Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 5

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I shrugged my shoulders. "He's another friend, from home." I let out a nervous chuckle. "My brother and Luke are roommates."

Zach nodded his head. "Why don't you invite them all for dinner?"

Smiling weakly, I began typing out a text to Alex.

Me: Are you free this evening?

Alex: Yep! Why what's up?

Me: About to go to dinner at Saltgra.s.s Steakhouse.

Alex: With who?

Me: A guy named Zach. We went out to a movie and will be heading to dinner soon.

Alex: A date. What about Luke?

Me: I can't wait for someone who clearly doesn't want the same thing I want. Besides, he's been hooking up with that Abigail girl the last few months.

Alex: What about what he said to you?

Me: He was drunk. I'm done waiting. Want to meet us for dinner?

Alex: Okay. Will went back to his dorm to get some clothes, so he could stay with me at the hotel for the weekend. Can we meet you there in half an hour?

Me: Sure! We're just talking at Starbucks. Make sure Grace knows!

Alex: Okay. See you soon, sweetie!

I set my phone down and tried to push Luke from my mind. I smiled sweetly at Zach. "Alex, Will, and Grace will be joining us at the Saltgra.s.s."

Zach's smile made my heart melt. He was beyond sweet to me and treated me like I was his world. We'd only been dating for a few weeks, but I loved that he hadn't pushed me into anything. He was taking it slow and that was what I needed.

Zach stood and reached his hand for mine. "May we stop by my dorm so I change first? I don't want your brother meeting me for the first time and I'm in running shorts."

I let out a nervous laugh. "He wouldn't care, but yes, we can stop by your dorm."

I sent Alex a text letting her know we might be a few minutes late since we had to stop at Zach's dorm.

We walked in and Zach looked around. I was guessing he was looking for his roommate. He turned and looked into my eyes. I let out a small gasp when he quickly pushed me against the door.

"Lib, I want to kiss you."

My breathing increased and I slowly smiled. "I'm not stopping you."

Zach leaned down and gently kissed my lips. I moved my hand to the base of his neck and pulled him in more so he would deepen the kiss. His tongue ran along my lips and I opened up to him. His coffee and my tea mixed together as we got lost in the kiss.

Zach pulled away and rested his head against my head. "Libby, you have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?"

I closed my eyes and a memory of Luke instantly invaded my mind.

I WAS LEANING against the tree gasping for air. Luke and I had been paired up against Colt and Grace in the scavenger hunt.

"Did ... you ... get ... the ... plate?" Luke asked in between breaths. I smiled as I held up the sterling silver platter that had sat in Gunner and Ellie's china cabinet. Luke had distracted Ellie while I snuck into their formal dining room and took the plate. I had walked into the kitchen and gave him a look and quickly walked out the back door as I yelled good-bye to Ellie. The moment the door shut I took off running.

The smile that spread across Luke's face caused me to laugh. "d.a.m.n girl!" He grabbed me and pulled me to him as he picked me and spun me around. When he finally put me back down my body was screaming all kinds of weird stuff. I loved being in his arms. I loved him touching me. I loved ... him.

Luke reached over and took a curl that hung down in front of my eyes. He tucked it behind my ear as he whispered, "You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?"

"LIBBY? ARE YOU okay?"

Zach's voice pulled me out of my memory. I smiled and nodded my head. "Yes, I'm sorry. I mean, thank you for the compliment. Sorry, I got lost in thought."

Zach tilted his head. I knew he wanted to ask me what I had been thinking about but he didn't. "Let me go change."

"Okay. I'll be right here. Waiting. Um ... here." I rolled my eyes and looked away when he chuckled. I wasn't sure why I felt so nervous. I guess it was being alone in his room with him that had me on edge.

Two minutes later he came walking out in jeans and a black s.h.i.+rt.

He reached for my hand and we headed to the restaurant.

The drive to the Saltgra.s.s was lighthearted and fun. Zach had a wonderful sense of humor, but it was nothing like Luke's.

Ugh. Stop comparing him to Luke, Libby!

We walked in and the hostess pointed in the direction of where everyone was sitting. Zach leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I hope your brother likes me."

I glanced over at him and winked. "He's going to like you. Stop worrying."

As we walked up to the table, my smile quickly vanished when I saw Luke sitting there. I snapped my eyes over to Alex who mouthed, sorry.

I looked back at Luke and he mumbled something. I forced a smile and looked at Will. "Hey y'all. Um ... Zach, this is my brother, Will and next to Will is my best friend, Alex." Zach reached out and shook Will's hand and then Alex's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. I've heard so much about the both of you."

Smiling, I turned to Grace. "This is my other best friend, Grace."

"Grace, it's a real pleasure. Lib has talked a lot about you."

I immediately saw Luke tense up. He looked p.i.s.sed. Luke had been the first person to start calling me Lib. He was the only guy who ever called me that, besides Will.

Swallowing hard, I turned to face Luke. "Um ... Zach, this is, um ... Luke. Luke and Grace are brother and sister."

Luke reached out his hand and shook Zach's. Zach was about to talk when Luke started talking.

"Hey there, Zach. So, how long have y'all been dating?"

My mouth dropped open and I shot Luke a dirty look. Zach looked at me and I quickly smiled. "What? About two weeks now?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, almost three."

Zach pulled my chair out and I sat. The guys all sat after I did.

Luke glared at Zach. "What year are you, Zach?"

Will shot Luke a look of warning. Smirking, Luke looked back at Zach.

"I'm in my soph.o.m.ore year," Zach replied with a smile.

"Where are you from?" Luke asked as Will cleared his throat.

I'm going to kick Luke's a.s.s. I glanced at Grace and Alex as they just stared at Luke.

"With the twenty questions, I'd think Luke was the brother," Zach said with a laugh. Will and Luke both looked at Zach.

s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t.

Grace and I both let out a nervous chuckle as I said, "Zach, one thing you need to know is we are all very close. We grew up together. Will, Luke, and Alex's brother, Colt, have always been a bit ... overprotective? Let's chill out on the questions, Luke. Okay?"

With the way Luke was staring at Zach, Zach should have dropped over in his chair. He slowly turned and looked at me as he barely said, "Fine."

Zach cleared his throat. "Well, to answer your question, I'm from Colorado Springs." I smiled as I looked at Zach.

"I love Colorado," I said.

Turning to me, Zach smiled and winked.

"So, what? No good schools in Colorado? You had to come to Texas?" Luke asked with sarcasm oozing from his lips. My mouth dropped open slightly as I glared at Luke. I couldn't believe how he was acting.

Zach glanced back over to look at Luke, his smile lessening a bit. "No. We have plenty of good schools. My father lives in Austin. I wanted to be close to him while I attended school. My mother pa.s.sed away during my senior year of high school."

I sucked in a breath of air as did Grace and Alex. "I'm so sorry," the three of us said at the same time.

Looking at Luke, I saw him look down and then back up. "I'm really sorry to hear that."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Zach," Will said.

Zach smiled. "No worries. Thank you though. It's much appreciated."

Zach and I spent the rest of dinner mostly talking to Will and Alex. Luke's voice was driving me insane as I tried to focus on Zach and what he was talking to Will about.

"I'll show you around campus tomorrow, Sweat Pea, if you want," Luke said with a smile and wink to Grace.

Grace nodded her head. "Oh gosh, yes! I want to see everything Texas A&M has to offer.

I peeked over and watched Luke take a drink of his tea. I licked my lips instinctively and quickly looked away when he looked at me. Zach had reached for my hand that was sitting on the table. I quickly moved it down to my lap. I hated that I was trying to hide it from Luke. The feelings I was feeling now confused the h.e.l.l out of me. It seemed like Luke was jealous. Why would he be jealous?

He didn't want me. He made that clear on more than one occasion. I closed my eyes and saw Luke's green eyes looking into my blue eyes.

"I love you, Libby. I've always loved you."

Quickly opening my eyes I saw Luke was watching me. My breathing increased as I remembered the night he told me he loved me. I needed away from him. Looking toward Zach, I asked, "Are we ready to head out?"

He turned and nodded his head. "Sure, if you are, Lib?"

Quickly standing up, I nodded my head. "Yep."

We walked out to the parking lot and I watched Luke kiss Grace and Alex good-bye. I longed for his lips to be on my body.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Stop this Libby. Stop this right now. You're with Zach.

Luke walked up to Zach and reached his hand out. They shook hands while Luke said, "It was nice meeting you, Zach."

"Same here, Luke."

Turning to me, Luke captured my eyes. They looked sad. Heartbroken. I so desperately wanted him to beg me not to leave with Zach. I wanted him to take me in his arms and tell me he loved me. That he needed me.

"Lib, I'll see you around."

My eyes filled with tears as I nodded my head. I couldn't even say anything for fear of crying. I watched as Luke turned and walked off toward his truck. He pulled out his phone and began texting someone.

Abigail. He was probably going to Abigail. Looking away, I saw Alex staring at me. I gave her a weak smile before taking Zach's arm. "I'm not ready to end the night. Let's go dancing."

Alex and Will both shook their heads. "I'm tired, so I'm going to have to pa.s.s," Alex said with a smile.

Grace did a little jump. "I'll go with y'all!"

I smiled and gave Grace a high five. "Perfect! Let's go have some fun!"

I SAT ON the sofa and let out a sigh. Will and I had moved into the house our parents all chipped in for this past weekend. Libby declined to move in and I knew it was because of that f.u.c.ker she was dating. My phone went off and I looked at it sitting on the coffee table. Abigail's name flashed across the screen. I rolled my eyes as I picked up the phone.

Abigail: Hey baby. It's been a few weeks. I want a repeat.

Hitting delete, I tossed my phone back down onto the coffee table. I hadn't been back to Abigail's house since the night I had dinner with Libby and her new boyfriend Zach. As soon as I left the restaurant, I sent Abigail a text and spent much of the night s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g her and trying to get Libby's face erased from my mind.

It hadn't worked. Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was Libby. Every time I fell asleep, all I dreamed about was Libby. I stood and headed upstairs. I was going home for the weekend. The faster I got out of College Station and away from Libby, the better.

"WANT TO TELL me what's on your mind, Son?" my father asked as we rode along in silence. I shrugged my shoulders and looked off to the west.

"Girl problems?"

I let out a husky laugh. "You could say."

Stopping his horse, my father cleared his throat. I stopped mine and turned her around so that I was facing my father. "You know, I've been your age once before. I kind of know a thing or two about this subject. I am after all married to your mother."

I let out a small laugh. "You and Mom have the most amazing love I've ever seen, Dad. The way she looks at you when you walk into a room." I shook my head. "The way you look at her when she walks into a room, it's magical."

My father smiled. "I do love your mother very much. She's my life. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her."

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Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 5 summary

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