Neruda And Vallejo: Selected Poems Part 48

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La clera que quiebra al hombre en ninos, que quiebra al nino, en pjaros iguales, y al pjaro, despues, en huevecillos ; la clera del pobre tiene un aceite contra dos vinagres.

La clera que al rbol quiebra en hojas, a la hoja en botones desiguales y al botn, en ranuras telescpicas ; la clera del pobre tiene dos ros contra muchos mares.

La clera que quiebra al bien en dudas, a la duda, en tres arcos semejantes y al arco, luego, en tumbas imprevistas ; la clera del pobre tiene un acero contra dos punales.

La clera que quiebra el alma en cuerpos, al cuerpo en rganos desemejantes y al rgano, en octavos pensamientos ; la clera del pobre tiene un fuego central contra dos crteres.

26 octubre 1937


The anger that breaks a man down into boys, that breaks the boy down into equal birds, and the bird, then, into tiny eggs ; the anger of the poor owns one smooth oil against two vinegars.

The anger that breaks the tree down into leaves, and the leaf down into different-sized buds, and the buds into infinitely fine grooves ; the anger of the poor owns two rivers against a number of seas.

The anger that breaks the good down into doubts, and doubt down into three matching arcs, and the arc, then, into unimaginable tombs ; the anger of the poor owns one piece of steel against two daggers.

The anger that breaks the soul down into bodies, the body down into different organs, and the organ into reverberating octaves of thought; the anger of the poor owns one deep fire against two craters.

Translated, by Robert Bly from Espna, Aparta de M Este Cliz



Al fin de la batalla, y muerto el combatiente, vino hacia el un hombre y le dijo " No mueras ; te amo tanto!"

Pero el cadver ay! sigui muriendo.

Se le acercaron dos y repitieronle: "No nos dejes! Valor! Vuelve a la vida!"

Pero el cadver ay! sigui muriendo.

Acudieron a el veinte, cien, mil, quinientos mil, clamando: "Tanto amor, y no poder nada contra la muerte!"

Pero el cadver ay! sigui muriendo.

Le rodearon millones de individuos, con un ruego comn: "Quedate hermano!"

Pero el cadver ay! sigui muriendo.

Entonces todos los hombres de la tierra le rodearon ; les vi el cadver triste, emocionado ; incorporse lentamente, abraz al primer hombre ; echse a andar 10 noviembre 1937.


When the battle was over, and the fighter was dead, a man came toward him and said to him: "Do not die ; I love you so!"

But the corpse, it was sad! went on dying.

And two came near, and told him again and again: "Do not leave us! Courage! Return to life!"

But the corpse, it was sad! went on dying.

Twenty arrived, a hundred, a thousand, five hundred thousand, shouting: "So much love, and it can do nothing against death!"

But the corpse, it was sad! went on dying.

Millions of persons stood around him, all speaking the same thing: "Stay here, brother!"

But the corpse, it was sad! went on dying.

Then all the men on the earth stood around him; the corpse looked at them sadly, deeply moved ; he sat up slowly, put his arms around the first man ; started to walk November 10, 1937.

Translated by Robert Bly.


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Neruda And Vallejo: Selected Poems Part 48 summary

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