Blackwells: My Timeswept Heart Part 37

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Phillip shoved the gun barrel tightly beneath Tess's chin. "Another move, old boy, and your bride will simply lose her head." A grin, despite the blood gus.h.i.+ng from a wound in his thigh. He'd taken the stray ball. Dane skewered the man with his pale eyes, his body coiled tight with reined fury. " 'Tis hopeless, Rothmere. This fortress is mine." To prove the point, Dane gestured to the entrances. Thorpe, Finch, and Cambert stood there, each flanked by more than a dozen armed Marines. **Yet your wife is mine, Blackwell." "I would kill her myself," he scoffed. "And I guarantee you will not survive to know of it." Pistol hammers clicked almost in unison. "We shall see this debt settled-regardless."

Phillip's bland expression faltered a bit: b.l.o.o.d.y c.o.c.ksure b.a.s.t.a.r.d. "I owe you nothing!"

"But 'tis not so, Phillip." Elizabeth stared at a gilded box resting on the table. "I told you he would-"

"Do not interfere, Lizzie!" He blinked, trying to focus on Dane.

"But you always say that, Phillip. 'Do not question me, Lizzie.' 'You've angered me, Lizzie.* 'You shall suffer for that, Lizzie.' " Her fingertips caressed the edges of the box. " 'Tis really growing rather tiresome, you know."

Dane's scowl darkened at her senseless prattling, but he didn't take his eyes off Phillip as the man slowly dragged the barrel down Tess's exposed throat.


"What will you pay for this pretty face, Blackwell? More diamonds?"

Powerless to help his wife, Dane smashed down the violence churning inside him and dipped his fingers into his pocket, then tossed a packet on the table; diamonds slipped out, scattering across the polished surface. *

"You are your father's son, Phillip. Will you gamble everything for the speed of a ball?" "Oh, look, Phillip, diamonds!" Phillip's eyes widened a fraction, and his head turned slightly toward the sparkling gems.

Tess felt rather than saw her chance and brought her fist down on his wounded leg, twisting away. Phillip howled even as he reached again for his captive.

Dane lunged at him like a savage animal, knocking the gun from his hand, his powerful square fists singing into the man's thin body. Bone cracked beneath each solid punch. Skin split, blood splattering the walls. Dane never gave him a chance, his fist connecting beneath the man's chin. The crus.h.i.+ng blow s.h.i.+fted Phillip's jaw and lifted him off the floor, sending him back against the wall. Even as his legs buckled, he scrambled wildly for his gun. Boiling with unsup-pressed fury, Dane grabbed him by the throat, strong fingers squeezing. Frantically Phillip clawed at his hands, his skin turning purple, blue eyes bulging in their sockets.

"Dane! No!" Tess screamed. He didn't cease. Gurgles spilled from Phillip's lips, then foaming blood. Tess latched on to Dane's arm, yanking. "Don't do it! Please!" Dane immediately released his hold, his powerful arms wrapping around his wife as Phillip 397.

slumped to the floor, coughing red mist.

"Naayy! Kill him!" Elizabeth shrieked, wide panicked eyes s.h.i.+fting from Dane to Phillip. "Kill him now!"

Phillip wheezed and choked. *"

When no one made to oblige her, Elizabeth quickly scooped up the fallen pistol and leveled it at Phillip. "Your b.a.s.t.a.r.d seed shall never know such madness!"

She fired.

Dane turned Tess's face into the bend of his shoulder as blood fountained from Phillip's throat. She clung to her husband. "Oh, G.o.d. Take me away from here. Please," she whispered into his s.h.i.+rt, and he immediately lifted her in his arms, quickly stepping over dead men as he carried her toward the corridor.

Elizabeth sank to her knees on the floor. "See what happens when you anger me, Phillip."

Dane halted at that, twisting to see her tenderly stroking Phillip's hand. "Dear Lord, he's made her as crazy as ,he," Tess sympathized, and Dane started to turn away when Elizabeth called his name, not taking her eyes from the pale lifeless hand.

" Tis yours.'* She waved toward the gilded box resting on the table.

Dane's eyes s.h.i.+fted from the box to his wife. Slowly, he set Tess to her feet. He didn't have to say it; Tess knew his family's fortune lay in that small chest.

"I'll wait here," she told him.

"The fire, sir," Gaelan said urgently. " 'Tis spreading!" Smoke circled their legs as the first mate gestured with his pistol for the crewmen to vacate quickly. "I shall retrieve it, Capt'n," he a.s.sured with a quirky smile when Dane went for the chest.


Dane nodded once, then ushered Tess to where the butler stood in the hallway, motioning to them. He pressed a hand to a wood panel and it sprang open. "To the s.h.i.+p, sir." With a bow he gestured toward the stone tunnel.

Tess eyed Dane, inclining her head to the butler.

"You know Jeeves here?"

Dane smiled at her saucy look. "He is Ramsey's boatswain, love. Jamie Wilc.o.x. Though I was unaware, Ram had stationed men inside."

Tess playfully socked Jamie in the chest. "You coulda told me."

Jamie rubbed the tender spot. "A fine thanks," he mumbled, then grinned, following them into the damp narrow pa.s.sage.



"I can walk, you know."

Dane ignored her, his legs carrying them swiftly toward the cabin, his crew grinning at their captain's haste. He hadn't said a word since they'd left the island and had refused to allow her from his side even as the long boat took them to the Sea Witch. His expression was tight with a frown, and Tess could see a muscle clenching in his jaw.

He strode into the cabin and kicked the door shut behind him, releasing her legs and letting her slide down the length Of him. The thought of that wh.o.r.eson's hands on his wife made him crazy, and the coolly stored anger and fear for her life released itself. His mouth was suddenly on hers, savage and hot, before her feet touched ground. Her arms wound around his neck, and she clung to him, answering the power, reveling in the swift burn that raced through her body. His thigh pushed between hers, his hands, warm and large, rubbed the length of her, molding her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, stroking her slender waist, sliding down to cup her b.u.t.tocks and drag 400.

her across the surface of his leg. She whimpered against his lips, the intensity of his touch leaving her trembling and breathless. She'd never seen him like this. So impatient, so desperate! She pulled her mouth away, but he didn't cease, devouring the skin at her throat, then moving lower.

"Dane." Her breath came in urgent gasps. The gown peeled away from her shoulders.

"Do not deny me, Tess." His voice was rough. "I beg you." He lifted her so he had perfect access to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Ann, G.o.d, I need to banish his touch from your memory."

Tess melted, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her backward to the bed, tumbling her to the feather mattress. His ravenous mouth never left hers as he tore at the constricting garments. He immediately covered her with his long body, entering her swiftly, deeply, cupping her b.u.t.tocks to bring her closer to his heat. He moved, loving her wildly, hungry with tender greed. Together they clung, reaching the summit with a hoa.r.s.e cry, descending slowly, the aftershocks still rippling through them as she whispered, "I love you, pirate," in a watery voice.

His arms tightened about her as if to bring her into himself. He squeezed his eyes shut, placing a kiss to her damp shoulder, not wanting her to see the fear he could no longer hide.

Dane settled back against the bowsprit, pulling his wife firmly against the length of him. "I should blister your lovely bottom for sneaking 401.

out," he said, even as he rubbed the mentioned posterior.

"Dane! The crew."

He grinned wickedly, the wind tossing black curls. "They've orders to venture no farther than mids.h.i.+p."

"In that case-" She wiggled between his thighs, nibbling the bronze skin at his throat.

He groaned as her hands molded over his chest, small fingers slipping beneath the fabric of his s.h.i.+rt. "Are you trying to gain my forgiveness?"

Her smile was impish. "Is it working?"

"Ahh, love. Aye."

"Duncan asked me to deliver this."

Tess and Dane pulled slowly apart at the sound of Ramsey's voice. He held out a folded paper, its edges brown with age. She glanced at Ram, her eyes questioning its existence as she accepted it.

"He said it fell out of the diamond pouch when he was tidying the cabin."

Ramsey's lips twitched, and Tess flushed, remembering the sensual debris of clothing she and Dane left scattered around the s.p.a.cious cabin. She wore breeches and Dane's s.h.i.+rt now, and Ramsey's roving eyes told her he liked what he saw. But his easy manner didn't last long, fading quickly to an inner turmoil that she could see beyond his weak smile. The Witch was attempting to catch up with the Triton, and Tess wished they'd hurry. Maybe he would be his old self when he was on his s.h.i.+p again? Ramsey was acting strange, quiet and almost sulking. No teasing, no carefree chitchat. It was like he'd lost his favorite toy. Or woman. Tess grinned to 402.

herself: likely the latter.

She focused her attention on the envelope. How come I never noticed this before? she wondered, turning it over in her hands. Breaking the wax seal that had obviously been replaced several times, she unfolded the crackling paper, reading quickly.

Mistress Tess Blackwell, Tis my wish that you understand the past, mayhaps to know the future and prevent the death I have witnessed.

It was from Elizabeth! Tess looked up, squinting. The island was a speck on the horizon, the smoke merely a tiny gray flag against clear skies. Tess hoped she'd escaped, then quickly amended the thought. She had to have; the Rothmere clan lived in the twentieth century, and she recalled the mention of Phillip's b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Tess continued reading.

Shall I begin with Phillip's mother, Wilhelmina? A rather common woman, really, who believed power came with money and gems. Devlin provided well for them both, yet she desired more. Like Phillip, 'twas never enough. She was wrong, you know. Phillip had wealth, other than what he'd stolen from Gray-son, yet never had power, merely greedy servants. I am not so addlepated to let it drive me to take my own life as Wilhelmina had. / will make the name Rothmere mean something again. Oh, dear, I really am getting ahead of myself, aren't I? Devlin and my mama were 403.

lovers. I am the product of that union. I am a Rothmere.

Tess blinked. Elizabeth? His half sister? Oh, Jesus! The baby! She glanced over the remaining words: details of his s.e.xual abuse of her, the torture, allowing men to -she couldn't read any more.


Dane's puzzled gaze s.h.i.+fted from the letter to her.

Tess took a deep cleansing breath before she said, "It's from Elizabeth. When she wrote it, I don't know. She tells everything, about the diamonds, what Phillip did, everything." She held it out for him, but he didn't even read it, folding the letter and tucking it in her pocket.

" Tis over, my sweet. History."

She smiled widely. "Well, we know how that can change."

"Aye, thank G.o.d." He placed a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you, Tess."

"Me you too," she sighed against his mouth. "Wanna go back to the cabin?"

"b.l.o.o.d.y newlyweds," Ramsey snorted, his forearms braced on the port rail. He glanced to the side to glare at the pair, then straightened abruptly, his attention riveted somewhere beyond them. "Sweet Mother of G.o.d! What the ruddy h.e.l.l is that?" he demanded.

Tess twisted around. "Jesus H-no!"

"Capt'n, 'tis the b.l.o.o.d.y wall again!" a crewman bellowed, fear sharp in his voice.

The black wall s.h.i.+fted, undulating, tentacles of mist following them across the sea.


Dane grabbed Tess about the waist, mas.h.i.+ng her to his side. "Prepare to come about!" he shouted. Crewmen scurried, frantic to adjust sail and spar.

Ramsey's gaze slid to Tess. Her fingertips were turning white from their grip on Dane's arm, her eyes wide., stark with horror. He'd never seen her so terrified. And Dane, Ramsey thought, the man was b.l.o.o.d.y desperate, shouting orders, yet refusing to release his wife.

"Why do you fear this apparition, la.s.s?" Ram asked, climbing onto the bowsprit for a better view. He frowned back over his shoulder, unaffected by the wild commotion on the Witch. "You know what this be?"

She looked uncertainly up at her husband. "Tell him, love," Dane urged, his ears tuned to the creak of the rigging as it s.h.i.+fted to bring the frigate away from the wall.

"It's a doorway, Ramsey. To the future." His brows rose a fraction. "I don't know exactly to where-but that," she glared at the curtain, "is a rip in time."

Ramsey's gaze snapped between the wall, Tess, and Dane, an eagerness lighting his features even as he considered she must be jesting. The future? Then Dane briefly met his skeptical gaze and nodded curtly, and in those pale green eyes, Ramsey glimpsed the man's tortured fears.

" 'Tis coming for us, Capt'n!" a seaman screamed.

"Port hard to lee!" Dane shouted. "Now!" He yanked Tess from the path of scrambling sailors and swinging gaff sail.


" 'Tis followin'!" the boatswain bleated. Tess moaned, feeling the pull, the nausea, the heaviness of her limbs. "Oh, jeez! Dane! It wants me back! I can't-please! Not now!" She clung to her husband, fighting the violent tug that seemed to come from the marrow of her bones. No, she prayed, I'm happy now. "Don't let it take me, Dane, please." Tears wet her cheeks.

"Never, love." Dane crushed her to him, twining rope around his free arm and praying it would keep them together. "If you depart, I shall be with you." Ramsey stared at the black curtain that reached up to infinity. The future? His head jerked around, and he studied Tess hard, trying to read beyond that horrified expression. He knew the moment he met her she was different, so spirited and intelligent, d.a.m.ned resourceful. Even compared to a man. His brain pounded with all he could remember since. Her speech, her manners, her views, her ability to decipher code, plan strategy: the list was endless. He returned his gaze to the wall. Was it possible? To step into another time?

He looked back again at Tess, the sharp motion making his head feel light, drugged. Then an odd sensation gripped him, a sudden piercing of flesh, sinew, and muscle, sand-rough fingers clamping like a vice onto his bones, tugging.

'Tis an invitation, Ram thought, hugging the ropes. Nay, a demand.

"Your journey was long to find your heart mate, Tess," Ramsey said, his face bloodless with the clawing nausea. "Mayhaps I must take the same to discover if such exists for me."


Tess's eyes widened as he gave them a jaunty salute. "Ramsey! Noooo!" she screamed as he dove into the water.

The instant Ramsey surfaced, his powerful arms knifed through the ocean toward the ebony curtain.

"Raamseeey!" Her cry ended in a dry shriek, her throat gone raw.

Ram ignored her.

"d.a.m.n you, O'Keefe! Come back!" Dane shouted over the railing.

"Do something! We have to stop him!" she pleaded to Dane, her fingers twisted in the fabric of his s.h.i.+rt. "He won't survive!"

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Blackwells: My Timeswept Heart Part 37 summary

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