House Of Ghosts Part 8

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"You and Pop have worked very hard, and in your own way have made America a better place. This country was built on the backs of those speaking with an accent. But don't think for a minute that we're really accepted here. If the anti-Semites come to the conclusion that they could avoid a war with Hitler by kicking us out, we would be packing in a minute. Jews in America have got to change. We have to become fighters, protect ourselves, and take no c.r.a.p from anybody."

"Jake, you get these ideas from the men you work with. They're nothing but a bunch of gangsters. You're becoming one of them!" she shouted.

"Yes Ma, some of them are gangsters, some are killers, but they don't let anyone mess around with their people. The time is coming when we'll have to trade in our prayer shawls for guns."

Jake realized that he was daydreaming. "A few of my co-workers have supplied me with some equipment to help heat the Bund meeting hall. I understand they've been a little chilly. I think it's best if we go over and take a look at the place. My friends advised me to make sure this auxiliary heater would be the right size for the job."

"Is this heater available for installation this evening?" Lou Ginsberg asked.

Jake nodded in the affirmative. "I just have to call the supply house, and we'll get immediate delivery."

They split into two groups, with Jake riding with Sam Bernstein. Moe Feinberg, a pattern maker in the Manhattan's garment center, chauffeured the others. The Bushwick section of Brooklyn had been the location for more than a dozen breweries. All changed with Prohibition and the s.h.i.+ft to produce soda and near-beer.

The repeal of the Volstead Act didn't fill the void left by the Queens migration. The old brewery area remained dilapidated, populated by the disenfranchised and impoverished. The Bund was located on Schaefer Street, a community populated mainly by Germans and Poles. It took about twenty minutes to navigate into the general area. With buses stopping on almost every corner, traffic slowed, not being helped by a light drizzle. It was a narrow street, paved with the original cobblestones. Jake took note-the stones were like ice when wet. As planned, they cruised by the target, with each member of the operation looking for specific details relating to security measures taken by the Bund. Jake wanted to know about lookouts and possible tails. He was warned that they kept members in cars to follow suspicious intruders.

Number 345 Schaefer Street was a two story brick and frame building standing alone with a parking lot on either side. The faded lettering spelled out Krause's Tavern, the former occupant. A large swastika was flying at the side of the door. "In a million years, I wouldn't ever have dreamed that I see a Browns.h.i.+rt standing guard duty," Jake said.

Bernstein slowed for a fraction of a second and then proceeded up the block, taking a right on Madison Street. He pulled to the curb behind Feinberg's black Oldsmobile. "Pick me up at 8:30 and we'll go get the transportation," Jake said as he switched cars to go over plans with Moe Feinberg.

Feinberg doubled back to Schaefer Street. Jake wanted to take another look at the target. The near empty parking lots adjacent to the building filled rapidly. "The Bund is a very popular place," Jake said. "Tonight's meeting has been advertised as a double celebration for the annexation of Czechoslovakia and Kristalnacht."

"Why don't we just shoot these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds? It would so much easier!" Feinberg said.

"It would be easier, but if we do it my way, they'll have doubts about their own safety. I want them to worry about going into a place like this. Maybe their new headquarters will meet the same fate or worse," Jake replied as he waved to get going.

Jake found his brother sitting at the kitchen table with a stack of books. "By the way, how's your girlfriend?"

Paul turned a deep crimson. "What girlfriend?"

"Don't bulls.h.i.+t me little brother. I can tell when a guy is dopey over a dame. I'm talking about Miss Sarah Greenbaum."

"She's not my girlfriend yet, but I'm working on it."

Jake glanced down at the calculus book. "I have to go out for awhile, if I'm not back by the time you go to bed, don't put the chain on the door. I hate climbing the fire escape."

"You're afraid of heights." Paul looked up. "Anything related to the gentlemen I met at Katz's?"

Jake moved to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of "From now on, unless I offer information, don't ask. Whatever you do, don't don't utter a syllable to Ma," he said, taking a long gulp, utter a syllable to Ma," he said, taking a long gulp, Paul knew his brother well enough not to argue when he used that tone of voice. This was his business face, no s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g with him. Paul returned to his books as Jake picked up the phone. "Jake here," he said. "I need the wheels, make sure the other stuff is in the back of the truck. Thanks." He hung up.

Jake re-dialed the phone. "Nicky, the plumber needs that heater. Anthony will have the truck in half an hour. Thanks and I'll see you tomorrow."

Jake picked up his jacket and locked the door behind him. Bernstein's dark blue Chevy was parked across the street. Sam Bernstein was a sixty-three year-old lifelong butcher. His trade kept him in a physical condition that was the envy of men forty years his junior. Jake respected him for his common sense and his muscle.

"Boichick, you ready. Feinberg will be on Madison like before. If we don't show in twenty minutes of the rendezvous time, the gang is going to come looking for us. Moe's coming prepared: four shotguns and a bunch of baseball bats." you ready. Feinberg will be on Madison like before. If we don't show in twenty minutes of the rendezvous time, the gang is going to come looking for us. Moe's coming prepared: four shotguns and a bunch of baseball bats."

"I hope Moe doesn't get jumpy and blow the whole scheme," Jake said, having a few doubts.

Bernstein made his way over to the industrial section of Pennsylvania Avenue, checking his rear view mirror like he had seen Bogart do in the movies. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but one couldn't be too careful. His reservation for the operation was that more than two people knew what was going on. It was unavoidable. There were only twelve men in the entire movement. He hoped they could control their mouths.

The Brooklyn Union Gas Company depot was deserted. Bernstein pulled the Chevy into an alley. The car was hidden behind two large cardboard boxes. Approaching a gas company truck, Jake removed two pairs of brown flannel gloves from his jacket, handing a pair to Bernstein. "Put them on, we wouldn't want to leave any pastrami traces."

Bernstein found the keys on top of the sun visor. A friend of a friend of Jake's provided the wheels and other required incidentals. Two sets of Brooklyn Union overalls were in the back. Jake opened the toolbox and lifted the tray, s.h.i.+ning a flashlight onto a package marked "fittings." His goomba goomba had a sense of humor. had a sense of humor.

Bernstein a.s.sumed his place behind the wheel, turned the key in the ignition, and the old Dodge truck purred to life. Just as they began to move, another gas truck pulled into the depot. Jake looked away, trying to keep his face from view. "Let's get going. If those guys get an idea we're not supposed to be on duty, its curtains."

"What the h.e.l.l are you talking about? Do you think they only have one crew on a s.h.i.+ft? This company provides gas for the entire borough. Relax!" Bernstein said.

Jake eased back into the seat, gazing at the industrial buildings as Bernstein drove toward Bushwick. The traffic had thinned. He checked his watch, 8:55. They were on time to arrive at the Bund just as the festivities were scheduled to begin.

Bernstein turned onto Schaefer and eased the truck into a no parking zone. "A cop wouldn't bother with a gas company truck."

"From the looks of the block, I doubt the police patrol it," Jake said.

The adjacent parking lots were full. Bernstein looked at his young partner and gave him the thumbs up. Jake went to the rear of the truck and removed the toolbox.

A brown s.h.i.+rted goon stood guard at the door. "We're from the gas company," Jake announced. "There's been a report of a gas leak. We have to check the buildings beginning at the head of the main. Which way to the bas.e.m.e.nt?"

"You can't barge in. Wait here," the guard said.

They waited on the front steps. A short, fat, gray haired, pseudo n.a.z.i appeared. "I am Fritz Steiner, commander. We didn't call in a gas leak. You've come at the worst time, our meeting is about to start!"

"Listen Mac, the company's instruments have indicated falling pressure in the main line. If you want to blow up, be my guest," Bernstein said. He started to walk down the steps to the street.

"No, no, you have to do your job," Steiner said. "Come inside and I will get someone to take you down to the bas.e.m.e.nt,"

Krause's Tavern had been transformed into the Munich beer hall where Hitler staged his infamous putsch. The original bar was still being used, and the revelers were lined up three deep. On the wall behind the bar hung a framed picture of Hitler. Bernstein fought to control himself, wanting to grab one of the large n.a.z.i flags and smash the former paperhanger.

Steiner led one of his flunkies to them. "Sergeant Kress will show you the way."

Kress led them down a narrow hallway and opened the door to the bas.e.m.e.nt. "It looks like you guys have been in a few bas.e.m.e.nts tonight," he said looking at their filthy overalls. "If you need something, I'll be down the hall."

"Gunter, we need you up front. Get your accordion," a voice called down the steps. Kress turned heels and disappeared.

Bernstein led the way, with Jake closing the door behind him. The floor was stacked with kegs of beer. "I would like to take a leak in that," Bernstein whispered as he pointed to the keg that was hooked up to the taps upstairs.

"a.r.s.enic would be better." Jake said, carrying the tool chest to the area behind the furnace that was draped in cobwebs.

Bernstein grimaced at the sight, "I hate bugs. If I see a rat, I'm outta here."

"Don't worry, all the vermin are upstairs toasting the Fuhrer." Jake put on his gloves, opened the tool-chest, and handed Bernstein a large open-ended wrench. The noise filtering through the floor made it difficult to hear if someone was coming down the steps. Bernstein positioned himself at the bottom of the stairs, prepared to adjust some b.a.s.t.a.r.d's att.i.tude if necessary.

Jake removed the package marked "fittings." Tearing the brown Kraft wrapping paper revealed six sticks of dynamite connected to a timer. After turning the power off to the burner, Jake used a wrench to loosen the gas pipe leading to the furnace. He set the timer for eighteen minutes. Bernstein slipped his wrench into the large pocket on the right side of the overalls and climbed the steps. He peeked into the hall. The a.s.sembly was in the midst of patriotic songfest. Jake closed the door with his elbow and proceeded toward the front of the building.

Steiner was positioned near the door. "Do you gentlemen want a gla.s.s of beer?"

"We'll take a rain check. We have more stops to make," Bernstein said. "All the lines checked out. Sorry for any inconvenience we might have caused."

"I appreciate your concern for our safety. Please come back when your s.h.i.+ft is over. The party will really be hot by then," Steiner said.

As they walked down the front steps, the guard saluted them with a "Seig Heil."

"You should go inside and warm up. It's getting a little chilly," Jake said.

Holding their breaths, they waited for the truck's engine to start. "I'm getting too old for s.h.i.+t like this," Bernstein said as he pulled away. "I hope that putz putz takes your advice and goes inside." takes your advice and goes inside."

"I can't get over the fact these people have the b.a.l.l.s to parade around in their n.a.z.i uniforms, doing their "Seig Heil" routine, and wish this was Bavaria," Jake said. "Where in the h.e.l.l did they get that picture of Hitler hanging over the bar? I wonder if they have one hanging over the toilet."

Bernstein slowly drove past the Bund hall. The guard at the door gave them a final n.a.z.i salute. The truck turned on Knickerbocker Avenue. Bernstein watched for any tails. He hadn't observed anything out of the ordinary, and proceeded to Madison to rendezvous with Feinberg.

Bernstein parked beside the black Oldsmobile. Feinberg rolled down his window. "In five minutes, our German friends will be taking a trip to Valhalla. Everything went smooth as gla.s.s," Jake said. Bernstein made a U-turn to face in the direction of the expected explosion.

Jake checked his watch. One minute. "Bill, I know those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds deserve what is about to happen, but in a way, I have mixed emotions. This is the start of something that is going to get real ugly."

Bernstein gave him a look like he would do to his son. "Jake, we didn't start this war. These goons look up to a madman. They've declared an open hunting season on our people. I'm just a common man, but I know you can't close your eyes and make a wish that they won't be here anymore. Vermin must be removed. We volunteered for the job."

The black sky suddenly turned to orange-red as a fireball ascended two blocks away. Bernstein drove away, not waiting for Feinberg. Within minutes, the wails of sirens converged in the direction of Schaefer Street. Bernstein turned toward Jake. "Your goombas goombas at the docks provide good equipment. Make sure you tell them how much we appreciate their help. Demolition isn't taught in Hebrew school." at the docks provide good equipment. Make sure you tell them how much we appreciate their help. Demolition isn't taught in Hebrew school."

Chapter 14.

PRINCETON, NJ MAY 1939 1939.

WARM WEATHER USHERED IN THE FINAL weeks of freshman year. For Preston, the pressure of round-the-clock work was a relief compared to the previous ten days at 2365 Park Avenue, New York City.

Preston had contemplated traveling with Clark to Detroit for spring recess. However, spending a week with disciples of Father Charles Coughlin bordered on the profane. There wasn't a viable alternative; Preston went home.

Preston didn't expect to be welcomed home as a conquering hero, but being greeted by the doorman with a note from his mother wasn't something he expected either. Tearing the flap open, he removed a lilac scented card. Her choice of stationary caused him considerable consternation at the dorm. His fellow residents couldn't contain their curiosities concerning a possible girlfriend. When they realized the notes were from his mother, Preston was in for the ribbing of his short collegiate life.

He read the note, placed it into the pocket of his gray suit jacket, and proceeded to the elevator bank mildly amused. The original plans called for the chauffeur to drive from the city and take him home. His mother called the day before to say that the car was in the garage with some sort of problem she didn't understand. Would he be a love and take the train?

"Excuse me, do you know a Preston Swedge?" a female voice asked. "I understand he lives in this building."

Preston didn't turn his head- Millie Gardner, apartment 3B. "How is the Smith whiz bang?"

"Where do you come off not finding time for me on Thanksgiving and Christmas?" She set her packages on the marble floor.

Preston and Millie had been friends since they were ten-years-old. "I'm sorry," Preston said, taking her hand. "My father can turn a holiday into my personal h.e.l.l. I dread these visits, but a bit of news was delivered that's like a stay of execution from the governor." The elevator was holding on the ninth floor. "I busted my b.u.t.t to get here and a note left with the doorman informs me my parents have departed for Connecticut and will return on Sunday."

Millie looked at him sorrowfully. "Come for dinner. My parents would be thrilled."

The elevator finally hit the lobby. Preston held Millie's things, as she pressed number three. "I hope that your mother won't be put out," he said. The elevator car lurched to a stop. "Dinner is at six, but I know my parents would like to spend some time with you, and so would I. Come at five," Millie said enthusiastically. "One other thing, give me the grocery bags!"

The door banged the wall, snapping Preston out of his daydream. "Partner, I'm beginning to crack up like this plaster wall. Let's go out," Clark said, plowing into Preston's bedroom.

Preston, sitting with his feet propped on the desk, put down his economics book. "As long as we're going out, I need to drop off a suit at the cleaners in Palmer Square." He crossed the room and removed the garment from the bottom of his closet.

"We might as well stop at the Balt on the way back. All this mental exercise has increased my appet.i.te," Clark said.

The dorm was deathly quiet. Its occupants were either ensconced in the library or in their rooms. The denizens of Albert Hall suspended the normal mania for the duration of the term. The tension of exams expanded like steam in a boiler. If Clark was building up his appet.i.te, then Preston was moving in the opposite direction. He had pa.s.sed on breakfast and elected to stay in his room. His stomach had become a sea of semi-solid Jell-O.

Moving quickly down the steps, they entered the deserted foyer. The scent of viciousness hung in the air, but Ellis Price was nowhere to be seen nor was Preston's copy of the Times. "Hold up a minute while I look behind the desk for my paper." He came up empty.

"I'll buy you a paper when I get a pack of cigarettes," Clark said, snickering like a kid trying to keep a secret. Preston wouldn't give him the satisfaction of asking what was so funny.

The shackles of winter had been removed with foliage of every description sprouting throughout the campus. A gentle breeze blew as they walked toward Witherspoon Street. Crowded outside the Balt, a group of elementary school students pressed toward the store's windows. Preston understood the reason upon seeing Albert Einstein. After emigrating from Germany to Princeton in 1933, the professor became a celebrity whenever around town. Buying ice cream drew attention.

This was the first time Preston had been close to the legend. It was amazing to see him interact with the young children as the a.s.sembly consumed their frozen treats. With flowing gray hair resting on the top roll of his ever-present turtleneck sweater, Einstein demonstrated his technique for preventing melting ice cream running down the cone. Someone in the crowd asked if that was a law of physics. He laughed and said that he had been researching the topic for years and wasn't sure.

"Let's go, unless you want to stay and see an old man dribble down his chin." Johnson turned on his heels and continued walking toward Palmer Square. Shop windows announced the latest spring fas.h.i.+ons and reminders not to forget Mothers Day.

Preston doubled-timed to catch up. "Einstein's a treasure."

"The treasure treasure hasn't come up with anything new since 1912. He's a has-been." Clark stopped. "Did you recognize the men he was with? I guess you didn't." hasn't come up with anything new since 1912. He's a has-been." Clark stopped. "Did you recognize the men he was with? I guess you didn't."

"I have zero idea."

"Von Newmann and Danofsky, two physicists from Germany. Einstein attracts them like flies to manure. There must be a large arrow on the Atlantic Ocean pointing in the direction of the United States saying, all the unwanted and discarded are welcome. America is that a way."

Preston wanted to throw the suit at Clark who stopped at a newsstand at the corner where Na.s.sau Street intersected Palmer Square. The square was home to twenty mom and pop stores, the post office, and the Na.s.sau Inn that had been a town fixture since 1756. "I'll meet up with you," Clark said. Preston kept walking.

As Preston pa.s.sed the inn, Clark drew even. He had a newspaper tucked under his right arm, a cigarette between his teeth, and pack of Lucky Strikes in his s.h.i.+rt pocket. They crossed the street. Breslow's University Cleaners Breslow's University Cleaners was stenciled in gold on the storefront window. Preston tapped Clark on his chest. "Do me a favor, don't say anything." was stenciled in gold on the storefront window. Preston tapped Clark on his chest. "Do me a favor, don't say anything."

Clark raised his arms in mock surrender, staying right outside the open door. He unfolded the newspaper. The distance from the door to the counter was no more than ten feet. Clean garments hanging on black pipe racks consumed the available floor s.p.a.ce. Preston sidestepped a tailor altering a pair of trousers with a foot-powered sewing machine. "How's my friend Mr. Swedge?" an elderly gentleman said in a heavy German accent, his back in an eternal hunch from years at a sewing machine. An orange tape measure was draped around his neck.

"Mr. Breslow," Preston hesitated, placing the suit on the counter. "I had a little accident."

Breslow examined the gray suit. "Mustard!" Looking over his resting on the tip of his nose, he shook his head in despair. "Mr. Swedge, have you ever heard of a napkin, maybe they should teach its use at the university. Tuesday, the suit will be as spot free as humanly possible."

Preston thanked Breslow and waited for a woman carrying what appeared to be her entire wardrobe to enter. Clark folded the newspaper and followed him out into the bright sunlight. "Why do you let him talk to you like that?" Clark spat loud enough for Breslow to hear. "I use a cleaner over on South Tulane."

Preston began walking back to the Balt. "What is this respect c.r.a.p? The man is at least fifty years older than we are. I don't think that's the issue. My father had his clothes cleaned here, and I have told you what his feelings are."

"I'm impressed by you're sudden allegiance to your father," Clark said sarcastically as he skipped along imitating a girl of seven or eight.


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House Of Ghosts Part 8 summary

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