Love's Suicide Part 42

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"To which question?"

"Both. I will stay put, but also that I missed you. I hate knowing you're that close and I can't see you. How much harm can one kiss do?"

"I don't want to find out. In a few hours you'll be my wife, and then you can spend forever kissing me. Just so you know, I'll expect morning breath kisses, coffee kisses, and every other kind of kiss that you find gross. Now's the time to back out, Kat. When you say forever today, you better mean it."

I laughed, knowing he was joking. There was nothing in my life that I'd been more sure of than wanting to be his wife. "I'm ready to take the plunge. How about we just call the official right now, get him over here, and have them marry us so we can go back to bed for the rest of the day?"

"You didn't sleep either?"

I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me. When I heard heavier feet walking up the stairs I got excited. His voice didn't startle me as I noticed the line had gone dead and he was talking from outside of the bedroom. "I couldn't get comfortable."

"Me either. Listen, its a couple more hours. Get all dolled up for me and meet me out back. I can't wait to see you, Kat. You're going to look so perfect."

"I'm going to look fat. You better say a prayer that this dress still fits me. I haven't tried it on for two weeks, and I swear I've gained ten more pounds."

"Being four months pregnant will do that, but just to be clear, you're not fat. You're beautiful." His statement gave me b.u.t.terflies. "Imagine if you would have gotten pregnant over the summer. Then you'd be huge," he teased.

I laughed and let my head drop back down on my pillow. "Are you just going to stand at the door all morning torturing me?"

He tapped twice before he spoke. "I came up to tell you that I love you. I'll see you in bit."

I heard him going back down the stairs before waiting for my reply. I suppose Brooks didn't need to hear it back. He'd always known it, even when I couldn't admit to myself.

Once I heard the kitchen door shut, I cuddled up with Brooks' pillows and felt comfortable. Before I fell asleep I thought about my future with Brooks and our children. It was hard not to smile, even if it was for my own benefit. I had more than I could dream of and through the enduring pain that I'd put myself and the people around me through, somehow we'd found our way back to each other.

Sure, I had regrets, especially the ones concerning Bobby. Even at his worst, I hated that he was gone.

One thing that offered me peace was finding an old life insurance policy and leaving it all to his parents, including his business. They still weren't speaking to me, and I didn't expect them to ever be able to, but at least they knew that I wasn't heartless.

On his headstone I'd added "Loving Father" and even donated a bench in his name courtesy of the church that had basically shunned me.

People could hate and judge me forever, but it would never bring Bobby back. Indirectly I knew his death was my fault. I'd accepted that I couldn't change what had happened, but I could strive to be a better mother and wife. I could feel my eyes welling up with tears as I thought about him.

Then my mind went to Brooks.

I was overwhelmed by fulfillment.

Being with him wasn't about having a heated affair, or betraying my friends and family. It was about accepting that he would be the only man to ever have my heart.

Part 2 told by: Brooks Cold feet.

It was something I'd never have with Katy. She was mine and the piece of paper making it legal wasn't going to change anything.

I'd been wondering how I was going to sneak into the house without seeing her, but B made it the perfect excuse. Before we headed back to my parents, I tucked a card underneath of the package of peanut b.u.t.ter cups on the countertop.

She'd get a kick out of the card considering it was sentimental. Being that it was both our wedding day and Valentine's day, a particular special day for someone that carried the name, I was more than excited to give it to her.

When Katy opened my card, she'd probably cry. The poor woman had been a babbling mess with her pregnancy hormones.

I smiled thinking back to the day we found out. On the first day of her missed period, I drove to the store and bought the test, while she and B waited at home for me. I always got a kick out of seeing my daughter standing at the window, watching for me to pull in the driveway.

They'd met me at the door and the three of us rushed into the bathroom, as if it were a tornado headed for the house.

Three minutes later we celebrated.

Our lives had changed for the better, especially since we'd moved back home. Katy smiled everyday, making me feel like I was doing my job, keeping her happy and safe.

As far as our daughter, well let's just say that she was spoiled beyond belief and had become both of my parent's reasons for breathing.

Bug wasn't just my daughter. Seeing what Katy and I brought into the world, and knowing that she helped bring us back together, made me the happiest man on the planet.

My brother was in the kitchen when we both walked inside. B spotted him and ran up to him, smacking into his legs. "Good morning, pretty girl. Uncle Branch has something for you."

He leaned down and handed her a stuffed bear holding a heart. When he squeezed it, it said 'I love you'.

B hugged it and brought it to show me. "Daddy, look."

"I see it. Go say thank you."

She hugged Branch and ran into the living room before we could tell her n.o.body else was awake, and being that it was such a special day, I didn't care if she woke up the whole house.

While waiting for her to come back, Branch cleared his throat and got my attention. "I guess it's not necessary to ask if you're ready for today."

I raised my eyebrows and let out and air-filled laugh. "Yeah, I've been ready for this my whole life."

My brother looked down at his cup of coffee as he replied. "I shouldn't have been such a d.i.c.k to you when we were kids."

I leaned across the counter and looked my brother in the eyes. "None of it matters anymore. She's mine forever, man."

Branch shook his head and laughed. "She always was."

I don't know why hearing him saying that got to me the way it did, but I felt myself getting choked up. Far be it from me to show my brother that he'd affected me, I quickly turned and refilled my cup. "You got that right." Inside though, I felt like Branch was finally able to accept that nothing could keep her from me, not time, not distance, and certainly not him.

The room filled with voices and for the next couple of hours things were chaotic. Melissa and my mother headed next door to be with Kat, while I got everything ready, including myself.

Just like I'd promised her, I was standing there at the arbor waiting. Since it was winter, and the weather was unpredictable in D.C., we took precautions and rented a tent with heaters. One giant tent filled our two yards and I had to admit that it was quite toasty when the plastic doors were closed.

The moment I saw her walking out of our back door, my knees started to get weak. She took a few steps and wrapped her arm inside of my father's. Even with her face covered by a tiny sheer veil I could already tell she was stunning. Bug came running up the aisle, instead of walking. When she realized that she'd forgotten to throw out the flowers, she went back and tossed them going in both directions. The tiny crowd of neighbors and friends laughed, but then gave all of their attention to Katy.

Halfway to me my lips began to quiver and my palms were getting sweaty. I wiped them on the side of my pants and hoped that n.o.body noticed.

The moment she was within reach, I had her hands in mine. The officiator knew us, and as the guests laughed, he shooed my dad to sit down and not to worry about the whole giving her away speech. I felt it necessary to address it, so I turned to the standing people. "She doesn't need to be given away, since she's always been mine." I winked at them before turning my attention back to my beautiful bride.

She pulled one hand away and lifted the veil. That's when I saw her crying. Her hands were shaking as much as mine, but I didn't move my eyes away from hers. I mouthed the words, 'I love you', while the official started speaking.

Honestly, I don't even know what he was saying, because I was completely captivated by her beauty. We stood there, in some sort of trance as if n.o.body else existed.

Finally, I felt someone touch my arm. "Are you ready to exchange your vows?" Neither of us had noticed the person trying to get our attention.

I smiled and answered, "Yes. Yes, we are."

We'd discussed me going first, but Kat spoke before I could say anything. "This morning I woke up to a Valentine, from my Valentine."

Everyone attending laughed and she waited for them to finish. "I had written down my vows and polished them a dozen times, but after I read what Brooks wrote to me in this card, I knew my vows could never come close. So, I'm going to read it to everyone and let you all see the real man I'm marrying today."

She waved to Melissa and I watched as she approached us with the card in her hand.

Since I'd poured out my heart to her, I felt a little overwhelmed.

Kat opened it up and looked down, clearing her voice before she began.

"The outside says, 'To my wife on our first Valentine's Day as a married couple.' Then Brooks wrote his message on the inside."

"Dear Mrs. Valentine, my beautiful bride, mother of my children, my soul-mate and my very best friend, I've loved you for my whole life and perhaps even in lives before this one. There was no amount of time, distance, or even person that could ever change the way I feel about you. I've literally waited my entire life for this day. It's easy to say that I've never felt more complete than when you're in my arms. Every time I look at our little girl, or feel our son moving around in your belly my heart melts, because it's just another anchor of our love for each other. You're mine forever, Kat. You don't need a ceremony to know that. No matter where life takes us, I'll be by your side, and when the good Lord comes at our last breath, I know we'll find each other again, because you are who I will always choose for that other peanut b.u.t.ter cup. I hope now you can finally know without a single doubt that I will hold you when you're sad, love you when you feel lonely, and protect you when you feel scared. I guess I don't have to ask you to be my Mrs. Valentine, because you already are and will be for every single moment of every single day, for as long as we both are breathing. Love, your husband, Mr. Valentine."

I wasn't really sure how much the crowd could understand through Katy's sobbing, but as I turned to look at them, most were shoving tissues over their faces. To avoid losing it completely, I looked back to Kat. Even as a babbling mess, she was still gorgeous. "There's nothing that I can say to you that you don't already know, Brooks. I've already given myself to you in every way. You give me comfort and support and your love is more than I could ever deserve. I'm in awe of you, and I thank G.o.d every day for giving us this life. I love you so much."

She couldn't say anymore, and she didn't need to. We could have stood there staring at each other all day. We were already married in my eyes.

I glanced at the guests and flashed a half-smile. "How about we make this official and get to the celebrating?"

"It gives me great pleasure to announce the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Valentine." The officiator leaned in for only us to hear. "Go ahead and kiss her now, Brooks."

My lips were on Kat's before he finished his sentence. She was mine in the eyes of the whole world and I let her know exactly how happy I was about it in our embrace. At first people clapped. Then some whistled. Then my brother started making pervert remarks. When our kiss ended, half of the guests had gotten up and were already in line on the other side of the heated tent.

I wiped away her tears. "You're my wife."

She smiled and leaned her cheek against mine. "I know."

Bug came up and wrapped her arms around my legs. I acknowledged her by rubbing her head.

We couldn't stand there for the whole day, so I grabbed Kat's hand as we turned to face everyone, knowing that after they'd all gone home and went about their lives, we'd have forever to spend together. Knowing that made me the happiest man in the world.

Check out the other books by Jennifer Foor.

Letting Go - A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Book 1.

Folding Hearts A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Book 2 Raging Love A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Book 3 Risking Fate A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Book 4.

Wrapping Up A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Novella 4.5 Wanting More A Mitch.e.l.l Series Book 5.

Saving Us A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Book 6 Blinding Trust A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Book 7 Losing Him A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Book 8.

Loving Her A Mitch.e.l.l Family Series Book 9.

Hope's Chance.

Hustle Me (A Bank Shot Romance) Hustle Him (A Bank Shot Romance).

Diary of a Male Maid.


The Kin Series Repair Me.

Replace Me Restore Me.

Reject Me (April 2014) Jamey and Peyton.

Remember Me (March 2014) Shayne and Ashley.

Mitch.e.l.l-Healy Cousins (Summer 2014).

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Love's Suicide Part 42 summary

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