Sinful Nights: Sinful Love Part 12

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"How do you do that? What's your secret?"

"I'm...wait for it... positive," she said, like it was a punch line.

"Well, that would be a good skill," he said with a quirk of his lips.

"It's also natural to me. Because I do think the female body is beautiful in all shapes and sizes, and I let them know that they look amazing. Thin or heavy, average or above average. Blond, brunette, redhead. Birthmarks or scars. Every woman can be beautiful in her own way."

He nodded. "I like that you feel that way. Ever shoot guys?"

"Shockingly, most men don't do boudoir sessions," she said in a deadpan voice. "But I have photographed a few couples."

He arched an eyebrow, then made a rolling gesture, telling her to elaborate. "Are they getting it on?"

She shook her head. "I'm not a p.o.r.nographer. But sometimes a newly engaged couple will do a s.e.xy shoot. They want to take photos of their pa.s.sion for each other. To showcase it."

"They ever invite you to join them?"

She rolled her eyes. "Again, not a p.o.r.nographer, or a third wheel."

He held up his hands in surrender. "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"And to answer your question, no, they don't. They're happy together. They don't want a threesome with the photographer."

"I guess it's just me then."

"You'd want a threesome with the photographer?"

"No. I want a one-on-one with her. Only a one-on-one. That's what I want," he said, running his fingers across the ends of her hair, watching it fall from his hand onto her shoulder. "I want to be the one behind the camera, shooting photos of her looking gorgeous in anything and nothing." His blue eyes were fiery, intense. "Then I want to set down the camera and have her invite me to join her on the bed, and all the sensuality she poured into the pose, she gives to me."

Annalise shuddered and swallowed. Her throat was dry. Her skin heated up and then, out of nowhere, a flash of worry touched down. G.o.ddammit. She didn't want to feel an ounce of regret again about her choice to be with him. This time, she made a deliberate decision. She seized hold of that bit of remorse and tossed it in the trash. Instead, she let the heat and the sparks and the sizzle slide through her. "I would do that," she whispered. "I would do that with you. I would give that to you."

The flight attendant began the announcements, and Annalise settled into her seat, her skin on fire, a pulse beating between her legs, desire cloaking her once more. She closed her eyes and breathed, trying to get some sort of hold on these raging hormones, but with him next to her it was futile.

She resigned herself to being wet the whole flight.

It was all his fault. That f.u.c.king hot, s.e.xy man.


Once they were airborne, Michael returned to the topic of her family. "So you and Noelle help out your mom?"

"Yes. We want to be there as much as we can for her. That's why I try to keep my jobs out of town as short as they can be. Especially since Noelle is so busy."

"How is your sister? Did she ever start the bakery like she wanted to?" he asked, and Annalise loved that he remembered that little detail from their phone conversations years ago.

"Yes, she did. She runs it with her husband now, and she has three kids. So she's been busy." She pictured Noelle and Patrick up before dawn, peddling baguettes and croissants, and loving their little corner shop in Paris. Annalise adored that bakery too. When her sister had struggled to secure a loan to start it up, Annalise had given her the money she'd saved from her cafe job in college the money she'd once earmarked to see Michael. But they'd lost touch, and her sister needed the help, so it seemed as if fate had intended something else for her savings. She was glad to have helped her sister start up her business, and that business had provided the foundation for Noelle's family.

"I'd say they've both been busy," he said with a wink, and she returned her focus to him.

"True," she said, laughing. "The kids are great. Nine, eleven, and twelve. She's exhausted all the time."

"I'm exhausted just hearing that. Does that mean you have to take care of your mom more?"

She shrugged. "Sometimes, but that's okay. My mom took care of me. It's only fair," she said, then softened her voice, placing her hand on his arm. "Is it weird to hear other people talk about their mothers?"

His eyes darkened briefly, then he shook his head. "No. It's the way it should be."

"Do you ever see her? I know you did at first, but then you didn't ever want to anymore." They'd talked about his mother, and he'd told her that he'd visited her in prison a few times when he was in high school and college. He'd stopped after that, though.

His jaw was set hard, and he heaved a sigh. "You're right. I used to, a long time ago because I wanted to try-I don't know-maybe to understand what had happened, and why she'd done it. But soon enough it was clear there was no way to make sense of it. I couldn't be near her anymore. I don't think of her as my mother, and I haven't in years."

She ran her hand down his arm. "I understand why."

He turned his head and met her gaze. "Not everyone does," he said in a quiet voice.

"You mean other women?" she asked, and a brief burst of jealousy flared inside her at the prospect of him with other women. Of course, he hadn't been celibate over the years, but the thought of him with someone else was like a hot poker jabbing her flesh.

He ran a hand across his jaw, shaking his head. "Just people in general. My brother Ryan, and even Shan for a while. They wanted me to visit her, but I just couldn't."

"Do you think it's because you were closest to your father, or just because that's simply how you feel?" she asked as the plane began to level out, nearing its cruising alt.i.tude.

"Probably both."

"Do you think that will ever change? Your feelings for her?"

"I don't see how it could. Unless she was found to be not guilty," he said with a scoff, as if that were truly impossible.

"Is there a chance of that happening?"

"Not a chance in h.e.l.l, as far as I can see," he said, then c.o.c.ked his head, studying Annalise's expression as if he were looking for answers to an unspoken question. "I believe there are other people who are also responsible, but I don't believe she's innocent. So I don't see how I'd ever think of her as a mother again."

"Are you okay with that?" she asked quietly.

"Are you okay with that? With me feeling the way I do?"

She nodded resolutely and ran her fingers across the back of his neck. "Of course. It's your life. It's your choice." The tension seemed to lessen in his shoulders as she touched him, and she was struck with a memory as crisp as the images in front of her-a phone call, years ago, a couple months after she'd left Vegas and returned to France. It was one of the few times she'd heard him shed tears. His mother had just been found guilty of murder for hire, and had said her good-byes to her family before she was taken away in the bus to prison. He was choked up, and it had shredded her to hear him recount the day. But her emotions were nothing compared to what he was feeling at age seventeen with a family pulverized by tragedy. The pain had started to fade from his voice over the next few calls and letters, and he'd told her, "Talking to you is one of the few things that makes me feel okay."


Such a small, flat word. But it was all he wanted, and it was enough. To feel okay. Somehow, she'd given that to him. Perhaps she was doing the same now, helping him see that it was indeed okay to not want to be his mother's son.

"You sure?" he asked, and his voice was laced with nerves, like he desperately needed her rea.s.surance.

She cupped his cheek and spoke confidently. "Yes. You're a man without a mother. And it's okay to be that way. It's like she died, too, and your mourning for her just took a different shape."

His eyes locked onto hers, and he relaxed further. "Sometimes I wondered if I was too hard on her. Too angry. Too unforgiving. But then she admitted to Ryan that she did it. I don't need to forgive her."

"Some things are unforgivable. Obviously, this is one of those things," she said, letting her hand drift down from his face to rest on his leg. "Do you still miss your dad?"

"Sure. Of course. But you get used to it. It becomes part of your life, doesn't it? The missing," he said, as the flight attendants unbuckled and began to move about the cabin.

She nodded, and though he hadn't said her husband's name, she knew what he was getting at.

"Do you miss Julien?" he asked. Point blank. Direct. The elephant in the room.

She swallowed, her heart rising up to her throat and sticking there. "Sometimes I do," she admitted quietly, looking down at the armrest, the inflight magazine, the screen on the back of the seat in front of her. Then she gazed into Michael's eyes, clear and fixed on her. "But not right now."

The crackle of the speaker interrupted their talk as the attendant announced that they were free to turn on computers and other approved devices. Neither she nor he made a move to do so.

Instead, they talked. They talked as they flew over Colorado, then Kansas, past Illinois and Ohio, through water and club soda, through the afternoon lunch service, and through the movies that others watched. He told her about his family, catching her up on his brothers and sister. She remembered them all from when they were younger, and she savored every detail he shared. His sister's pregnancy was going well, and she was expecting a baby boy; Ryan was engaged to a beautiful philanthropist who made him happier than Michael had ever seen him; and his youngest brother, Colin, had started up a serious relations.h.i.+p with a social worker who had a teenage son. She loved the details, ate them up like fine, dark chocolate, as she pictured the Paige-Princes-now the Sloans-in their new lives, healing from the damage that had ripped them apart years ago.

"What about you?" she asked, meeting his cool blue gaze. "They all sound so happy. So settled. Are you happy, too?"

The corner of his lips curved up, the barest lopsided grin. "I'm happy now."


The word echoed. Reminding her that now was all anyone ever had. This moment. Make the most of it. Go for more than okay, and do it right now. No guilt-only pleasure, only pa.s.sion, only the present.

She threaded her hand into the back of his hair, feeling those soft, dark strands on her flesh, and he groaned. Low, barely audible. Just for her.

"Come closer and kiss me," she murmured, and he obliged, dipping his head and kissing her like they were the only two people on the plane-flying across the sky, leaving Vegas far behind, and heading to a new adventure.

Michael Sloan had always been perfectly content to fly commercial. First cla.s.s was great, but he'd never longed for a private jet. Not that he'd have minded one, but it was along the lines of a yacht or a mansion-nice to admire in a magazine, but wholly unnecessary for his happiness.

That was no longer the case. A private jet was the only thing in the world he wanted right now. No, want was too small a word for it. He f.u.c.king craved it like air. Because this kiss was different. It was as hot as all their others, but it was something more, too. It was crazed and beautiful. It was hungry and full of regret. For years gone by. For missed connections. For the past and for the present. It was as if everything that could have been between them was bottled up, stored and aged to perfection, all for this one kiss. With her hand on the back of his head, she kissed him deeply, but tenderly, too.

The wildness at the nightclub was gone. The frenzy of the dressing room had slunk away. They would return, but right now this was a kiss that made him a little drunk, like his body was buzzing with some kind of sweet opiate, and that opiate was her. He wanted to pull her on top of him, run his hands over her soft flesh, unzip her jeans, and then slide into her. Wanted to watch her f.u.c.k him here on the plane. To enjoy the view of her straddling him, riding him, slow and unhurried, lingering and lovely, as she rose up and down on his c.o.c.k.

He loved and hated this moment.

This was just a f.u.c.king kiss.

But it was so much more.

He'd never kissed like this before. Fierce and greedy. Needy and dreamy.

He wanted to live in this kiss.

At some point, he broke the contact, because he had to. Because another second of her kisses would be too much. He brushed her hair away from her ear. "You keep doing that, and we're going to be putting on a show."

She grinned naughtily. "I think we already did," she said, glancing clandestinely over her shoulder. Some of the other pa.s.sengers seemed particularly engrossed in their screens and books, as if the sight of the two of them devouring each other had been too much to bear.

"Tell me something," he whispered, "how do you say 'I want you so much'?"

"In French?"

He nodded.

"Je te veux tellement."

He repeated it close to her ear, flicking the tip of his tongue over her earlobe as he said those words to her.

She s.h.i.+vered visibly. "Mon dieu. I love the way you say that."

"But see, Annalise," he said, running his index finger across her top lip, "I love the way you say it. I want to make you feel that way."

"You do," she whispered, her accent thickening, and he knew she was heading down the same path he was already on.

He slid into another question. "How do you say 'f.u.c.k me harder'?"

She s.h.i.+vered and answered, "Baise-moi plus fort."

He didn't repeat it. Instead, he simply raised an eyebrow. "Good. Now I know how it sounds in your regular voice, so I can have a baseline for comparison when you say it later while I'm inside you."

Shuddering, she ran a hand down her front, then whispered, her voice heated, as if she were in the throes of pa.s.sion, "Baise-moi plus fort."

l.u.s.t slammed into him from all corners of the world. He bent his head to her shoulder, dusting the barest kiss on her collarbone. "You'll be saying that later, won't you?"

She nodded, a small, s.e.xy sigh escaping her lips. "I will."

"How wet are you right now?"

"So wet."

"How much do you want to be f.u.c.king me on this plane?"

"So incredibly much."

"Is it driving you as crazy as it's making me?"

She opened her eyes. Hers were s.h.i.+ning with desire as she whispered the words to him. "Insane. I'm insane with wanting you."

Soon enough, the plane landed, and twenty minutes after that they were in the town car he'd reserved. He raised the part.i.tion, and in seconds her hands were on his pants, unzipping them.

Well, he wasn't going to say no to that.

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Sinful Nights: Sinful Love Part 12 summary

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