The Godling Chronicles: The Sword Of Truth Part 6

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"It would be an honor to have you join us," Gewey said, before Lee could stop him. "But I must warn you, our road is dangerous."

"I have already guessed," she said. "And I thank you. Now come and see what the night has caught."

She led them up the hill, where a small patch of thin pines grew.

Lying face down was a man-bound, gagged, and unconscious. A horse was tied to a tree, and the man's belongings had been tossed on the ground next to him.

"He's been following you," she said. "I overheard him asking someone on the road about two men traveling west, one young, and one older. He described you perfectly. I thought you might want to question him before I slit his throat."

Lee walked to the unconscious man and rolled him over. To his great surprise, it was Millet.

"Millet!" Lee shouted. "What have you done to him?"

"You know him?" asked the elf.

"He's my servant, and my friend," said Lee as he drew his knife and cut Millet's bonds.

"Forgive me," she said. "I didn't know."

Lee examined him. He had a few bruises but otherwise looked unharmed. "Why is he unconscious?" asked Lee, cradling Millet in his arms.

"I forced him to drink jawas tea," she answered. "He'll be awake soon. In the mean time, I suggest you gather your things and bring them here. This is a much better location. I'll watch over your servant until you return."

Lee reluctantly agreed, leaving Gewey to keep watch on the hill. He didn't want Millet to wake up only to see an armed elf at his side.

Millet was still unconscious when Lee returned. They built a small fire and Lee unpacked medicine to heal Millet's bruises.

The elf woman sat far from the fire, her eyes closed. Gewey couldn't keep his eyes off her. Finally, he shyly walked over and sat next to her.

"What's your name?" he asked.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Gewey. "I am called Kaylia." Her voice was soft and feminine, yet strong.

"I'm Gewey," he said awkwardly. He looked over at Lee, who was tending to Millet. "He's not so bad. If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead right now."

"Perhaps," she said.

"Why do you want to come with us?" asked Gewey.

Kaylia closed her eyes again. "I have my reasons."

Gewey stared at her in silence for a while.

"Why do you stare?" Kaylia asked. Her tone wasn't judgmental or accusing, but it made Gewey blush all the same.

"I don't know," said Gewey. "I don't seem to be able to help myself. I'm sorry."

Kaylia smiled. "Most humans turn their eyes from my kind. Strange that you do not."

"I'm just curious about you," he said. "I never thought I'd meet an elf."

"Did you want to?" she asked.

"I never gave it much thought," he replied. "But now that you're here, I'm glad I have the chance."

Kaylia looked at him peculiarly. "You don't fear me. Why?"

"Should I?" asked Gewey. "You said you didn't want to hurt us."

"I could be lying," she replied.

Gewey shook his head. "Why would you? I'm not an expert in battle, but I'd think that if you wanted to hurt us, you could have picked us off with your bow."

"True," Kaylia agreed. "It's just that I find it odd that you're so willing to take me as a companion. You're clearly not like other humans."

"You might be surprised, if you get to know a few," he replied.

"Perhaps," said Kaylia. "I have a feeling I'll know soon enough."

Millet began to stir by the fire. Lee was still cradling his head in his lap.

"My...My Lord?" Millet asked weakly.

"Yes my old friend," said Lee, smiling down at him. "You're safe."

"An elf," he said. "She attacked me on the road. How did you find me?"

"Don't worry about it," said Lee. "Rest for now. I'll explain everything in the morning."

"Of course." said Millet, lowering his eyes. "I'm sorry. I couldn't let you go alone."

"He is not alone," said Kaylia.

Millet looked over and saw the elf woman "You!" he screamed and tried to get up. "My lord, she's the one. She attacked me."

Lee held him. "I know," he said soothingly. "Don't worry, she won't do it again. Go back to sleep, and I'll explain everything in the morning."

"If it's all the same to you, my lord," he said, "I've slept quite enough." He sat up and tried to stand, but his legs were still sore from his bindings, and his head swam from being drugged.

"Easy, Millet," Lee advised. "Take your time."

"Perhaps I'll just sit for a while," Millet said. "At least until that blasted tea wears off. Strong stuff, that is."

Millet was wearing a dark leather woodsman's outfit. His round features and pale skin gave the impression that he was city born and ill-suited for life in the country, but the stories Lee had told of him painted a different picture. He may have seemed soft, but Gewey guessed that the man had a strength that wasn't readily apparent. Lee had described him as crafty, resourceful, and-most of all-loyal. Gewey could tell that Lee was pleased to see him.

"If you don't mind, I would like to know what I've missed," said Millet, still glaring at Kaylia.

Lee recounted the events of the past days, leaving out any mention of Gewey's heritage. Gewey figured this to be for Kaylia's benefit. When he finished, Millet shook his head and sighed.

"That explains how I lost you in the forest," said Millet. "You must have been less than a stone's throw away when I pa.s.sed you."

"That was you?" Gewey asked.

"Indeed," Millet answered. "I was on your trail the day after you left. Don't worry, Master Gewey; your farm is being well tended. I left instructions for the staff to say that the two of you will be away for many weeks, and that Lord Starfinder had made arrangements to tend your farm."

"I'm sure everything is in order, Millet," Lee said. "But you shouldn't have come. This isn't like our other journeys, old friend. I don't know if we'll ever return."

"I know," said Millet. "And if you think for one second that I'll be left behind to rot, then you're not nearly as bright as I thought. Besides, I'm tired of village life. It's high time I had another adventure. One more before the end. Wouldn't you say, my lord?"

Lee slapped Millet on the shoulder. "Yes I would."

Lee and Millet spent the rest of the night talking quietly by the fire, while Gewey and Kaylia sat in silence until dawn. After they packed the gear, Lee gathered everyone around.

"The village of Harvesting Shallows is one more day's ride," said Lee. "Kaylia will have to wait for us on the other sided of the town. The last thing we need is to be seen traveling with an elf."

Kaylia nodded in agreement.

"When we get there," he continued, "we'll trade our steeds in for a wagon and horses better suited for the job. From then on, we'll act as pilgrims. I already have the proper clothing for us, so that won't be an issue. Anyone looking for me and Gewey won't be looking for four pilgrims, and that should make it easier to hide Kaylia's ident.i.ty."

"Wise plan," Kaylia said. "I'll scout ahead for now. You won't see me again until you leave Harvesting Shallows." With that, she took off through the woods and disappeared.

"Elves are strange folk," said Millet. "I'm not sure it's a good idea to let her travel with us, my lord."

"I doubt we could have stopped her," said Lee. "Besides, Gewey's the one who agreed to let her come along."

Millet glared disapprovingly at Gewey.

The day was uneventful. They pa.s.sed a few people on the road, but no one took special notice of the three travelers. When they arrived in Harvesting Shallows, it was an hour after sunset. Lee and Gewey got a room at an inn while Millet stabled the horses. When they got to their room, Lee checked Gewey's wounds.

"Your arms are completely healed," said Lee with satisfaction. "And at this rate your chest will be healed in a few more days."

Gewey had almost forgotten his injuries. The wound on his chest itched from time to time, but other than that, he felt fine.

When Millet arrived, they unpacked their things and headed down to the common room to eat. Gewey was thrilled to be allowed out of his room.

"I don't want you talking to anyone," warned Lee. "We're still trying to go unnoticed."

Gewey nodded his head enthusiastically. "Don't worry, Lee. For the rest of the night, I'm a mute."

Lee gave Gewey a sideways look. "Just keep your conversation confined to the three of us."

Millet couldn't help but smile. "He reminds me of you," he whispered into Lee's ear.

Lee chuckled softly.

The common room wasn't as nice as the one in Gath, but there was a lovely young woman in the corner singing folk tunes, most of which Gewey knew. The crowd was also a bit more common than in the last inn, but that was fine by him. He didn't like pretending to be rich and stuck up. In his mind, he was still just a simple farmer, though he hadn't realized until that moment just how proud of that he was.

"Where do we go from here?" asked Gewey over a bowl of hot beef stew.

"We'll keep to the west road for now," said Lee. "The additional company has forced me to rethink the plan, but it looks like it's going to turn out for best. We'll move more slowly, but we'll draw a lot less attention."

Millet nodded in agreement. "Sir, if I may, sooner or later our lady friend will get curious about the true nature of our trip. How do you plan to deal with certain...revelations?"

"What do you mean?" asked Gewey.

"What I mean is, although she may know the true nature of Lord Starfinder, yours is something quite different. From what I understand about her kind, it may become a problem."

"I don't follow," said Gewey. "Why should my 'nature' be a problem for her?" Until then, Gewey hadn't been sure how much Millet knew about him, but clearly Lee had confided everything.

"What Millet means," said Lee "is that your kind is not exactly held in high regard by hers. When she finds out, there's no telling how she'll react. It's one of the reasons I didn't want her with us."

Gewey looked confused. "It would help if I knew what you are talking about."

"When I told you about the war, I left out an important detail," said Lee. "Man was losing until the G.o.ds intervened. They gave mankind the means to turn the tide; needless to say, this left a bad taste in the mouths of the elves where your kind is concerned."

"I see your point," Gewey said thoughtfully. "How do we handle it?"

"With great care, I would think," said Millet. "She may be dangerous, but given her current choice of traveling companions, she may not take it as poorly as we fear. Frankly, I'm surprised she let me live."

Lee contemplated the situation. "For now we need to keep things to ourselves," he said, finally. "Short of killing her, there's no way to be rid of her. Besides, she may be of use in the days to come."

"We're not killing her," Gewey snapped. "I gave my word."

"Calm down, boy," said Lee. "I have no intention of killing her, and if I did, I doubt it would be easy. She said she killed at least fourteen bandits before she was captured, and I believe her. I tried to catch her myself for two straight nights and couldn't, and I'm not someone you can easily avoid. No...I think killing her is out of the question. Still, we need to be careful until we find out what she really wants."

"Isn't it obvious?" Gewey asked. "We saved her life, and she feels she owes us."

"I don't think it's as simple as that," Lee replied. "Traveling openly with our kind is risky enough considering the way humans feel about elves. However, should her people discover it, I don't think they would be happy-and that's putting it mildly. If she simply wanted to return the favor, she could follow us unseen and wait for an opportunity. No...I don't think it's a matter of a simple debt."

"We could just ask her," Gewey suggested. Lee and Millet both laughed.

"Yes, young master," said Millet. "That may be the solution, but I doubt she will be very forthcoming."

"Millet's right," said Lee. "She won't tell you until she's ready. But do ask if you feel the need. You never know; she might surprise us."

The conversation steered toward more pleasant topics as the warm stew filled their bellies and lifted their spirits. When they were finished, they retired to the room. There were only two beds, and Millet insisted on sleeping on the floor. Gewey protested, but Millet wouldn't listen.

"I may look soft, Master Gewey," said Millet. "But let me a.s.sure you that I am not. Besides, you are still injured, and Lord Starfinder is far less able to deal with hards.h.i.+p than I."

Lee smiled, rubbing his eyes. "Don't try to argue with him, Gewey; the man will stay up all night badgering you if you try." Lee stretched his arms and yawned. "If he says he's sleeping on the floor, that's what he'll do, and there's nothing on earth that can stop him. Believe me, I've tried to change his mind before, and you saw how well that went."

Millet looked displeased. "If you're referring to me following you and master Gewey, need I remind you that I had told you even before you left that I had no intention of letting you go off and get yourself killed. I daresay that you are quite incapable of managing without me."

"I wouldn't presume to dispute you," said Lee. Millet smiled. "Very wise, my lord." Gewey decided it was best to let Millet have his way and went to sleep. The morning came, and for once Gewey had risen before Lee.

However, Millet was nowhere to be seen.

"Wake up," said Gewey, shaking Lee.

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The Godling Chronicles: The Sword Of Truth Part 6 summary

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