Thieves Like Us Part 29

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"I apologize for the early call; I don't have much lat.i.tude on the times that I'm permitted to use the phone."

An apology? She must be dreaming. That or something really bad was coming. If Banner thought one little apology would soften her heart, he was sorely mistaken. "Get to the point."

"Of course. You undoubtedly have things to do."

Rocky sat up, throwing the sheet back with annoyance. "What's he saying?"

She covered the speaker. "Shhh."

"I'll be brief," Banner said. "As you know, my attorneys sent someone on my behalf to collect the crystal and china we spoke of."

"Yes, I know." Elizabeth had monitored the process, making sure none of her own pieces were taken.

"Well, apparently"-he chuckled, a disturbingly artificial sound-"it seems he neglected to take one bowl."

Banner had called her from jail to ask about china? She couldn't keep the incredulity from her voice. "A bowl? You want a bowl?"

"A serving bowl from the blue-and-white stoneware set. Do you remember it?"

"It sounds familiar, but I don't know anything about a missing serving bowl."

"It must be mixed in with your dishes, Janet. Will you look for it?"

She stared at the phone, then s.h.i.+fted her puzzled gaze to Rocky. "He says I have one of his blue-and-white stoneware dishes," she whispered.

He snorted. "And he needs it right now? Why, are they having a potluck on cellblock D?"

Laughter bubbled in her throat, and she m.u.f.fled the phone against her stomach while she choked it back.

"Janet, are you there?"

She cleared her throat and elbowed Rocky. "Yes, I'm here."

"I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I would really like the set to be complete. I ordered it from a local artisan to match the upholstery of our dining room suite, remember? It's become a memento of . . . happier times. Would you mind looking for it?"

Something was up. Banner was being friendly, polite, and downright maudlin-about a serving bowl! As if he would ever use it again. "Okay, I'll look."

"Thank you. If you find it, you can call Nathan Eiger. He's the attorney handling my case. I switched firms."

That can happen when you try to pay your legal team with stolen diamonds. "Nathan Eiger, got it." She hung up before Banner's good-bye was even out of his mouth.

Rocky frowned. "What's that about Nathan Eiger?"

"Banner's new attorney. I'm supposed to call him if I find his precious bowl."

"Figures. The guy makes a career out of representing slime." He studied her. "Banner and Eiger are not what you should wake up to. I think I need to get them out of your mind." He grabbed her and fell back, holding her on top of him.

"Excellent idea." She kicked the tangle of blankets away from her legs. Skin touched skin all the way down her body-much better. A lingering kiss made it better yet. "Hang on," she said, leaning sideways and groping over the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting a condom out of your jeans. They're right here on the floor, and the nightstand is all the way across the bed. I think I can reach-"

With a yelp of surprise she fell back as he flipped her over and rolled on top. "No problem, I've got it."

He leaned to his left as he straddled her, reaching for her nightstand.

"I've already got them." Yanking the jeans onto the bed, she pulled the small packet out of his pocket and found her hand tangled with his as he tried to take it from her. "You don't have to be so eager, I know how to-" she took a look at the small plastic bag in her hand. "This isn't a condom."

He sighed and released her hand. "No. It's a surprise. On me. Just like every time I think I can keep you out of something."

She scooted into a sitting position and dangled the bag in a ray of suns.h.i.+ne, examining the object inside. A white gold band held a diamond that sparkled in the morning light. She sucked in a breath.

"What is . . . um . . ." She licked her lips. "Whose is it?"

"It's for my fiancee."

He grew still, watching her. She couldn't meet his eyes, overcome by a sudden shyness, which felt all the more ridiculous when she was sitting there naked in front of the man who'd kissed every inch of her body.

But neither of them had ever mentioned marriage.

She lowered the baggie and stared at it-anything to avoid looking at him-while her mind scrambled to sort out her feelings.


She bit her lip. "Hmm?" The emotions zipping through her were surprisingly pleasant.

He reached out and tilted her chin up. He looked so gentle and concerned that she wondered just how vulnerable he thought she was, because she wasn't anymore. Her confidence had returned, and he was a big part of why.

"Janet, you know I love you."

She nodded, feeling the familiar warm rush. "I love you, too."

He brushed back her hair, reminding her of the unkempt mess he was no doubt looking at. Great, possibly the most significant emotional moment in her life, and she was sitting there with bedhead, not wearing a st.i.tch of clothes.

"It's a comfortable place to be, loving each other, learning how well we work as a couple. And by the way, I think we work pretty d.a.m.n well."

"I do, too." She swallowed audibly. Even though comfortable was nice, she didn't want to settle for that anymore. She wanted marriage, kids, and all the excitement that went with them.

"I wanted to give you some time to get used to us being together."

"I don't need time." She knew it in her bones and felt it in every cell of her body. "I've wasted too much already."

He grinned in the lopsided way that always tugged at her heart. She was such a sucker for that smile.

"Are you sure? Because I was going to wait. . . ." His voice trailed off as he plucked the little plastic bag from her hands. "Before asking for anything more."

She raised an eyebrow and tried not to throw a longing look at the ring and everything it represented. "I'm not so fragile, you know."

He c.o.c.ked his head thoughtfully. "No you aren't. I think I'm still learning how strong you are." He fingered the bag. "So maybe you'd be willing to consider something more?"

Tingles crept up her spine. "Maybe I would."

He pulled the ring out of the bag but didn't offer it to her. "There's a story that goes with this ring. Not as historically significant as the story behind the Pellinni Jewels, but one far more important to me."

She hadn't cared about the Pellinni Jewels, but this ring captured her attention the way Rocky had captured her heart.

"This diamond didn't originally belong on this band."

Disbelief crept in. "You didn't get it from Vasili, did you?"

He chuckled. "No, although he offered. And before you ask, it isn't from Banner's private collection, either."

Good to know.

"It was originally set in a heavy gold band made in Spain a few hundred years ago. It was intended to be worn by a man. It's one of the pieces I recovered for my grandmother. She repaid me by giving me this heavy, ostentatious ring that hadn't been in style since the time of the Conquistadors. I didn't want it. I tried to give it back, but she told me I was meant to have it. It had traveled thousands of miles and had been pa.s.sed down through generations of my family, and so it was a symbol of strength and endurance. She told me to keep it for the day when I met the woman with those same qualities, the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."

"Oh." No other sound could get past the tight knot in her throat.

"And I did. I took it to a jeweler and asked him to reset the stone in a new band, something suitable for a woman who the strength and beauty of my grandmother's diamond."

She blinked back a tear. "You didn't really say that."

He smiled. "Yes, I did. And it was in my pocket because I just picked it up yesterday and I didn't want to put it back in a box when I'd already found the woman it should belong to." He held out. "Will you marry me, Janet?"

They locked eyes. "Yes," she whispered. "Oh, yes."

She sniffled as he slipped the band on her finger, then laughed as she marveled at how well it fit. "It's beautiful! And the perfect size."

He shrugged modestly. "I know a little about jewelry."

Laughing again, she threw her arms around him. "I love you so much."

He smiled and pulled her down beside him for a kiss. A long kiss, one that turned into soft touches and tender nibbles, and ended, predictably and happily, where it usually did.

It wasn't just s.e.x; it never had been. It was so much more. Physical sensations blended so seamlessly with emotion that she couldn't separate the love from the lovemaking. It was just the way it was supposed to be.

Exhausted and content, she fell back on the bed, breathing hard. A white ball of fur landed beside her, offered a dignified strut across her stomach, and sat on Rocky's chest, staring him down. She propped herself up to confirm what she already suspected-Jingles sat on the floor beside her, delivering the same telepathic message. "I think we're being tag teamed."

Rocky stroked the cat before setting her aside. "I can take a hint." He sat up, casually running a hand down Janet's bare thigh, a gesture that elicited the same rumbling purr from her as it had from Fluff. "Are you coming down for breakfast, babe?"

"Mmm. Right after a shower." She smiled and watched as he walked out the door.

She tried to hurry but kept getting distracted by the ring on her finger. The irony hadn't escaped her. She'd successfully avoided Rocky for months, until hocking Banner's engagement ring. Less than two weeks later, she was wearing Rocky's ring. It sounded impulsive and rash. Except it was an impulse she'd been resisting for a year, and she had no doubt it was the smartest, sanest, most right thing she'd ever done.

Janet dried off, dressed, and skipped down the stairs, then pulled up short at the kitchen doorway. Rocky stood s.h.i.+rtless, wearing nothing but jeans, his delectable b.u.t.t propped against the counter and a thoughtful expression on his face. It was a sight worth savoring, so she did, even as she wondered what was so fascinating about watching their cats eat.

Fluff and Jingles crunched cat food as Rocky watched intently. She smiled. "Are you considering kibble instead of cereal? If so, I may have just lost my appet.i.te."

"Hey." He grinned like he hadn't just seen her twenty minutes ago, then nodded at the cats. "That bowl they're eating out of looks exactly like the one you said Banner is looking for."

She stared at the twelve-inch shallow blue serving bowl with a white ring around its outer edge. "Huh. I think you're right. No wonder it wasn't with the rest of his stuff. d.a.m.n, I suppose this means I should wash it and give it to his lawyer. The sooner I get rid of the last reminder of Banner, the better."

She pulled the dish from under the offended noses of the two cats, who meowed their distress. Dumping the cat food into another bowl, she returned it to the floor and rinsed out the heavy blue dish.

"Now I remember why I decided to use this bowl," she told Rocky. "Besides the fact that it would p.i.s.s him off if he knew, which naturally was a factor, it's heavy. Jingles used to shove his bowl around the floor, and I'd trip over it. He can't move this one an inch."

She held it up. "See, it has this thick base even though the inside isn't very deep." She paused, scrunching her brows as she took a closer look.

"It doesn't look that special," Rocky said. "Not Banner's style. I can't imagine why he wants it."

Holding the bowl higher, she examined it from all angles as she talked. "He had the set of dishes made to match the dining room furniture. He consulted on the design and everything," she said absently, turning the bowl over in her hands. Her mouth fell open as the realization hit her. Looking up, she said, "I know why he wants it."

He gave her a puzzled look.

She held the bowl out. "Look. There's a good inch between the inside of the bowl and the base. And it's heavy." She handed it to him.

Rocky hefted it and handed it back. "So? Stoneware's supposed to be heavy."

"If that's what it is."

"What else would-" his eyes widened as he got it. "You think?"

She lifted her eyebrows, excitement growing. "Why not? He had it made to order. And he seems awfully interested in getting it back." Her excited gaze left the bowl and darted around the kitchen, finally landing on the back door. Meeting Rocky's eyes, she said, "The patio."

He nodded and followed her out the back door to the small square of flagstones and gra.s.s that pa.s.sed as a backyard.

If she was right, this warranted a pause for dramatic effect. She raised the bowl up, then hurled it to the ground. The stoneware smashed loudly enough to wake the neighbors. She hopped backward as ceramic shards flew in all directions, scattering across the yard. At the point of impact, several large chunks of crockery lay in splintered ruins. She peered closer and caught her breath. Amid the chipped pieces of blue-and-white pottery were bits of cotton padding; a brooch, a ring, and two earrings gleamed in the sunlight.

Rocky stepped carefully through the shards, shoving a few pieces aside with his bare feet. Bending over the shattered base, he held up the filigreed gold earrings with their dark red stones. He laid them in his palm along with a pearl-and ruby-encrusted broach and a matching ring.

He presented them to her with a triumphant grin. "The Pellinni Jewels."

She examined the pieces in his hand and wrinkled her nose. "They're as ugly as the necklace."

"And just as valuable."

That part still amazed her. "And just as stolen. I can't believe I had them all along." She drew her eyebrows together. "What was Banner going to do with them, pay off another lawyer?"

"Eiger? I wouldn't be surprised. It's not like Banner could turn them in to the FBI. It'd prove he had them all along."

"But I can."

Rocky dumped the priceless pieces of jewelry into Janet's open hands. "Thank G.o.d," he said with feeling. "And then it'll all be over."

She fondled the jewels, distracted by the thought that she might be holding a million dollars in the palm of her hand.

He watched, arms folded. "You know, I think this is the first time since I've known you that I finally don't have to worry about some dangerous, disreputable man wanting something from you." He c.o.c.ked his head, considering her with a smile. "How will I stand the tedium?"

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Thieves Like Us Part 29 summary

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