Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 9

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Grace was throwing the volleyball up in the air. "You're too good."

I ran up and grabbed the ball. "Awe, is Grace pitching a fit 'cause she sucks at volleyball?" I rubbed the top of her head and she pushed my arm away.

"f.u.c.k off, Luke. I swear, if you weren't my brother." I laughed as I jogged over and threw the ball to Alex. She served and Grace volleyed it back over as Libby jumped up and spiked it right in front of Colt. Maegan moaned and pushed Colt.

"Pay attention, Colt Mathews!"

Colt spun around and looked at Maegan. "I was, Meg. I can't help it if she's good."

Maegan rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'd rather be tanning!"

Lauren laughed as she jumped up and down as if she was warming up. Grace turned and looked at Will, who was walking down from the house. "Hayes! Get down here. Your d.a.m.n sister is kicking our a.s.s!"

Will laughed as he started jogging. He ran up and grabbed Libby and threw her over his shoulder as Libby let out a scream. I chased after him. "Put our star player down!"

Will tried to turn but I grabbed Libby and attempted to take her from Will. He lost his balance and began falling, but not before I grabbed Libby and pulled her to me. I lost my balance and she fell on top of me.

She was laughing as she looked at me. "I'm having deja vu," she said with a chuckle. I thought back to the day at the ranch when she had fallen on me. I loved having her in my arms. I smiled and winked at her. She pushed off of me and jumped up and clapped her hands.

"Let's kick some a.s.s!" Libby shouted as she and Alex jumped and high-fived each other.

I SAT IN the pool house, attempting to catch my breath. Libby and I had gone running on the beach tonight. I tried five times to tell her how I felt. I tried like h.e.l.l to tell her I loved her, but all I kept seeing was me sleeping with Karen. What if I hurt Libby again? What if I wasn't good enough for her?

You're hurting her now by pus.h.i.+ng her away.

I was tired of the push and pull from the voices in my head. I needed to tell Libby how I felt about her, and the sooner the better, before I pushed her into another man's arms again. I stood up and pulled my T-s.h.i.+rt over my head as I opened the door to the pool house. Libby fell into my arms as she let out a small scream. I grabbed her and pulled her to me. Her breath caught in her throat and she looked at my bare chest. "Um ... I ... my ... um ..." She pulled her eyes from my abs and chest and looked into my eyes. "You have my phone still from our run earlier."

"Oh s.h.i.+t, yeah. Sorry!" I said as I reached into my shorts pocket and pulled out her phone. When I handed it to her, our fingers brushed together and my stomach dipped. Libby's mouth opened slightly and I knew she felt the same thing I did.

Smiling she turned and walked away. I pushed my hand through my hair and cursed. "f.u.c.k me. I'm not going to make it through this week."'

I SAT ON the beach and tipped back my beer as I finished it off. Setting it to the side, I looked out over the dark waters of the gulf. I closed my eyes and pictured Libby at the dance club. The s.e.xy silver c.o.c.ktail dress she wore tonight had almost every f.u.c.ker in the club staring at her. I sat there and watched her dance with that built motherf.u.c.ker for three dances before I got up and cut in. I was surprised when he stepped away without a fight.

I leaned back on the sand and closed my eyes. I could almost feel her warmth in my arms as we danced.

"YOU REALLY DO look beautiful tonight, Libby," I said as I held her closer to me.

Smiling, she looked up into my eyes. "Thank you." My hand was against her cool skin as I slowly moved it up and down her bare back. I wanted more than anything to press my lips against her sweat-s.h.i.+ned skin. I could almost taste her on my lips.

The song we danced to ended and another one began. When it started playing, I had a hard time catching my breath. Cascada's "What Hurts The Most" was playing as Libby and I stared at each other as I held her in my arms. When the beat increased, we just stood there. Lost in each other's eyes. I wanted so desperately to tell her how much I loved her. How much I wanted her.

Libby's eyes began to fill with tears as she began to turn away from me. I grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"Libby ..." I whispered as I removed my grip from her arm. I didn't want to tell her how I felt in a d.a.m.n nightclub. She turned and walked off as I stood in the middle of the dance floor.

Closing my eyes I sucked in a breath and blew it out. I'm always f.u.c.king hurting her. Always.

I WASN'T SURE how long I lay on the beach thinking, but I made up my mind on what I had to do. This whole time I had been pus.h.i.+ng Libby away for fear of hurting her. What I needed to realize was that by not being honest with my own feelings-and fears, I was hurting her even more. Sitting up, I sucked in a breath of the salt air.

Standing, I wiped off the sand from my shorts and headed back to the house. Standing at the bottom of the stairs, my heart pounded as I lifted my leg and headed up the stairs. Each step felt like my legs grew heavier and heavier. The idea of totally opening up and telling Libby everything, only to have her walk away, scared the h.e.l.l out of me.

Pus.h.i.+ng my hand through my hair, I walked up to the bedroom where Libby was staying. I leaned in closer and heard her and Grace giggling. I raised the left corner of my mouth and smiled. Two of the most important women in my life sat on the other side of that door. Lifting my hand, I was about to knock when I heard Libby.

"If he loved me, he wouldn't be doing this to me, Grace. My heart can't take anymore."

The air immediately left my lungs as I heard the hurt in Libby's voice. Closing my eyes, I dropped my hands to my sides. By telling Libby the truth, I would be hurting her again and that was the last thing I wanted to do. My father's words flooded my mind. I had two choices and I knew which choice I was going to make. I turned and made my way back down the stairs. It felt like it took me forever to get to the pool house. I walked in and shut the door behind me.

I STOOD OUTSIDE the door to the pool house and listened closely. Taylor had come into our room and said Luke had been standing outside the door and was about to knock when he turned and headed back downstairs.

I wanted desperately to know what he wanted. He might have just wanted to talk to Grace. I placed my hand on the door and whispered, "Luke?"

Closing my eyes, I waited for his response.

Nothing. I reached down and opened the door slowly. The light from the moon lit up the room. I let out a gasp when I saw him sleeping. Making my way over to the side of the bed, I gazed down upon him. Smiling, I placed my fingertips to my lips. I wanted to feel his lips on mine more than anything. I took a few steps back and sat down in the chair and watched him sleep.

Maybe Luke couldn't move on from me sleeping with Zach? Was that the reason he was holding back? A tear slowly made its way down my cheek. I reached up and wiped it away. Would he ever be able to tell me how he felt about me? Or was there too much between us now?

Closing my eyes I slowly stood. I looked at Luke again before turning and heading back into the house. Quietly shutting the door, I walked to my bed. My phone had been charging on the side table. Picking it up I found Zach's name displayed on my screen.

Zach: I've missed you Libby. Please call me.

I inhaled a shaky breath. I'd given Luke so many opportunities to tell me how he felt about me. I wasn't sure what to do anymore.

Me: Can I call you tomorrow?

Zach: I have a family function with my father but I'll text you when I can talk.

Me: Okay.

Zach: Night, Libby. I miss you.

I closed my text messages and sighed. Dropping back onto the bed, I thought about Zach. Did I do the right thing by responding to him? Did I even miss Zach or was he a means to try and forget Luke?

I pulled the covers back and crawled under them.

Tomorrow. I'll decide what to do tomorrow.

THE DAY WAS spent just hanging around the house. Grace and I went for a run on the beach early this morning. If only I could keep running until I knew what to do.

I sat at the kitchen table and listened to Maegan, Taylor, and Lauren all talk about plans for next school year. I glanced up when I heard Colt's voice moving closer.

"I'm telling you, the system I designed will track all the vaccinations and send you monthly reminders. I just need to convince Scott to get on board with it."

Lauren sat up, her interest obviously piqued. "What about my dad?"

Colt had a bottle of water pressed against his lips. He slowly dropped it to his side. I guess he was shocked Lauren was talking to him after the knock-down fight they had last night. "Um-I thought you were never talking to me again?"

I rolled my eyes. Oh gosh. Here we go again.

"You mentioned my father, I was just curious about what y'all were talking about," Lauren said as she squared her shoulders. Lauren had every intention of taking over her father's breeding business someday. She had mentioned to Grace and me how her father felt she couldn't handle the business alone. Scott had felt that Colt had showed a great deal of interest in the horses and would make a great partner to take on the business with Lauren someday. Lauren had been livid the day she told us. In her eyes, she didn't need anyone to help her run her family's ranch.

Colt lifted the corner of his mouth. "What's the matter, Lauren? You afraid your dad is going to like one of my ideas?"

Lauren stood and walked to Colt. She pointed her finger at him and began poking him in the chest as she spoke. "If you think for one second I'm going to take a step back while you wiggle your way into my family's breeding business, you've got another thing coming, Colt Mathews. Stick with cattle, and leave the horses to me."

Colt's mouth dropped open and then he started laughing. "You're threatened by me? Why Lauren? What did your daddy say? Maybe that you couldn't handle it all on your own?" His eyebrow rose as if he knew something Lauren didn't, which caused her to ball up her fists.

Luke cleared his throat. "Who wants to go grab an early dinner?"

Maegan, Taylor, and I all shouted out, "Me!" Everyone could see the fight that was brewing between Colt and Lauren.

"You won't win, Colt," Lauren hissed through her teeth.

Colt smirked. "I didn't realize we had a contest going on, Lauren."

Lauren placed her hands on Colt's chest and pushed him. "f.u.c.k you, Colt Mathews."

Colt grabbed her wrists, "You wish you could, Lauren."

Luke placed his hand on Colt's shoulder, "Alright, that's enough. Both of y'all just back the h.e.l.l off each other. You're both in college and there is plenty of time to sort all this out. Let's get some dinner y'all." Luke pulled Colt back some and began to lead him out the door. He glanced at me and our eyes met. We both smiled weakly.

Luke mouthed, After dinner? I nodded my head. Luke had asked to talk to me earlier today, but I had been avoiding him all day. I was scared to talk to him. Not knowing what he was planning on saying to me. I walked up to Lauren and laced my arm with her arm.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat." Taylor walked on the other side of Lauren and took her arm in hers.

Swallowing hard, Lauren whispered, "I hate him."

Taylor and I both looked at her, as Taylor said, "No, Lauren, honey. I think you're fighting your feelings for him."

Lauren turned and looked at Taylor and then to me. She shook her head and whispered, "How can you love someone you hate so much?"

I stopped and took Lauren into my arms as she began to cry. Luke looked over his shoulder back at us as I motioned for him to keep going.

Maegan wrapped up Lauren and me in her arms. "We should have all signed in our blood not to fall for each other."

I looked into Maegan's eyes as she winked at me and then mouthed, Talk to him, Libby. Nodding my head I mouthed back, I will.

I STOOD UNDER the pier and looked out over the dark blue waters. The sun had already begun to sink beneath the horizon.

I slowly inhaled the sea air through my nose and then blew it out. I loved it down here. Something about the wind and the sound of the waves. .h.i.tting the sh.o.r.e calmed my nerves and helped me forget.

Dinner had been interesting. Colt and Lauren retreated to their corners. Then we all pretended everything was okay and back to normal. We were getting good at pretending.

I knew the moment he walked up behind me. I could feel his energy. I closed my eyes.

I can't do this anymore.

I'd never love anyone like I loved Luke, but my heart couldn't take the pain any longer.

He stepped closer, and my breathing increased. I longed for his touch, for his lips to softly brush against mine, and for him to whisper he loved me.

"Hey, Lib."

His voice made my heart drop and my stomach flip.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face him. "Hey, Luke."

His smile was forced. Something was on his mind, like something was on mine.

I started walking along the beach, and Luke followed. My phone beeped in my pocket, and I pulled it out. It was Zach.

Luke let out a laugh, and I looked over at him. He was walking next to me but looking straight ahead.

"Do you remember the time we put salt in your mom's sugar container and Alex put three huge scoops in her oatmeal?"

Luke somehow always talked me into doing his crazy pranks with him.

Smiling, I nodded my head as I said, "Yeah, I remember."

Luke started talking about how he'd gotten grounded for that prank as I opened up Zach's text.

Zach: Libby, I'm so glad you texted me back. Baby, I understand you were confused, but I'm here. I'm waiting for you if you want to make this work.

I quickly hit the Home b.u.t.ton on my phone and pushed it back into my back pocket. My heart was pounding.

s.h.i.+t. I shouldn't have responded back to Zach.

No, I did the right thing. Didn't I?

My head was spinning, and Luke was talking about d.a.m.n pranks.

I stopped walking and turned to him. I shook my head. "I really need to be alone right now, Luke. I have to think, and I can't think with you living in the past."

His smile dropped, and he nodded his head. I turned and started walking away from him.

"Libby, wait. Please."

The moment his hand touched my arm, I felt the most amazing rush sweep through my body. I almost wanted to whimper with the way his touch affected me. Zach's touch never did this to me.

I looked into Luke's eyes. He had the most beautiful green eyes. I could see why women melted when he looked at them. I quickly looked away.

I can't do this anymore. I can't.

My eyes burned with the tears I fought to hold back. "Luke, I can't stand here and pretend like nothing is wrong. Everything is wrong, and I ... I need to move on with my life, and I can't with-"

He held up his hand and shook his head. I stopped talking. His eyes searched my face and then moved to my lips. I instinctively licked them, and he snapped his eyes back up to mine where he searched them intently.

I held my breath and waited for what he was about to say.

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Love Wanted In Texas: Saving You Part 9 summary

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