ruthy replied as she traced the elven letters with her finger. "I a.s.sume you have been unable to open it?"

"That's why we're here," Maybell explained.

"And here I thought you had come to see me," she teased.

"Don't be cute," said Maybell.

Ruthy grinned mischievously. "This is better than a visit. Besides, you promised me you'd retire here, and it certainly doesn't look like you're ready just yet."

"Not quite," she replied. "Can you help us?"

"To open the Book of Souls? Not a chance. It can only be opened by one with the power of heaven, or so the legends say. The elves kept it for centuries, but that part you probably know. It was stolen in the Great War, and was thought to be lost forever."

"What is it, exactly?" Lee asked.

"It's the very words written by the G.o.ds, is what it is," she replied as she turned the box over and over, examining every detail. "In their own hand. It is said that if a being with the power of heaven were to read from its pages, creation itself could be undone."

"No wonder the elves protected it," Lee said in awe. "Such a thing in the wrong hands could doom the world."

"Indeed," Ruthy agreed. "But I don't think there's much danger of that. Even if someone who possessed it intended to destroy the world, they wouldn't be able to get it open. The box itself is indestructible."

"I've found that out the hard way," Lee admitted.

"The best thing you can do is return it wherever you found it and leave it alone," Ruthy advised. "The mere thought of wielding such power is enough to drive men mad. Even if they couldn't get the box open, there's no telling what they'd do to possess it in the hope that they one day could."

Lee heard the door open behind them, followed by the sound of metal and leather. Suddenly the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He spun around and drew the short dagger he had brought with him, silently cursing himself for leaving his sword at Lord Broin's house. As he turned, he saw three men in studded leather standing just inside the door. Two carried crossbows, and the one in the middle held a short sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. Their faces were grim and weathered, and bore the scars of battle.

"What fortune," said the man in the center. "I was only supposed to see that you remained here and out of the way, and now I find that you've brought a great treasure with you."

Lee glanced down at the box as he slid it in front of Ruthy. "Leave now and I'll allow you to live," he said threateningly.

"My dear Lord Nal'Thain," the man said with an evil smile. "Or do you prefer Lord Starfinder? I have no doubt you could kill every one of us. But if you don't do exactly as I say, I shall see that these two lovely ladies precede us to the afterlife."

Lee's muscles tensed as he tried to think of a way to kill the soldiers while saving Maybell and Ruthy, but the man was right. The two soldiers on either side had their crossbows trained directly on the Sisters. There was no way to save them if he attacked.

"I'll give you nothing," Ruthy said defiantly, holding the box tightly to her chest. "Kill them. I've lived long enough."

"As have I," Maybell said, her head held high.

The man chuckled, still wearing a sinister grin. "Such courage," he said mockingly. "But I doubt Lord Starfinder wants the blood of two women on his hands. Isn't that right?"

Lee seethed with rage. He could not let the Book of Souls fall into the hands of the Dark Knight; with the Sword of Truth at his disposal, the Dark Knight might actually be able to open it. If that happened, all was lost.

"If I give you the book, you will leave my friends in peace and depart this city immediately," he demanded. "If you don't, I will make you pray for death."

"You are in no position to give commands," the man replied. "I will keep you here as I was instructed, and you'll give me the book. After that you'll find the reason for your quest no longer exists, so I suggest you return home and hope my master forgets all about you."

Lee felt a cold knot form in the pit of his stomach. It was clear they meant to keep him here until they had dealt with Gewey. He knew what had to be done and readied himself to attack.

Just then, the soldier on the left yelped in pain as blood spewed from his mouth. The other two turned to their comrade, momentarily stunned. A moment was all Lee needed. In a flurry of motion, he sprang forward and slashed his dagger across the throat of the other bowman. Blood shot from the wound, spraying onto Lee's face. The remaining soldier tried to flee but was met by the sword of Lord Broin. He thrust his blade through the man's heart and watched as the soldier gasped and fell to the floor.

"Looks like I arrived just in time," Broin observed as he wiped his blade on the soldier's trousers.

Lee nodded to Broin, then turned to Maybell. "Wait here. I'll send word later."

Before she could argue, Lee was gone, with Broin trailing behind.

Lee raced through the streets of Gristol as fast as his legs could carry him, his dagger still in his hand. Broin could not keep up and soon fell far behind. When Lee reached the house, the door was flung wide. Dina stood just inside, looking upset.

"Where's Gewey?" Lee asked urgently. She recounted what had happened. "He left a little while ago for the Bean and Broth."

"Fool," he roared, running to his room to retrieve his sword.

"Where's Millet?" he asked Dina as he fastened the blade to his belt.

"He still has not returned," she replied nervously.

"When he does, tell him he leaves immediately," he ordered. "The rest of you get your things together. I'll return as soon as I have Gewey and Kaylia." With that, he took off towards the tavern.

Broin arrived a short while later, out of breath and holding his side. "By the G.o.ds, that man is fast," he said, gasping for air. Dina told him what Lee had said and explained that Malstisos had been guarding the others.

"Tell him to keep vigilant. I'll be back soon." He caught his breath and shook his head. "Wonderful," he muttered to himself as he took off after Lee. "More running."

Chapter 24.

Gewey and Kaylia paused as they approached the door to The Bean and Broth. He had waited as long as he could for Lee, but the time had come when he could wait no longer. Malstisos had offered to accompany them, but Gewey refused him. When Malstisos insisted, Ganflin helped a bit in convincing him to stay behind.

"I'm rubbish with a sword," he had said to the elf. "Someone needs to be here that can fight."

Reluctantly, Malstisos had relented, allowing Gewey and Kaylia to leave for the tavern alone.

Gewey stared at the door and checked his sword for the hundredth time. "If anything happens, I want you to promise me you'll run," he said gravely.

Kaylia reached up, pulled his face to hers, and kissed him softly. Gewey stood stunned, momentarily forgetting the danger. "You will never get such a promise," she said firmly, but with a sweet smile. "I do not abandon my friends, and I certainly do not leave a suitor undefended." Gewey smiled back, and they entered the tavern.

It took a second for his eyes to adjust to the dim light of the room, and he could hear nothing but the sound of the barman cleaning mugs and He rubbed his eyes and looked around. The tavern was empty save for the barman and a lone figure sitting in a corner, facing away from them. The barman looked up at Gewey and Kaylia and motioned toward the figure. Gewey and Kaylia walked up to the table and stood behind the man. He had blond, shoulder-length hair that was tied in a short ponytail and wore a simple maroon tunic and pants.

"Unless you intend to stab me in the back, I suggest you sit down," he offered, sounding amused.

They looked at one another for a moment, and then sat across from him. To Gewey's surprise, he didn't look but maybe a few years older than Gewey himself.

"You're Saylis Fernmen, I presume?" Gewey asked. His hand had not left the hilt of his sword.

"And you are Gewey Stedding," he answered. "I see you brought the lovely Kaylia with you-understandable, if unnecessary. I have come as I promised, alone and unarmed."

"Good," said Kaylia. Her tone was dangerous.

Saylis laughed confidently. "I didn't mean to imply that I am unprotected. But for the purpose of our conversation, I thought a show of force might be...distracting."

"What do you want?" demanded Gewey.

"Me?" he replied. "Nothing. Nothing at all. But my master on the other hand..." He motioned for the barman, who brought him a gla.s.s of wine. He looked over to Gewey and Kaylia "Would you join me?"

Gewey glared in silence.

"That will be all," Saylis told the barman, tossing him a copper. "Now then, as I was saying, my master would very much like for you to come to Angraal. There is no reason for you to run. He means you no harm and only wants your friends.h.i.+p."

Kaylia laughed. "You must think us fools," she sneered. "If that's all you have to say, then you've wasted your breath."

"Ah, the fury of an elf," he mocked. "Such pa.s.sion. The fact is, he has no need for you, my dear. If young Gewey wishes it, you can accompany him, but my orders say nothing about you except that I should be careful regarding your temper." He leaned back and sipped his wine. "Oh yes, and if you should ask, I'm to inform you that your uncle has ordered your"

Kaylia forced a smile. "You seem to know much," she allowed. "But if you think I don't know this and your intent is to upset me and throw me off balance, you've misjudged me."

"Not at all," he replied. "I wish this encounter to be pleasant."

"If that is all you have to say, then I have an answer for you," said Gewey.

Saylis held up his hand and said, "Before you do, you should hear the rest." He paused a moment then continued, "You seek to destroy my master. He knows this, but doesn't blame you. You have been deceived. He only wishes that you understand the truth and perhaps aid him in his cause. By now, you have discovered what you are, but you have no idea how you got here, or even how to use your power. My master can help. All he asks in return is that you stop this foolish quest for his destruction."

"I've heard your master's lies before."

"Pure misunderstanding," Saylis said dismissively. "His reaction was...unfortunate. Moreover, he wants me to convey his apologies. The truth is, he was shocked to discover your existence, and he knows he acted unwisely. But now he is hopeful. That you have been abandoned on earth can be turned into a great boon for the whole world. If you join him, there is nothing that can't be achieved."

"It is your master's desire for power that caused me to be here in the first place," barked Gewey. "And I'm sick of listening to your lies."

"Careful," Saylis warned. His tone became dark and threatening. Consider your words. If you refuse to listen to reason, you will not live to see the Temple of Valshara. But before you die, you will watch as your friends are tortured until they beg for death. Think about this. You can save yourself and your friends. All you have to do is come with me now. Bring the elf woman if it pleases you. I promise that the rest of your companions will be left in peace."

"For how long?" boomed a voice, as the door flung open. It was Lee. His sword was in his hand and his face was spattered with blood and sweat.

"I see I should have picked better men," Saylis noted calmly. "I didn't expect you, but please, join us."

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The Godling Chronicles: The Sword Of Truth Part 31 summary

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