Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 19

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"I will, you too. Be careful driving. Love you back."

I started to walk through her room. Climbing through the window, I walked out onto the roof.

"Luke! You could have gone through the house," Libby said in a hushed voice. Looking around, I shrugged. I climbed off the roof and began walking down the drive to my truck. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, even if I wanted to.

Libby's going to be my wife.

LOOKING THROUGH THE clear gla.s.s, I was no closer to picking out a ring than I was an hour ago. Glancing to the entrance, I saw Grace walking in. I couldn't help but smile. She commanded attention the moment she set foot through the doors. The salesman was all over Grace like a fly on s.h.i.+t. She was in her element. Anything to do with shopping and she was all over it. I called her twenty minutes ago in a panicked state.

Grace smiled and pointed to me as she turned to the guy who looked to have been about our age. The salesman nodded and began walking with Grace toward me. "Hey there, big brother. So wedding ring shopping are we? When were you going to tell me?"

"I thought Libby would have said something to y'all."

Grace's smile faded and her mouth hung open. I reached across and closed it with my index finger. "That b.i.t.c.h."

"Hey don't call my fiance that!" I said as I turned back and looked at the engagement rings. Grace grabbed my arm and turned me toward her.

"You asked Libby to marry you? When? Oh my gosh, Luke. This is so exciting."

I chuckled. "Christmas Eve, while making love to her."

Grace scrunched up her nose. "Ew, but also sweet and romantic. Do Mom and Dad know?"

I shook my head. "Josh and Heather do. I asked for Libby's hand." Grace placed her hand over her heart. "Man oh man, did Mom and Dad do right with you."

I gave her a gentle push on the shoulder. "Help me, Grace. There are so many. They are different sizes, shapes, colors. I have no clue."

Turning around and looking down Grace sighed. "Well, first off, Libby is a simple girl so you want to keep the ring fairly simple. Do you want to go with a diamond or something different?"

"Different like how?"

"Like what Gunner did with Ellie. Ellie's engagement ring is a sapphire. You don't have to do a diamond."

Smiling an idea occurred to me. "The yellow diamond."

Grace pinched her eyebrows together. "Yellow diamond?"

I grabbed her hand and led her over to the other side where I saw the ring that immediately caught my eye when I first walked in. I had thought of Libby right away. The pale-yellow color reminded me of her. Libby's smile was like the sun's rays-bright and radiant. My ray of suns.h.i.+ne. It was her light that saved me in the first place.

Walking to the counter, I pointed to the light pale-yellow diamond. Grace brought her hand up to her mouth and drew in a gasp.

The saleswoman approached. "I had a feeling you'd be back to this diamond. I saw your eyes light up when you first saw it." I glanced to her and smiled.

Grace dropped her hand and sighed, "It's breathtakingly beautiful." Turning to me she smiled. "This is so Libby, Luke."

Nodding my head, I agreed. "I know. It reminds me of the sunlight, which reminds me of, Lib."

The saleswoman smiled and began telling us about the ring. She took it out and set it on a black velvet board. The contrast made it more beautiful.

"This diamond is a cus.h.i.+on cut yellow diamond. It is just over one carat in size. The two side diamonds are oval diamonds. They are approximately half a carat each. They are all set in a platinum band."

Grace picked up the ring and slipped it onto her finger. Smiling Grace looked up at me as she handed the ring to me. "Luke, it's perfect. You didn't need me after all."

Chuckling, I said, "I would have never have come back to this ring if you hadn't said something, Grace."

I watched as tears began to fill Grace's eyes. I frowned. "Grace, what's wrong?"

Shaking her head, she laughed. "Nothing, it's just that I'm so happy for you and Libby. I'm glad y'all finally got your s.h.i.+t together." I leaned over and kissed my sister on the cheek. If only I believed that was why she had tears in her eyes.

Taking another good look at the ring, I knew it was the one. Handing it back to the saleswoman, I said, "I'll take it."

Her eyes widening in surprise as she asked, "Don't you even want to know how much it is?"

"No matter how much it is, Libby is worth every single penny. This ring is perfect for her, I don't care how much it costs."

She checked the sales tag and peeked up at me. "This ring is fourteen thousand dollars."

"Holy sheets," Grace said. I pulled out my wallet and handed her my American Express card.

Grace b.u.mped my shoulder and smiled. "Had I known you were rich, I'd have hit you up for that Coach purse I wanted for Christmas."

The sales lady walked back over to us and handed me my card. "Grace, can I ask you something?"

"I don't know, can you?"

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. "I hate when you do that. May I ask you something?"

Smirking, she nodded her head. "Have at it."

"Why is a girl as beautiful as you not dating anyone? You mentioned last summer about fighting your own fears."

Grace began chewing on her lower lip. "Talk to me, Sweet Pea. Please."

Grace looked down as her eyebrows pinched together as if she was thinking of something. "I did meet someone."

Smiling, I tilted her chin up. Looking into her eyes I saw nothing but sadness. "And?"

Swallowing hard, I watched as a tear slowly moved down my sister's face. My entire world stopped. I was going to kill the motherf.u.c.ker if he hurt my sister. Keeping calm, I waited for her to say something. It felt like time was moving in slow motion as I waited for Grace to talk.

"We had an amazing connection, but, I-I pushed him away. I said some awful things to him, Luke. I didn't mean them at all. I saw the hurt in his eyes. I won't ever let myself be hurt again by someone and I didn't know what to do. I was scared by how I felt and I panicked. Now, I think I've lost him forever."

Closing my eyes, I pulled her into my arms as she began to cry. I've never seen my sister cry. Ever. "Shh, it's okay, Grace. We'll fix it. I promise."

She shook her head as she pulled away. "You can't. He's getting married."

LUKE HELD ME in his arms as we stood and talked to Roy. Roy had thrown a party to celebrate how well the football team did this season. Luke said Roy used any excuse to throw a party. I looked around and saw Colt leaning against the wall smiling politely at a few girls who were talking to him. Colt had an amazing season. Smiling, I watched as he charmed them with his handsome good looks, dimples, and sky-blue eyes.

I turned and saw Lauren walking in with Bruce. He did not seem like the type she would be with. He was cute that was for sure. Dark-brown hair, amber-green eyes, backward baseball cap that made him even cuter and a pretty rocking body. Bruce couldn't hold a candle to Will, Colt, or Luke's body. Turning, I looked at Luke. My eyes traveled down his body. He had on Wrangler jeans that fit him oh so good, a tight, blue T-s.h.i.+rt that hugged his muscles in that perfect s.e.xy way. His messy brown hair had that just-f.u.c.ked look and he was sporting a three-day stubble.

Oh lord. The way his body made my body hum with desire was unreal. Chewing on the inside of my cheek to get my libido under check, I looked back at Lauren. I frowned as I watched Bruce lean down and kiss her. I prayed to G.o.d she hadn't given herself to him. Bruce didn't seem like the type who would wait patiently. They had been dating for three months now.

Luke sighed. "s.h.i.+t, Colt should probably find someone soon. It looks like Lauren has."

Turning around, I looked at Colt who was glaring at Lauren and Bruce. Before I knew it, he grabbed one of the girls and brought her out to the dance floor. My mouth dropped open at the way he was dancing with her. "Oh my gosh, Luke. What is Colt doing? He looks like he's about to crawl into her pants," I said, looking at Luke.

Looking back at them, Colt's hands were all over the girl and she was just as bad. Her hands were on his a.s.s, pulling him closer to her. The moment their lips touched, I let out a gasp. "No. Oh gosh, Luke. He's gonna turn into a man wh.o.r.e!"

I turned away. I couldn't watch him anymore. This was the fourth girl I'd seen him making-out with in the last two weeks. Will and Luke had a party last weekend and I watched as Colt made out with one girl in a corner and then leave with another girl.

Luke grabbed my hand and led me across the dance floor. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"I need fresh air."

Luke walked over to his truck and dropped my hand. He ran both hands down his face and let out a sigh. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Turning to look at me, Luke shook his head. "Colt's headed down the wrong path and I have no idea how to stop him. I'm afraid he is going to do something stupid and make a mistake that will cost him his future. Have you talked to Lauren? What is going on with the two of them?"

"I know Lauren has feelings for Colt. The summer before their senior year I guess they spent some time alone, things got a bit heavy and they ended up making out pretty good. Lauren said she practically begged Colt to take her, but he wouldn't, not in his truck. He told her he wanted it to be special."

Luke smiled slightly. "Good. I'm glad he stopped it."

I nodded my head and continued. "A few days later, Lauren was riding with her dad. You know Lauren wants nothing more than to take over her father's breeding business. Horses are that girl's life. She told Grace and me that she had some great ideas, but Scott wouldn't listen to her. He told her she needs to go to school, get her degree and then they would talk."

Luke nodded. "Okay, keep going."

"When Lauren and Scott got back from their ride, Colt was at the barn waiting on them. He asked to talk to Scott. Said he wanted to work there for his senior year and expressed an interest in breeding. Scott asked Colt why he wasn't interested in the cattle ranch. Colt said that was yours and Will's thing. I guess Colt had been helping your dad, Jeff, a lot more on the horse side of things."

Luke rubbed his chin. "Yeah, Colt's always been more interested in the horses than the cattle."

Letting out a sigh, I dropped my head back and then looked at Luke. "Colt had an idea for Scott. Scott listened to it and loved the idea. Offered Colt to come work for him. Lauren was furious. She was already upset and planted it in her head that Colt didn't want her. Now she said she feels like she is competing against Colt for a position in her dad's business. Lauren thought Colt was leading her on to get closer to Scott."

Luke frowned. "Colt would never do something like that. Surely Lauren knows that. Has she talked to Colt or Scott about it?"

I shrugged. "Grace and I told her she needed to. That time when Colt opened up about his feelings for Lauren and she blew him off, that was the same day Scott offered Colt to come work for him."

Luke's shoulders sank. "Jesus, our little group, I swear. It's a good thing we ran out of boys for Meg and Taylor."

I giggled and nodded my head. Walking to Luke, I placed my hands on his chest. "I want to go home."

Luke's eyes lit up. "Your wish is my command, Lib."

Opening the pa.s.senger door to his truck, I jumped in. Luke leaned in and kissed me quickly on the lips before shutting the door. Making his way around the front of his truck, he waved to someone. Looking I saw it was Colt. He was walking up to Luke, and he was alone. That was a good sign. They spoke for a few seconds and Luke shook Colts hand. I watched as Colt made his way into the parking lot.

The door opened and Luke got in. "Colt's heading home. Alone."

I let out the breath I was holding. "Good."

Luke pulled out of the parking lot and looked over at me. "Did I tell you? I bought you a new toy?"

Squeezing my legs together I whispered, "Hurry home."

OPENING MY EYES, I squinted from the sun s.h.i.+ning through the window. I stretched and moaned softly. Luke had his wicked way with me last night and I was relis.h.i.+ng in every succulent memory. His lips softly kissing my body, his mouth on my mouth, his unbelievable ability to make love to me, and make it feel like the first time every time.

Smiling, I placed my fingertips to my lips. His stubble felt amazing on my body last night, but I was sure I would pay for it today. Pus.h.i.+ng back the covers, I walked into the bathroom. One look in the mirror and I knew I had been thoroughly f.u.c.ked last night. Closing my eyes I hugged myself, then pinched myself.

Nope. Still not dreaming.

Brus.h.i.+ng my teeth and throwing my hair up in a ponytail, I turned and walked back into the bedroom. I put on my favorite comfy clothes, and a pair of fuzzy socks. Rubbing my hands down my arms, I made my way downstairs. I had no clue where Luke had snuck off to, especially on such a chilly morning.

As I walked down the stairs, my nose was filled with the smells of coffee, bacon, and pancakes. I reached the bottom step and stopped. Luke was in the kitchen with Lauren. They were cooking and dancing together to Dan + Shay's "Nothin' Like You". Smiling, my heart filled with more love for this man. The way he was making Lauren smile and laugh spoke more than any words could.

Walking over, I sat on the bar stool as Luke gave me a quick wink. "I talked Lauren into making her famous pancakes."

I raised my eyebrows and smiled bigger. It was nice to see Lauren with a smile on her face. She had seemed sad lately. "What are your plans today, Lauren?" I asked as Luke set a cup of coffee down in front of me.

Lauren sighed. "Study. Then study some more."

Looking at Luke, my stomach fluttered when our eyes met. I quickly looked away. If I kept looking at him, I was going to pull him back upstairs. Grace came walking into the kitchen and let out a whispered good morning. Pouring her coffee Luke kissed her on the cheek. "Good morning, Sweet Pea. Hope you slept good." Rolling her eyes she took a sip of coffee and glanced over to me. I smiled and she pulled her coffee from her lips.

Giving me a wicked smile, Grace pointed to me. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. You got some serious action last night, didn't you?"

Gaping my mouth open, I moved about uncomfortably in my seat. Widening my eyes, I looked at her. "W-why do you ask?"

Grace threw her head back and laughed. Shaking her head she took another drink of coffee and moved around the island, she came and sat next to me on the stool. "Let's see. You have that just-f.u.c.ked glow about you. Your skin looks chafed, and by the looks of big brother's stubble, I'd dare say the rest of your body looks the same way."

Luke smiled bigger as I felt my face warm. "Gesh, Grace." I looked away from her and saw Lauren grinning from ear to ear.

"I'll take that as you had a nice evening. Lucky b.i.t.c.h," Grace said as she reached over and grabbed a piece of bacon.

Grinning, I looked into Luke's eyes. "I would say it was more than nice."

"Aww," Lauren said as she clapped and smiled. "I love y'all together!"

Grace made a gagging sound. "Ew. Gross."

Giggling, I said, "You brought it up."

Sighing, Grace nodded her head. "Touche, that I did. What's the plan for today?" Grace asked, looking directly at Luke.

"I have a huge test to study for so I'll be staying home today," Lauren said as she jetted her lower lip out in a pout.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "Lib, what are we doing today?"

I bit on the inside of my cheek as I attempted to control my desire. "It's chilly out. I'm down for hanging out at home. Maybe watch a few movies."

The smile that spread across Luke's face was infectious. I smiled and looked at Grace. "What are you doing today?"

Grace was still staring at Luke. The look on her face confused me. It was as if she was expecting Luke to say something. Luke looked back at Grace and gave her a knowing look. "Staying home and movies sounds perfect, Lib." Glancing back at me he winked. "We can cuddle under the covers all day."

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Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 19 summary

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