Princess Of Passyunk Part 32

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oOo By Sabbath dinner, Ganady wore the abstracted air of a contemplative monk. In his mind, he rehea.r.s.ed the path to Sigel Street. Rehea.r.s.ed it so well that he barely noticed the sudden stillness at the table.

But he did notice it, at last-a complete cessation of conversation and movement. He glanced up from his soup, certain that all eyes would be on him, as it seemed they usually were under these circ.u.mstances.

But they were not on him. They were on Marija, and then Da said, "What did you say?"

Marija, who Ganady suddenly realized had grown into a most self-possessed fourteen-year-old, drew herself upright in her chair and repeated (apparently) what she had said a moment before: "I wish to become a member of Megidey Tihilim."

"Marija," said Da very quietly, "you cannot simply become a member of Megidey Tihilim. It is not like...simply joining another church."

"I know, Da. I wish to be Jewish."

Ganny lost track of the words that were said after that. There was shouting and crying and debating and accusation, but the words themselves were lost.

Two things penetrated Ganady's consciousness. One was how calm and firm Marija remained in her quiet a.s.sertion that she wished to be Jewish-to take up again the Faith of her forebears. The other was that Baba seemed neither smug nor celebratory, but rather a little sad.

oOo At precisely midnight on the Sabbath, Ganady stood in the alley behind a building on Sigel Street, many blocks south of the candlelit cathedral in which he'd been at prayer forty-five minutes earlier-hedging his bets, Nick would call it. He had brought along his old s.p.a.ce Cadet flashlight, and used it now to find the window the crone had mentioned.

He found the window easily enough, but it was set high off the ground-the ledge roughly level with his chin. The window itself was open, but the screen was closed.

After several minutes of trying to pry the screen frame up, first with his flashlight, then with his pocket knife, he gave up in consternation. Was this a sign that he should stop before he did something truly mad? Was it really possible that Svetlana Gusalev could be hidden in a sausage casing?

No more or less possible, he supposed, than that she had been hidden in a c.o.c.kroach carapace.

He used his pocket knife to slit the screen. It was easy after that to reach inside and flip the latch, to move a crate so that he could hoist himself up and slide his lanky frame into the darkened building.

He found himself squatting in a large sink. Fortune was with him; it was dry and empty. He clambered down, turned his flashlight back on, and went in search of the smoke room. He found it behind the third door he opened, which he considered a good omen...until he flipped on the light, at which point he decided that good omens were overrated.

He stood in the doorway, mute and numb, as the smoke escaped past him like the ghosts of errant cats. He had expected hundreds of sausages; the little room seemed to contain thousands, hanging in perfect loops from the ceiling. The sight of them a.s.sailed his senses no less than did their perfume. His mind became lost in the whorls of fragrant smoke.

Where to start? The sausages were of all sizes, and while it seemed logical to suppose that a life-sized girl should require a larger sausage in which to hide, Ganady feared that might be the trick, and that she was hidden within the tiniest sausage of all. Still, he reasoned, she had been a rather large c.o.c.kroach, so he would start with the larger sausages.

But should he start with the sausages nearest the door and work his way back, or should he a.s.sume that she would be hidden farther from the entry? Who would hide something nearly in plain sight?

Who had hidden Svetlana? The author of the curse? Her father? Had she hidden herself? Was G.o.d party to the curse, testing him because of his lack of patience and his neglect of Svetlana's express wishes?

Ganady knew the answer to none of those questions, and knew no protocol for the magical (or miraculous) hiding of things, and so he decided to start with the sausages nearest the door. He took a deep breath of the seasoned air and pocketed his flashlight, praying that he would find Svetlana soon.

oOo Dawn came, invading the narrow alley behind the butcher shop on Sigel Street, pouring over the kitchen windowsill and into the sink, then spilling out again to run across the floor, where it eddied just inside the door of the smoke room.

If dawn had possessed the power of speech, it would have admitted that it had never beheld such a sight as met it that morning in the smoke room. In fact, it rarely got into the smoke room this early, for the door was usually shut tight.

The inner door of the kitchen swung open, but the dawn neither flinched nor withdrew, staying on as if curiosity demanded it.

"Ai! What's this? What's this?" A woman's voice cut through the cold dregs of smoke that lay near the floor and huddled in the corners. "That idiot boy left the smoke room door open!" Her steps stirred the smoke and sent it scurrying.

"Did you hear me, Joseph Gusalev? That dumkop Mikhail left the smoke room door o-Oh!" The sentence ended in a shriek that should have sent both the smoke and the dawn scuttling for cover.

It seemed to have very little effect on either, and even less on the strange young man who sat in the far corner of the smoke room amid mounds of finely ground meat. Sausage casings hung from his jacket, clung to his hair, and lay limply across his lap. He blinked up at Stella Gusalev without even a hint of fear or contrition or intelligence.

Only when her husband Joe joined her in the doorway to his smoke room, did the strange young man show any emotion.

He laughed.

oOo "I don't smell alcohol on him," said the police sergeant, sniffing suspiciously in Ganady's general direction. "I smell sausages. He's making me hungry."

"You're always hungry, sausage smell or no," his lieutenant replied, and nodded toward the cell block. "Lock him up."

Ganady was ushered into a small cell in the back of the precinct house at 100 South Broad Street. It was furnished with a blanket-covered cot, which filled Ganady's sight to the exclusion of all else. He could almost feel the cozy warmth of the woolen blanket, and the thought of being horizontal almost made him weep. He faced the hungry sergeant, hoping the man would grant him leave to lie down.

Instead he said, "Mr. Gusalev says your name is Ganady-is that right, son?" He seemed kindly enough, though he kept licking his lips and eyeing Ganady as if he hoped he might reach into his pocket and produce a kielbasa.

"Yes, sir. Ganady Puzdrovsky."

"And you live around here, do you?"

"Yes, sir. On the zibete-I mean, Seventh Street. Between Wilder and d.i.c.kinson."

"He seems polite enough," the sergeant said to the lieutenant, who had followed them as far as the hallway outside the cell.

"Hmp," the lieutenant replied, and asked Ganady if he knew his address and phone number and if there was someone at home that might be responsible for him.

He recited his particulars to the police, wondering why they should think he did not know them. He told them his parents and grandmother would be at home, though his Da might have already gone to work.

The policemen left him, shaking their heads and murmuring between themselves.

Ganady lowered himself to the cot, which squealed in response, its aging grid of metal straps sagging. In the silence that followed, he heard the dripping of water somewhere above, and what sounded like the whispering of mice in the walls. He smiled a little at that, for he recalled any number of fairytales his Baba had told him in which the hero lay languis.h.i.+ng in prison only to find that he had allies among the small vermin that lived in the straw. Of course the jail cell had no straw, but Ganady enjoyed the thought that there were little hidden creatures whispering plots to help him. There was certainly little else to enjoy in the situation.

He sighed, feeling the weariness he had tried to keep in his head spread languorously to all his limbs and members. "I don't suppose you little guys could break me out, huh?" he asked any mice who might be listening.

In his imagination, the whispering grew in volume, as the mice and rats consulted about his escape.

Half-dozing, Ganny tried to sort through the things that had befallen him since he walked into The Tavern on night. His already peculiar life seemed to have taken a turn for the criminal. Had he really broken into a butcher shop-Joe Gusalev's original butcher shop, as it happened-and cut open every sausage in the smoke room expecting that his beloved would pop out and fly into his arms? What had possessed him to do such a thing? And why had the t.i.tan Street Crone sent him to do it?

The whispering distracted him from his thoughts, and he sat up, glancing about the cell, almost expecting to see a delegation of mice advancing to welcome him. In the fairytales, they always wore little velvet weskits and sometimes shoes with tiny buckles. But there were no mice, not even naked, furry ones.

Ganady heard the outer door open and close, and the sound of footsteps in the corridor. A moment later, the sergeant appeared at the door of his cell. Mr. Joe was with him.

"Well, Mr. Puzdrovsky, Mr. Gusalev here would like to speak to you. Why, I'm not sure. Joe?"

The sergeant stepped back and allowed Mr. Joe to come to the bars, from which he stared at Ganady as though he had no idea what to say to him.

There was only one thing Ganady could say. "I'm sorry, Mr. Joe. I really am. I'd be happy to pay for the sausages."

"You bet you'll pay for the sausages," the butcher told him. "But what I really want is to know why. Why you gotta go and spoil all those beautiful sausages? I didn't pay you enough to wash my windows? Okay, I admit, I took advantage of that whole broken window thing."

"Oh, no! It was because of the Crone on t.i.tan Street. She said that's where Svetlana was."

"In my butcher shop?"

"In the sausages. She didn't tell me it was your butcher shop. She just told me Lana was a sausage casing."

Mr. Joe's brows gathered above his nose like furry little thunder clouds. In the moment of speechlessness, the sergeant leaned toward the butcher and stage-whispered, "You gonna press charges against this kid, Joe? The poor boy is meshuggeh."

Mr. Joe turned his gaze to the sergeant, who reacted as if an invisible bolt of lightning had shot from beneath those thunderous brows and struck him where he stood.

"I'd like a private word with Mr. Puzdrovsky, if you don't mind."

"Now, I don't know, Joe. He looks like he might be dangerous." The sergeant was laughing openly now, a grin splitting his round face.

Mr. Joe's eyes widened and the sergeant held up his hands to fend off any further attacks by lightning. "All right. All right. I'll leave you two alone. You call me if he gets violent, eh?"

As soon as the sergeant was gone, Mr. Joe turned back to the cell. "This crone you say you talked to-was she in a butcher shop on t.i.tan Street, by any chance?"

"Uh...well, yeah. I only saw the kitchen. It was a lot like the kitchen in your place, but not as clean, or as nice. She was making sausage."

"Yeah? Chain-smoking crone? Hair net? Beady little eyes?"

"That sounds like her."

Mr. Joe nodded. "Yeah, that'd be her."

"You know her?"

"I should. That's my sister-in-law, Beyle Tolstaya."

Ganady felt as if the vermin had scampered over his grave. "Beyle the Witch?"

"Well, I try not to call her that. At least not in front of my Stella, but yeah, that'd be her."

"But isn't she the one who-who turned Lana into a-a..."

Mr. Joe's eyebrows now stood almost straight up over his very round eyes. "Into a what?"

"A...a...a runaway?"

Mr. Joe's expression didn't change.

"Why would she do that, Mr. Joe? The Bard said she was jealous."

He shrugged. "Yeah, well. Her business is not so good, you see. And, em, Stella tells me her sister wanted to be Mrs. Joe." He flushed, his ears reddening. "Not that I'm saying that's the way of things. G.o.d knows I didn't do nothing to make her think she ought to be Mrs. Joe... Who's the Bard?"

Ganady barely heard the question. He rose and came up to the bars so that he could look into Joe Gusalev's eyes. "Do you know where she is?"


"No, Svetlana. Do you know where Svetlana is?"

"I was gonna ask you the same question, but I guess you don't know either. I was hoping she'd smarten up and come home to marry Boris. But no such luck." His gaze grew somewhat softer, pitying, Ganny thought. "You were looking for her, huh?"

Ganny nodded, feeling as exhausted as he had every reason to be.

"Sorry, kid." Mr. Joe studied the toes of his shoes for a moment, then said, "Look, Ganady, if you pay for the damage to the sausages, I won't press charges. Fair enough?"

"Oh, more than fair, Mr. Joe. Thanks."

The butcher nodded and turned to go. He stopped just short of the outer door. "You wanted to marry my daughter, is that right?"

"Yes, sir."

"You're Catholic, right?"

"Yes, sir."

Joe sighed. A huge sigh that came up from the soul of his being. "I tell you what, Ganady Puzdrovsky, you find my girl, I'll think about you marrying her. No promises, you understand. I mean, you're Catholic, for G.o.dsake. But I'll think on it."

Ganady was so stunned, he couldn't answer, but he thought he might cry. Svetlana's father might let them marry. Now, when it was surely too late. How had he any hope of finding his Lana now?

The outer door closed on a silence so deep, Ganady's ears rang with it. Even the imaginary mice had deserted him. He lay down again on the cot. Was he meshuggeh? It must certainly look that way. He was, at the very least, an idiot to have vandalized Mr. Joe's shop on the say-so of the t.i.tan Street Crone-who was not even a real crone, let alone Baba Yaga.

What did he suppose, that the magic he had lost, the magic he realized he had begun to take for granted, had suddenly come back into his life? Why should it? So that he could squander it again?

He returned to seek the dubious comfort of the narrow cot. Lying down, he rolled over, face to the wall, only to bruise his ribs on something hard and lumpish in his jacket pocket. He reached into the pocket, a breath short of cursing, and his fingers brushed the scuffed, beloved surface of The Baseball.

It was real. Which meant the Singer had been real.

This was a miracle. This was magic. His bruised ribs forgotten, Ganady wrapped his hand around The Baseball. He had never been so comforted by anything in his life.

Twenty-Three: Baba Yaga and c.o.c.kroach Boy.

He awoke from a brief doze to semi-darkness. He was disoriented for a moment, remembering where he was only because of the strong smell of sausage spices that seemed to permeate everything. There must be a breeze wafting through the cell, he thought, for he could hear the sound of papers riffling in it.

But no, what would papers be doing here? It was the whisper of dry, papery leaves. In his mind's eye, they had blown through the window at the end of the hall opposite the door to the offices and collected under his cot where they now fluttered against the wall.

Odd, he didn't feel a breeze.

He chuckled sleepily at himself. Dumkop, indeed. A breeze? In a jail cell? Perhaps it was the mice, coming to offer him their aid.

He made himself sit up. He looked down at the worn concrete, blinking his eyes to clear them of sleep and dryness.

There were no mice. There were c.o.c.kroaches. A dozen of them. They had gathered on the floor in the middle of the room, facing him. They were not as big as the Princess c.o.c.kroach, but they were large, and when he sat up they all reared back on their hind legs and wiggled their antennae at him.

"Uh...h.e.l.lo," he said.

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Princess Of Passyunk Part 32 summary

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