Dead And Buried Part 39

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'd.a.m.n it,' said Cooper. 'Why have I been so stupid?'

Then he sniffed. His sense of smell had been on the alert for days. Now his nostrils were sending an urgent message.

'Can you smell that?' he said.

Villiers looked up. 'Yes, it's smoke. You must have smelled it before, Ben. It's been burning all week out there.'

'No, this isn't burning heather. It's something different.'

Cooper went to the hatch and tried to push it open. It didn't budge.


'I don't know.'

He rattled the handle without success, tried putting his shoulder against the trapdoor, thumped it hard in growing frustration.

'I can't believe this.'

'What's the matter, Ben?'

Villiers came across the room to join him. She didn't sound worried yet, and he tried to keep his voice calm to hide his steadily increasing anxiety.

'Okay, it does seem to be jammed. Just a bit rusted up probably. I don't suppose it's been used much for a long while.'

'We had no trouble with it coming in,' said Villiers doubtfully.

Despite her apparent calm, he could hear the beginnings of anxiety in her voice. She tried so hard not to let it show when she was at work, but he knew her too well to be fooled. It was his job now to keep her calm and give her the rea.s.surance that he didn't actually feel.

'It'll just take me a moment.'

'That smoke, Ben ...'


'It's coming through the trapdoor.'

Cooper looked up. She was right, of course. No wonder the smell was so strong. The fire was close. Very close. But there was no way the smoke from the blazing moorland could have reached this far and come right into the building, not through locked doors and boarded-up windows.

There was only one possibility. The pub itself was on fire.


Fry remained silent a the best approach when someone like Mrs Wharton had decided to talk. All she needed was someone to listen. Let her thoughts run, and see where they took her. 'So then we decided on a fire further off, to get the firemen out of the way,' she said. 'And we chose Kinder. To be honest, I can't understand now how everything happened. When I think about it, I feel as though it was part of a nightmare. It all just got out of hand.'

Again Fry waited. But Nancy seemed to have dried up. She rocked slowly in her chair, suddenly resembling someone much younger. She was no longer the pub landlady with blonde streaks in her hair and a hard look in her eyes, but a young girl troubled by the terrible dreams she was trying to explain.

'After the pub was closed,' said Fry, 'someone broke into the Light House to get at the records of the Pearsons' stay.'


'But Aidan Merritt had gone to do the same thing.'

'Had he? That can't be true, can it?'

'Yes, we think so.'

'No, you're wrong. Aidan was eaten up with guilt and was going to betray us. He'd said something to his wife, Sam, which she pa.s.sed on to us. She said he was rambling on the phone about betrayal and guilt.'

'You might have misunderstood.'

Nancy went white, and sat down, trembling. 'No, surely not.'

Fry leaned closer. 'Who killed Aidan Merritt, Nancy?'

'I can't tell you.'

Well, that would come later. There was plenty of time. When Nancy Wharton realised she wasn't going to be leaving here for another twenty-four hours at least, she might change her mind. Fry decided to backtrack a bit.

'You said earlier that you told the children everything,' she said. 'Did you mean everything?'

'You can't keep secrets from kids of that age,' said Nancy. 'They know something is wrong, and they can get hold of the wrong end of the stick and blow it out of proportion in their own minds. It's not fair to them, and it can cause a lot of problems. I know, because it happened to me when I was in my teens. My parents tried to keep me in the dark, never told me anything. They said they thought it was for my own good. But you know what? By the time they split up, I'd come to the conclusion it was all my fault. I worked out in my own mind that if they weren't talking to me, they must be talking about me. I know it doesn't make sense. But everything is so confusing and stressful at that age. Maurice and me, we agreed a long time ago that we wouldn't be like that with our two. So we were as open as we could be about the trouble that our business was in.'

'And about what happened that night?'

Nancy looked at her then, not understanding the question. Fry opened her mouth to ask it again, but changed her mind. Instead, she sat and gazed at Nancy Wharton, watching the expression on her face alter. It was as good as an admission. But it was one Fry hadn't been expecting.

'You didn't need to tell them,' said Fry. 'Because they were right there, weren't they? They were there when the Pearsons were killed.'

Nancy's mouth was shut like a trap, as if she was determined to prevent any words spilling out. But she couldn't control her expression. She hadn't learned to do that, not even after those two years of keeping her secret.

'Your son, Eliot,' said Fry. 'He'd been drinking, like his father. But he wasn't used to the alcohol, not the way Maurice was. A big lad, Eliot. And angry, too. But his father would do anything for him a anything, right down to taking the blame for the murder of two guests.'

'You'll never get the evidence,' said Nancy, with a bitter smile.

Fry stared at her, trying to a.n.a.lyse the meaning of what she was saying.

'But Nancy a I think we'll find the blood on David Pearson's clothing is Eliot's, won't we?'

Nancy shook her head a not in denial, but in confusion. She no longer knew what to say, or how she could protect her family. Her entire rationale was falling apart right there and then, and she couldn't cope with it.

'And where is he?' asked Fry finally. 'Nancy a where exactly is Eliot now?'

'I'm saying no more.'

With Mrs Wharton safely housed in a cell in the custody suite, Fry and Hurst drove to the house on the Devons.h.i.+re Estate Despite them hammering on the door and peering through windows, there was no sign of anyone being home.

'Blast. Where could they have gone?'

Hurst took a call from Luke Irvine at the office. 'Forensics,' she said. 'They've processed the smaller blood trace on David Pearson's clothing and got a DNA profile from it. There's a match on the database.'

'Eliot Wharton?'

'No. He doesn't have a record, so he's not on the database. This is a match to Josh Lane, the former barman at the Light House.'

'Lane has a record?'

'A couple of convictions under the Misuse of Drugs Act. Fined for possession of cla.s.s B substances.'

'Cannabis, amphetamines?'

'Correct. According to Luke, intelligence shows that he's been investigated for supply, but never brought to court. He's lucky there. That's a maximum of fourteen years for dealing, even cla.s.s B. There's also an indication he might have been involved in a trade in ecstasy at the Light House. Personal intelligence, never substantiated.'

So Lane had been the fourth individual. And Fry felt sure that Eliot Wharton would be a match to the other DNA profile.

She tried to call Ben Cooper and got an unavailable message, so she sent him a text. It was quicker, and at least she knew it had been done. He would get the message and could call her when he was free. Cooper been meeting Josh Lane at the Light House, hadn't he? So he might know where Lane was now.

'Diane,' said Hurst, 'if they were involved in the death of the Pearsons, and they know there's still some evidence at the pub, perhaps in the cellar ...'

'... they'll be anxious to destroy it before anyone gets to it.'

'Yes, that's what I was thinking.'

Fry watched a response unit pull into the street. She could leave them at the Whartons' house in case anyone returned.

'Becky, who's up there at the moment?' she said.

'At the Light House? Scenes of crime. And Ben went there with Carol Villiers. I don't know if they're still there or not.'

Fry experienced one of those moments when her heart lurched and her mind was filled with an irrational dread. She tried to fight it, but her skin had turned cold, and terrible images began to surge through her brain unbidden.

'Why would DS Cooper's phone be off network?'

Hurst turned in astonishment at the urgency of her tone. 'I've no idea. He could be in a dead spot. He could still be ...'

'... in the cellars?'

Fry didn't wait for the answer. She was already fumbling for her car keys, heading for the street. There was no reason or logic for the way she felt, but she couldn't deny the force of it. The appalling certainty in her heart drove her body automatically to jump behind the wheel and ram the Audi into gear.

Even worse than the fear was a fact banging insistently at the back of her head a the knowledge that she might have created this nightmare herself.

When Cooper finally broke open the hatch, he could see smoke high above him, swirling on the ceiling of the bar, already starting to fill the room.

Raising his head above floor level, he saw that the source of the smoke was a roaring blaze at the far end of the bar. The door they'd come in through was consumed by a sheet of flame, and the fire was spreading rapidly along the room. The curtains were blazing, little tongues of fire creeping up them. Wooden furniture was smouldering, the gla.s.s tops of the tables cracking like gunshots. A pile of cardboard boxes burned like a bonfire, spirals of card peeling away like charred flesh from a corpse.

Cooper saw a patch clear of smoke. He drew Villiers up to the top of the steps after him and pointed the direction out to her.

'That way,' he said. 'When you get clear of the hatch, go left.'

Somewhere, the flames were roaring so loud that he could hardly hear his own voice.

'Keep low,' he said, close to her ear. 'And get out fast.'

She nodded, and began to move. Then she stopped, and turned back.

'What about you?'

'I'm going for Liz. She's upstairs.'

'Ben, be careful.'

On the first floor, Liz might not even be aware of the fire. The smell of the smoke had alerted him in the cellar, but if she was wearing her mask as she worked on the crime scene, she would smell nothing. In a room with the door closed, the flames could be raging in the corridor right outside before she noticed.

Cooper grabbed an old bar cloth and held it over his face. Paper and wood were already burning, because they caught fire at low temperatures. Plastics and polyurethane needed higher temperatures to ignite, but they burned rapidly and gave off toxic gases. In a modern hotel, built of concrete and steel, staying in a closed room could be the safest option in a fire. But in a building like this, no one upstairs would stand a chance. The whole place would burn down.

The stairs to the function room were here somewhere, and the access to the guest bedrooms. There had to be a fire escape.

Smoke was moving up the stairs and filling the corridor where the bedrooms were. But the fire itself hadn't reached here yet. The flames were still being held back from bursting through into the upper floors. He didn't have long before these wooden floorboards started burning, though, and then the stairs would be gone.


He found Room One from the sign on the door a the Bakewell Room. Inside, Liz glanced up astonished as he burst in. He must look an appalling sight. She was in her scene suit with her hood up but the mask pulled down.

'What's that beeping?' she asked.

Cooper hadn't even noticed it. 'A smoke alarm.'

'There's a fire?'

'Yes, we've got to get out. Now. Leave your kit. This is an old building, with lots of timber in the structure. If the supports burn through, the whole thing could come down.'

'Here, take a mask,' she said.

Cooper pulled the mask on, and they headed back to the stairs. Even through the mask, he could smell the reek of petrol. The conflagration was fiercest around the door of the bar and in the main entrance, so that must be where the accelerant had been spread. Some of the floorboards were already reduced to ashes; others were no more than lumps of charcoal.

He heard gla.s.s shatter. That was bad. The windows wouldn't hold against the fire.

'The boards over the windows are keeping the air out for now. We have a chance to get out before it really goes up.'

'Which way, though?'

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Dead And Buried Part 39 summary

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