Unwritten Literature of Hawaii Part 64

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_Pikai_ (pi-kai)--to asperse with seawater mixed, perhaps, with turmeric, etc., as in ceremonial cleansing (p. 31).

_Poo-puaa_ (po'o-pu-a'a)--Boar's head; the one selected by the pupils in a school of the hula to be their agent and mouthpiece (p. 29).

_Pua'a_ (pu-a'a)--a pig; the name of a hula (p. 228).

_Puka_ (pu-ka)--a hole, a doorway, to pa.s.s through.

_Pule_ (pu-le)--a prayer; an incantation; to pray.

_Pulou_ (pu-lo'u)--to m.u.f.fle; to cover the head and face (p. 31).

_Puniu_ (pu-ni-u)--a coconut sh.e.l.l; a small drum made from the coconut sh.e.l.l (p. 141); a derisive epithet for the human headpiece.

_Ti_, or _ki_--a plant (Dracaena terminalis) that has large smooth green leaves used for wrapping food and in decoration. Its fleshy root becomes syrupy when cooked (p. 44).

_Uka_ (u-ka)--landward or mountainward.

_Uku-lele_ (u-ku-le-le)--a flea; a sort of guitar introduced by the Portuguese.

_Uniki_ (u-ni-ki)--the debut or the first public performance of a hula actor. (Verse 21 of mele on p. 17.)

_Waa_ (wa'a)--a canoe.

_Wahine_ (wa-hi-ne)--a female; a woman; a wife.


_Waialeale_ (Wai-a-le-a-le)--billowy water; the central mountain on the island of Kauai (p. 106).

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Unwritten Literature of Hawaii Part 64 summary

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