Blackwells: My Timeswept Heart Part 15

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Dane stared after her. The agony he'd seen in those eyes made his heart drop to his gullet. Sweet Christ, had the day's events snapped her deranged mind? Her screaming at the dolphin was certainly testimony to her unbalanced state. Please, G.o.d, he silently begged, don't let that be the case. He didn't want her to be insane. He wanted her whole, logical.

And that was what was so confusing, for the courage and ingenuity she'd displayed today were unmatched in any female he'd met before her. He looked up at the mast - still unable to comprehend exactly how she'd managed to get aboard the brig-then glanced around at the men lying on the deck, treated wounds cleanly bandaged, some even sedated. The lady's compa.s.sion was unbounding, especially to men who had treated her so poorly.

"Captain?" Dane's eyes s.h.i.+fted to the boatswain. "Is the lady unwell?"

Unwell? Dane nearly laughed at the suggestion. The lady's emotional stability was definitely under question.


"She is simply tired," the captain excused, deciding he'd give her a moment to compose herself. He rubbed the back of his neck. "What did you discuss, Mr. Potts?" Dane needed to know.

Potts hesitantly relayed the conversation, wondering also what he'd said to cause her to flee.

Dane rapped softly on his cabin door. No response. Leaning closer to the wood, he could hear no sounds coming from within* and a sudden panic swept through him. Was she even in there? Was she perhaps wandering belowdecks? Or had she-jumped overboard? He thrust open the door, his gaze searching the dimly lit cabin. He started to step back outside when a faint sound caught his attention. His brows furrowed as he tried to determine the source.

"I don't belong! I don't belong!" The whispered words knifed him the instant before he saw her, sitting back on her heels, clenched fists thumping her thighs. He could scarcely make out her huddled form in the darkened cabin and could see nothing of her face. Black hair draped over her shoulders, grazing the floor.

She didn't notice his cautious approach.

Her shoulders shook, and he heard her sniffle. G.o.d's teeth, she was crying! The thought jolted him to his boots. She hadn't spent a single tear since she'd been rescued. Ahh, la.s.s, I wish I could help you, he thought, and was startled when she threw back her head and sobbed helplessly.

"I want to go home! I must!"

"Nay!" he said instinctively.


Her head jerked around at the denial, and Tess leapt to her feet. "Leave me alone, please!" she begged, swiping her cheeks with the back of her hand.

Dane's gaze was immediately riveted to the display of unusually muscled legs, bare beyond the short black satin-whatever that was. He swallowed. G.o.d, the limbs were magnificent!

"Please, Blackwell! Go away!" she cried brokenly.

He forced himself to lift his gaze. "Lady Renfrew-"

"Don't call me that!" she shouted, suddenly up in his face. "I'm Tess. Do you hear me? Tess! For G.o.d's sake, at least let me be what I am!"

She swayed weakly, and he grasped her shoulders. "Calm yourself, la.s.s. You're merely exhausted."

Tess froze for a moment, staring at him. A peculiar giggle bubbled in her throat and came out in choked spurts. Then it burst, and she laughed hard, the merry sound twisting into hysterical cackles.

"Exhausted?" she shrieked, gasping for breath and despite her laughing the tears came in a gush. "Christ, I wish it were that simple!" Her trembling fingers curled in the folds of his s.h.i.+rt. "I don't belong here, Blackwell," she cried desperately, jerking him down in her face as if it would make him understand. "This isn't my time." His frown deepened. "Don't you see? Richmond brought me through the wall. To your time. I must go home. I belong in the future!"

"Nay!" He shook her, the thought of her going anywhere driving him to tighten his grip. "Please, m'lady. Do not speak this nonsense!" It tore at his vitals to see her this distraught. "This is the eighteenth century! You are Lady Tess Renfrew, daughter of a n.o.ble Scotsman!"


"No! I'm a n.o.body! A n.o.body!" She thrashed, fists striking out and connecting with his ribs. "Oh, G.o.d! I've traveled back in time, Blackwell! No one knows I'm here! No one cares!"

Abruptly Dane slammed her against him, pale eyes demanding she hear his words. "Listen to me, woman! We know*you're here, and there are over a hundred men on this s.h.i.+p whose admiration and respect you've gained this night! They care what happens to you!" Tears rolled down her flushed cheeks, and the sight sliced him in two.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" she snarled. "Don't start lying to me now!" then kicked him in the s.h.i.+n and managed to sock him in the chest.

" Tis not lie!" Dane felt he'd ensnared a hurricane.

"I don't believe you!" She twisted wildly, and Dane wrapped his arms around her, burying a hand in her hair when she tried to get free.

"Cease, Tess! For G.o.d's sake. Cease! This fight will do no good!" He feared she had finally gone over the edge. " 'Twill be fine soon, la.s.s. I swear it!"

"No! It's not fine! It will never be fine again!" Her fists thumped his back. "You don't understand! How can-oh, let me go!" She pushed at him and he tightened his hold. "Please, G.o.d. I can't handle this. I don't want to!"

She pressed her forehead to his chest, her battered emotions dissolving in the sea of tears, hopeless sobs raking her slender body. Tess cried for herself, something she hadn't indulged in since she was a small child, abandoned in a dingy hotel room at the age of four. The sensation wasn't much different now.

Her tears soaked his s.h.i.+rt, never ceasing, and Dane's 143.

chest constricted at the agonized sound. The heat of her lithe body scorched through his damp clothing, and he fought the nearly unG.o.dly hunger merely touching her evoked in him. He squeezed his eyes shut, blocking the sudden image of those gorgeous bare legs from his mind.

"Oh, I just want to die," she sobbed.

He yanked on a handful of hair, jerking her head back. "Do-not-even-think-it!" he growled in a dangerous voice, eyes bright. "Promise me now, woman! Promise me you'll not harm yourself!"

His gaze searched her face, waiting for her answer, and Dane felt a fear he'd never experienced before. The pa.s.sing seconds thumped with the beat of his heart. Then suddenly he crushed her mouth beneath his, his lips demanding her promise of life, drinking in her sorrow. She was still crying.

This man is all I know, Tess thought. I've nothing left. Alone and defeated, she felt the uncontrollable need to cling to him. His musky scent filled her being, intoxicating her. A primal craving she'd never known rocked her to her bare feet when his warm tongue pushed between her lips. She snared it, answering the blaze, yanking the s.h.i.+rt from his trousers and slipping her hands beneath.

"Nay, la.s.s," Dane murmured against her lips. He strove for control, attempting to extract himself, yet his mouth still hovered close.

"Yes," she whispered shakily, holding tight. Her hands molded up his back, stroking damp, ropey muscles, driving him mad with desire. She caressed the tight skin of Ms ribs, small hands moving urgently up over his broad chest, then fumbling with the wooden 144.

b.u.t.tons of his s.h.i.+rt.

Dane ground his teeth, painfully aware of how much he wanted this woman. He sensed her agony as if it were a piece of his soul, a deep unwelcome ache that spilled over into her jerky movements. He gazed longingly into those storm-cloud eyes, dark, turbulent- lonely. She was a lady much too vulnerable for this, he tried to reason as her ripe curves pressed so intimately to his long body. Dane made a valiant effort to resist.

"Ahh, la.s.s. Do not do this," he rasped deeply when her lips ground down the length of his throat. "I beg you. I cannot - "

b.u.t.tons sprang, shooting across the cabin in rapid succession as she ripped open his s.h.i.+rt, her lips and tongue hurriedly devouring every inch of flesh she exposed. Between her thighs grew warm and damp, tingling with excitement as she peeled the fabric off his shoulders, catching it roughly on his forearms. She could feel his arousal stiffening against her. The power thrilled her. He was ready. A typhoon unleashed itself inside her, her body on fire with the ecstasy only his touch could bring. Tess swiftly shrugged out of her robe, the satin pooling on the floor around her feet before her hands raked over thick biceps, across the wide expanse of his chest, satisfying her need to feel the hard bronzed skin. Warm, solid. Dangerous.

His breath quickened.

Dane sagged heavily against the edge of the desk, * claiming her mouth as he pulled her tightly between his thighs, shaking with the force of her touch. He was about to shatter with the effort to restrain his body's need. It wasn't working. He was burning, rock hard, and throbbing-for her. Ahh, G.o.d, but the woman 145.

was a blessed wildcat, he thought, her lips clinging to his skin, the pressure demanding, her tongue licking erotic circles around his nipples. His knees suddenly turned to water when her .fingertips trickled over the solid ridge straining against his breeches, squeezing down the length of his thigh. Her hand moved between his legs.

He tore his mouth away. "Tess, Tess," he moaned. "We-I-G.o.d's teeth, woman!" he uttered when she cupped him, squeezing firmly. His powerful arms instantly swallowed her. His will vanished as he crushed her lips beneath his with a ravenous need. Fool! Fool! I should never have let it go this far, Dane agonized, shoving the satin strap off her shoulder, his lips tracing a swift steamy path down her chest. I've been a b.l.o.o.d.y idiot to believe I could resist her spell, he silently admitted. But the woman robs me of all coherent thought with naught but those eyes. I've wanted her from the beginning. And now, Christ, I'm b.l.o.o.d.y starving to be inside her. A warm callused hand covered her firm breast. Her nipple tautened beneath his touch, boring into his palm. Dane lowered his head. Tess gasped with pleasure as he captured her nipple, his tongue flicking the tender peak. Then he drew it fully into his mouth, tugging, suckling almost painfully at the rosy tip. Heat splashed down her body in a quick surge. Her hands gripped the lean flesh of his ribs as he bent her back over his arm, her bosom plumping under his moist attentions.

Her lids fluttered, her gaze briefly skimming the cut on his shoulder. The memory of the day's events rapidly flooded her mind. Tears p.r.i.c.ked her eyes as she pulled at his belt. He caught her fingertips, straighten- 146.

ing. Eyes locked and held.

A crystal drop fell, splas.h.i.+ng on her bared breast. She swallowed, aching to feel anything but the turmoil churning inside her.

"I want you, Blackwell," she panted against his lips, jerking open the buckle. She freed a b.u.t.ton. "Now!" Two b.u.t.tons. Three. His heart slammed against the wall of his chest. Each bold release was like a gunshot. His legs threatened to crumble. Four. Five. His manhood sprang free, pus.h.i.+ng against her satin-cloaked stomaph. Without taking her eyes from his, her hand slid inside his trousers. "For the love of G.o.d!" he choked. "No. For me," she whispered intensely as her hand closed around him.

Dane's breath charged in his lungs; blood rushed through his body, burning his loins as she stroked him. Her fingertip made an agonizing circle over the moist tip of him, and he fought to fill his lungs. The s.h.i.+p creaked.

Never had he wanted a woman more. His mouth slashed hard against hers as he shoved up the satin. A large hand slid between her thighs. She whimpered, pus.h.i.+ng against his fingers, and Dane thought he'd die with the sheer pleasure of it. It was excruciating, almost painful to touch her. She was a sorceress, a lady witch, he thought, his head reeling with the musky scent of her. His tongue slickly outlined the curve of her lips, brushed back and forth across her teeth, then thrust inside as his finger slipped into the damp nest of black curls.

He found her. Hot and wet. The sudden knowledge nearly wrenched free the rigging on his restraint, chal- 147.

lenging his need to take her quickly. A finger probed the soft dewy folds, searching for the bud of her desire. He touched it, and she exploded in his arms, grinding against his hand: "Please! Now!" she cried breathlessly, grasping his trousers and pulling him with her as she sank to her knees.

Immediately she straddled him, muscled limbs wrapping deliciously around his hips. His mouth and hands were everywhere, tasting, fondling, stroking. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she inched upward.

"Hurry, hurry," she begged.

The head of him entered her slim body. Dane shuddered violently. Grasping her hips, he watched her face as he pulled her downward. Her lids fluttered, a guttural moan of satisfaction escaping her lips as she sank onto the length of him. She lifted, then slammed down. Eager and hungry and breathless. Strong legs pulled him deeper inside her. The pleasure built to torturous proportions. Christ, she was so tight. Her arms wound around his neck, soft shudders tumbling into his mouth. She rode him. It was sizzling, vigorous - powerful. Her womanhood throbbed, blood coursing around his hard staff, pulsing, squeezing. He moved with her.

"Blackwell!" she screamed.

Suddenly he trapped her against him, stilling her frantic ride. "Say it!" She met his piercing green eyes, brilliant with desire. "Say my name, Tess!"

"Dane," she breathed.

His smile was animal-wicked as he lowered her to the carpet.


"Dane," she whispered again, cupping his jaw and possessing his lips before her back met the floor. Her fingers plowed into his hair, dragging away the black ribbon tied at his nape. Onyx curls spilled over his broad shoulders. He pushed. She arched, claiming his b.u.t.tocks, pulling him farther inside her.

"Look at me," he demanded. She did. He withdrew, then entered her again with exquisite tenderness. Tears bloomed in her eyes. She was strung tight, every nerve singing with a wondrous ache. Her body screamed for a fulfillment she'd never known.

He grasped her hands, placing them on either side of her head and lacing his fingers through hers. Locking his elbows, he moved, rhythmically, watching her sculptured body quiver and tremble beneath him. Sleek, untamed - d.a.m.n bewitching. Her silken hair spread across the floor, undulating like black mist as each buffet drew her closer to ecstasy. His mouth brushed her lips as he surged forth, long and smooth. Their breaths mingled, sharp and sweet.

His body quaked. Dane withdrew fully, then plunged forth, again and again. Her cries of delight filled his head, making him dizzy, her low purrs and husky entreaties pus.h.i.+ng him to the brink. He quickened his pace, the pumping cadence vibrating to treasured agony.

Her head thrashed on the carpet. She wouldn't survive this. It was too much. She knotted tighter with every stroke. "Dane. Do something! Ple-e-ease!"

His arms slid around her, clutching her close as he deepened his thrusts.

Tears dripped across her temples, melting into her hair.


Close, so close.

Every nerve in her body suddenly wrenched tight, and she stiffened beneath him, gasping for the breath that would not come. Her eyes flew open and she stared up at him. For one earth-shattering moment Dane stopped, letting her hover on the pa.s.sionate rim, teeter on the summit of blinding ecstasy. Then he plunged once more, hard and solid, flinging back his head and crying out her name. Tess toppled over the edge, her feminine muscles clenching the life from him. Searing waves crashed over her, shooting sparks to her weakened limbs, and he absorbed the low keening sigh of rapture with his mouth as his powerful body sang for several glorious seconds. He closed his eyes, tremors suffusing his being, then shuddered raggedly with the unbelievable release, burying his face in the cool drape of her hair.

"Sweet witch," he groaned on a shallow breath, then a moment later heard her watery reply.

"d.a.m.ned pirate."



For one idiotic moment Dane wondered if he'd dreamt all that had transpired. Transpired? He smiled wryly at his mediocre choice of words. It was magnificent, a pa.s.sionate eruption. I've pa.s.sed into a new realm, Dane thought, his heart still thumping a wild tattoo as he lifted his head. It was a monumental effort. His breathing had yet to return to normal as he gazed tenderly down into her flushed face. Neither had hers. He brushed a lock from her cheek and felt the dampness.


"Shhh," she hushed, pulling his head down and kissing him languidly. His breathing quickened, and he firmed inside her. One eye opened. "Are you always that easy to take advantage of?" she teased. His grin was slow, a rascally smile that made her breath catch.

Saucy wench, Dane thought, lifting his weight from her chest. She stretched slowly, catlike. He started to withdraw, and she quickly grasped him. "No, not yet."

"The bed offers a sight more comfort, love."

Tess melted into a puddle. Love. His tone was husky 151.

soft, intimate, and when she opened her eyes, she wanted to freeze the expression on his face forever. She reached up, tracing the line of his lips with her thumb, fingertips rasping over the stubble on his chin. Was it simply the look of a satisfied lover? He caught her hand, nibbling her fingertips, then kissing her palm.

Her heart tripped at the lingering gesture. Was he for real?

"Yes, I suppose it would," she finally managed, suddenly breathless. He left her, the emptiness sending a sharp pain through her chest. She wouldn't think about that. Not yet, not tonight. She closed her eyes, damming back the burn of tears. No more, she scolded herself. Adapt, overcome. Suddenly she was swept off the floor and into his arms.

"As fetching as you look on my carpet, Tess, you shall not sleep there." He carried her to his bed, placing her in the soft center. "And if I really want to?"

How she managed to look so defiant while she yawned, Dane didn't know, nor care. G.o.d, she was enchanting, he thought, stepping back, hands on his hips. He flashed her a grin. "Are you always in such a fighting snit after having your pleasures?"

Dane chuckled lowly when she stuck out her tongue as she sank deeper into the down.

Tess felt the heat burn her face but didn't care. Her eyes were glued to the s.e.xiest sight she'd ever seen. Her heart thrashed in her chest, and she knew a hundred women who would kill to trade places with her at this moment. s.h.a.ggy locks tumbled in a thick black wave, dipping low over his brow, and all she could see beyond the hair was one frosty green eye making a leisurely 152.

journey up the length of her body. Long raven curls brushed his shoulders, and she was entranced as he stripped off what was left of his s.h.i.+rt. A light dusting of dark crisp hair tapered down his chest, disappearing into his trousers where the b.u.t.tons of his pants were left unfastened. The belt hung open. A dangerously rumpled panther, she decided drowsily.

Silence was broken with the soft splash of waves, the gentle sway of the s.h.i.+p, and Tess fought against her heavy lids, then gave up, exhaustion quickly sapping what was left of her strength. Several moments later she felt a damp warmth between her thighs and it took a second to realize the soothing heat was a wet cloth. There isn't another like him, she thought.

Dane cleansed his seed from her body, listening to her soft sighs. He soaked the cloth again, wrung it out, then cleansed himself before he tucked her beneath the sheets. She snuggled into the mattress, kicking her legs free. Dane told himself he must leave and started to rise.

She reached blindly, grasping his arm.

"Don't go. Please."

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Blackwells: My Timeswept Heart Part 15 summary

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