Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 17

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Nodding his head and turning back to the table he said, "No s.h.i.+t."

Slapping Roy's back I said, "I'll be right back."

Karen smiled bigger as I made my way over to her. Karen was the only other girl I had ever had feelings for. She never knew she had taken my virginity. I never told her because in my mind I had pretended that night I was with Libby.

Did I ever truly have feelings for Karen? She was a great listener. She knew how to party and have fun. And she taught me how to please a woman in more ways than I would have thought. It was almost as if I was a little project for her. Someone she could play with and teach.

Walking up, I stopped in front of her. The huge b.a.s.t.a.r.d who had his arms around her must have been her boyfriend. "Hey there, cowboy! How have you been?" The guy dropped his hold on Karen and she walked up and kissed me on the cheek.

"I've been good. How have you been?" I asked as I extended my hand to the guy. "Hi, Luke Johnson."

Smiling he took my hand and shook it. "Mark Overton. It's a pleasure to meet you. Karen has mentioned you a few times."

I pulled my head back and looked at Karen. "Really?"

Mark smiled and nodded his head. "Yep, Karen mentioned y'all dated for a few months when you were a freshman? Is that right?"

I was surprised Karen would have shared that with him. We hadn't dated that long and most of time I was drunk. "Well, Karen didn't really see the better side of me I'm afraid. I was pretty much either in cla.s.s or drunk."

Mark laughed. "Dude, wasn't that freshman year for all of us? I can't wait to get out of school." Mark looked down at Karen and smiled sweetly. Karen glanced back at me and held up her hand. The giant oval diamond sparkled in the lights of the bar.

"I heard from Roy. You're getting married huh?"

She nodded her head enthusiastically. "I am. I finally found one who could tame my wild ways." Reaching my hand out, I shook Mark's hand again. I turned and gave Karen a hug. "Congratulations, sweetheart. You deserve to be happy."

"Thank you, Luke." She squeezed me tighter and then said, "There is a girl shooting me daggers. I'm gonna guess it's your girlfriend."

Karen pulled back and leaned into Mark. I knew she was doing that to show she was with another man. Turning, I saw Libby standing there. I smiled and she gave me a weak smile in return. I waved her over. Why is she here? s.h.i.+t. She was either really p.i.s.sed at me or she was going to tell me we were over. Either option had my heart slamming in my chest.

She walked up to me and smiled politely at Karen and Mark. I leaned down and softly kissed her lips.

"Libby, this is Karen and Mark." I knew Libby knew who Karen was, and I was prepared for her to lay into me. Here I jumped all over her for talking to her ex and she walks in and sees me hugging mine.

"Karen was telling me that her and Mark are engaged." Libby looked at me and then back at Karen. Smiling, she extended her hand.

"Congratulations on your engagement," Libby said with a smile.

I knew Libby must have really wanted to talk to me if she had come here. I reached my hand out to Mark again. "I'm going to take off, but congratulations again. I'm happy for you both."

Karen smiled and hugged Libby. She whispered something into Libby's ear and then pulled back. "I'll see ya around." Lifting my hand in a good-bye wave I said, "See y'all."

I took Libby's hand in mine and led her over to Roy's table. "Let me say good-bye to Roy and them." Libby pulled me to a stop.

"Luke, I don't want to interrupt your time with your friends. I didn't like how we left things and I don't want us fighting over Zach of all things."

I searched her eyes. "You're not breaking up with me then?"

Libby's mouth dropped open. "What? No! Why in the world would you think that, Luke?"

Pus.h.i.+ng my hand through my hair, I let out the breath I was holding. "The stupid hurtful thing I said to you. G.o.d, Libby I swear I didn't mean it. I don't know what came over me. I acted like such a d.i.c.k and I turned around and did the same thing. I saw Karen and said h.e.l.lo to her."

"And hugged her," Libby said.

"Lib, it meant nothing."

Libby placed her finger over my lips. "Luke? Will you do something for me?"

My eyes searched her face. "Anything."

Libby looked into my eyes. "Dance with me?"

Slipping my hand around the base of her neck, I brought her lips to mine. I kissed her with as much pa.s.sion as I could. Everyone started yelling out and Libby giggled. The blush covering her cheeks was s.e.xy as h.e.l.l.

I took her hand again and headed over to Roy. "Hey guys, I'm taking off." Roy and Gus both stood up. "You're not going to introduce us to your girl, Johnson?"

Turning, I looked at Libby. Smiling I said, "Libby, this is Roy and Gus."

Libby didn't even have a chance to say anything before I was pulling her out the doors.

She gave me a seductive look and asked, "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you dancing, and then to a hotel and making love to you all night."

Shutting her door, I turned and jogged to the driver's side.

Libby giggled. "Where are we going dancing?"

Glancing over to Libby I winked. "You'll see."

Ten minutes later I pulled into the parking lot of an HEB and parked. Pulling out my iPod, I found the song I was looking for.

"Luke, what in the world are we doing?" Libby asked as she raised her brow.

I rolled all my windows down and jumped out of the truck. Jogging over to Libby's door, I opened it and held my hand out for her. She gave me the sweetest smile as she placed her hand in mine. I helped her down and let my eyes take in every inch of beauty.

Reaching up, I pulled her hair down and watched it as it fell along her shoulders. "You're beauty leaves me speechless, Lib. I want to make love to you all night."

Watching the blush move across her cheeks I leaned down and brushed my lips over hers. Pulling back I smiled. "Give me two seconds."

Libby chuckled as I jumped back in my truck and hit my iPod. I shut the pa.s.senger door and took her hands in mine as Blake Shelton's "My Eyes" began playing through the speakers of my truck.

Libby's eyes lit up as I pulled her body closer to mine. "Luke ..." she whispered.

Libby and I began dancing slowly in the middle of the parking lot. She pulled back slightly when I started singing the song to her. I watched a tear begin a trail down her gorgeous face. I placed my hand on the side of Libby's face as I wiped the tear away with my thumb. "Are you happy, Lib?"

"I've never been so happy in my life, Luke."

Pulling her lips to mine I stopped just short of a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, Luke.

Thirty minutes later, I had Libby wrapped up in my arms as I kissed her soft lips and pushed inside of her.

We spent the entire night tangled up in each other's arms.

ALEX GRABBED MY arm! "Go, Colt, go!" she screamed as we all jumped. Colt had the ball and was headed for a touchdown.

"d.a.m.n it, Colt run!" Luke yelled out. When Colt crossed the goal line, Alex and I began hugging and jumping. I turned and Luke took me in his arms as I kissed him. Alex turned and kissed Will. It was an A&M tradition to kiss the guy next to you after a touchdown.

Luke pulled back and smiled. "d.a.m.n, Colt has got to be making Gunner one proud daddy!"

I nodded my head and watched as they kicked the extra point. Everyone on the sidelines was still congratulating Colt. He had quickly become the star wide receiver for A&M. This was the second touchdown he scored today and we were only in the second quarter.

Will and Luke high fived each other as I pulled out my phone and sent Lauren a text.

Me: Did you see Colt?!

Lauren: I did! Did you see Bruce?!

Ugh. I rolled my eyes. Lauren was now officially dating Bruce, the A&M quarterback. She had been pretty friendly with him ever since we had that party at our place. She talked to him almost all night and if they weren't talking they were dancing. I swear Colt watched them the whole evening.

Me: Yep. But I like watching Colt more!

I waited for a response. Nothing. I let out a sigh and looked out over the field. "What's wrong, Lib?" Luke asked.

I shrugged. "Lauren. This whole Bruce thing isn't sitting right with me."

Luke frowned. "Yeah. Colt didn't take the news of the two of them dating very well. Will said Colt got trashed and the coach had to have a talk with him."

I shook my head. I hated to see the same thing happen to Colt and Lauren as what Luke and I did. This stupid cat-and-mouse game was crazy insane. Alex and I had tried to talk to Lauren about it. Her response was she wanted to have fun. She didn't need a man to help her. I was pretty sure it had something to do with her dad. Lauren seemed to think he didn't have faith in her to run the business. Him bringing Colt on as a partner when he graduated was throwing Lauren off big time.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I turned to Alex and asked, "Are we all driving home together for Thanksgiving?"

Alex looked over my shoulder, then looked at me. "Um, sure."

"Okay, cause I think it would be easier if you, me, Luke, and Will all just drove in one vehicle. Unless y'all had plans?"

Alex wasn't paying attention to me. I snapped my fingers in front of her. "h.e.l.lo? Earth to Alex? Turning back to me she smiled and then asked, "Who's Luke talking to?"

Turning, I saw Karen. She was standing on one of the seats on the bleacher below us. Luke was leaned over talking to her. Her hand was on his arm as she said something into his ear. That same zip of jealousy rushed through my veins as when I saw the two of them dancing that night at the Italian restaurant, then again at Whippets when they were hugging. I looked back at Alex. "That's Karen. Luke's ex-girlfriend."

"Huh. Wonder what she wants?" Alex asked as she kept her eyes on Karen.

I looked back and Karen saw me looking. She smiled and dropped her hand from Luke's arm. "Hey, Libby! How are you?" Peeking at Luke, I noticed he was already back into watching the football game.

"I'm doing well. How about you?"

"Couldn't be better. I was just telling Luke that I wanted to invite y'all to the wedding. I'd love to have you both there."

Uh-huh. Sure you would.

Smiling politely, I nodded. "Of course. We'd love to be there."

She smiled sweetly and her fiancee walked up and wrapped his arm around her. She looked into his eyes and I couldn't help but smile. Guilt raced through my body as I watched them exchange a kiss.

Looking back at Luke, Karen reached up and tapped his arm. "We'll see y'all at the wedding then?"

Luke nodded quickly and then went back to watching the game. I chuckled at how stupid I had acted a few seconds ago.

Karen waved good-bye as I lifted my hand and returned the gesture.

Karen jumped off the seat and made her way back through the crowd. I looked up at Luke. "I have no idea why she came up and invited us like that, Lib. I swear I haven't talked to her since that day at Whippets."

I placed my hand on the side of Luke's face. "Stop. Luke, I trust you and I know you'd never do anything to hurt me."

He leaned down and brushed his lips across mine. Everyone started screaming as Luke and I looked down at the field. Colt was also a punt returner and he was taking off toward the goal line-again. Seconds later, I was kissing Luke again to celebrate the touchdown.

MY PHONE BEEPED as I reached into my riding boot and took it out. Grace, Alex, Meg, and I were all out riding. It was Christmas break and I was so glad we all got to hang out together.

I rolled my eyes when I saw Karen's name. Ugh. I was quickly beginning to hate her.

"If looks could kill, whoever sent that text should be dead right about now," Maegan said with a laugh.

I let out a grunt. "It's Luke's ex, Karen. She all of sudden wants to be my best friend. I can't stand to even look at her at this point. All she does is remind me of the fact that she had Luke before me."

Grace groaned. "Tell her to back off, Libby. I mean, she's getting married, so I don't think she is a threat."

"I know she's not a threat and I know she really wants to be friends. I'm going to have to explain to her why it's hard for me to be friends with her," I said as I shoved my phone back into my boot.

We continued on the path toward the river. Maegan let out a sigh and said, "I just love it here."

We all came to an abrupt stop. We watched as Maegan's horse kept walking on. She finally stopped and turned around. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"You said you loved it here. Are you feeling okay?" Alex asked.

Meg laughed as she shrugged her shoulders. "I just-wish I was home." Her eyes filled with tears. "I hate school. I hate everything about school."

Grace, Alex, and I all slipped off our horses. Alex reached Maegan first. Maegan jumped off her horse and began crying as Alex took her in her arms. Grace and l looked at each other. I don't think I've ever seen Maegan cry in my entire life. Alex ran her hand up and down Maegan's back gently. "Maegan, what's wrong? Please talk to us."

Maegan pulled back and wiped her tears away. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry I broke down like that. It's been a rough year." She turned and sat on a fallen tree. It was the first time I noticed how tired Maegan looked. More like she looked defeated.

Alex bent down in front of her and pushed Maegan's red hair behind her ear. "Meg, talk to us."

Grace and I each took a seat next to Maegan on the tree. Swallowing hard, Maegan started talking. "My whole life, my father has done nothing but compare me to Taylor. I don't think he even knows he does it. He always tells me I can do better. Make better grades, be a better example to Taylor, make them prouder. I feel like I can't make any mistakes and then there is-"

Maegan stopped talking and tears began rolling down her face. Putting my arm around her I asked, "There's what, Maegan?"

Maegan let out a small laugh. "I guess when you leave high school you think you leave all the mean girls behind." She shook her head. "That's not the case. I've got these four girls that hate me. I don't know why. They don't stop, ever. I can be walking to cla.s.s with someone and they will do whatever they can to make my life miserable. They would into me and knock everything out of my hands. Spreading rumors about how I'll give guys at frat parties or in my dorm room. I haven't even been to a single party this year for fear of some guy coming on to me." A sob escaped her lips. "Last year I had guys walking up to me asking me to make arrangements to give them head! I finally stopped leaving my dorm room unless it was to go to cla.s.s."

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Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 17 summary

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